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1"""Implement the GeometricProgram class""" 

2import sys 

3import warnings as pywarnings 

4from time import time 

5from collections import defaultdict 

6import numpy as np 

7from ..nomials.map import NomialMap 

8from ..repr_conventions import lineagestr 

9from ..small_classes import CootMatrix, SolverLog, Numbers, FixedScalar 

10from ..small_scripts import appendsolwarning, initsolwarning 

11from ..keydict import KeyDict 

12from ..solution_array import SolutionArray 

13from .set import ConstraintSet 

14from ..exceptions import (InvalidPosynomial, Infeasible, UnknownInfeasible, 

15 PrimalInfeasible, DualInfeasible, UnboundedGP, 

16 InvalidLicense) 



19DEFAULT_SOLVER_KWARGS = {"cvxopt": {"kktsolver": "ldl"}} 

20SOLUTION_TOL = {"cvxopt": 1e-3, "mosek_cli": 1e-4, "mosek_conif": 1e-3} 



23class MonoEqualityIndexes: 

24 "Class to hold MonoEqualityIndexes" 


26 def __init__(self): 

27 self.all = set() 

28 self.first_half = set() 



31def _get_solver(solver, kwargs): 

32 """Get the solverfn and solvername associated with solver""" 

33 if solver is None: 

34 from .. import settings 

35 try: 

36 solver = settings["default_solver"] 

37 except KeyError: 

38 raise ValueError("No default solver was set during build, so" 

39 " solvers must be manually specified.") 

40 if solver == "cvxopt": 

41 from ..solvers.cvxopt import optimize 

42 elif solver == "mosek_cli": 

43 from ..solvers.mosek_cli import optimize_generator 

44 optimize = optimize_generator(**kwargs) 

45 elif solver == "mosek_conif": 

46 from ..solvers.mosek_conif import optimize 

47 elif hasattr(solver, "__call__"): 

48 solver, optimize = solver.__name__, solver 

49 else: 

50 raise ValueError("Unknown solver '%s'." % solver) 

51 return solver, optimize 



54class GeometricProgram: 

55 # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes 

56 """Standard mathematical representation of a GP. 


58 Attributes with side effects 

59 ---------------------------- 

60 `solver_out` and `solve_log` are set during a solve 

61 `result` is set at the end of a solve if solution status is optimal 


63 Examples 

64 -------- 

65 >>> gp = gpkit.constraints.gp.GeometricProgram( 

66 # minimize 

67 x, 

68 [ # subject to 

69 x >= 1, 

70 ], {}) 

71 >>> gp.solve() 

72 """ 

73 _result = solve_log = solver_out = model = v_ss = nu_by_posy = None 

74 choicevaridxs = integersolve = None 


76 def __init__(self, cost, constraints, substitutions, 

77 *, checkbounds=True, **_): 

78 self.cost, self.substitutions = cost, substitutions 

79 for key, sub in self.substitutions.items(): 

80 if isinstance(sub, FixedScalar): 

81 sub = sub.value 

82 if hasattr(sub, "units"): 

83 sub = sub.to(key.units or "dimensionless").magnitude 

84 self.substitutions[key] = sub 

85 if not isinstance(sub, (Numbers, np.ndarray)): 

86 raise TypeError("substitution {%s: %s} has invalid value type" 

87 " %s." % (key, sub, type(sub))) 

88 cost_hmap = cost.hmap.sub(self.substitutions, cost.vks) 

89 if any(c <= 0 for c in cost_hmap.values()): 

90 raise InvalidPosynomial("a GP's cost must be Posynomial") 

91 hmapgen = ConstraintSet.as_hmapslt1(constraints, self.substitutions) 

92 self.hmaps = [cost_hmap] + list(hmapgen) 

93 self.gen() # Generate various maps into the posy- and monomials 

94 if checkbounds: 

95 self.check_bounds(err_on_missing_bounds=True) 


97 def check_bounds(self, *, err_on_missing_bounds=False): 

98 "Checks if any variables are unbounded, through equality constraints." 

99 missingbounds = {} 

100 for var, locs in self.varlocs.items(): 

101 upperbound, lowerbound = False, False 

102 for i in locs: 

103 if i not in self.meq_idxs.all: 

104 if self.exps[i][var] > 0: # pylint:disable=simplifiable-if-statement 

105 upperbound = True 

106 else: 

107 lowerbound = True 

108 if upperbound and lowerbound: 

109 break 

110 if not upperbound: 

111 missingbounds[(var, "upper")] = "." 

112 if not lowerbound: 

113 missingbounds[(var, "lower")] = "." 

114 if not missingbounds: 

115 return {} # all bounds found in inequalities 

116 meq_bounds = gen_meq_bounds(missingbounds, self.exps, self.meq_idxs) 

117 fulfill_meq_bounds(missingbounds, meq_bounds) 

118 if missingbounds and err_on_missing_bounds: 

119 raise UnboundedGP( 

120 "\n\n".join("%s has no %s bound%s" % (v, b, x) 

121 for (v, b), x in missingbounds.items())) 

122 return missingbounds 


124 def gen(self): 

125 """Generates nomial and solve data (A, p_idxs) from posynomials. 


127 k [posys]: number of monomials (rows of A) present in each constraint 

128 m_idxs [mons]: monomial indices of each posynomial 

129 p_idxs [mons]: posynomial index of each monomial 

130 cs, exps [mons]: coefficient and exponents of each monomial 

131 varlocs: {vk: monomial indices of each variables' location} 

132 meq_idxs: {all indices of equality mons} and {the first index of each} 

133 varidxs: {vk: which column corresponds to it in A} 

134 A [mons, vks]: sparse array of each monomials' variables' exponents 


136 """ 

137 self.k = [len(hmap) for hmap in self.hmaps] 

138 self.m_idxs, self.p_idxs, self.cs, self.exps = [], [], [], [] 

139 self.varkeys = self.varlocs = defaultdict(list) 

140 self.meq_idxs = MonoEqualityIndexes() 

141 m_idx = 0 

142 row, col, data = [], [], [] 

143 for p_idx, (N_mons, hmap) in enumerate(zip(self.k, self.hmaps)): 

144 self.p_idxs.extend([p_idx]*N_mons) 

145 self.m_idxs.append(slice(m_idx, m_idx+N_mons)) 

146 if getattr(self.hmaps[p_idx], "from_meq", False): 

147 self.meq_idxs.all.add(m_idx) 

148 if len(self.meq_idxs.all) > 2*len(self.meq_idxs.first_half): 

149 self.meq_idxs.first_half.add(m_idx) 

150 self.exps.extend(hmap) 

151 self.cs.extend(hmap.values()) 

152 for exp in hmap: 

153 if not exp: # space out A matrix with constants for mosek 

154 row.append(m_idx) 

155 col.append(0) 

156 data.append(0) 

157 for var in exp: 

158 self.varlocs[var].append(m_idx) 

159 m_idx += 1 

160 self.p_idxs = np.array(self.p_idxs, "int32") # to use array equalities 

161 self.varidxs = {vk: i for i, vk in enumerate(self.varlocs)} 

162 self.choicevaridxs = {vk: i for i, vk in enumerate(self.varlocs) 

163 if vk.choices} 

164 for j, (var, locs) in enumerate(self.varlocs.items()): 

165 row.extend(locs) 

166 col.extend([j]*len(locs)) 

167 data.extend(self.exps[i][var] for i in locs) 

168 self.A = CootMatrix(row, col, data) 


170 # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-locals 

171 def solve(self, solver=None, *, verbosity=1, gen_result=True, **kwargs): 

172 """Solves a GeometricProgram and returns the solution. 


174 Arguments 

175 --------- 

176 solver : str or function (optional) 

177 By default uses a solver found during installation. 

178 If "mosek_conif", "mosek_cli", or "cvxopt", uses that solver. 

179 If a function, passes that function cs, A, p_idxs, and k. 

180 verbosity : int (default 1) 

181 If greater than 0, prints solver name and solve time. 

182 gen_result : bool (default True) 

183 If True, makes a human-readable SolutionArray from solver output. 

184 **kwargs : 

185 Passed to solver constructor and solver function. 



188 Returns 

189 ------- 

190 SolutionArray (or dict if gen_result is False) 

191 """ 

192 solvername, solverfn = _get_solver(solver, kwargs) 

193 if verbosity > 0: 

194 print("Using solver '%s'" % solvername) 

195 print(" for %i free variables" % len(self.varlocs)) 

196 print(" in %i posynomial inequalities." % len(self.k)) 


198 solverargs = DEFAULT_SOLVER_KWARGS.get(solvername, {}) 

199 solverargs.update(kwargs) 

200 if self.choicevaridxs and solvername == "mosek_conif": 

201 solverargs["choicevaridxs"] = self.choicevaridxs 

202 self.integersolve = True 

203 starttime = time() 

204 solver_out, infeasibility, original_stdout = {}, None, sys.stdout 

205 try: 

206 sys.stdout = SolverLog(original_stdout, verbosity=verbosity-2) 

207 solver_out = solverfn(c=self.cs, A=self.A, meq_idxs=self.meq_idxs, 

208 k=self.k, p_idxs=self.p_idxs, **solverargs) 

209 except Infeasible as e: 

210 infeasibility = e 

211 except InvalidLicense as e: 

212 raise InvalidLicense("license for solver \"%s\" is invalid." 

213 % solvername) from e 

214 except Exception as e: 

215 raise UnknownInfeasible("Something unexpected went wrong.") from e 

216 finally: 

217 self.solve_log = sys.stdout 

218 sys.stdout = original_stdout 

219 self.solver_out = solver_out 


221 solver_out["solver"] = solvername 

222 solver_out["soltime"] = time() - starttime 

223 if verbosity > 0: 

224 print("Solving took %.3g seconds." % solver_out["soltime"]) 


226 if infeasibility: 

227 if isinstance(infeasibility, PrimalInfeasible): 

228 msg = ("The model had no feasible points; relaxing some" 

229 " constraints or constants will probably fix this.") 

230 elif isinstance(infeasibility, DualInfeasible): 

231 msg = ("The model ran to an infinitely low cost" 

232 " (or was otherwise dual infeasible); bounding" 

233 " the right variables will probably fix this.") 

234 elif isinstance(infeasibility, UnknownInfeasible): 

235 msg = ("Solver failed for an unknown reason. Relaxing" 

236 " constraints/constants, bounding variables, or" 

237 " using a different solver might fix it.") 

238 if verbosity > 0 and solver_out["soltime"] < 1 and self.model: 

239 print(msg + "\nSince the model solved in less than a second," 

240 " let's run `.debug()` to analyze what happened.\n") 

241 return self.model.debug(solver=solver) 

242 # else, raise a clarifying error 

243 msg += (" Running `.debug()` or increasing verbosity may pinpoint" 

244 " the trouble.") 

245 raise infeasibility.__class__(msg) from infeasibility 


247 if not gen_result: 

248 return solver_out 

249 # else, generate a human-readable SolutionArray 

250 self._result = self.generate_result(solver_out, verbosity=verbosity-2) 

251 return self.result 


253 @property 

254 def result(self): 

255 "Creates and caches a result from the raw solver_out" 

256 if not self._result: 

257 self._result = self.generate_result(self.solver_out) 

258 return self._result 


260 def generate_result(self, solver_out, *, verbosity=0, dual_check=True): 

261 "Generates a full SolutionArray and checks it." 

262 if verbosity > 0: 

263 soltime = solver_out["soltime"] 

264 tic = time() 

265 # result packing # 

266 result = self._compile_result(solver_out) # NOTE: SIDE EFFECTS 

267 if verbosity > 0: 

268 print("Result packing took %.2g%% of solve time." % 

269 ((time() - tic) / soltime * 100)) 

270 tic = time() 

271 # solution checking # 

272 initsolwarning(result, "Solution Inconsistency") 

273 try: 

274 tol = SOLUTION_TOL.get(solver_out["solver"], 1e-5) 

275 self.check_solution(result["cost"], solver_out['primal'], 

276 solver_out["nu"], solver_out["la"], tol) 

277 except Infeasible as chkerror: 

278 msg = str(chkerror) 

279 if not ("Dual" in msg and not dual_check): 

280 appendsolwarning(msg, None, result, "Solution Inconsistency") 

281 if verbosity > -4: 

282 print("Solution check warning: %s" % msg) 

283 if verbosity > 0: 

284 print("Solution checking took %.2g%% of solve time." % 

285 ((time() - tic) / soltime * 100)) 

286 return result 


288 def _generate_nula(self, solver_out): 

289 if "nu" in solver_out: 

290 # solver gave us monomial sensitivities, generate posynomial ones 

291 solver_out["nu"] = nu = np.ravel(solver_out["nu"]) 

292 nu_by_posy = [nu[mi] for mi in self.m_idxs] 

293 solver_out["la"] = la = np.array([sum(nup) for nup in nu_by_posy]) 

294 elif "la" in solver_out: 

295 la = np.ravel(solver_out["la"]) 

296 if len(la) == len(self.hmaps) - 1: 

297 # assume solver dropped the cost's sensitivity (always 1.0) 

298 la = np.hstack(([1.0], la)) 

299 # solver gave us posynomial sensitivities, generate monomial ones 

300 solver_out["la"] = la 

301 z = np.log(self.cs) + self.A.dot(solver_out["primal"]) 

302 m_iss = [self.p_idxs == i for i in range(len(la))] 

303 nu_by_posy = [la[p_i]*np.exp(z[m_is])/sum(np.exp(z[m_is])) 

304 for p_i, m_is in enumerate(m_iss)] 

305 solver_out["nu"] = np.hstack(nu_by_posy) 

306 else: 

307 raise RuntimeWarning("The dual solution was not returned.") 

308 return la, nu_by_posy 


310 def _compile_result(self, solver_out): 

311 result = {"cost": float(solver_out["objective"]), 

312 "cost function": self.cost} 

313 primal = solver_out["primal"] 

314 if len(self.varlocs) != len(primal): 

315 raise RuntimeWarning("The primal solution was not returned.") 

316 result["freevariables"] = KeyDict(zip(self.varlocs, np.exp(primal))) 

317 result["constants"] = KeyDict(self.substitutions) 

318 result["variables"] = KeyDict(result["freevariables"]) 

319 result["variables"].update(result["constants"]) 

320 result["soltime"] = solver_out["soltime"] 

321 if self.integersolve: 

322 result["choicevariables"] = KeyDict( \ 

323 {k: v for k, v in result["freevariables"].items() 

324 if k in self.choicevaridxs}) 

325 result["warnings"] = {"No Dual Solution": [(\ 

326 "This model has the discretized choice variables" 

327 " %s and hence no dual solution. You can fix those variables" 

328 " to their optimal value and get sensitivities to the resulting" 

329 " continuous problem by updating your model's substitions with" 

330 " `sol[\"choicevariables\"]`." 

331 % sorted(self.choicevaridxs.keys()), self.choicevaridxs)]} 

332 return SolutionArray(result) 

333 if self.choicevaridxs: 

334 result["warnings"] = {"Freed Choice Variables": [(\ 

335 "This model has the discretized choice variables" 

336 " %s, but since the '%s' solver doesn't support discretization" 

337 " they were treated as continuous variables." 

338 % (sorted(self.choicevaridxs.keys()), solver_out["solver"]), 

339 self.choicevaridxs)]} # TODO: choicevaridxs seems unnecessary 


341 result["sensitivities"] = {"constraints": {}} 

342 la, self.nu_by_posy = self._generate_nula(solver_out) 

343 cost_senss = sum(nu_i*exp for (nu_i, exp) in zip(self.nu_by_posy[0], 

344 self.cost.hmap)) 

345 gpv_ss = cost_senss.copy() 

346 m_senss = defaultdict(float) 

347 absv_ss = {vk: abs(x) for vk, x in cost_senss.items()} 

348 for las, nus, c in zip(la[1:], self.nu_by_posy[1:], self.hmaps[1:]): 

349 while getattr(c, "parent", None) is not None: 

350 if not isinstance(c, NomialMap): 

351 c.parent.child = c 

352 c = c.parent # parents get their sens_from_dual used... 

353 v_ss, c_senss = c.sens_from_dual(las, nus, result) 

354 for vk, x in v_ss.items(): 

355 gpv_ss[vk] = x + gpv_ss.get(vk, 0) 

356 absv_ss[vk] = abs(x) + absv_ss.get(vk, 0) 

357 while getattr(c, "generated_by", None): 

358 c.generated_by.generated = c 

359 c = c.generated_by # ...while generated_bys are just labels 

360 result["sensitivities"]["constraints"][c] = c_senss 

361 m_senss[lineagestr(c)] += abs(c_senss) 

362 result["sensitivities"]["models"] = dict(m_senss) 

363 # carry linked sensitivities over to their constants 

364 for v in list(v for v in gpv_ss if v.gradients): 

365 dlogcost_dlogv = gpv_ss.pop(v) 

366 dlogcost_dlogabsv = absv_ss.pop(v) 

367 val = np.array(result["constants"][v]) 

368 for c, dv_dc in v.gradients.items(): 

369 with pywarnings.catch_warnings(): # skip pesky divide-by-zeros 

370 pywarnings.simplefilter("ignore") 

371 dlogv_dlogc = dv_dc * result["constants"][c]/val 

372 gpv_ss[c] = gpv_ss.get(c, 0) + dlogcost_dlogv*dlogv_dlogc 

373 absv_ss[c] = (absv_ss.get(c, 0) 

374 + abs(dlogcost_dlogabsv*dlogv_dlogc)) 

375 if v in cost_senss: 

376 if c in self.cost.vks: # TODO: seems unnecessary 

377 dlogcost_dlogv = cost_senss.pop(v) 

378 before = cost_senss.get(c, 0) 

379 cost_senss[c] = before + dlogcost_dlogv*dlogv_dlogc 

380 # add fixed variables sensitivities to models 

381 for vk, senss in gpv_ss.items(): 

382 m_senss[lineagestr(vk)] += abs(senss) 

383 result["sensitivities"]["cost"] = cost_senss 

384 result["sensitivities"]["variables"] = KeyDict(gpv_ss) 

385 result["sensitivities"]["variablerisk"] = KeyDict(absv_ss) 

386 result["sensitivities"]["constants"] = \ 

387 result["sensitivities"]["variables"] # NOTE: backwards compat. 

388 return SolutionArray(result) 


390 def check_solution(self, cost, primal, nu, la, tol, abstol=1e-20): 

391 """Run checks to mathematically confirm solution solves this GP 


393 Arguments 

394 --------- 

395 cost: float 

396 cost returned by solver 

397 primal: list 

398 primal solution returned by solver 

399 nu: numpy.ndarray 

400 monomial lagrange multiplier 

401 la: numpy.ndarray 

402 posynomial lagrange multiplier 


404 Raises 

405 ------ 

406 Infeasible if any problems are found 

407 """ 

408 A = self.A.tocsr() 

409 def almost_equal(num1, num2): 

410 "local almost equal test" 

411 return (num1 == num2 or abs((num1 - num2) / (num1 + num2)) < tol 

412 or abs(num1 - num2) < abstol) 

413 # check primal sol # 

414 primal_exp_vals = self.cs * np.exp(A.dot(primal)) # c*e^Ax 

415 if not almost_equal(primal_exp_vals[self.m_idxs[0]].sum(), cost): 

416 raise Infeasible("Primal solution computed cost did not match" 

417 " solver-returned cost: %s vs %s." % 

418 (primal_exp_vals[self.m_idxs[0]].sum(), cost)) 

419 for mi in self.m_idxs[1:]: 

420 if primal_exp_vals[mi].sum() > 1 + tol: 

421 raise Infeasible("Primal solution violates constraint: %s is " 

422 "greater than 1" % primal_exp_vals[mi].sum()) 

423 # check dual sol # 

424 if self.integersolve: 

425 return 

426 # note: follows dual formulation in section 3.1 of 

427 # http://web.mit.edu/~whoburg/www/papers/hoburg_phd_thesis.pdf 

428 if not almost_equal(self.nu_by_posy[0].sum(), 1): 

429 raise Infeasible("Dual variables associated with objective sum" 

430 " to %s, not 1" % self.nu_by_posy[0].sum()) 

431 if any(nu < 0): 

432 minnu = min(nu) 

433 if minnu < -tol/1000: 

434 raise Infeasible("Dual solution has negative entries as" 

435 " large as %s." % minnu) 

436 if any(np.abs(A.T.dot(nu)) > tol): 

437 raise Infeasible("Dual: sum of nu^T * A did not vanish.") 

438 b = np.log(self.cs) 

439 dual_cost = sum( 

440 self.nu_by_posy[i].dot( 

441 b[mi] - np.log(self.nu_by_posy[i]/la[i])) 

442 for i, mi in enumerate(self.m_idxs) if la[i]) 

443 if not almost_equal(np.exp(dual_cost), cost): 

444 raise Infeasible("Dual cost %s does not match primal cost %s" 

445 % (np.exp(dual_cost), cost)) 



448def gen_meq_bounds(missingbounds, exps, meq_idxs): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches 

449 "Generate conditional monomial equality bounds" 

450 meq_bounds = defaultdict(set) 

451 for i in meq_idxs.first_half: 

452 p_upper, p_lower, n_upper, n_lower = set(), set(), set(), set() 

453 for key, x in exps[i].items(): 

454 if (key, "upper") in missingbounds: 

455 if x > 0: 

456 p_upper.add((key, "upper")) 

457 else: 

458 n_upper.add((key, "upper")) 

459 if (key, "lower") in missingbounds: 

460 if x > 0: 

461 p_lower.add((key, "lower")) 

462 else: 

463 n_lower.add((key, "lower")) 

464 # (consider x*y/z == 1) 

465 # for a var (e.g. x) to be upper bounded by this monomial equality, 

466 # - vars of the same sign (y) must be lower bounded 

467 # - AND vars of the opposite sign (z) must be upper bounded 

468 p_ub = n_lb = frozenset(n_upper).union(p_lower) 

469 n_ub = p_lb = frozenset(p_upper).union(n_lower) 

470 for keys, ub in ((p_upper, p_ub), (n_upper, n_ub)): 

471 for key, _ in keys: 

472 needed = ub.difference([(key, "lower")]) 

473 if needed: 

474 meq_bounds[(key, "upper")].add(needed) 

475 else: 

476 del missingbounds[(key, "upper")] 

477 for keys, lb in ((p_lower, p_lb), (n_lower, n_lb)): 

478 for key, _ in keys: 

479 needed = lb.difference([(key, "upper")]) 

480 if needed: 

481 meq_bounds[(key, "lower")].add(needed) 

482 else: 

483 del missingbounds[(key, "lower")] 

484 return meq_bounds 



487def fulfill_meq_bounds(missingbounds, meq_bounds): 

488 "Bounds variables with monomial equalities" 

489 still_alive = True 

490 while still_alive: 

491 still_alive = False # if no changes are made, the loop exits 

492 for bound in set(meq_bounds): 

493 if bound not in missingbounds: 

494 del meq_bounds[bound] 

495 continue 

496 for condition in meq_bounds[bound]: 

497 if not any(bound in missingbounds for bound in condition): 

498 del meq_bounds[bound] 

499 del missingbounds[bound] 

500 still_alive = True 

501 break 

502 for (var, bound) in meq_bounds: 

503 boundstr = (", but would gain it from any of these sets: ") 

504 for condition in list(meq_bounds[(var, bound)]): 

505 meq_bounds[(var, bound)].remove(condition) 

506 newcond = condition.intersection(missingbounds) 

507 if newcond and not any(c.issubset(newcond) 

508 for c in meq_bounds[(var, bound)]): 

509 meq_bounds[(var, bound)].add(newcond) 

510 boundstr += " or ".join(str(list(condition)) 

511 for condition in meq_bounds[(var, bound)]) 

512 missingbounds[(var, bound)] = boundstr