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1"""Module for creating NomialArray instances. 


3 Example 

4 ------- 

5 >>> x = gpkit.Monomial('x') 

6 >>> px = gpkit.NomialArray([1, x, x**2]) 



9from operator import eq, le, ge, xor 

10from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin 

11import numpy as np 

12from .map import NomialMap 

13from ..small_classes import HashVector, EMPTY_HV 

14from ..small_scripts import try_str_without 

15from ..constraints import ArrayConstraint 

16from ..repr_conventions import ReprMixin 



19def vec_recurse(element, function, *args, **kwargs): 

20 "Vectorizes function with particular args and kwargs" 

21 return function(element, *args, **kwargs) 



24def array_constraint(symbol, func): 

25 "Return function which creates constraints of the given operator." 

26 vecfunc = np.vectorize(func) 


28 def wrapped_func(self, other): 

29 "Creates array constraint from vectorized operator." 

30 if not isinstance(other, NomialArray): 

31 other = NomialArray(other) 

32 result = vecfunc(self, other) 

33 return ArrayConstraint(result, getattr(self, "key", self), 

34 symbol, getattr(other, "key", other)) 

35 return wrapped_func 



38class NomialArray(ReprMixin, np.ndarray): 

39 """A Numpy array with elementwise inequalities and substitutions. 


41 Arguments 

42 --------- 

43 input_array : array-like 


45 Example 

46 ------- 

47 >>> px = gpkit.NomialArray([1, x, x**2]) 

48 """ 


50 def __mul__(self, other, *, reverse_order=False): 

51 astorder = (self, other) if not reverse_order else (other, self) 

52 out = NomialArray(np.ndarray.__mul__(self, other)) 

53 out.ast = ("mul", astorder) 

54 return out 


56 def __truediv__(self, other): 

57 out = NomialArray(np.ndarray.__truediv__(self, other)) 

58 out.ast = ("div", (self, other)) 

59 return out 


61 def __rtruediv__(self, other): 

62 out = (np.ndarray.__mul__(self**-1, other)) 

63 out.ast = ("div", (other, self)) 

64 return out 


66 def __add__(self, other, *, reverse_order=False): 

67 astorder = (self, other) if not reverse_order else (other, self) 

68 out = (np.ndarray.__add__(self, other)) 

69 out.ast = ("add", astorder) 

70 return out 


72 # pylint: disable=multiple-statements 

73 def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other, reverse_order=True) 

74 def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other, reverse_order=True) 


76 def __pow__(self, expo): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

77 out = (np.ndarray.__pow__(self, expo)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args 

78 out.ast = ("pow", (self, expo)) 

79 return out 


81 def __neg__(self): 

82 out = (np.ndarray.__neg__(self)) 

83 out.ast = ("neg", self) 

84 return out 


86 def __getitem__(self, idxs): 

87 out = np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, idxs) 

88 if not getattr(out, "shape", None): 

89 return out 

90 out.ast = ("index", (self, idxs)) 

91 return out 


93 def str_without(self, excluded=()): 

94 "Returns string without certain fields (such as 'lineage')." 

95 if self.ast: 

96 return self.parse_ast(excluded) 

97 if hasattr(self, "key"): 

98 return self.key.str_without(excluded) # pylint: disable=no-member 

99 if not self.shape: 

100 return try_str_without(self.flatten()[0], excluded) 


102 return "[%s]" % ", ".join( 

103 [try_str_without(np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, i), excluded) 

104 for i in range(self.shape[0])]) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object 


106 def latex(self, excluded=()): 

107 "Returns latex representation without certain fields." 

108 units = self.latex_unitstr() if "units" not in excluded else "" 

109 if hasattr(self, "key"): 

110 return self.key.latex(excluded) + units # pylint: disable=no-member 

111 return np.ndarray.__str__(self) 


113 def __hash__(self): 

114 return reduce(xor, map(hash, self.flat), 0) 


116 def __new__(cls, input_array): 

117 "Constructor. Required for objects inheriting from np.ndarray." 

118 # Input is an already formed ndarray instance cast to our class type 

119 return np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) 


121 def __array_finalize__(self, obj): 

122 "Finalizer. Required for objects inheriting from np.ndarray." 


124 def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

125 """Called by numpy ufuncs. 

126 Special case to avoid creation of 0-dimensional arrays 

127 See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.subclassing.html""" 

128 if out_arr.ndim: 

129 return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args 

130 val = out_arr.item() 

131 return np.float(val) if isinstance(val, np.generic) else val 


133 __eq__ = array_constraint("=", eq) 

134 __le__ = array_constraint("<=", le) 

135 __ge__ = array_constraint(">=", ge) 


137 def outer(self, other): 

138 "Returns the array and argument's outer product." 

139 return NomialArray(np.outer(self, other)) 


141 def vectorize(self, function, *args, **kwargs): 

142 "Apply a function to each terminal constraint, returning the array" 

143 return vec_recurse(self, function, *args, **kwargs) 


145 def sub(self, subs, require_positive=True): 

146 "Substitutes into the array" 

147 return self.vectorize(lambda nom: nom.sub(subs, require_positive)) 


149 def sum(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

150 "Returns a sum. O(N) if no arguments are given." 

151 if not self.size: 

152 raise ValueError("cannot sum NomialArray of size 0") 

153 if args or kwargs or not self.shape: 

154 return np.ndarray.sum(self, *args, **kwargs) 

155 hmap = NomialMap() 

156 for p in self.flat: # pylint:disable=not-an-iterable 

157 if not hmap and hasattr(p, "units"): 

158 hmap.units = p.units 

159 if hasattr(p, "hmap"): 

160 hmap += p.hmap 

161 else: 

162 if hasattr(p, "units"): 

163 p = p.to(hmap.units).magnitude 

164 elif hmap.units and p and not np.isnan(p): 

165 p /= float(hmap.units) 

166 hmap[EMPTY_HV] = p + hmap.get(EMPTY_HV, 0) 

167 out = Signomial(hmap) 

168 out.ast = ("sum", (self, None)) 

169 return out 


171 def prod(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

172 "Returns a product. O(N) if no arguments and only contains monomials." 

173 if not self.size: 

174 raise ValueError("cannot prod NomialArray of size 0") 

175 if args or kwargs: 

176 return np.ndarray.prod(self, *args, **kwargs) 

177 c, exp = 1.0, HashVector() 

178 hmap = NomialMap() 

179 for m in self.flat: # pylint:disable=not-an-iterable 

180 try: 

181 (mexp, mc), = m.hmap.items() 

182 except (AttributeError, ValueError): 

183 return np.ndarray.prod(self, *args, **kwargs) 

184 c *= mc 

185 exp += mexp 

186 if m.units: 

187 hmap.units = (hmap.units or 1) * m.units 

188 hmap[exp] = c 

189 out = Signomial(hmap) 

190 out.ast = ("prod", (self, None)) 

191 return out 



194from .math import Signomial # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position