******** session03 ******** Q: What does range(4) return? 0,1,2,3,4 or 0,1,2,3 A: It returns 0,1,2,3 which is the range of indexes for a list of length 4 Q: What does ”CAPS info: No symbol for …” in the demo mean? A: These are optional functions that are not implemented by the AIM Q: Is “Alpha” both an input and output? Are they the same? A: xfoilAIM has both an "Alpha" input and output. The input is the requested "Alpha", the output are the successfully computed "Alpha" (or "Alpha" computed when "CL" is specified) Q: How do you know which CL’s converged? Might it be better to put None in the list at the appropriate location(s)? A: You have to compare the output "CL" vs. the input "CL" to find out which ones did not converge. We might change this to have None in the list for future versions of CAPS. Q: You use Cl and CL interchangeably, yet they mean something very different to an aerodynamicist A: The input names are not case sensitive, so "Cl", "CL", "cl" and "cL" are equivalent. Q: When does geometry get rerun automatically? A: Only when it is needed and it is DIRTY. Generally this is occurs with a call to viewGeometry or preAnalysis. Q: Your case says that geometry is dirty. How do I make it clean? A: You can force a geometry build with _capsGeometry.buildGeometry(). Otherwise it will always rebuild just in time. Q: Couldn’t you set up your python to catch the clean/dirty flags and automagically fix them? A: You can catch the error and fix the error, but it cannot be fixed automagically. The user needs to know proceed to fix the error. Q: what is the purpose of the (“Unobtainium”, unobtainium) tuple? A: This associates the dictionary unobtainium with the name "Unobtainium". An equivalent expression is: (“Unobtainium”, { "density" : 200 }) Q: You use “unobtainium", “Unobtanium”, and unobtainium. What is the difference? Which ones have to be the same? A: The AIM interprets the strings as case insensitive. The variable unobtainum is a dictionary of data. Q: Why is the mesh needed for masstran? A: The masstranAIM computes the mass properties using a discrete Builtup Element Model (BEM) mesh. This is generated on the fly with the EGADS tessellation. Q: Is there any way to visualize the shell thickness (membrane thickness)? Maybe see a cutaway? A: Not currently with CAPS.