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1"""Plotting methods""" 

2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

3import numpy as np 

4from .plot_sweep import assign_axes 

5from .. import GPCOLORS 



8def compare(models, sweeps, posys, tol=0.001): 

9 """Compares the values of posys over a sweep of several models. 


11 If posys is of the same length as models, this will plot different 

12 variables from different models. 


14 Currently only supports a single sweepvar. 


16 Example Usage: 

17 compare([aec, fbc], {"R": (160, 300)}, 

18 ["cost", ("W_{\\rm batt}", "W_{\\rm fuel}")], tol=0.001) 

19 """ 

20 sols = [m.autosweep(sweeps, tol, verbosity=0) for m in models] 

21 posys, axes = assign_axes(sols[0].bst.sweptvar, posys, None) 

22 for posy, ax in zip(posys, axes): 

23 for i, sol in enumerate(sols): 

24 if hasattr(posy, "__len__") and len(posy) == len(sols): 

25 p = posy[i] 

26 else: 

27 p = posy 

28 color = GPCOLORS[i % len(GPCOLORS)] 

29 if sol._is_cost(p): # pylint: disable=protected-access 

30 ax.fill_between(sol.sampled_at, 

31 sol.cost_lb(), sol.cost_ub(), 

32 facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, 

33 linewidth=0.75) 

34 else: 

35 ax.plot(sol.sampled_at, sol(p), color=color) 



38def plot_convergence(model): 

39 """Plots the convergence of a signomial programming model 


41 Arguments 

42 --------- 

43 model: Model 

44 Signomial programming model that has already been solved 


46 Returns 

47 ------- 

48 matplotlib.pyplot Figure 

49 Plot of cost as functions of SP iteration # 

50 """ 

51 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 


53 it = np.array([]) 

54 cost = np.array([]) 

55 for n in range(len(model.program.gps)): 

56 try: 

57 cost = np.append(cost, model.program.gps[n].result['cost']) 

58 it = np.append(it, n+1) 

59 except TypeError: 

60 pass 

61 ax.plot(it, cost, '-o') 

62 ax.set_xlabel('Iteration') 

63 ax.set_ylabel('Cost') 

64 ax.set_xticks(range(1, len(model.program.gps)+1)) 

65 return fig, ax