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1"Maximizes box volume given area and aspect ratio constraints." 

2from gpkit import Variable, Model 


4# Parameters 

5alpha = Variable("alpha", 2, "-", "lower limit, wall aspect ratio") 

6beta = Variable("beta", 10, "-", "upper limit, wall aspect ratio") 

7gamma = Variable("gamma", 2, "-", "lower limit, floor aspect ratio") 

8delta = Variable("delta", 10, "-", "upper limit, floor aspect ratio") 

9A_wall = Variable("A_{wall}", 200, "m^2", "upper limit, wall area") 

10A_floor = Variable("A_{floor}", 50, "m^2", "upper limit, floor area") 


12# Decision variables 

13h = Variable("h", "m", "height") 

14w = Variable("w", "m", "width") 

15d = Variable("d", "m", "depth") 


17# Constraints 

18constraints = [A_wall >= 2*h*w + 2*h*d, 

19 A_floor >= w*d, 

20 h/w >= alpha, 

21 h/w <= beta, 

22 d/w >= gamma, 

23 d/w <= delta] 


25# Objective function 

26V = h*w*d 

27objective = 1/V # To maximize V, we minimize its reciprocal 


29# Formulate the Model 

30m = Model(objective, constraints) 


32# Solve the Model and print the results table 
