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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_gpkitmodels_GP_aircraft_motor_motor_test_py_mosek (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20180428102827)

Took 2.4 sec.

Standard Output

Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.031 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.078 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.031 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.016 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.015 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 2 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.006556021 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0066%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.544374435 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041409754 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.420585923621 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.420573143553 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.003%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.314645036642 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629897871 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0048%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.16893643965 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931605213 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.063964236102 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0639631360138 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0017%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0226356536449 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0226354006896 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0011%)

Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.078 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.11 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.125 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 3.98 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.006573035 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0066%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.544263157 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041408907 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.420585197736 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.420572780866 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.003%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.31464483844 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629685653 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0048%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.168936363968 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931506563 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.06396429941 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.063963247856 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0016%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0226356607395 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0226353885393 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0012%)

Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 13 variables.
Solving took 0.032 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 1.3 seconds.
Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619898.0452 but bound is 700000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 13 variables.
Solving took 0.078 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 2.87 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dQ_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) [N*m]... >= B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)*Wa_BladeElementPro...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 1.9475800463 meter * newton but the right hand side evaluated to 1.94757809539 kilogram * meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0001%)

Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619891.9379 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Constraint [-B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)*Wa_BladeElementPr... >= dT_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,) [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 52.7761427098 kilogram * meter / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 11.8645623096 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00011%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*R_Pro... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*r_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 3.18328454561 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 3.18327922145 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00017%)

Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220953.3838 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499787.9776 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223878.3883 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223877.9590 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853897.1020 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853897.1020 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220959.7939 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499796.7837 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1884891.6332 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656770.1579 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656769.2019 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656769.2019 but bound is 700000.0000

Standard Error