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GitHub pull request #105 of commit 7c2acbc00096735747608906218ff9c5a6f3bed0, no merge conflicts.
Running as SYSTEM
Setting status of 7c2acbc00096735747608906218ff9c5a6f3bed0 to PENDING with url and message: 'Testing... hold your breath...'
Using context: gpfit unit tests
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on reynolds in workspace /jenkins/workspace/CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests
The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2
Wiping out workspace first.
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > git init /jenkins/workspace/CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.25.1'
using GIT_SSH to set credentials 
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
using GIT_SSH to set credentials 
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/105/merge^{commit} # timeout=10
Merging Revision 0a2ebbfa9ef5acbe51e62ffa457e420a7e103a64 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/105/merge) to origin/master, UserMergeOptions{mergeRemote='origin', mergeTarget='master', mergeStrategy='DEFAULT', fastForwardMode='FF'}
 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f origin/master # timeout=3
 > git remote # timeout=10
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
using GIT_SSH to set credentials 
 > git merge --ff 0a2ebbfa9ef5acbe51e62ffa457e420a7e103a64 # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
Seen branch in repository origin/another_plotfit_fix
Seen branch in repository origin/citesting
Seen branch in repository origin/issue_95
Seen branch in repository origin/master
Seen branch in repository origin/naming
Seen branch in repository origin/plotfit
Seen branch in repository origin/plotfitfix
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/105/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/105/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/13/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/18/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/18/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/19/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/19/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/20/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/20/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/21/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/23/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/26/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/27/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/31/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/32/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/32/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/34/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/40/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/41/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/42/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/49/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/51/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/52/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/53/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/56/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/58/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/58/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/59/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/60/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/61/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/68/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/70/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/71/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/79/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/80/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/82/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/85/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/86/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/91/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/96/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/97/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/99/head
Seen branch in repository origin/python3
Seen branch in repository origin/python_3_upgrade
Seen branch in repository origin/tryagain
Seen branch in repository origin/v1
Seen 53 remote branches
 > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10
Checking out Revision 0a2ebbfa9ef5acbe51e62ffa457e420a7e103a64 (origin/pr/105/merge, origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 0a2ebbfa9ef5acbe51e62ffa457e420a7e103a64 # timeout=3
Commit message: "Merge 7c2acbc00096735747608906218ff9c5a6f3bed0 into 930b2dc4bdabea0f44edcf02fc418806c41fb96a"
Using 'Changelog to branch' strategy.
The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2
 > git rev-parse 0a2ebbfa9ef5acbe51e62ffa457e420a7e103a64^{commit} # timeout=10
The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2
[GitCheckoutListener] Recording commits of 'git'
[GitCheckoutListener] Found previous build 'CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests #262' that contains recorded Git commits
[GitCheckoutListener] -> Starting recording of new commits since '0a2ebbf'
[GitCheckoutListener] -> Using head commit '0a2ebbf' as starting point
[GitCheckoutListener] -> Git commit decorator successfully obtained 'hudson.plugins.git.browser.GithubWeb@6b7a58f4' to render commit links
[GitCheckoutListener] -> No new commits found
No emails were triggered.
Triggering CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » reynolds
Triggering CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » macys_VM
Triggering CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » windows10x64
Triggering CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » macys
CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » reynolds completed with result SUCCESS
CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » macys_VM completed with result SUCCESS
CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » windows10x64 completed with result SUCCESS
CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests » macys completed with result SUCCESS
No emails were triggered.
Setting status of 7c2acbc00096735747608906218ff9c5a6f3bed0 to SUCCESS with url and message: 'All tests pass!
Using context: gpfit unit tests
Finished: SUCCESS