******** session02 ******** Q: Is an “instance of a class” an “object”? A: Yes. Instantiating a class creates an object. Q: Windows autocompletes too A: Yes, but it completes to the first complete filename Q: Why can’t you run .py files from another directory? A: File names inside the .py file are specified with relative path from the execution directory. Q: It would be nice if the “printouts” actually showed up as a message in the capsViewer A: Yes this is a feature we would like to add. Q: Can you set an environment variable so that the dumb “Enter hostname/port” does not pop up? A: Currently not for the capsViewer. Q: Is there a way of saving the modified .csm parameters to a file? A: Not right now. We will add this in the future. Q: Can capsAim and/or capsIntent be wild-carded? A: Wildcards are currently not supported. Q: What does masstranAIM do? Would these examples have worked equally well with another AIM? A: masstrainAIM computes mass properties on a shell. The capsAIM/capsIntent works the same regardless of the AIM. Q: Can you modify one element of a multi-values DESPMTR? A: You can extract the multi-valued DESPMTR, modify the entry, and set the multi-valued DESPMTR. Q: Can you access a muti-valued OUTPMTR A: Yes if the complete array has been set.