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Console Output

Started by upstream project "CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests" build number 772
originally caused by:
 Started by user eburn
Running as eburn
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on windows10x64 in workspace C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
Wiping out workspace first.
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git init C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version'
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git fetch --tags --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 66a0c4dcb3630c1bc2ec2ec0a3dd54d9416f1c6d (origin/master)
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git checkout -f 66a0c4dcb3630c1bc2ec2ec0a3dd54d9416f1c6d # timeout=10
Commit message: "Linked variable fixes, broadcast_substitutions script (#1543)"
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git rev-list --no-walk 66a0c4dcb3630c1bc2ec2ec0a3dd54d9416f1c6d # timeout=10
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git rev-parse "66a0c4dcb3630c1bc2ec2ec0a3dd54d9416f1c6d^{commit}" # timeout=10
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
[GitCheckoutListener] Recording commits of 'git'
[GitCheckoutListener] Found previous build 'CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests/buildnode=windows10x64,optimizer=cvxopt #771' that contains recorded Git commits
[GitCheckoutListener] -> Starting recording of new commits since '66a0c4dcb3630c1bc2ec2ec0a3dd54d9416f1c6d'
[GitCheckoutListener] -> Git commit decorator successfully obtained 'hudson.plugins.git.browser.GithubWeb@7ece75d1' to render commit links
[GitCheckoutListener] -> No new commits found
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute shell]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[Set GitHub commit status (universal)] PENDING on repos [GHRepository@b52b606[nodeId=MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMDk1NDI0Ng==,description=Geometric programming for engineers,homepage=,name=gpkit,fork=false,archived=false,size=41433,milestones={},language=Python,commits={},source=<null>,parent=<null>,isTemplate=<null>,url=,id=20954246,nodeId=<null>,createdAt=2014-06-18T08:04:06Z,updatedAt=2021-05-03T14:25:13Z]] (sha:66a0c4d) with context:CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests/buildnode=windows10x64,optimizer=cvxopt
Setting commit status on GitHub for
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[macys, macys_VM, reynolds, reynolds-ubuntu16]]
Run condition [Execution node ] preventing perform for step [Execute shell]
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[windows10x64, windows7x64]]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling perform for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[cvxopt] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\jenkins1747701213780206394.bat

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>set PATH=C:\Anaconda3;C:\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Anaconda3\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts;%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>echo C:\Anaconda3;C:\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Anaconda3\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts;%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 
C:\Anaconda3;C:\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Anaconda3\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts;%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>where python 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>python --version 
Python 3.7.6

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>REM Create a virtualenv to install everything into 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>SET VENV=C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>virtualenv --system-site-packages C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit  
Using base prefix 'C:\\Anaconda3'
  No LICENSE.txt / LICENSE found in source
New python executable in C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit\Scripts\python.exe
copying C:\Anaconda3\python.exe => C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>call C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit\Scripts\activate.bat  

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade pip 
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gpkit_push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (21.1.1)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade ad 
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.3.2)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade plotly 
Collecting plotly
  Using cached plotly-4.14.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (13.2 MB)
Collecting retrying>=1.3.3
  Using cached retrying-1.3.3-py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from plotly) (1.15.0)
Installing collected packages: retrying, plotly
Successfully installed plotly-4.14.3 retrying-1.3.3

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade xmlrunner 
Requirement already satisfied: xmlrunner in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.7.7)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade unittest-xml-reporting 
Collecting unittest-xml-reporting
  Using cached unittest_xml_reporting-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
Installing collected packages: unittest-xml-reporting
Successfully installed unittest-xml-reporting-3.0.4

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade pandas 
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.16.5 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.20.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2020.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas) (1.15.0)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade matplotlib 
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (3.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.16 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.20.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (0.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (7.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from cycler>=0.10->matplotlib) (1.15.0)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade coverage 
Requirement already satisfied: coverage in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (5.5)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade numpy 
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.20.2)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade scipy 
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<1.23.0,>=1.16.5 in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scipy) (1.20.2)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>pip install --upgrade pint==0.9 
Collecting pint==0.9
  Using cached Pint-0.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (138 kB)
Installing collected packages: pint
  Attempting uninstall: pint
    Found existing installation: Pint 0.17
    Not uninstalling pint at c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages, outside environment c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gpkit_push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit
    Can't uninstall 'Pint'. No files were found to uninstall.
Successfully installed pint-0.9

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>if cvxopt == cvxopt (
pip install --upgrade cvxopt   || exit /b 666  
 python -c "import cvxopt; print(cvxopt.__version__)"  
 set GPKITSOLVERS=cvxopt 
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.2.6)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>REM for mosek9/mosek_conif 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>REM if cvxopt==mosek python -c "__import__('mosek').Env()" 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>if cvxopt == mosek (
 set GPKITSOLVERS=mosek_cli 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>python -c "import scipy; print(scipy.__version__)" 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__version__)" 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>python -c "import pint; print(pint.__version__)" 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>python -c "import gpkit; print(gpkit.settings)" 
No filename given.
     mskexpopt FILENAME [-primal] [-dual] [-p parameterfile]
Return code: 1052
Description: MSK_RES_ERR_FILE_OPEN [An error occurred while opening a file.]
Ran 207 tests in 20.343s

Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.
# Building GPkit version 1.0.0pre
# Moving to the directory from which GPkit was imported.

Attempting to find and build solvers:

# Looking for `mosek_cli`
#   (A "success" is if mskexpopt complains that
#    we haven't specified a file for it to open.)
#     Calling 'mskexpopt'

Found mosek_cli in the default PATH

# Looking for `mosek_conif`
#   Trying to import mosek...
# Did not find
# mosek_conif

# Looking for `cvxopt`
#   Trying to import cvxopt...

Found cvxopt in the default PYTHONPATH
Replaced found solvers (['mosek_cli', 'cvxopt']) with environment var GPKITSOLVERS (cvxopt)

Found the following solvers: cvxopt
#     Replacing directory env

GPkit is now installed with solver(s) ['cvxopt']
To incorporate new solvers at a later date, run ``.

If any tests didn't pass, please post the output above
(starting from "Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.")
to or
so we can prevent others from having these errors.

The same goes for any other bugs you encounter with GPkit:
send 'em our way, along with any interesting models, speculative features,
comments, discussions, or clarifications you feel like sharing.

Finally, we hope you find our documentation (
and engineering-design models (
to be useful resources for your own applications.


{'installed_solvers': ['cvxopt'], 'default_solver': 'cvxopt', 'just built!': True}

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>echo import gpkit.tests; 1> 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>coverage run --source=gpkit,docs/source/examples   || exit /b 666 

Running tests...
ERROR [0.012s]: test_treemap_cvxopt (gpkit.tests.t_examples.TestExamples)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\gpkit\tests\", line 55, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\gpkit\tests\", line 90, in test
    imported[name] = importlib.import_module(name)
  File "c:\anaconda3\lib\importlib\", line 127, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\", line 2, in <module>
    import plotly  # pylint: disable=unused-import
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'

Ran 207 tests in 19.390s

FAILED (errors=1)

Generating XML reports...

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>coverage html -d htmlcov --omit=$COVERAGE_OMIT   || exit /b 666 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>if cvxopt == cvxopt (
pip install --no-cache-dir --no-deps -e C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt  
 FOR %i IN ("C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\*.py") DO (python %i ) 
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests/buildnode/windows10x64/optimizer/cvxopt
Installing collected packages: gpkit
  Running develop for gpkit
Successfully installed gpkit

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
No filename given.
     mskexpopt FILENAME [-primal] [-dual] [-p parameterfile]
Return code: 1052
Description: MSK_RES_ERR_FILE_OPEN [An error occurred while opening a file.]
Ran 207 tests in 16.351s

Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.
# Building GPkit version 1.0.0pre
# Moving to the directory from which GPkit was imported.

Attempting to find and build solvers:

# Looking for `mosek_cli`
#   (A "success" is if mskexpopt complains that
#    we haven't specified a file for it to open.)
#     Calling 'mskexpopt'

Found mosek_cli in the default PATH

# Looking for `mosek_conif`
#   Trying to import mosek...
# Did not find
# mosek_conif

# Looking for `cvxopt`
#   Trying to import cvxopt...

Found cvxopt in the default PYTHONPATH
Replaced found solvers (['mosek_cli', 'cvxopt']) with environment var GPKITSOLVERS (cvxopt)

Found the following solvers: cvxopt
#     Replacing directory env

GPkit is now installed with solver(s) ['cvxopt']
To incorporate new solvers at a later date, run ``.

If any tests didn't pass, please post the output above
(starting from "Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.")
to or
so we can prevent others from having these errors.

The same goes for any other bugs you encounter with GPkit:
send 'em our way, along with any interesting models, speculative features,
comments, discussions, or clarifications you feel like sharing.

Finally, we hope you find our documentation (
and engineering-design models (
to be useful resources for your own applications.


Solved after 33 passes, cost logtol +/-0.000992
values of l: [ 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.]
values of A: [ 2.0  5.0  10.0  17.0  26.0  37.0  50.0  65.0  82.0  101.0] meter ** 2
cost lower bound:
[3.99999897e+00 2.49990635e+01 9.99519417e+01 2.88964405e+02
 6.75761038e+02 1.36887689e+03 2.49888336e+03 4.22418997e+03
 6.72085595e+03 1.02009910e+04]

cost estimate:
[3.99999897e+00 2.50021684e+01 1.00001162e+02 2.89043164e+02
 6.76096986e+02 1.36923920e+03 2.50043987e+03 4.22599006e+03
 6.72550897e+03 1.02009910e+04]

cost upper bound:
[3.99999897e+00 2.50052737e+01 1.00050406e+02 2.89121944e+02
 6.76433102e+02 1.36960161e+03 2.50199736e+03 4.22779092e+03
 6.73016521e+03 1.02009910e+04]

Solved after  3 passes, cost logtol +/-0
Table of solutions used in the autosweep:

Optimal Cost
 [ 0.333     1         123       ]

Free Variables
A : [ 0.577     1         11.1     ]  [m**2]

Fixed Variables
l : [ 1         3         10       ]  [m]

Variable Sensitivities
l : [ +1        +2.5      +4       ]

Most Sensitive Constraints (in last sweep)
    +2 : A >= (l/3)^2

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
dx : 1.2                                                             [m]   Length of an element
 M : [ 1.98e+03  1.27e+03  713       317       79.2      0.0002   ]  [N*m] Internal moment
 V : [ 660       528       396       264       132       0.0002   ]  [N]   Internal shear
th : [ 0.0002    0.177     0.285     0.341     0.363     0.367    ]        Slope
 w : [ 0.0002    0.107     0.384     0.76      1.18      1.62     ]  [m]   Displacement

Most Sensitive Variables
 L : +4                                                             Overall beam length
EI : -1                                                             Bending stiffness
 q : [ +0.0072   +0.042    +0.12     +0.23     +0.37     +0.22    ] Distributed load

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +4 : L = 5*dx
    +1 : w[5] >= w[4] + 0.5*dx*(th[5] + th[4])
 +0.74 : th[2] >= th[1] + 0.5*dx*(M[2] + M[1])/EI
 +0.73 : w[4] >= w[3] + 0.5*dx*(th[4] + th[3])
 +0.64 : M[1] >= M[2] + 0.5*dx*(V[1] + V[2])

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Cost Function

 F >= D + T
 D = rf*V^2*Ap
 Ap = nu
 T = mf*V
 mf >= mi + mb
 mf = rf*V
 Fs <= mi

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
<DEBUG> Model is feasible with these modifications:

Arbitrarily Bounded Variables
   value near upper bound of 1e+30: y
 sensitive to upper bound of 1e+30: y

Relaxed Constants
  x_min [ft]: relaxed from 2 to 1

# Now let's try a model unsolvable with relaxed constants

<DEBUG> Model is not feasible with relaxed constants and bounded variables.
<DEBUG> Model is feasible with these modifications:

Relaxed Constraints
   1: 3500% relaxed, from    x [ft] >= 1 [yd]
                       to 36*x [ft] >= 1 [yd]

# And one that's only unbounded

<DEBUG> Model is feasible with these modifications:

Arbitrarily Bounded Variables
   value near upper bound of 1e+30: y
 sensitive to upper bound of 1e+30: y

<DEBUG> Model seems feasible without modification, or only needs relaxations of less than 1%. Check the returned solution for details.

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
from gpkit import Variable, VectorVariable  # Demonstration of nomenclature syntax
#     Lines that end in "Variables" will be parsed as a scalar variable table
#     until the next blank line.
#     Variables
#     ---------
A = self.A = Variable('A', 'm^2', 'surface area')  # from 'A       [m^2]  surface area'
V = self.V = Variable('V', 100, 'L', 'minimum volume')  # from 'V   100 [L]    minimum volume'
#     Lines that end in "Variables of length $N" will be parsed as vector
#     variables of length $N until the next blank line.
#     Variables of length 3
#     ---------------------
s = self.s = VectorVariable(3, 's', 'm', 'side length')  # from 's       [m]    side length'
#     Let's introduce more variables: (any line ending in "Variables" is parsed)
#     Zoning Variables
#     ----------------
h = self.h = Variable('h', 1, 'm', 'minimum height')  # from 'h     1 [m]    minimum height'
#     Upper Unbounded
#     ---------------
#     A
#     The ordering of these blocks doesn't affect anything; order them in the
#     way that makes the most sense to someone else reading your model.

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
A : 1.465                             [m**2] surface area
s : [ 0.316     0.316     1        ]  [m]    side length

Fixed Variables
V : 100  [l] minimum volume
h : 1    [m] minimum height

Variable Sensitivities
V : +0.57  minimum volume
h : +0.3   minimum height

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : A >= 2*(s[0]*s[1] + s[1]*s[2] + s[2]*s[0])
 +0.57 : V <= s[:].prod()
  +0.3 : s[2] >= h

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : 0.7854
y : 0.7071

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : <external_constraint.ExternalConstraint object>
    +1 : x >= 0.785

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : 8.165
y : 4.082
z : 5.443

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +1.5 : 2*x*y + 2*x*z + 2*y*z <= 200
 +0.17 : x >= 2*y

The optimal value is 0.005511.

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Model Sensitivities (sorts models in sections below)
  +3.0 : System.Fleet2
  +1.0 : System.Fleet2.Vehicle

Free Variables
  | System.Fleet2
z : [ 1        ]

  | System.Fleet2.Vehicle
a : [ 1         1        ]

Fixed Variables
  | System.Fleet2
x : [ 4        ]
y : [ 3         1        ]

Variable Sensitivities
  | System.Fleet2
y : [   -       +0.25    ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | System.Fleet2
    +1 : z[0] >= a[0,0]*x[0]^-1*y[0,0] + y[1,0]/x[0]*a[1,0]

       | System.Fleet2.Vehicle
 +0.75 : a[0,0] >= 1
 +0.25 : a[1,0] >= 1

Optimal Cost

Model Sensitivities (sorts models in sections below)
  +3.0 : System2.Fleet2
  +1.0 : System2.Fleet2.Vehicle

Free Variables
  | System2.Fleet2
z : [ 1         1         1        ]

  | System2.Fleet2.Vehicle
a : [ 1         1         1
      1         1         1         ]

Fixed Variables
  | System2.Fleet2
x : [ 4         4         4        ]
y : [ 3         3         3
      1         1         1         ]

Variable Sensitivities
  | System2.Fleet2
y : [   -         -         -
      +0.083    +0.083    +0.083    ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | System2.Fleet2
 +0.33 : z[0] >= a[0,0]*x[0]^-1*y[0,0] + y[1,0]/x[0]*a[1,0]
 +0.33 : z[1] >= a[0,1]*x[1]^-1*y[0,1] + y[1,1]/x[1]*a[1,1]
 +0.33 : z[2] >= a[0,2]*x[2]^-1*y[0,2] + y[1,2]/x[2]*a[1,2]

       | System2.Fleet2.Vehicle
 +0.25 : a[0,0] >= 1
 +0.25 : a[0,1] >= 1

Optimal Cost

Swept Variables
y : [ 1         2         3        ]

Free Variables
x : [ 2         6         12       ]

Fixed Variables
z : [ 1         4         9        ]

Variable Sensitivities
y : [ +0.15     +0.5      +1       ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +0.6 : x[2] >= y[2] + z[2]
  +0.3 : x[1] >= y[1] + z[1]
  +0.1 : x[0] >= y[0] + z[0]

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Model Sensitivities (sorts models in sections below)
  +1.0 : Yum1.Cake
       : Yum1.Cake.Pie

Free Variables
  | Yum1.Cake
y : [ 3         3         3         3         3        ]

Fixed Variables
  | Yum1.Cake.Pie
x : [ 2         2         2         2         2
      3         3         3         3         3         ]
z : [ 1         1         1         1         1
      1         1         1         1         1         ]

Variable Sensitivities
  | Yum1.Cake.Pie
x : [ +7.1e-07  +7.1e-07  +7.1e-07  +7.1e-07  +7.1e-07
      +0.2      +0.2      +0.2      +0.2      +0.2      ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | Yum1.Cake
  +0.2 : y[0] >= x[1,0]
  +0.2 : y[1] >= x[1,1]
  +0.2 : y[2] >= x[1,2]
  +0.2 : y[3] >= x[1,3]
  +0.2 : y[4] >= x[1,4]

Optimal Cost

Model Sensitivities (sorts models in sections below)
  +1.0 : Yum2.Cake
       : Yum2.Cake.Pie

Free Variables
  | Yum2.Cake
y : [ 3        ]

Fixed Variables
  | Yum2.Cake.Pie
x : [ 2         3        ]
z : [ 1         1        ]

Variable Sensitivities
  | Yum2.Cake.Pie
x : [ +8.4e-08  +1       ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | Yum2.Cake
    +1 : y[0] >= x[1,0]

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost
 [ 1.41      2.14      2.68      3.13     ... ]

Freed Choice Variables
This model has the discretized choice variables [x], but since the 'cvxopt' solver doesn't support discretization they were treated as continuous variables.

Swept Variables
numerator : [ 0.5
              7         ]

Free Variables
x : [ 0.707
      2.65      ]

Variable Sensitivities
numerator : [ +0.5
              +0.5      ]

Most Sensitive Constraints (in last sweep)

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
Getting the only var 'E': PowerSystem.Battery.E [MJ]
The top-level var 'm': PowerSystem.m [lb]
All the variables 'm': [gpkit.Variable(PowerSystem.Battery.m [lb]), gpkit.Variable(PowerSystem.Motor.m [lb]), gpkit.Variable(PowerSystem.m [lb])]

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Cost Function

  "fuel constraints":
    Wfuel[:-1] >= Wfuel[1:] + Wburn[:-1]
    Wfuel[3] >= Wburn[3]

    Wburn[:] >= 0.1*D[:]
    Aircraft.W + Wfuel[:] <= 0.5*rho[:]*CL[:]*S*V[:]^2
       D[:] >= 0.5*rho[:]*V[:]^2*CD[:]*S
       Re[:] = rho[:]*V[:]*c/mu[:]
       CD[:] >= 0.074/Re[:]^0.2 + CL[:]^2/PI/A/e[:]

    (no constraints)

  Aircraft.W >= Aircraft.Fuselage.W + Aircraft.Wing.W
   (no constraints)

   c = (S/A)^0.5
   Aircraft.Wing.W >= S*Aircraft.Wing.rho

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
      | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP.WingAero
    D : [ 2.74      2.73      2.72      2.72     ]  [lbf]   drag force

      | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP
Wburn : [ 0.274     0.273     0.272     0.272    ]  [lbf]   segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [ 1.09      0.817     0.544     0.272    ]  [lbf]   fuel weight

      | Aircraft.Wing
    S : 44.14                                       [ft**2] surface area
    W : 44.14                                       [lbf]   weight
    c : 1.279                                       [ft]    mean chord

      | Aircraft
    W : 144.1                                       [lbf]   weight

Variable Sensitivities
    | Aircraft.Fuselage
  W : +0.97  weight

    | Aircraft.Wing
  A : -0.67  aspect ratio
rho : +0.43  areal density

Next Most Sensitive Variables
    | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP.WingAero
  e : [ -0.18     -0.18     -0.18     -0.18    ] Oswald efficiency

    | Mission.FlightSegment.FlightState
  V : [ -0.22     -0.21     -0.21     -0.21    ] true airspeed
rho : [ -0.12     -0.11     -0.11     -0.11    ] air density

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | Aircraft
  +1.4 : .W >= .Fuselage.W + .Wing.W

       | Mission
    +1 : Wfuel[0] >= Wfuel[1] + Wburn[0]
 +0.75 : Wfuel[1] >= Wfuel[2] + Wburn[1]
  +0.5 : Wfuel[2] >= Wfuel[3] + Wburn[2]

       | Aircraft.Wing
 +0.43 : .W >= S*.rho

Insensitive Constraints |below +1e-05|

Solution Diff (for selected variables)
(argument is the baseline solution)

Constraint Differences
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@
    c = (S/A)^0.5
    Aircraft.Wing.W >= S*Aircraft.Wing.rho
+ Wburn[:] >= 0.2*D[:]


Relative Differences |above 1%|
Wburn : [ +102.1%   +101.6%   +101.1%   +100.5%  ] segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [ +101.3%   +101.1%   +100.8%   +100.5%  ] fuel weight
    D : [   +1.1%       -         -         -    ] drag force

Making Sankey diagrams requires the ipysankeywidget package

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gpkit_push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\gpkit\ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  v = np.array(v)
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
Original model

Cost Function

 x <= x_max
 x >= x_min

With constraints relaxed equally

Cost Function

 "minimum relaxation":
   C >= 1
 "relaxed constraints":
   x <= C*x_max
   x_min <= C*x

Optimal Cost

Relaxed Constraints
All constraints relaxed by 42%

Free Variables
x : 1.414

  | Relax
C : 1.414

Fixed Variables
x_max : 1
x_min : 2

Variable Sensitivities
x_max : -0.5
x_min : +0.5

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +0.5 : x <= C*x_max
  +0.5 : x_min <= C*x

With constraints relaxed individually

Cost Function

 "minimum relaxation":
   C[:] >= 1
 "relaxed constraints":
   x <= C[0]*x_max
   x_min <= C[1]*x

Optimal Cost

Relaxed Constraints
   1:  100% relaxed, from     x >= x_min
                       to x_min <= 2*x

Free Variables
x : 1

  | Relax1
C : [ 1         2        ]

Fixed Variables
x_max : 1
x_min : 2

Variable Sensitivities
x_min : +1
x_max : -0.99

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x_min <= C[1]*x
 +0.99 : x <= C[0]*x_max
 +0.01 : C[0] >= 1

With constants relaxed individually

Cost Function
 [Relax2.x_max, Relax2.x_min].prod()*x^0.01

  "original constraints":
    x <= x_max
    x >= x_min
  "relaxation constraints":
      Relax2.x_max >= 1
      x_max >= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_max/Relax2.x_max
      x_max <= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_max*Relax2.x_max
      Relax2.x_min >= 1
      x_min >= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_min/Relax2.x_min
      x_min <= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_min*Relax2.x_min

Optimal Cost

Relaxed Constants
  x_min: relaxed from 2 to 1

Model Sensitivities (sorts models in sections below)
  +2.0 : Relax2.OriginalValues
 <1e-8 : Relax2

Free Variables
    x : 1
x_max : 1
x_min : 1

      | Relax2
x_max : 1
x_min : 2

Fixed Variables
      | Relax2.OriginalValues
x_max : 1
x_min : 2

Variable Sensitivities
x_min : +1
x_max : -0.99

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x >= x_min
    +1 : x_min >= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_min/Relax2.x_min
 +0.99 : x <= x_max
 +0.99 : x_max <= Relax2.OriginalValues.x_max*Relax2.x_max

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
  A : 8.46              aspect ratio
C_D : 0.02059           Drag coefficient of wing
C_L : 0.4988            Lift coefficent of wing
C_f : 0.003599          skin friction coefficient
  D : 303.1      [N]    total drag force
 Re : 3.675e+06         Reynold's number
  S : 16.44      [m**2] total wing area
  V : 38.15      [m/s]  cruising speed
  W : 7341       [N]    total aircraft weight
W_w : 2401       [N]    wing weight

Most Sensitive Variables
                W_0 : +1     aircraft weight excluding wing
                  e : -0.48  Oswald efficiency factor
(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) : +0.43  wetted area ratio
                  k : +0.43  form factor
            V_{min} : -0.37  takeoff speed

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +1.3 : W >= W_0 + W_w
    +1 : C_D >= (CDA0)/S + k*C_f*(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) + C_L^2/PI*A*e
    +1 : D >= 0.5*\rho*S*C_D*V^2
 +0.96 : W <= 0.5*\rho*S*C_L*V^2
 +0.43 : C_f >= 0.074/Re^0.2

Solution Diff
(argument is the baseline solution)

** no constraint differences **

Relative Differences |above 1%|
The largest is +0%.


Optimal Cost
 [ 338       396       294       326       ]

Swept Variables
      V : [ 45        55        45        55       ]  [m/s] cruising speed
V_{min} : [ 20        20        25        25       ]  [m/s] takeoff speed

Free Variables
  A : [ 6.2       4.77      8.84      7.16     ]         aspect ratio
C_D : [ 0.0146    0.0123    0.0196    0.0157   ]         Drag coefficient of wing
C_L : [ 0.296     0.198     0.463     0.31     ]         Lift coefficent of wing
C_f : [ 0.00333   0.00314   0.00361   0.00342  ]         skin friction coefficient
  D : [ 338       396       294       326      ]  [N]    total drag force
 Re : [ 5.38e+06  7.24e+06  3.63e+06  4.75e+06 ]         Reynold's number
  S : [ 18.6      17.3      12.1      11.2     ]  [m**2] total wing area
  W : [ 6.85e+03  6.4e+03   6.97e+03  6.44e+03 ]  [N]    total aircraft weight
W_w : [ 1.91e+03  1.46e+03  2.03e+03  1.5e+03  ]  [N]    wing weight

Most Sensitive Variables
                W_0 : [ +0.92     +0.85     +0.95     +0.85    ] aircraft weight excluding wing
            V_{min} : [ -0.82     -1        -0.41     -0.71    ] takeoff speed
                  V : [ +0.59     +0.97     +0.25     +0.75    ] cruising speed
(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) : [ +0.56     +0.63     +0.45     +0.54    ] wetted area ratio
                  k : [ +0.56     +0.63     +0.45     +0.54    ] form factor

Most Sensitive Constraints (in last sweep)
    +1 : C_D >= (CDA0)/S + k*C_f*(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) + C_L^2/PI*A*e
    +1 : D >= 0.5*\rho*S*C_D*V^2
    +1 : W >= W_0 + W_w
 +0.57 : W <= 0.5*\rho*S*C_L*V^2
 +0.54 : C_f >= 0.074/Re^0.2

Solution Diff
(argument is the baseline solution)

** no constraint differences **

Relative Differences |above 1%|
     Re : [  +46.4%    +97.1%     -1.1%    +29.2%  ] Reynold's number
    C_L : [  -40.6%    -60.2%     -7.2%    -37.9%  ] Lift coefficent of wing
      V : [  +18.0%    +44.2%    +18.0%    +44.2%  ] cruising speed
    W_w : [  -20.7%    -39.3%    -15.6%    -37.4%  ] wing weight
    C_D : [  -29.0%    -40.4%     -5.0%    -23.9%  ] Drag coefficient of wing
      A : [  -26.7%    -43.6%     +4.5%    -15.3%  ] aspect ratio
      S : [  +12.8%     +5.5%    -26.5%    -32.0%  ] total wing area
      D : [  +11.5%    +30.7%     -2.9%     +7.5%  ] total drag force
V_{min} : [   -9.1%     -9.1%    +13.6%    +13.6%  ] takeoff speed
      W : [   -6.8%    -12.8%     -5.1%    -12.2%  ] total aircraft weight
    C_f : [   -7.3%    -12.7%       -       -5.0%  ] skin friction coefficient

Absolute Differences |above 0.1|
     Re : [ +1.7e+06  +3.6e+06  -4.1e+04  +1.1e+06 ]         Reynold's number
      W : [   -5e+02  -9.4e+02  -3.8e+02    -9e+02 ]  [N]    total aircraft weight
    W_w : [   -5e+02  -9.4e+02  -3.8e+02    -9e+02 ]  [N]    wing weight
      D : [      +35       +93      -8.8       +23 ]  [N]    total drag force
      V : [     +6.8       +17      +6.8       +17 ]  [m/s]  cruising speed
      S : [     +2.1      +0.9      -4.4      -5.3 ]  [m**2] total wing area
V_{min} : [       -2        -2        +3        +3 ]  [m/s]  takeoff speed
      A : [     -2.3      -3.7     +0.38      -1.3 ]         aspect ratio
    C_L : [     -0.2      -0.3        -      -0.19 ]         Lift coefficent of wing

Sensitivity Differences |above 0.1|
                  V : [ +0.59   +0.97   +0.25   +0.75  ] cruising speed
            V_{min} : [ -0.45   -0.67     -     -0.34  ] takeoff speed
          C_{L,max} : [ -0.23   -0.34     -     -0.17  ] max CL with flaps down
                  e : [ +0.15   +0.25     -     +0.19  ] Oswald efficiency factor
                W_0 : [   -     -0.17     -     -0.16  ] aircraft weight excluding wing
               \rho : [   -     +0.13     -     +0.19  ] density of air
(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) : [ +0.13   +0.20     -     +0.11  ] wetted area ratio
                  k : [ +0.13   +0.20     -     +0.11  ] form factor
            N_{ult} : [ -0.11   -0.18     -     -0.14  ] ultimate load factor
     W_{W_{coeff1}} : [ -0.11   -0.18     -     -0.14  ] Wing Weight Coefficent 1
               \tau : [ +0.11   +0.18     -     +0.14  ] airfoil thickness to chord ratio

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
d : 8.17   [m] depth
h : 8.163  [m] height
w : 4.081  [m] width

Fixed Variables
A_{floor} : 50   [m**2] upper limit, floor area
 A_{wall} : 200  [m**2] upper limit, wall area
    alpha : 2           lower limit, wall aspect ratio
     beta : 10          upper limit, wall aspect ratio
    delta : 10          upper limit, floor aspect ratio
    gamma : 2           lower limit, floor aspect ratio

Variable Sensitivities
A_{wall} : -1.5  upper limit, wall area
   alpha : +0.5  lower limit, wall aspect ratio

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +1.5 : A_{wall} >= 2*h*w + 2*h*d
  +0.5 : alpha <= h/w

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : 0.9
y : 0.1

Most Sensitive Constraints
  +1.1 : 1 - y <= x
 +0.11 : y <= 0.1

x values of each GP solve (note convergence)
2.50000, 0.92548, 0.90003, 0.90000

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : 0.7854
y : 0.7854

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x >= 0.785
    +1 : y >= x

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost
 [ 4.63e+03  6.23e+03  7.36e+03  ]

Unexpectedly Loose Constraints in sweep 0
0.9585 >= 0.9187 : V_{f_{avail}} >= V_f

Unexpectedly Loose Constraints in sweep 1
0.9585 >= 0.9187 : V_{f_{avail}} >= V_f

Unexpectedly Loose Constraints in sweep 2
0.9585 >= 0.9187 : V_{f_{avail}} >= V_f

Swept Variables
V_f_wing : [ 0.1       0.3       0.5      ]  [m**3] fuel volume in the wing

Free Variables
       (CDA0) : [ 0.05      0.05      0.05     ]  [m**2] fuselage drag area
            A : [ 12.4      3.78      2.35     ]         aspect ratio
          C_D : [ 0.0136    0.011     0.0099   ]         drag coefficient
          C_L : [ 0.327     0.162     0.121    ]         lift coefficient of wing
          C_f : [ 0.00343   0.00284   0.00261  ]         skin friction coefficient
            D : [ 466       774       1e+03    ]  [N]    total drag force
          L/D : [ 24.1      14.8      12.2     ]         lift-to-drag ratio
           Re : [ 4.64e+06  1.21e+07  1.83e+07 ]         Reynold's number
            S : [ 22        29.7      35.6     ]  [m**2] total wing area
   T_{flight} : [ 16.6      13.4      12.3     ]  [hr]   flight time
            V : [ 50.3      62.1      67.9     ]  [m/s]  cruising speed
          V_f : [ 0.577     0.777     0.919    ]  [m**3] fuel volume
V_{f_{avail}} : [ 0.589     0.788     0.958    ]  [m**3] fuel volume available
            W : [ 1.35e+04  1.45e+04  1.59e+04 ]  [N]    total aircraft weight
          W_f : [ 4.63e+03  6.23e+03  7.36e+03 ]  [N]    fuel weight
          W_w : [ 2.65e+03  2.05e+03  2.29e+03 ]  [N]    wing weight
     W_w_strc : [ 1.33e+03  269       151      ]  [N]    wing structural weight
     W_w_surf : [ 1.32e+03  1.78e+03  2.14e+03 ]  [N]    wing skin weight

Most Sensitive Variables
            V_{min} : [ -1.4        -         -      ] takeoff speed
              Range : [ +1.4      +1.1      +1.2     ] aircraft range
               TSFC : [ +1.4      +1.1      +1.2     ] thrust specific fuel consumption
(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) : [ +0.85     +0.71     +0.74    ] wetted area ratio
                  k : [ +0.85     +0.71     +0.74    ] form factor

Most Sensitive Constraints (in last sweep)
  +1.2 : C_D >= (CDA0)/S + k*C_f*(\frac{S}{S_{wet}}) + C_L^2/PI*A*e
  +1.2 : D >= 0.5*\rho*S*C_D*V^2
  +1.2 : T_{flight} >= Range/V
  +1.2 : W_f >= TSFC*T_{flight}*D
 +0.74 : C_f >= 0.074/Re^0.2

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Cost Function

  "fuel constraints":
    Wfuel[:-1] >= Wfuel[1:] + Wburn[:-1]
    Wfuel[3] >= Wburn[3]

    Wburn[:] >= 0.1*D[:]
    Aircraft.W + Wfuel[:] <= 0.5*rho[:]*CL[:]*S*V[:]^2
       D[:] >= 0.5*rho[:]*V[:]^2*CD[:]*S
       Re[:] = rho[:]*V[:]*c/mu[:]
       CD[:] >= 0.074/Re[:]^0.2 + CL[:]^2/PI/A/e[:]

    (no constraints)

  Aircraft.W >= Aircraft.Fuselage.W + Aircraft.Wing.W
   (no constraints)

   c = (S/A)^0.5
   Aircraft.Wing.W >= S*Aircraft.Wing.rho

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
      | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP.WingAero
    D : [ 2.74      2.73      2.72      2.72     ]  [lbf]   drag force

      | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP
Wburn : [ 0.274     0.273     0.272     0.272    ]  [lbf]   segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [ 1.09      0.817     0.544     0.272    ]  [lbf]   fuel weight

      | Aircraft.Wing
    S : 44.14                                       [ft**2] surface area
    W : 44.14                                       [lbf]   weight
    c : 1.279                                       [ft]    mean chord

      | Aircraft
    W : 144.1                                       [lbf]   weight

Variable Sensitivities
    | Aircraft.Fuselage
  W : +0.97  weight

    | Aircraft.Wing
  A : -0.67  aspect ratio
rho : +0.43  areal density

Next Most Sensitive Variables
    | Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftP.WingAero
  e : [ -0.18     -0.18     -0.18     -0.18    ] Oswald efficiency

    | Mission.FlightSegment.FlightState
  V : [ -0.22     -0.21     -0.21     -0.21    ] true airspeed
rho : [ -0.12     -0.11     -0.11     -0.11    ] air density

Most Sensitive Constraints
       | Aircraft
  +1.4 : .W >= .Fuselage.W + .Wing.W

       | Mission
    +1 : Wfuel[0] >= Wfuel[1] + Wburn[0]
 +0.75 : Wfuel[1] >= Wfuel[2] + Wburn[1]
  +0.5 : Wfuel[2] >= Wfuel[3] + Wburn[2]

       | Aircraft.Wing
 +0.43 : .W >= S*.rho

Insensitive Constraints |below +1e-05|

Solution Diff (for selected variables)
(argument is the baseline solution)

Constraint Differences
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@
    c = (S/A)^0.5
    Aircraft.Wing.W >= S*Aircraft.Wing.rho
+ Wburn[:] >= 0.2*D[:]


Relative Differences |above 1%|
Wburn : [ +102.1%   +101.6%   +101.1%   +100.5%  ] segment fuel burn
Wfuel : [ +101.3%   +101.1%   +100.8%   +100.5%  ] fuel weight
    D : [   +1.1%       -         -         -    ] drag force

Making Sankey diagrams requires the ipysankeywidget package

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Arbitrarily Bounded Variables
   value near upper bound of 1e+30: x
 sensitive to upper bound of 1e+30: x

Free Variables
x : 1e+30

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x <= 1e+30

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : 1

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x >= 1



Optimal Cost

Free Variables
x : [ 1         2         1        ]

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : x[0] >= 1
    +1 : x[1] >= 2
    +1 : x[2] >= 1

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
Infeasible monomial equality: Cannot convert from 'V [m**3]' to 'M [kg]'

Optimal Cost

Free Variables
A : 1.293                             [m**2] Surface Area of the Tank
V : 0.1                               [m**3] Volume of the Tank
d : [ 0.464     0.464     0.464    ]  [m]    Dimension Vector

Variable Sensitivities
   M : +0.67  Mass of Water in the Tank
\rho : -0.67  Density of Water in the Tank

Most Sensitive Constraints
    +1 : A >= 2*(d[0]*d[1] + d[0]*d[2] + d[1]*d[2])
 +0.67 : M = V*\rho
 +0.67 : V = d[0]*d[1]*d[2]

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>(python C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt\docs\source\examples\ ) 
Optimal cost:  1
Optimal x val: 1

(venv_gpkit) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\cvxopt>exit 0 
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' changed build result to FAILURE
[Cobertura] Publishing Cobertura coverage report...

Recording test results
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
Finished: FAILURE