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1"Tests broadcast_sub function for returned-dictionary substitutions" 

2from gpkit import Variable, Model, ConstraintSet, Vectorize 

3from gpkit.small_scripts import broadcast_substitution 


5class Pie(Model): 

6 "Pie model" 

7 def setup(self): 

8 self.x = x = Variable("x") 

9 z = Variable("z") 

10 constraints = [ 

11 x >= z, 

12 ] 

13 substitutions = {'z': 1} 

14 return constraints, substitutions 


16class Cake(Model): 

17 "Cake model, containing a vector of Pies" 

18 def setup(self): 

19 self.y = y = Variable("y") 

20 with Vectorize(2): 

21 s = Pie() 

22 constraints = [y >= s.x] 

23 constraints += [s] 

24 subs = {'x': broadcast_substitution(s.x, [2, 3])} 

25 return constraints, subs 


27class Yum1(Model): 

28 "Total dessert system model containing 5 Cakes" 

29 def setup(self): 

30 with Vectorize(5): 

31 cake = Cake() 

32 y = cake.y 

33 self.cost = sum(y) 

34 constraints = ConstraintSet([cake]) 

35 return constraints 


37m = Yum1() 

38sol = m.solve(verbosity=0) 



41class Yum2(Model): 

42 "Total dessert system model containing 1 Cake" 

43 def setup(self): 

44 with Vectorize(1): 

45 cake = Cake() 

46 y = cake.y 

47 self.cost = sum(y) 

48 constraints = ConstraintSet([cake]) 

49 return constraints 


51m = Yum2() 

52sol = m.solve(verbosity=0) 
