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Skipping 24 KB.. Full Log
Obtaining file:///jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12.1 in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit== (0.post125)
Collecting cvxopt (from gpkit==
  Downloading (11.5MB)
Installing collected packages: cvxopt, gpkit
  Running develop for gpkit
Successfully installed cvxopt-1.2.0 gpkit
+ python /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir -e /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek
Obtaining file:///jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in ./venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.8.1)
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Running develop for gpkitmodels
Successfully installed gpkitmodels
+ export MKL_NUM_THREADS=2
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
+ python -c 'from gpkit.tests.test_repo import test_repos; test_repos(xmloutput=True, ingpkitmodels=True)'
No filename given.
     mskexpopt FILENAME [-primal] [-dual] [-p parameterfile]
Return code: 1052
Description: MSK_RES_ERR_FILE_OPEN [An error occurred while opening a file.]
Ran 233 tests in 21.996s

Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.
# Moving to the directory from which GPkit was imported.
Started building gpkit...

Attempting to find and build solvers:

# Looking for mosek
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/h/mosek.h
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin/
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/scopt-ext.c
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/expopt.c
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/dgopt.c
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/scopt-ext.h
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/expopt.h
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/dgopt.h
#     Found /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/h/mosek.h
# Found mosek version 7, installed to /home/jenkins/mosek
# Building mosek...
#     Replacing directory _mosek/lib
#     Replacing directory _mosek/build
#     Replacing directory /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/build_gpkit
#   Copying expopt library files to _mosek/build
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/scopt-ext.c
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/expopt.c
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/dgopt.c
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/scopt-ext.h
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/expopt.h
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/examples/c/dgopt.h
#     Copying /home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/h/mosek.h
#   Applying expopt patches...
#     Change in _mosek/build/dgopt.con line 683
#     --           printf("Number of Hessian non-zeros: %d\n",nlh[0]->numhesnz)
#     ++ MSK_echotask(task,MSK_STREAM_MSG,"Number of Hessian non-zeros: %d\n",n
#     Change in _mosek/build/expopt.con line 569
#     --       printf("Warning: The variable with index '%d' has only positive 
#     ++ MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "Warning: The variable with in
#     Change in _mosek/build/expopt.con line 582
#     --       printf("Warning: The variable with index '%d' has only negative 
#     ++ MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "Warning: The variable with in
#     Change in _mosek/build/expopt.con line 1115
#     --     printf ("solsta = %d, prosta = %d\n", (int)*solsta,(int)*prosta);
#     ++ MSK_echotask(expopttask,MSK_STREAM_MSG, "solsta = %d, prosta = %d\n", 
#   Building expopt library...
#     Calling 'gcc -fpic -shared -Wl,--export-dynamic,-R "/home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin"    _mosek/build/scopt-ext.c _mosek/build/expopt.c _mosek/build/dgopt.c   "/home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin/" -o /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/build_gpkit/'
#   Building Python bindings for expopt and Mosek...
#     Calling 'python -a -l /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/build_gpkit/ -l "/home/jenkins/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin/" -o _mosek/lib/    _mosek/build/expopt.h'
# Done building mosek
# Looking for mosek_cli
#   Trying to run mskexpopt...
#     Calling 'mskexpopt'
# Found mosek_cli in system path
# Looking for cvxopt
#   Trying to import cvxopt...
# Found cvxopt in Python path
...finished building gpkit.
Replaced found solvers (['mosek', 'mosek_cli', 'cvxopt']) with environment var GPKITSOLVERS (mosek, mosek_cli)

Found the following solvers: mosek, mosek_cli
#     Replacing directory env

GPkit is now installed with solver(s) ['mosek', 'mosek_cli']
To incorporate new solvers at a later date, run ``.

If any tests didn't pass, please post the output above
(starting from "Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.")
to or
so we can prevent others from having these errors.

The same goes for any other bugs you encounter with GPkit:
send 'em our way, along with any interesting models, speculative features,
comments,Obtaining file:///jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Found existing installation: gpkitmodels
    Not uninstalling gpkitmodels at /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek, outside environment /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit
    Can't uninstall 'gpkitmodels'. No files were found to uninstall.
  Running develop for gpkitmodels
Successfully installed gpkitmodels
Cloning into 'shopping'...

Running tests...
Ran 3 tests in 0.788s


Generating XML reports...
adding test for ''
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.17 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.0425 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.428 seconds.
Cloning into 'gassolar'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas) (1.11.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-vvngFv
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-iv4W7m/wheels/4d/4b/2e/9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit
Installing collected packages: gpfit
Successfully installed gpfit-0.1
Processing /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gassolar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gassolar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas->gassolar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-lQSdrO/wheels/95/3b/d6/ef583514b36970c50f7f7fc39ef6c0801ca762afbdc19fb0cd
Successfully built gassolar
Installing collected packages: gassolar
Successfully installed gassolar-

Running tests...
../jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gassolar/environment/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
Ran 4 tests in 25.578s


Generating XML reports...
adding test for 'gassolar/gas/'
adding test for 'gassolar/solar/'
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 592 variables.
Solving took 0.34 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission/Climb/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/EnginePerf_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Mission/Climb/ could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.28 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission.1/Climb.1/FlightSegment.2/AircraftPerf.2/EnginePerf.2_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Miss could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 592 variables.
Solving took 0.357 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission/Climb/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/EnginePerf_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Mission/Climb/ could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.5 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission.1/Climb.1/FlightSegment.2/AircraftPerf.2/EnginePerf.2_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Miss could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1250 variables.
Solving took 0.428 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131551.1497 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment.10/AircraftPerf.10/WingAero.10 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131552.1345 but bound is 150000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.08 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.11/AircraftPerf.11/WingAero.11 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.0580 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.21/AircraftPerf.21/WingAero.21 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.9086 but bound is 150000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 1250 variables.
Solving took 0.524 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131551.0147 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment.10/AircraftPerf.10/WingAero.10 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131552.3302 but bound is 150000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.32 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.11/AircraftPerf.11/WingAero.11 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134552.5355 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.21/AircraftPerf.21/WingAero.21 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.8810 but bound is 150000.0000
Cloning into 'jho'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas) (1.11.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-P9RrGd
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-Nrk4yo/wheels/4d/4b/2e/9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit

Running tests...
...adding test for 'model/'
adding test for 'model/'
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.246974729700149e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -7.728409925911173e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.510783685654271e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.4831625511080304e-13.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 2.95 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.0791836014862923e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -7.418718417362413e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.5274240205975786e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.497257179350342e-13.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.2 seconds.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.185851748024106e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.4298198042217436e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -4.431108258096117e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -4.44583606040716e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2975900735845425e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.089698210138268e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0900960039153529e-12.
MTOW [lbs] = 141.77
Zero fuel weight [lbs] = 53.80
Wing span [ft] = 24.00
Aicraft length [ft] = 12.90
Aspect ratio = 25.60
mean aerodynamic chord [ft] = 0.9722
root chord [ft] = 1.250
speed for best rate of climb [m/s]: Vy = 21.829
speed at top of climb [m/s] = 26.622
design loiter speed [m/s] = 25.070
rotation speed at 55 lbs [m/s] = 18.185
rotation speed at 150 lbs [m/s] = 28.236
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.892651396191326e-16.
optimum loiter speed for min power, start of loiter [m/s] = 25.279
optimum loiter speed for min power, end of loiter [m/s] = 17.233
optimum cruise speed, inbound [m/s] = 36.269
optimum cruise speed, outbound [m/s] = 25.637
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.5134842759571663e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.69583973841754e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.0879079591247533e-11.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.088081512758397e-11.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 2.69 seconds.
Max Speed [m/s]: 74.76
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.99 seconds.
Max payload weight [lbf] = 28.083
Max take off weight [lbf] = 166.417
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.191680418903388e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.430319404582825e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -4.43910533332037e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -4.4508147167832135e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2959123791428384e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0908242625146114e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0918740954782291e-12.
MTOW [lbs] = 141.77
Zero fuel weight [lbs] = 53.80
Wing span [ft] = 24.00
Aicraft length [ft] = 12.90
Aspect ratio = 25.60
mean aerodynamic chord [ft] = 0.9722
root chord [ft] = 1.250
speed for best rate of climb [m/s]: Vy = 21.829
speed at top of climb [m/s] = 26.622
design loiter speed [m/s] = 25.070
rotation speed at 55 lbs [m/s] = 18.185
rotation speed at 150 lbs [m/s] = 28.236
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -4.844215306665234e-16.
optimum loiter speed for min power, start of loiter [m/s] = 25.279
optimum loiter speed for min power, end of loiter [m/s] = 17.233
optimum cruise speed, inbound [m/s] = 36.269
optimum cruise speed, outbound [m/s] = 25.637
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.5469076984239644e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.695920021020844e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.087900719539447e-11.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.0880802974434653e-11.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 2.9 seconds.
Max Speed [m/s]: 74.76
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 2.87 sec.
Ran 4 tests in 41.287s


Generating XML reports...
Max payload weight [lbf] = 28.083
Max take off weight [lbf] = 166.417
Cloning into 'turbofan'...
Processing /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/turbofan
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: turbofan
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: started
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-w1XUzS/wheels/05/a3/bb/c109a767ce427bad8712257bfeb944703a233ba8210a5b0c35
Successfully built turbofan
Installing collected packages: turbofan
Successfully installed turbofan-

Running tests...
Ran 1 test in 1.675s


Generating XML reports...
adding test for 'turbofan/'
Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0,) + F_{8}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerform... >= F_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0,) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 24184.7528323 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 24184.16 newton (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0025%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1,) + F_{8}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerform... >= F_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1,) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 26232.8485076 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 26232.36 newton (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0019%)

Cloning into 'SPaircraft'...
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-fFXDsA
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): turbofan== from git+ in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from turbofan== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: turbofan
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: started
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-9proEo/wheels/49/e6/3a/5de0d21c0f148404ea8d883f76e050c82d4e9a0e6f59ce69a5
Successfully built turbofan

Running tests...
adding test for ''
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1016
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1025
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1025            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.01    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 826
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3575              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.10              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.02            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.67e+04          after factor           : 1.69e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.291593405e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.12  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  6.1e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.269655162e+05  3.700395480e+00   4.8e-01  0.20  
2   3.9e+02  5.0e+02  2.2e+04  -9.36e-01  -1.198083099e+05  1.153971197e+01   1.7e-01  0.24  
3   2.8e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -8.23e-01  -1.159038545e+05  8.917911751e+01   1.2e-01  0.27  
4   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.6e+04  -7.55e-01  -1.129120590e+05  2.532205882e+03   1.2e-01  0.31  
5   6.9e+01  9.1e+01  3.9e+03  -7.46e-01  -7.042317639e+04  1.170731339e+04   3.1e-02  0.34  
6   3.1e+01  4.1e+01  1.8e+03  -1.38e-01  -4.093680277e+04  1.097631330e+04   1.4e-02  0.37  
7   1.6e+01  2.1e+01  9.1e+02  3.74e-01   -2.381570953e+04  6.691140297e+03   7.1e-03  0.41  
8   7.3e+00  9.5e+00  4.1e+02  6.72e-01   -1.127653330e+04  3.750639855e+03   3.3e-03  0.44  
9   3.4e+00  4.4e+00  1.9e+02  8.76e-01   -5.047557905e+03  2.145533564e+03   1.5e-03  0.48  
10  1.7e+00  2.2e+00  9.8e+01  9.57e-01   -2.254111634e+03  1.439335762e+03   7.7e-04  0.51  
11  6.4e-01  8.4e-01  3.7e+01  9.85e-01   -6.385796056e+02  7.706340105e+02   2.9e-04  0.54  
12  5.5e-01  7.6e-01  3.2e+01  9.81e-01   -5.013262073e+02  7.168373519e+02   2.5e-04  0.58  
13  3.9e-01  9.4e-01  2.3e+01  9.74e-01   -2.540202679e+02  6.153446061e+02   1.8e-04  0.61  
14  2.1e-01  6.0e-01  1.2e+01  9.86e-01   2.138010425e+01   4.968168260e+02   9.8e-05  0.64  
15  6.4e-02  2.4e-01  3.8e+00  1.00e+00   2.550914157e+02   4.006034777e+02   3.0e-05  0.68  
16  2.0e-02  1.4e-01  1.2e+00  1.00e+00   3.243614725e+02   3.710224804e+02   9.9e-06  0.71  
17  4.6e-03  1.5e-01  2.8e-01  1.00e+00   3.495900434e+02   3.605469978e+02   2.4e-06  0.74  
18  2.7e-03  1.2e-01  1.7e-01  1.00e+00   3.526439439e+02   3.591745038e+02   1.4e-06  0.78  
19  6.1e-04  1.3e-01  3.9e-02  9.95e-01   3.562634844e+02   3.577655674e+02   3.3e-07  0.81  
20  2.3e-04  1.0e-01  1.5e-02  9.96e-01   3.569347901e+02   3.575083937e+02   1.3e-07  0.84  
21  1.1e-04  8.0e-02  7.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.571540632e+02   3.574256285e+02   5.9e-08  0.88  
22  9.9e-05  7.3e-02  6.3e-03  1.00e+00   3.571735322e+02   3.574179283e+02   5.3e-08  0.92  
23  8.9e-05  6.6e-02  5.7e-03  9.99e-01   3.571910261e+02   3.574109857e+02   4.8e-08  0.95  
24  8.0e-05  6.0e-02  5.1e-03  1.00e+00   3.572067759e+02   3.574047495e+02   4.3e-08  0.98  
25  7.2e-05  5.5e-02  4.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.572209513e+02   3.573991334e+02   3.9e-08  1.02  
26  6.5e-05  5.0e-02  4.2e-03  1.00e+00   3.572337075e+02   3.573940737e+02   3.5e-08  1.05  
27  5.9e-05  4.5e-02  3.7e-03  1.00e+00   3.572451862e+02   3.573895160e+02   3.2e-08  1.08  
28  5.3e-05  4.2e-02  3.4e-03  1.00e+00   3.572555163e+02   3.573854124e+02   2.8e-08  1.12  
29  4.7e-05  3.8e-02  3.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.572648135e+02   3.573817190e+02   2.6e-08  1.15  
30  4.3e-05  3.5e-02  2.7e-03  1.00e+00   3.572731816e+02   3.573783956e+02   2.3e-08  1.19  
31  3.8e-05  3.2e-02  2.5e-03  1.00e+00   3.572807140e+02   3.573754055e+02   2.1e-08  1.22  
32  3.5e-05  3.0e-02  2.2e-03  1.00e+00   3.572874942e+02   3.573727158e+02   1.9e-08  1.25  
33  3.1e-05  2.7e-02  2.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.572935975e+02   3.573702962e+02   1.7e-08  1.29  
34  2.8e-05  2.5e-02  1.8e-03  1.00e+00   3.572990917e+02   3.573681199e+02   1.5e-08  1.32  
35  2.5e-05  2.3e-02  1.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.573040375e+02   3.573661624e+02   1.4e-08  1.36  
36  2.3e-05  2.2e-02  1.4e-03  1.00e+00   3.573084897e+02   3.573644018e+02   1.2e-08  1.39  
37  2.0e-05  2.0e-02  1.3e-03  1.00e+00   3.573124975e+02   3.573628181e+02   1.1e-08  1.42  
38  1.8e-05  1.9e-02  1.2e-03  1.00e+00   3.573161054e+02   3.573613937e+02   9.9e-09  1.46  
39  1.7e-05  1.8e-02  1.1e-03  1.00e+00   3.573193532e+02   3.573601125e+02   8.9e-09  1.49  
40  1.5e-05  1.7e-02  9.5e-04  1.00e+00   3.573222768e+02   3.573589600e+02   8.0e-09  1.53  
41  1.3e-05  1.6e-02  8.6e-04  1.00e+00   3.573249085e+02   3.573579234e+02   7.2e-09  1.56  
42  1.2e-05  1.5e-02  7.7e-04  1.00e+00   3.573272776e+02   3.573569909e+02   6.5e-09  1.59  
43  1.1e-05  1.4e-02  6.9e-04  1.00e+00   3.573294101e+02   3.573561521e+02   5.8e-09  1.63  
44  9.8e-06  1.3e-02  6.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.573313297e+02   3.573553974e+02   5.3e-09  1.66  
45  8.8e-06  1.3e-02  5.6e-04  1.00e+00   3.573330576e+02   3.573547186e+02   4.7e-09  1.70  
46  7.9e-06  1.2e-02  5.1e-04  1.00e+00   3.573346130e+02   3.573541078e+02   4.3e-09  1.73  
47  7.1e-06  1.2e-02  4.5e-04  1.00e+00   3.573360130e+02   3.573535584e+02   3.8e-09  1.76  
48  6.4e-06  1.1e-02  4.1e-04  1.00e+00   3.573372731e+02   3.573530640e+02   3.5e-09  1.80  
49  5.8e-06  1.1e-02  3.7e-04  1.00e+00   3.573384074e+02   3.573526192e+02   3.1e-09  1.83  
50  5.2e-06  1.0e-02  3.3e-04  1.00e+00   3.573394283e+02   3.573522189e+02   2.8e-09  1.86  
51  4.7e-06  1.0e-02  3.0e-04  1.00e+00   3.573403472e+02   3.573518588e+02   2.5e-09  1.90  
52  4.2e-06  9.8e-03  2.7e-04  1.00e+00   3.573411742e+02   3.573515347e+02   2.3e-09  1.93  
53  3.8e-06  9.6e-03  2.4e-04  1.00e+00   3.573419186e+02   3.573512430e+02   2.0e-09  1.97  
54  3.4e-06  9.3e-03  2.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.573425885e+02   3.573509805e+02   1.8e-09  2.00  
55  3.1e-06  9.1e-03  2.0e-04  1.00e+00   3.573431914e+02   3.573507442e+02   1.7e-09  2.03  
56  2.8e-06  8.9e-03  1.8e-04  1.00e+00   3.573437340e+02   3.573505316e+02   1.5e-09  2.07  
57  2.5e-06  8.8e-03  1.6e-04  1.00e+00   3.573442224e+02   3.573503402e+02   1.3e-09  2.11  
58  2.2e-06  8.6e-03  1.4e-04  1.00e+00   3.573446619e+02   3.573501680e+02   1.2e-09  2.14  
59  2.0e-06  8.5e-03  1.3e-04  1.00e+00   3.573450574e+02   3.573500129e+02   1.1e-09  2.18  
60  1.8e-06  8.4e-03  1.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.573454134e+02   3.573498734e+02   9.7e-10  2.21  
61  1.6e-06  8.2e-03  1.0e-04  1.00e+00   3.573457337e+02   3.573497477e+02   8.8e-10  2.25  
62  1.5e-06  8.1e-03  9.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.573460220e+02   3.573496346e+02   7.9e-10  2.27  
63  1.3e-06  8.1e-03  8.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.573462815e+02   3.573495328e+02   7.1e-10  2.30  
64  1.2e-06  8.0e-03  7.6e-05  1.00e+00   3.573465150e+02   3.573494412e+02   6.4e-10  2.34  
65  1.1e-06  7.9e-03  6.8e-05  1.00e+00   3.573467251e+02   3.573493587e+02   5.8e-10  2.37  
66  9.6e-07  7.8e-03  6.1e-05  1.00e+00   3.573469142e+02   3.573492845e+02   5.2e-10  2.41  
67  8.7e-07  7.8e-03  5.5e-05  1.00e+00   3.573470844e+02   3.573492177e+02   4.7e-10  2.43  
68  7.8e-07  7.7e-03  5.0e-05  1.00e+00   3.573472376e+02   3.573491575e+02   4.2e-10  2.46  
69  7.0e-07  7.7e-03  4.5e-05  1.00e+00   3.573473754e+02   3.573491033e+02   3.8e-10  2.49  
70  6.3e-07  7.6e-03  4.0e-05  1.00e+00   3.573474995e+02   3.573490546e+02   3.4e-10  2.52  
71  5.7e-07  7.6e-03  3.6e-05  1.00e+00   3.573476111e+02   3.573490106e+02   3.1e-10  2.55  
72  5.1e-07  7.6e-03  3.3e-05  9.99e-01   3.573477115e+02   3.573489712e+02   2.8e-10  2.58  
73  4.6e-07  7.5e-03  2.9e-05  1.00e+00   3.573478019e+02   3.573489356e+02   2.5e-10  2.62  
74  4.1e-07  7.5e-03  2.6e-05  9.98e-01   3.573478832e+02   3.573489036e+02   2.2e-10  2.65  
75  3.7e-07  7.5e-03  2.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.573479564e+02   3.573488747e+02   2.0e-10  2.68  
76  3.4e-07  7.4e-03  2.1e-05  1.00e+00   3.573480223e+02   3.573488487e+02   1.8e-10  2.72  
77  3.0e-07  7.4e-03  1.9e-05  1.00e+00   3.573480815e+02   3.573488254e+02   1.6e-10  2.75  
78  2.7e-07  7.4e-03  1.7e-05  9.99e-01   3.573481348e+02   3.573488043e+02   1.5e-10  2.78  
79  2.4e-07  7.4e-03  1.6e-05  9.99e-01   3.573481828e+02   3.573487854e+02   1.3e-10  2.82  
80  2.2e-07  7.4e-03  1.4e-05  9.99e-01   3.573482260e+02   3.573487683e+02   1.2e-10  2.85  
81  2.0e-07  7.3e-03  1.3e-05  9.98e-01   3.573482649e+02   3.573487530e+02   1.1e-10  2.89  
82  1.8e-07  7.3e-03  1.1e-05  9.98e-01   3.573482998e+02   3.573487392e+02   9.6e-11  2.92  
83  1.6e-07  7.3e-03  1.0e-05  1.00e+00   3.573483313e+02   3.573487267e+02   8.6e-11  2.95  
84  1.4e-07  7.3e-03  9.2e-06  1.00e+00   3.573483596e+02   3.573487155e+02   7.8e-11  2.99  
85  1.3e-07  7.3e-03  8.3e-06  9.99e-01   3.573483851e+02   3.573487054e+02   7.0e-11  3.02  
86  1.2e-07  7.3e-03  7.5e-06  9.95e-01   3.573484080e+02   3.573486964e+02   6.3e-11  3.05  
87  1.1e-07  6.5e-03  6.7e-06  1.00e+00   3.573484287e+02   3.573486881e+02   5.7e-11  3.09  
88  9.5e-08  5.9e-03  6.1e-06  1.00e+00   3.573484474e+02   3.573486807e+02   5.1e-11  3.12  
89  8.5e-08  5.3e-03  5.4e-06  1.00e+00   3.573484641e+02   3.573486741e+02   4.6e-11  3.15  
90  7.7e-08  4.8e-03  4.9e-06  9.97e-01   3.573484791e+02   3.573486681e+02   4.1e-11  3.18  
91  6.9e-08  4.3e-03  4.4e-06  9.99e-01   3.573484927e+02   3.573486628e+02   3.7e-11  3.21  
92  6.2e-08  3.9e-03  4.0e-06  9.96e-01   3.573485048e+02   3.573486579e+02   3.4e-11  3.25  
93  1.2e-08  7.5e-04  7.7e-07  9.96e-01   3.573485932e+02   3.573486230e+02   6.5e-12  3.28  
94  1.1e-08  6.7e-04  6.9e-07  9.88e-01   3.573485953e+02   3.573486221e+02   5.9e-12  3.31  
95  9.9e-09  6.1e-04  6.3e-07  9.75e-01   3.573485972e+02   3.573486214e+02   5.3e-12  3.34  
96  8.9e-09  5.5e-04  5.6e-07  1.01e+00   3.573485990e+02   3.573486206e+02   4.8e-12  3.38  
97  8.0e-09  4.9e-04  5.1e-07  1.01e+00   3.573486006e+02   3.573486200e+02   4.3e-12  3.41  
98  7.2e-09  4.4e-04  4.6e-07  1.01e+00   3.573486020e+02   3.573486194e+02   3.9e-12  3.44  
99  6.5e-09  4.0e-04  4.1e-07  1.01e+00   3.573486033e+02   3.573486189e+02   3.5e-12  3.47  
100 5.8e-09  3.6e-04  3.7e-07  1.11e+00   3.573486050e+02   3.573486181e+02   3.4e-12  3.50  
101 5.2e-09  3.2e-04  3.3e-07  9.34e-01   3.573486059e+02   3.573486178e+02   3.0e-12  3.53  
102 4.7e-09  2.9e-04  3.0e-07  1.05e+00   3.573486070e+02   3.573486173e+02   2.8e-12  3.56  
103 5.5e-10  3.0e-05  3.1e-08  9.97e-01   3.573486136e+02   3.573486147e+02   2.9e-13  3.59  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 3.60. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 3.68    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 3.5734861362e+02    Viol.  con: 8e-09    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 3.5734861469e+02    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 2e-04  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 3.7 seconds.
result packing took 7% of solve time
solution checking took 1.5% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1014
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1023
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1023            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.02    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 830
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.03              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.02            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.67e+04          after factor           : 1.73e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.290681039e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.05  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  6.1e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.268215792e+05  3.803698353e+00   4.7e-01  0.08  
2   4.4e+02  5.7e+02  2.5e+04  -9.35e-01  -1.209150215e+05  1.085395678e+01   1.9e-01  0.11  
3   2.9e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -8.42e-01  -1.160832564e+05  6.170098107e+01   1.3e-01  0.14  
4   2.9e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -7.60e-01  -1.138839348e+05  1.952312553e+03   1.3e-01  0.16  
5   8.6e+01  1.1e+02  4.8e+03  -7.56e-01  -7.867317919e+04  1.032812251e+04   3.8e-02  0.19  
6   2.8e+01  3.7e+01  1.6e+03  -2.73e-01  -3.695942328e+04  1.216953188e+04   1.3e-02  0.23  
7   1.4e+01  1.8e+01  7.7e+02  4.39e-01   -2.032946572e+04  6.163394969e+03   6.0e-03  0.26  
8   7.5e+00  9.8e+00  4.3e+02  7.35e-01   -1.177597745e+04  3.686885881e+03   3.3e-03  0.29  
9   2.9e+00  3.8e+00  1.6e+02  8.70e-01   -4.523320389e+03  1.603991455e+03   1.3e-03  0.33  
10  1.4e+00  1.8e+00  7.8e+01  9.70e-01   -1.988525433e+03  9.573948374e+02   6.1e-04  0.36  
11  9.5e-01  1.2e+00  5.4e+01  9.89e-01   -1.378341697e+03  6.922206558e+02   4.3e-04  0.40  
12  8.3e-01  1.1e+00  4.7e+01  9.73e-01   -1.213234274e+03  6.052053816e+02   3.7e-04  0.43  
13  3.4e-01  4.4e-01  1.9e+01  9.85e-01   -4.778945273e+02  2.688885756e+02   1.5e-04  0.46  
14  1.7e-01  2.4e-01  9.9e+00  1.01e+00   -2.231448544e+02  1.590239102e+02   7.9e-05  0.50  
15  5.8e-02  1.3e-01  3.4e+00  9.99e-01   -5.407948966e+01  7.790597388e+01   2.8e-05  0.53  
16  2.6e-02  8.8e-02  1.6e+00  1.00e+00   -5.013838363e+00  5.511663878e+01   1.3e-05  0.57  
17  1.4e-02  7.5e-02  8.6e-01  1.00e+00   1.335853507e+01   4.628978416e+01   7.0e-06  0.60  
18  3.3e-03  1.2e-01  2.0e-01  1.00e+00   3.088411906e+01   3.862095939e+01   1.7e-06  0.64  
19  2.0e-03  8.9e-02  1.3e-01  1.00e+00   3.292345161e+01   3.773143751e+01   1.0e-06  0.67  
20  5.8e-04  1.0e-01  3.6e-02  1.00e+00   3.529662985e+01   3.667077428e+01   3.0e-07  0.71  
21  2.6e-04  8.4e-02  1.6e-02  1.00e+00   3.582433440e+01   3.643126162e+01   1.3e-07  0.75  
22  2.3e-04  7.6e-02  1.4e-02  1.00e+00   3.586898527e+01   3.641524157e+01   1.2e-07  0.78  
23  1.4e-04  6.2e-02  8.4e-03  1.00e+00   3.602183010e+01   3.634497547e+01   7.0e-08  0.82  
24  1.2e-04  5.6e-02  7.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.604449373e+01   3.633532162e+01   6.3e-08  0.86  
25  1.1e-04  5.1e-02  6.8e-03  1.00e+00   3.606445560e+01   3.632618631e+01   5.7e-08  0.90  
26  9.9e-05  4.7e-02  6.2e-03  1.00e+00   3.608239813e+01   3.631794502e+01   5.1e-08  0.93  
27  8.9e-05  4.3e-02  5.5e-03  1.00e+00   3.609853079e+01   3.631051400e+01   4.6e-08  0.97  
28  8.0e-05  3.9e-02  5.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.611304227e+01   3.630381986e+01   4.2e-08  1.01  
29  7.2e-05  3.6e-02  4.5e-03  1.00e+00   3.612609656e+01   3.629779044e+01   3.7e-08  1.04  
30  6.5e-05  3.3e-02  4.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.613784074e+01   3.629236037e+01   3.4e-08  1.08  
31  5.8e-05  3.1e-02  3.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.614840673e+01   3.628747046e+01   3.0e-08  1.11  
32  5.3e-05  2.8e-02  3.3e-03  1.00e+00   3.615791307e+01   3.628306724e+01   2.7e-08  1.15  
33  4.7e-05  2.6e-02  2.9e-03  1.00e+00   3.616646632e+01   3.627910252e+01   2.5e-08  1.19  
34  4.3e-05  2.4e-02  2.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.617416227e+01   3.627553277e+01   2.2e-08  1.23  
35  3.8e-05  2.3e-02  2.4e-03  1.00e+00   3.618108703e+01   3.627231883e+01   2.0e-08  1.27  
36  3.5e-05  2.1e-02  2.1e-03  1.00e+00   3.618731804e+01   3.626942533e+01   1.8e-08  1.31  
37  3.1e-05  2.0e-02  1.9e-03  1.00e+00   3.619292492e+01   3.626682043e+01   1.6e-08  1.34  
38  2.8e-05  1.8e-02  1.7e-03  1.00e+00   3.619797030e+01   3.626447542e+01   1.4e-08  1.38  
39  2.5e-05  1.7e-02  1.6e-03  1.00e+00   3.620251049e+01   3.626236442e+01   1.3e-08  1.41  
40  2.3e-05  1.6e-02  1.4e-03  1.00e+00   3.620659613e+01   3.626046412e+01   1.2e-08  1.45  
41  2.0e-05  1.5e-02  1.3e-03  1.00e+00   3.621027278e+01   3.625875354e+01   1.1e-08  1.48  
42  1.8e-05  1.5e-02  1.1e-03  1.00e+00   3.621358142e+01   3.625721375e+01   9.5e-09  1.52  
43  1.7e-05  1.4e-02  1.0e-03  1.00e+00   3.621655891e+01   3.625582775e+01   8.6e-09  1.55  
44  1.5e-05  1.3e-02  9.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.621923840e+01   3.625458015e+01   7.7e-09  1.59  
45  1.3e-05  1.3e-02  8.3e-04  1.00e+00   3.622164975e+01   3.625345715e+01   6.9e-09  1.63  
46  1.2e-05  1.2e-02  7.5e-04  1.00e+00   3.622381978e+01   3.625244632e+01   6.2e-09  1.66  
47  1.1e-05  1.2e-02  6.7e-04  1.00e+00   3.622577265e+01   3.625153643e+01   5.6e-09  1.69  
48  9.8e-06  1.1e-02  6.1e-04  1.00e+00   3.622753009e+01   3.625071743e+01   5.0e-09  1.73  
49  8.8e-06  1.1e-02  5.5e-04  1.00e+00   3.622911166e+01   3.624998022e+01   4.5e-09  1.76  
50  7.9e-06  1.0e-02  4.9e-04  1.00e+00   3.623053496e+01   3.624931662e+01   4.1e-09  1.80  
51  7.1e-06  1.0e-02  4.4e-04  1.00e+00   3.623181582e+01   3.624871931e+01   3.7e-09  1.84  
52  6.4e-06  9.8e-03  4.0e-04  1.00e+00   3.623296851e+01   3.624818163e+01   3.3e-09  1.86  
53  5.8e-06  9.5e-03  3.6e-04  1.00e+00   3.623400584e+01   3.624769763e+01   3.0e-09  1.89  
54  5.2e-06  9.3e-03  3.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.623493936e+01   3.624726198e+01   2.7e-09  1.93  
55  4.7e-06  9.1e-03  2.9e-04  1.00e+00   3.623577945e+01   3.624686982e+01   2.4e-09  1.96  
56  4.2e-06  8.9e-03  2.6e-04  1.00e+00   3.623653547e+01   3.624651679e+01   2.2e-09  1.99  
57  3.8e-06  8.7e-03  2.3e-04  1.00e+00   3.623721583e+01   3.624619902e+01   2.0e-09  2.02  
58  3.4e-06  8.6e-03  2.1e-04  1.00e+00   3.623782810e+01   3.624591298e+01   1.8e-09  2.05  
59  3.1e-06  8.4e-03  1.9e-04  1.00e+00   3.623837910e+01   3.624565550e+01   1.6e-09  2.09  
60  2.8e-06  8.3e-03  1.7e-04  1.00e+00   3.623887495e+01   3.624542371e+01   1.4e-09  2.12  
61  2.5e-06  8.2e-03  1.5e-04  1.00e+00   3.623932118e+01   3.624521508e+01   1.3e-09  2.15  
62  2.2e-06  8.1e-03  1.4e-04  1.00e+00   3.623972275e+01   3.624502726e+01   1.2e-09  2.19  
63  2.0e-06  8.0e-03  1.2e-04  1.00e+00   3.624008414e+01   3.624485819e+01   1.0e-09  2.22  
64  1.8e-06  7.9e-03  1.1e-04  1.00e+00   3.624040936e+01   3.624470601e+01   9.4e-10  2.25  
65  1.6e-06  7.8e-03  1.0e-04  1.00e+00   3.624070203e+01   3.624456902e+01   8.4e-10  2.28  
66  1.5e-06  7.8e-03  9.1e-05  1.00e+00   3.624096541e+01   3.624444570e+01   7.6e-10  2.32  
67  1.3e-06  7.7e-03  8.2e-05  1.00e+00   3.624120244e+01   3.624433469e+01   6.8e-10  2.35  
68  1.2e-06  7.6e-03  7.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.624141575e+01   3.624423478e+01   6.1e-10  2.39  
69  1.1e-06  7.6e-03  6.6e-05  1.00e+00   3.624160771e+01   3.624414484e+01   5.5e-10  2.42  
70  9.6e-07  7.5e-03  6.0e-05  1.00e+00   3.624178046e+01   3.624406387e+01   5.0e-10  2.45  
71  8.6e-07  7.5e-03  5.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.624193593e+01   3.624399100e+01   4.5e-10  2.48  
72  7.8e-07  7.5e-03  4.8e-05  1.00e+00   3.624207584e+01   3.624392540e+01   4.0e-10  2.52  
73  7.0e-07  7.4e-03  4.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.624220174e+01   3.624386636e+01   3.6e-10  2.55  
74  6.3e-07  7.4e-03  3.9e-05  1.00e+00   3.624231505e+01   3.624381322e+01   3.3e-10  2.58  
75  5.7e-07  7.4e-03  3.5e-05  1.00e+00   3.624241703e+01   3.624376536e+01   2.9e-10  2.62  
76  5.1e-07  7.3e-03  3.2e-05  1.00e+00   3.624250880e+01   3.624372231e+01   2.6e-10  2.65  
77  4.6e-07  7.3e-03  2.9e-05  1.00e+00   3.624259139e+01   3.624368353e+01   2.4e-10  2.68  
78  4.1e-07  7.3e-03  2.6e-05  1.00e+00   3.624266571e+01   3.624364865e+01   2.1e-10  2.71  
79  3.7e-07  7.3e-03  2.3e-05  1.00e+00   3.624273260e+01   3.624361723e+01   1.9e-10  2.75  
80  3.3e-07  7.2e-03  2.1e-05  1.00e+00   3.624279279e+01   3.624358897e+01   1.7e-10  2.78  
81  3.0e-07  7.2e-03  1.9e-05  1.00e+00   3.624284697e+01   3.624356351e+01   1.6e-10  2.81  
82  2.7e-07  7.2e-03  1.7e-05  1.00e+00   3.624289572e+01   3.624354061e+01   1.4e-10  2.85  
83  2.4e-07  7.2e-03  1.5e-05  1.00e+00   3.624293960e+01   3.624351997e+01   1.3e-10  2.88  
84  2.2e-07  7.2e-03  1.4e-05  1.00e+00   3.624297908e+01   3.624350142e+01   1.1e-10  2.91  
85  2.0e-07  7.2e-03  1.2e-05  1.00e+00   3.624301462e+01   3.624348471e+01   1.0e-10  2.95  
86  1.8e-07  7.1e-03  1.1e-05  1.00e+00   3.624304660e+01   3.624346969e+01   9.2e-11  2.98  
87  1.6e-07  7.1e-03  1.0e-05  1.00e+00   3.624307537e+01   3.624345616e+01   8.3e-11  3.01  
88  1.4e-07  7.1e-03  9.0e-06  1.00e+00   3.624310127e+01   3.624344399e+01   7.5e-11  3.05  
89  1.3e-07  7.1e-03  8.1e-06  1.00e+00   3.624312461e+01   3.624343300e+01   6.7e-11  3.08  
90  1.2e-07  7.1e-03  7.3e-06  1.00e+00   3.624314559e+01   3.624342314e+01   6.0e-11  3.11  
91  1.1e-07  7.1e-03  6.5e-06  1.00e+00   3.624316446e+01   3.624341426e+01   5.4e-11  3.14  
92  9.5e-08  7.1e-03  5.9e-06  9.99e-01   3.624318145e+01   3.624340628e+01   4.9e-11  3.17  
93  8.5e-08  7.1e-03  5.3e-06  1.00e+00   3.624319674e+01   3.624339908e+01   4.4e-11  3.20  
94  7.7e-08  7.1e-03  4.8e-06  9.99e-01   3.624321050e+01   3.624339261e+01   4.0e-11  3.23  
95  6.9e-08  7.1e-03  4.3e-06  9.99e-01   3.624322288e+01   3.624338679e+01   3.6e-11  3.26  
96  6.2e-08  7.0e-03  3.9e-06  9.99e-01   3.624323402e+01   3.624338155e+01   3.2e-11  3.29  
97  5.6e-08  7.0e-03  3.5e-06  9.98e-01   3.624324405e+01   3.624337683e+01   2.9e-11  3.32  
98  5.0e-08  7.0e-03  3.1e-06  9.98e-01   3.624325307e+01   3.624337259e+01   2.6e-11  3.36  
99  4.5e-08  6.3e-03  2.8e-06  1.00e+00   3.624326126e+01   3.624336872e+01   2.3e-11  3.38  
100 4.1e-08  5.7e-03  2.5e-06  1.00e+00   3.624326857e+01   3.624336528e+01   2.1e-11  3.41  
101 3.7e-08  5.1e-03  2.3e-06  1.00e+00   3.624327519e+01   3.624336216e+01   1.9e-11  3.45  
102 3.3e-08  4.6e-03  2.0e-06  9.98e-01   3.624328110e+01   3.624335938e+01   1.7e-11  3.48  
103 3.0e-08  4.1e-03  1.8e-06  1.00e+00   3.624328643e+01   3.624335686e+01   1.5e-11  3.51  
104 2.7e-08  3.7e-03  1.7e-06  9.99e-01   3.624329121e+01   3.624335461e+01   1.4e-11  3.54  
105 2.4e-08  3.4e-03  1.5e-06  1.00e+00   3.624329552e+01   3.624335258e+01   1.2e-11  3.58  
106 2.2e-08  3.0e-03  1.3e-06  9.94e-01   3.624329940e+01   3.624335076e+01   1.1e-11  3.61  
107 1.9e-08  2.7e-03  1.2e-06  1.00e+00   3.624330289e+01   3.624334912e+01   1.0e-11  3.64  
108 1.8e-08  2.4e-03  1.1e-06  9.96e-01   3.624330603e+01   3.624334764e+01   9.1e-12  3.67  
109 1.6e-08  2.2e-03  9.8e-07  1.00e+00   3.624330885e+01   3.624334631e+01   8.2e-12  3.71  
110 1.4e-08  2.0e-03  8.8e-07  9.97e-01   3.624331140e+01   3.624334511e+01   7.4e-12  3.74  
111 1.3e-08  1.8e-03  7.9e-07  1.00e+00   3.624331369e+01   3.624334402e+01   6.6e-12  3.77  
112 1.2e-08  1.6e-03  7.1e-07  1.00e+00   3.624331575e+01   3.624334305e+01   6.0e-12  3.81  
113 1.0e-08  1.4e-03  6.4e-07  1.00e+00   3.624331761e+01   3.624334218e+01   5.4e-12  3.84  
114 9.3e-09  1.3e-03  5.8e-07  9.99e-01   3.624331928e+01   3.624334139e+01   4.8e-12  3.87  
115 8.4e-09  1.2e-03  5.2e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332078e+01   3.624334068e+01   4.4e-12  3.91  
116 7.5e-09  1.1e-03  4.7e-07  9.99e-01   3.624332213e+01   3.624334004e+01   3.9e-12  3.94  
117 6.8e-09  9.5e-04  4.2e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332335e+01   3.624333947e+01   3.5e-12  3.97  
118 6.1e-09  8.5e-04  3.8e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332444e+01   3.624333895e+01   3.2e-12  4.00  
119 5.5e-09  7.7e-04  3.4e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332543e+01   3.624333848e+01   2.9e-12  4.04  
120 5.0e-09  6.9e-04  3.1e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332632e+01   3.624333806e+01   2.6e-12  4.07  
121 4.5e-09  6.2e-04  2.8e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332711e+01   3.624333769e+01   2.3e-12  4.10  
122 4.0e-09  5.6e-04  2.5e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332783e+01   3.624333735e+01   2.1e-12  4.13  
123 3.6e-09  5.0e-04  2.2e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332848e+01   3.624333704e+01   1.9e-12  4.17  
124 3.2e-09  4.5e-04  2.0e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332906e+01   3.624333676e+01   1.7e-12  4.20  
125 2.9e-09  4.1e-04  1.8e-07  1.00e+00   3.624332959e+01   3.624333652e+01   1.5e-12  4.23  
126 2.6e-09  3.7e-04  1.6e-07  9.98e-01   3.624333006e+01   3.624333629e+01   1.4e-12  4.27  
127 2.4e-09  3.3e-04  1.5e-07  1.00e+00   3.624333048e+01   3.624333609e+01   1.2e-12  4.30  
128 2.1e-09  3.0e-04  1.3e-07  1.01e+00   3.624333087e+01   3.624333591e+01   1.1e-12  4.33  
129 1.9e-09  2.7e-04  1.2e-07  1.00e+00   3.624333122e+01   3.624333574e+01   1.0e-12  4.37  
130 1.7e-09  2.4e-04  1.1e-07  9.96e-01   3.624333153e+01   3.624333560e+01   9.0e-13  4.40  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 4.40. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 4.44    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 3.6243331527e+01    Viol.  con: 3e-08    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 3.6243335598e+01    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 2e-03  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 4.46 seconds.
result packing took 5.7% of solve time
solution checking took 1.4% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1014
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1023
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1023            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.03    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 830
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.04              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.02            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.67e+04          after factor           : 1.73e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.290330703e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.07  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  6.0e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.267780811e+05  3.774544890e+00   4.7e-01  0.10  
2   4.2e+02  5.5e+02  2.4e+04  -9.35e-01  -1.205610498e+05  1.084812178e+01   1.9e-01  0.13  
3   2.8e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -8.37e-01  -1.159167738e+05  6.710094079e+01   1.3e-01  0.16  
4   2.8e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -7.57e-01  -1.133273482e+05  2.271174332e+03   1.2e-01  0.19  
5   7.5e+01  9.8e+01  4.2e+03  -7.51e-01  -7.361548328e+04  1.118285000e+04   3.3e-02  0.22  
6   3.0e+01  4.0e+01  1.7e+03  -1.90e-01  -3.975465160e+04  1.104183205e+04   1.3e-02  0.25  
7   1.4e+01  1.8e+01  7.8e+02  3.94e-01   -2.072233137e+04  5.965813102e+03   6.1e-03  0.28  
8   9.0e+00  1.2e+01  5.1e+02  7.30e-01   -1.406340599e+04  4.089873365e+03   4.0e-03  0.31  
9   3.6e+00  4.7e+00  2.1e+02  8.35e-01   -5.848801629e+03  1.818685629e+03   1.6e-03  0.34  
10  2.0e+00  2.6e+00  1.1e+02  9.52e-01   -2.940274512e+03  1.322852517e+03   8.9e-04  0.36  
11  9.0e-01  1.2e+00  5.1e+01  9.84e-01   -1.328456956e+03  6.211636520e+02   4.1e-04  0.39  
12  8.6e-01  1.2e+00  4.9e+01  9.64e-01   -1.289368304e+03  5.827096626e+02   3.9e-04  0.42  
13  3.8e-01  5.3e-01  2.2e+01  9.81e-01   -5.618030791e+02  2.734703899e+02   1.7e-04  0.45  
14  1.5e-01  2.3e-01  8.6e+00  1.00e+00   -2.182137886e+02  1.114451522e+02   6.9e-05  0.48  
15  8.5e-02  1.5e-01  5.0e+00  1.00e+00   -1.178902677e+02  7.362853812e+01   4.0e-05  0.51  
16  2.6e-02  1.2e-01  1.6e+00  1.00e+00   -2.818158952e+01  3.133073337e+01   1.3e-05  0.54  
17  1.1e-02  9.3e-02  6.9e-01  1.00e+00   -5.309153951e+00  2.122331345e+01   5.7e-06  0.56  
18  1.0e-02  8.4e-02  6.3e-01  1.01e+00   -3.443369224e+00  2.059680781e+01   5.2e-06  0.59  
19  6.6e-03  6.5e-02  4.0e-01  1.01e+00   2.877417012e+00   1.822759986e+01   3.3e-06  0.62  
20  4.5e-03  4.7e-02  2.8e-01  1.01e+00   6.695359091e+00   1.712991171e+01   2.3e-06  0.65  
21  1.8e-03  5.9e-02  1.1e-01  1.01e+00   1.119640221e+01   1.544776047e+01   9.4e-07  0.68  
22  1.0e-03  4.8e-02  6.2e-02  1.02e+00   1.264781446e+01   1.495323051e+01   5.1e-07  0.71  
23  4.6e-04  5.4e-02  2.9e-02  1.02e+00   1.351629842e+01   1.458915194e+01   2.4e-07  0.74  
24  2.6e-04  5.1e-02  1.6e-02  1.01e+00   1.385918651e+01   1.445496405e+01   1.3e-07  0.77  
25  1.3e-04  5.2e-02  8.5e-03  1.01e+00   1.406173696e+01   1.437377208e+01   7.1e-08  0.80  
26  8.9e-05  4.6e-02  5.6e-03  1.01e+00   1.413619084e+01   1.434330429e+01   4.7e-08  0.83  
27  8.0e-05  4.2e-02  5.1e-03  1.00e+00   1.415442683e+01   1.434090239e+01   4.3e-08  0.86  
28  7.2e-05  3.9e-02  4.6e-03  1.00e+00   1.416707145e+01   1.433486684e+01   3.8e-08  0.90  
29  6.5e-05  3.6e-02  4.1e-03  1.00e+00   1.417868404e+01   1.432967930e+01   3.4e-08  0.93  
30  5.9e-05  3.3e-02  3.7e-03  1.00e+00   1.418908164e+01   1.432496129e+01   3.1e-08  0.97  
31  5.3e-05  3.0e-02  3.3e-03  1.00e+00   1.419841804e+01   1.432069605e+01   2.8e-08  1.01  
32  4.8e-05  2.8e-02  3.0e-03  1.00e+00   1.420679981e+01   1.431683869e+01   2.5e-08  1.04  
33  4.3e-05  2.6e-02  2.7e-03  1.00e+00   1.421432523e+01   1.431335211e+01   2.3e-08  1.08  
34  3.8e-05  2.4e-02  2.4e-03  1.00e+00   1.422108263e+01   1.431019924e+01   2.0e-08  1.11  
35  3.5e-05  2.2e-02  2.2e-03  1.00e+00   1.422715216e+01   1.430735133e+01   1.8e-08  1.15  
36  3.1e-05  2.1e-02  2.0e-03  1.00e+00   1.423260492e+01   1.430477956e+01   1.6e-08  1.18  
37  2.8e-05  2.0e-02  1.8e-03  1.00e+00   1.423750471e+01   1.430245801e+01   1.5e-08  1.21  
38  2.5e-05  1.8e-02  1.6e-03  1.00e+00   1.424190837e+01   1.430036338e+01   1.3e-08  1.24  
39  2.3e-05  1.7e-02  1.4e-03  1.00e+00   1.424586666e+01   1.429847374e+01   1.2e-08  1.28  
40  2.0e-05  1.6e-02  1.3e-03  1.00e+00   1.424942505e+01   1.429676974e+01   1.1e-08  1.31  
41  1.8e-05  1.5e-02  1.2e-03  1.00e+00   1.425262430e+01   1.429523253e+01   9.7e-09  1.34  
42  1.7e-05  1.5e-02  1.0e-03  1.00e+00   1.425550100e+01   1.429384688e+01   8.8e-09  1.37  
43  1.5e-05  1.4e-02  9.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.425808771e+01   1.429259786e+01   7.9e-09  1.40  
44  1.3e-05  1.3e-02  8.5e-04  1.00e+00   1.426041383e+01   1.429147172e+01   7.1e-09  1.43  
45  1.2e-05  1.3e-02  7.6e-04  1.00e+00   1.426250563e+01   1.429045721e+01   6.4e-09  1.46  
46  1.1e-05  1.2e-02  6.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.426438667e+01   1.428954274e+01   5.7e-09  1.49  
47  9.8e-06  1.2e-02  6.2e-04  1.00e+00   1.426607820e+01   1.428871852e+01   5.2e-09  1.52  
48  8.8e-06  1.1e-02  5.5e-04  1.00e+00   1.426759928e+01   1.428797545e+01   4.7e-09  1.55  
49  7.9e-06  1.1e-02  5.0e-04  1.00e+00   1.426896700e+01   1.428730569e+01   4.2e-09  1.58  
50  7.1e-06  1.1e-02  4.5e-04  1.00e+00   1.427019689e+01   1.428670116e+01   3.8e-09  1.61  
51  6.4e-06  1.0e-02  4.0e-04  1.00e+00   1.427130275e+01   1.428615630e+01   3.4e-09  1.64  
52  5.8e-06  1.0e-02  3.6e-04  1.00e+00   1.427229710e+01   1.428566484e+01   3.1e-09  1.67  
53  5.2e-06  9.7e-03  3.3e-04  1.00e+00   1.427319127e+01   1.428522162e+01   2.7e-09  1.70  
54  4.7e-06  9.5e-03  2.9e-04  9.99e-01   1.427399520e+01   1.428482304e+01   2.5e-09  1.73  
55  4.2e-06  9.3e-03  2.7e-04  1.00e+00   1.427471834e+01   1.428446314e+01   2.2e-09  1.76  
56  3.8e-06  9.1e-03  2.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.427536895e+01   1.428413838e+01   2.0e-09  1.79  
57  3.4e-06  9.0e-03  2.2e-04  9.99e-01   1.427595403e+01   1.428384683e+01   1.8e-09  1.82  
58  3.1e-06  8.8e-03  1.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.427648045e+01   1.428358376e+01   1.6e-09  1.85  
59  2.8e-06  8.7e-03  1.7e-04  1.00e+00   1.427695412e+01   1.428334674e+01   1.5e-09  1.88  
60  2.5e-06  8.5e-03  1.6e-04  1.00e+00   1.427738035e+01   1.428313309e+01   1.3e-09  1.91  
61  2.2e-06  8.4e-03  1.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.427776379e+01   1.428294106e+01   1.2e-09  1.94  
62  2.0e-06  8.3e-03  1.3e-04  9.97e-01   1.427810860e+01   1.428276892e+01   1.1e-09  1.97  
63  1.8e-06  8.2e-03  1.1e-04  9.96e-01   1.427841882e+01   1.428261405e+01   9.6e-10  2.00  
64  1.6e-06  8.1e-03  1.0e-04  1.00e+00   1.427869818e+01   1.428247370e+01   8.6e-10  2.03  
65  1.5e-06  8.1e-03  9.3e-05  9.97e-01   1.427894944e+01   1.428234793e+01   7.8e-10  2.06  
66  1.3e-06  8.0e-03  8.3e-05  1.00e+00   1.427917682e+01   1.428223322e+01   7.0e-10  2.09  
67  1.2e-06  7.9e-03  7.5e-05  9.99e-01   1.427938022e+01   1.428213116e+01   6.3e-10  2.12  
68  1.1e-06  7.9e-03  6.7e-05  1.01e+00   1.427956566e+01   1.428203743e+01   5.7e-10  2.15  
69  9.6e-07  7.9e-03  6.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.427973021e+01   1.428195452e+01   5.1e-10  2.17  
70  8.7e-07  7.8e-03  5.5e-05  1.01e+00   1.427987996e+01   1.428187886e+01   4.6e-10  2.20  
71  7.8e-07  7.1e-03  4.9e-05  1.01e+00   1.428001809e+01   1.428180873e+01   4.2e-10  2.23  
72  7.0e-07  6.4e-03  4.4e-05  1.00e+00   1.428013729e+01   1.428174886e+01   3.7e-10  2.26  
73  6.3e-07  5.7e-03  4.0e-05  1.01e+00   1.428024589e+01   1.428169401e+01   3.4e-10  2.30  
74  5.7e-07  5.1e-03  3.6e-05  1.00e+00   1.428034230e+01   1.428164548e+01   3.0e-10  2.33  
75  5.1e-07  4.6e-03  3.2e-05  9.81e-01   1.428042882e+01   1.428160277e+01   2.7e-10  2.36  
76  4.6e-07  4.2e-03  2.9e-05  1.00e+00   1.428050686e+01   1.428156345e+01   2.5e-10  2.40  
77  4.1e-07  3.8e-03  2.6e-05  1.01e+00   1.428057830e+01   1.428152727e+01   2.2e-10  2.43  
78  3.7e-07  3.4e-03  2.4e-05  1.00e+00   1.428064141e+01   1.428149543e+01   2.0e-10  2.46  
79  3.4e-07  3.0e-03  2.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.428069821e+01   1.428146677e+01   1.8e-10  2.49  
80  3.0e-07  2.7e-03  1.9e-05  9.93e-01   1.428074927e+01   1.428144120e+01   1.6e-10  2.51  
81  2.7e-07  2.5e-03  1.7e-05  9.99e-01   1.428079525e+01   1.428141801e+01   1.5e-10  2.54  
82  2.5e-07  2.2e-03  1.5e-05  9.92e-01   1.428083660e+01   1.428139730e+01   1.3e-10  2.57  
83  2.2e-07  2.0e-03  1.4e-05  1.02e+00   1.428087729e+01   1.428137631e+01   1.2e-10  2.60  
84  2.0e-07  1.8e-03  1.3e-05  9.86e-01   1.428091041e+01   1.428135985e+01   1.1e-10  2.63  
85  1.8e-07  1.6e-03  1.1e-05  1.03e+00   1.428094408e+01   1.428134237e+01   9.8e-11  2.66  
86  1.6e-07  1.5e-03  1.0e-05  9.94e-01   1.428097056e+01   1.428132913e+01   8.8e-11  2.69  
87  1.4e-07  1.3e-03  9.1e-06  9.52e-01   1.428099425e+01   1.428131773e+01   7.9e-11  2.72  
88  1.3e-07  1.2e-03  8.2e-06  1.01e+00   1.428101696e+01   1.428130606e+01   7.2e-11  2.75  
89  1.2e-07  1.1e-03  7.4e-06  9.89e-01   1.428103614e+01   1.428129646e+01   6.5e-11  2.78  
90  1.1e-07  9.5e-04  6.6e-06  9.82e-01   1.428105337e+01   1.428128788e+01   5.8e-11  2.80  
91  9.5e-08  8.6e-04  6.0e-06  1.07e+00   1.428107395e+01   1.428127675e+01   5.4e-11  2.83  
92  8.6e-08  7.7e-04  5.4e-06  1.04e+00   1.428109014e+01   1.428126829e+01   5.0e-11  2.86  
93  7.7e-08  7.0e-04  4.8e-06  9.51e-01   1.428110193e+01   1.428126266e+01   4.5e-11  2.89  
94  7.0e-08  6.3e-04  4.4e-06  1.19e+00   1.428112197e+01   1.428125087e+01   4.4e-11  2.92  
95  6.3e-08  5.6e-04  3.9e-06  9.38e-01   1.428113059e+01   1.428124696e+01   4.0e-11  2.95  
96  5.7e-08  5.1e-04  3.5e-06  1.00e+00   1.428113844e+01   1.428124313e+01   3.6e-11  2.98  
97  5.1e-08  4.6e-04  3.2e-06  9.38e-01   1.428114542e+01   1.428123993e+01   3.2e-11  3.01  
98  4.6e-08  4.1e-04  2.9e-06  1.06e+00   1.428115343e+01   1.428123580e+01   3.0e-11  3.03  
99  4.3e-08  3.7e-04  2.6e-06  1.16e+00   1.428116315e+01   1.428123040e+01   2.9e-11  3.06  
100 3.9e-08  3.3e-04  2.3e-06  9.19e-01   1.428116766e+01   1.428122843e+01   2.6e-11  3.09  
101 3.5e-08  3.0e-04  2.1e-06  1.01e+00   1.428117197e+01   1.428122636e+01   2.4e-11  3.12  
102 3.1e-08  2.7e-04  1.9e-06  9.26e-01   1.428117562e+01   1.428122475e+01   2.1e-11  3.15  
103 2.8e-08  2.4e-04  1.7e-06  9.78e-01   1.428117893e+01   1.428122320e+01   1.9e-11  3.18  
104 2.5e-08  2.2e-04  1.5e-06  9.80e-01   1.428118191e+01   1.428122179e+01   1.7e-11  3.21  
105 2.3e-08  2.0e-04  1.4e-06  9.41e-01   1.428118459e+01   1.428122058e+01   1.6e-11  3.23  
106 2.1e-08  1.8e-04  1.2e-06  9.98e-01   1.428118701e+01   1.428121941e+01   1.4e-11  3.26  
107 1.8e-08  1.6e-04  1.1e-06  1.00e+00   1.428118920e+01   1.428121835e+01   1.3e-11  3.29  
108 1.7e-08  1.4e-04  1.0e-06  1.03e+00   1.428119139e+01   1.428121725e+01   1.2e-11  3.32  
109 1.5e-08  1.3e-04  9.0e-07  1.02e+00   1.428119330e+01   1.428121631e+01   1.0e-11  3.36  
110 1.3e-08  1.2e-04  8.1e-07  1.01e+00   1.428119490e+01   1.428121553e+01   9.5e-12  3.39  
111 1.2e-08  1.0e-04  7.3e-07  9.62e-01   1.428119629e+01   1.428121489e+01   8.5e-12  3.43  
112 1.1e-08  9.4e-05  6.5e-07  1.01e+00   1.428119759e+01   1.428121426e+01   7.7e-12  3.47  
113 9.9e-09  8.5e-05  5.9e-07  1.02e+00   1.428119882e+01   1.428121365e+01   7.0e-12  3.51  
114 9.0e-09  7.6e-05  5.3e-07  1.04e+00   1.428120001e+01   1.428121305e+01   6.4e-12  3.54  
115 8.1e-09  6.8e-05  4.8e-07  1.03e+00   1.428120100e+01   1.428121256e+01   5.9e-12  3.58  
116 7.3e-09  6.2e-05  4.3e-07  9.72e-01   1.428120178e+01   1.428121220e+01   5.3e-12  3.61  
117 6.8e-09  5.5e-05  3.9e-07  1.13e+00   1.428120289e+01   1.428121160e+01   5.1e-12  3.65  
118 6.3e-09  5.0e-05  3.5e-07  1.13e+00   1.428120381e+01   1.428121111e+01   4.9e-12  3.68  
119 7.2e-09  3.1e-06  2.2e-08  8.55e-01   1.428120873e+01   1.428120921e+01   5.9e-13  3.72  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 3.72. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 3.81    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.4281208729e+01    Viol.  con: 1e-07    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 1.4281209213e+01    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 1e-05  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 3.83 seconds.
result packing took 7.7% of solve time
solution checking took 1.2% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1011
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1022
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1022            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.02    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 831
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3583              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.04              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.68e+04          after factor           : 1.73e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.290574277e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.06  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  6.0e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.267593330e+05  3.779147120e+00   4.6e-01  0.09  
2   4.0e+02  5.1e+02  2.2e+04  -9.34e-01  -1.199969702e+05  1.136942577e+01   1.7e-01  0.12  
3   2.8e+02  3.7e+02  1.6e+04  -8.29e-01  -1.158571669e+05  8.356610218e+01   1.2e-01  0.15  
4   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.6e+04  -7.56e-01  -1.125559426e+05  2.829782191e+03   1.2e-01  0.18  
5   6.3e+01  8.2e+01  3.6e+03  -7.47e-01  -6.651735908e+04  1.269572299e+04   2.8e-02  0.21  
6   3.9e+01  5.1e+01  2.2e+03  -7.22e-02  -4.867150719e+04  1.113666256e+04   1.7e-02  0.24  
7   2.8e+01  3.7e+01  1.6e+03  2.50e-01   -3.845161425e+04  8.760529724e+03   1.3e-02  0.27  
8   1.6e+01  2.1e+01  9.0e+02  4.36e-01   -2.431251631e+04  5.454629560e+03   7.1e-03  0.31  
9   6.4e+00  8.4e+00  3.6e+02  6.74e-01   -1.034906309e+04  2.811023953e+03   2.9e-03  0.34  
10  3.6e+00  4.7e+00  2.0e+02  8.87e-01   -5.645246185e+03  1.899381359e+03   1.6e-03  0.38  
11  1.3e+00  1.7e+00  7.5e+01  9.54e-01   -2.016282730e+03  7.890580980e+02   5.9e-04  0.41  
12  1.0e+00  1.3e+00  5.7e+01  9.87e-01   -1.521904380e+03  6.364846905e+02   4.5e-04  0.44  
13  8.5e-01  1.5e+00  4.8e+01  9.70e-01   -1.300451594e+03  5.501673161e+02   3.8e-04  0.47  
14  2.9e-01  5.1e-01  1.7e+01  9.89e-01   -4.357041132e+02  1.977732150e+02   1.3e-04  0.51  
15  1.6e-01  2.9e-01  9.2e+00  1.00e+00   -2.351469915e+02  1.148827423e+02   7.4e-05  0.54  
16  7.3e-02  1.6e-01  4.2e+00  1.00e+00   -1.041356639e+02  5.768512620e+01   3.4e-05  0.57  
17  3.5e-02  1.0e-01  2.0e+00  1.01e+00   -4.536981953e+01  3.192467949e+01   1.7e-05  0.61  
18  1.8e-02  7.9e-02  1.1e+00  1.01e+00   -2.036317250e+01  2.042830977e+01   8.8e-06  0.64  
19  1.8e-02  7.6e-02  1.0e+00  1.02e+00   -1.901487626e+01  2.039905206e+01   8.5e-06  0.68  
20  9.9e-03  5.7e-02  5.9e-01  1.02e+00   -5.127481564e+00  1.688728458e+01   4.8e-06  0.71  
21  4.3e-03  5.6e-02  2.6e-01  1.02e+00   4.310258603e+00   1.377157756e+01   2.1e-06  0.74  
22  2.2e-03  5.3e-02  1.3e-01  1.01e+00   7.694832123e+00   1.263431739e+01   1.1e-06  0.78  
23  6.1e-04  8.3e-02  4.0e-02  9.88e-01   1.033076916e+01   1.181737202e+01   3.4e-07  0.81  
24  1.8e-04  8.9e-02  1.3e-02  9.79e-01   1.108786576e+01   1.157051629e+01   1.2e-07  0.85  
25  6.1e-05  8.7e-02  4.3e-03  9.88e-01   1.133098012e+01   1.149536106e+01   4.0e-08  0.88  
26  2.2e-05  8.4e-02  1.6e-03  9.96e-01   1.141288481e+01   1.147330705e+01   1.5e-08  0.92  
27  8.2e-06  8.2e-02  6.0e-04  9.99e-01   1.144293278e+01   1.146573985e+01   5.6e-09  0.95  
28  7.4e-06  7.4e-02  5.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.144485825e+01   1.146538748e+01   5.0e-09  0.98  
29  6.7e-06  6.7e-02  4.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.144644994e+01   1.146492674e+01   4.5e-09  1.02  
30  6.0e-06  6.1e-02  4.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.144788242e+01   1.146451189e+01   4.1e-09  1.06  
31  5.4e-06  5.6e-02  3.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.144916901e+01   1.146413576e+01   3.7e-09  1.09  
32  4.9e-06  5.1e-02  3.5e-04  1.00e+00   1.145032577e+01   1.146379602e+01   3.3e-09  1.13  
33  4.4e-06  4.7e-02  3.2e-04  1.00e+00   1.145136571e+01   1.146348907e+01   3.0e-09  1.16  
34  3.9e-06  4.3e-02  2.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.145230076e+01   1.146321188e+01   2.7e-09  1.20  
35  3.5e-06  3.9e-02  2.6e-04  1.00e+00   1.145314155e+01   1.146296165e+01   2.4e-09  1.23  
36  3.2e-06  3.6e-02  2.3e-04  1.00e+00   1.145389767e+01   1.146273583e+01   2.2e-09  1.26  
37  2.9e-06  3.3e-02  2.1e-04  1.00e+00   1.145457771e+01   1.146253207e+01   1.9e-09  1.30  
38  2.6e-06  3.0e-02  1.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.145518939e+01   1.146234833e+01   1.7e-09  1.34  
39  2.3e-06  2.8e-02  1.7e-04  1.00e+00   1.145573959e+01   1.146218270e+01   1.6e-09  1.37  
40  2.1e-06  2.6e-02  1.5e-04  1.00e+00   1.145623454e+01   1.146203342e+01   1.4e-09  1.41  
41  1.9e-06  2.4e-02  1.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.145667983e+01   1.146189881e+01   1.3e-09  1.45  
42  1.7e-06  2.2e-02  1.2e-04  1.00e+00   1.145708043e+01   1.146177759e+01   1.1e-09  1.49  
43  1.5e-06  2.1e-02  1.1e-04  1.00e+00   1.145744090e+01   1.146166824e+01   1.0e-09  1.53  
44  1.4e-06  1.9e-02  1.0e-04  1.00e+00   1.145776523e+01   1.146156974e+01   9.3e-10  1.56  
45  1.2e-06  1.8e-02  9.0e-05  1.00e+00   1.145805704e+01   1.146148108e+01   8.4e-10  1.59  
46  1.1e-06  1.7e-02  8.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.145831960e+01   1.146140127e+01   7.5e-10  1.62  
47  1.0e-06  1.6e-02  7.3e-05  1.00e+00   1.145855585e+01   1.146132944e+01   6.8e-10  1.66  
48  9.0e-07  1.5e-02  6.6e-05  1.00e+00   1.145876847e+01   1.146126468e+01   6.1e-10  1.69  
49  8.1e-07  1.4e-02  5.9e-05  1.00e+00   1.145895978e+01   1.146120641e+01   5.5e-10  1.73  
50  7.3e-07  1.4e-02  5.3e-05  9.99e-01   1.145913191e+01   1.146115404e+01   4.9e-10  1.76  
51  6.6e-07  1.3e-02  4.8e-05  9.99e-01   1.145928683e+01   1.146110683e+01   4.4e-10  1.80  
52  2.3e-07  4.5e-03  1.7e-05  1.00e+00   1.146019605e+01   1.146082845e+01   1.5e-10  1.84  
53  2.1e-07  4.0e-03  1.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.146024486e+01   1.146081400e+01   1.4e-10  1.87  
54  7.2e-08  1.4e-03  5.1e-06  1.00e+00   1.146053149e+01   1.146072607e+01   4.7e-11  1.91  
55  6.4e-08  1.2e-03  4.6e-06  9.81e-01   1.146054643e+01   1.146072171e+01   4.3e-11  1.94  
56  5.7e-08  1.1e-03  4.1e-06  1.03e+00   1.146056176e+01   1.146071672e+01   3.9e-11  1.97  
57  3.1e-08  2.2e-04  8.1e-07  9.16e-01   1.146065936e+01   1.146069080e+01   8.8e-12  2.00  
58  2.7e-08  2.0e-04  7.3e-07  1.58e+00   1.146066149e+01   1.146068968e+01   7.9e-12  2.04  
59  6.3e-08  1.2e-05  4.5e-08  9.16e-01   1.146068002e+01   1.146068187e+01   8.4e-13  2.07  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 2.07. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 2.34    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.1460680021e+01    Viol.  con: 2e-06    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 1.1460681868e+01    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 1e-04  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 2.36 seconds.
result packing took 10% of solve time
solution checking took 2.2% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1013
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1023
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1023            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.02    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 830
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.06              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.68e+04          after factor           : 1.73e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.289769254e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.08  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  5.9e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.266633007e+05  3.780416211e+00   4.6e-01  0.13  
2   3.9e+02  5.0e+02  2.2e+04  -9.34e-01  -1.196650372e+05  1.164396125e+01   1.7e-01  0.16  
3   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.6e+04  -8.25e-01  -1.157602102e+05  9.432606148e+01   1.2e-01  0.19  
4   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.6e+04  -7.56e-01  -1.124486751e+05  2.796086081e+03   1.2e-01  0.22  
5   8.0e+01  1.0e+02  4.5e+03  -7.46e-01  -7.575706504e+04  1.037231848e+04   3.5e-02  0.26  
6   3.8e+01  5.0e+01  2.1e+03  -2.18e-01  -4.753532529e+04  1.111282567e+04   1.7e-02  0.30  
7   2.1e+01  2.8e+01  1.2e+03  2.66e-01   -3.066150982e+04  7.198316144e+03   9.5e-03  0.34  
8   9.6e+00  1.3e+01  5.4e+02  5.71e-01   -1.518295566e+04  3.845409600e+03   4.3e-03  0.38  
9   4.1e+00  5.4e+00  2.3e+02  8.22e-01   -6.518649251e+03  2.075160634e+03   1.8e-03  0.42  
10  1.9e+00  2.5e+00  1.1e+02  9.42e-01   -2.914056786e+03  1.165461281e+03   8.6e-04  0.46  
11  1.3e+00  1.7e+00  7.5e+01  9.84e-01   -2.016806801e+03  8.118364017e+02   6.0e-04  0.50  
12  8.9e-01  1.2e+00  5.0e+01  9.85e-01   -1.334844094e+03  5.575240313e+02   4.0e-04  0.53  
13  6.9e-01  1.0e+00  3.9e+01  9.65e-01   -1.052388404e+03  4.372462077e+02   3.1e-04  0.57  
14  2.8e-01  4.2e-01  1.6e+01  9.93e-01   -4.222488292e+02  1.918591703e+02   1.3e-04  0.60  
15  1.4e-01  2.2e-01  8.2e+00  1.00e+00   -2.109060042e+02  1.036036322e+02   6.6e-05  0.63  
16  4.1e-02  1.5e-01  2.4e+00  1.00e+00   -5.672638444e+01  3.530355386e+01   2.0e-05  0.67  
17  3.4e-02  1.3e-01  2.0e+00  1.00e+00   -4.634653233e+01  3.130517814e+01   1.7e-05  0.71  
18  1.9e-02  9.1e-02  1.2e+00  1.00e+00   -2.288788140e+01  2.087224091e+01   9.4e-06  0.74  
19  1.2e-02  6.7e-02  7.3e-01  1.02e+00   -1.042212815e+01  1.716544039e+01   6.0e-06  0.77  
20  5.8e-03  4.8e-02  3.5e-01  1.03e+00   1.484284225e+00   1.440489611e+01   2.9e-06  0.81  
21  2.3e-03  6.1e-02  1.4e-01  1.02e+00   7.475157851e+00   1.255334934e+01   1.1e-06  0.84  
22  7.8e-04  6.7e-02  5.0e-02  9.92e-01   9.906762807e+00   1.176326015e+01   4.3e-07  0.87  
23  2.8e-04  7.8e-02  1.9e-02  9.72e-01   1.080233995e+01   1.151321530e+01   1.7e-07  0.90  
24  1.4e-04  5.9e-02  9.6e-03  9.58e-01   1.106586753e+01   1.143252659e+01   8.6e-08  0.94  
25  7.9e-05  5.8e-02  5.5e-03  9.87e-01   1.118888497e+01   1.139925193e+01   4.9e-08  0.97  
26  7.2e-05  5.4e-02  5.0e-03  9.88e-01   1.120340789e+01   1.139493974e+01   4.5e-08  1.00  
27  5.1e-05  4.7e-02  3.6e-03  9.71e-01   1.124653237e+01   1.138220766e+01   3.2e-08  1.04  
28  4.6e-05  4.2e-02  3.2e-03  9.48e-01   1.125897292e+01   1.138154085e+01   2.9e-08  1.06  
29  4.1e-05  3.7e-02  2.9e-03  9.70e-01   1.126863912e+01   1.137914849e+01   2.6e-08  1.10  
30  3.7e-05  3.2e-02  2.6e-03  9.93e-01   1.127741301e+01   1.137682121e+01   2.3e-08  1.13  
31  3.3e-05  3.0e-02  2.3e-03  9.96e-01   1.128503544e+01   1.137458522e+01   2.1e-08  1.16  
32  3.0e-05  2.8e-02  2.1e-03  9.96e-01   1.129189324e+01   1.137254364e+01   1.9e-08  1.19  
33  2.7e-05  2.6e-02  1.9e-03  9.96e-01   1.129805226e+01   1.137068287e+01   1.7e-08  1.22  
34  2.4e-05  2.4e-02  1.7e-03  9.96e-01   1.130357659e+01   1.136899014e+01   1.5e-08  1.26  
35  2.2e-05  2.2e-02  1.5e-03  9.95e-01   1.130852866e+01   1.136745421e+01   1.4e-08  1.29  
36  2.0e-05  2.1e-02  1.4e-03  9.94e-01   1.131296286e+01   1.136606541e+01   1.2e-08  1.32  
37  1.8e-05  1.9e-02  1.2e-03  9.92e-01   1.131692412e+01   1.136481760e+01   1.1e-08  1.35  
38  1.6e-05  1.8e-02  1.1e-03  9.89e-01   1.132044677e+01   1.136371160e+01   1.0e-08  1.38  
39  1.4e-05  1.7e-02  1.0e-03  9.83e-01   1.132357842e+01   1.136275860e+01   9.0e-09  1.40  
40  9.0e-06  1.0e-02  6.3e-04  9.82e-01   1.133465910e+01   1.135920733e+01   5.6e-09  1.43  
41  8.1e-06  1.0e-02  5.7e-04  9.91e-01   1.133646538e+01   1.135855277e+01   5.1e-09  1.46  
42  5.0e-06  6.1e-03  3.5e-04  9.80e-01   1.134297239e+01   1.135647071e+01   3.1e-09  1.49  
43  4.5e-06  5.9e-03  3.1e-04  9.86e-01   1.134395115e+01   1.135615879e+01   2.8e-09  1.53  
44  4.0e-06  5.3e-03  2.8e-04  9.93e-01   1.134483632e+01   1.135581948e+01   2.5e-09  1.56  
45  3.6e-06  4.8e-03  2.5e-04  9.91e-01   1.134566431e+01   1.135554019e+01   2.3e-09  1.59  
46  3.2e-06  4.3e-03  2.3e-04  9.88e-01   1.134641186e+01   1.135529698e+01   2.0e-09  1.62  
47  2.9e-06  3.9e-03  2.1e-04  9.88e-01   1.134708149e+01   1.135508275e+01   1.8e-09  1.65  
48  2.6e-06  3.5e-03  1.8e-04  9.90e-01   1.134768120e+01   1.135488879e+01   1.7e-09  1.69  
49  2.4e-06  3.1e-03  1.7e-04  9.92e-01   1.134822130e+01   1.135471337e+01   1.5e-09  1.72  
50  2.1e-06  2.8e-03  1.5e-04  9.94e-01   1.134870917e+01   1.135455571e+01   1.3e-09  1.75  
51  1.9e-06  2.5e-03  1.3e-04  9.96e-01   1.134914943e+01   1.135441372e+01   1.2e-09  1.78  
52  1.7e-06  2.3e-03  1.2e-04  9.97e-01   1.134954619e+01   1.135428549e+01   1.1e-09  1.81  
53  1.6e-06  2.1e-03  1.1e-04  9.98e-01   1.134990346e+01   1.135416972e+01   9.7e-10  1.84  
54  1.4e-06  1.8e-03  9.8e-05  9.98e-01   1.135022510e+01   1.135406523e+01   8.8e-10  1.87  
55  1.3e-06  1.7e-03  8.8e-05  9.99e-01   1.135051461e+01   1.135397108e+01   7.9e-10  1.90  
56  1.1e-06  1.5e-03  8.0e-05  9.99e-01   1.135077521e+01   1.135388624e+01   7.1e-10  1.93  
57  1.0e-06  1.3e-03  7.2e-05  9.99e-01   1.135100976e+01   1.135380990e+01   6.4e-10  1.96  
58  9.2e-07  1.2e-03  6.5e-05  9.99e-01   1.135122089e+01   1.135374117e+01   5.8e-10  2.00  
59  8.3e-07  1.1e-03  5.8e-05  9.99e-01   1.135141093e+01   1.135367933e+01   5.2e-10  2.03  
60  7.4e-07  9.8e-04  5.2e-05  1.00e+00   1.135158200e+01   1.135362363e+01   4.7e-10  2.07  
61  6.7e-07  8.8e-04  4.7e-05  1.00e+00   1.135173599e+01   1.135357346e+01   4.2e-10  2.10  
62  6.0e-07  8.0e-04  4.2e-05  9.99e-01   1.135187458e+01   1.135352837e+01   3.8e-10  2.14  
63  5.4e-07  7.2e-04  3.8e-05  1.00e+00   1.135199932e+01   1.135348778e+01   3.4e-10  2.19  
64  4.9e-07  6.4e-04  3.4e-05  1.00e+00   1.135211162e+01   1.135345122e+01   3.1e-10  2.23  
65  4.4e-07  5.8e-04  3.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.135221269e+01   1.135341831e+01   2.8e-10  2.26  
66  3.9e-07  5.2e-04  2.8e-05  1.00e+00   1.135230367e+01   1.135338870e+01   2.5e-10  2.30  
67  3.6e-07  4.7e-04  2.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.135238554e+01   1.135336206e+01   2.2e-10  2.33  
68  3.2e-07  4.2e-04  2.2e-05  9.98e-01   1.135245922e+01   1.135333816e+01   2.0e-10  2.37  
69  2.9e-07  3.8e-04  2.0e-05  1.00e+00   1.135252556e+01   1.135331653e+01   1.8e-10  2.40  
70  2.6e-07  3.4e-04  1.8e-05  1.00e+00   1.135258526e+01   1.135329711e+01   1.6e-10  2.43  
71  2.3e-07  3.1e-04  1.6e-05  9.99e-01   1.135263897e+01   1.135327968e+01   1.5e-10  2.47  
72  2.1e-07  2.8e-04  1.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.135268733e+01   1.135326395e+01   1.3e-10  2.50  
73  1.9e-07  2.5e-04  1.3e-05  1.00e+00   1.135273101e+01   1.135324971e+01   1.2e-10  2.53  
74  1.7e-07  2.2e-04  1.2e-05  9.99e-01   1.135277015e+01   1.135323701e+01   1.1e-10  2.56  
75  1.5e-07  2.0e-04  1.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.135280539e+01   1.135322554e+01   9.6e-11  2.60  
76  1.4e-07  1.8e-04  9.7e-06  9.99e-01   1.135283709e+01   1.135321525e+01   8.6e-11  2.63  
77  1.2e-07  1.6e-04  8.7e-06  9.98e-01   1.135286562e+01   1.135320600e+01   7.8e-11  2.66  
78  1.1e-07  1.5e-04  7.8e-06  1.00e+00   1.135289138e+01   1.135319760e+01   7.0e-11  2.69  
79  1.0e-07  1.3e-04  7.1e-06  1.00e+00   1.135291459e+01   1.135319003e+01   6.3e-11  2.73  
80  9.0e-08  1.2e-04  6.4e-06  9.97e-01   1.135293537e+01   1.135318330e+01   5.7e-11  2.76  
81  8.1e-08  1.1e-04  5.7e-06  1.00e+00   1.135295408e+01   1.135317722e+01   5.1e-11  2.79  
82  7.3e-08  9.7e-05  5.1e-06  9.99e-01   1.135297091e+01   1.135317175e+01   4.6e-11  2.83  
83  6.6e-08  8.7e-05  4.6e-06  1.01e+00   1.135298635e+01   1.135316669e+01   4.1e-11  2.86  
84  5.9e-08  7.8e-05  4.2e-06  1.00e+00   1.135299998e+01   1.135316225e+01   3.7e-11  2.89  
85  5.3e-08  7.0e-05  3.8e-06  9.98e-01   1.135301222e+01   1.135315828e+01   3.4e-11  2.92  
86  4.8e-08  6.3e-05  3.4e-06  1.00e+00   1.135302326e+01   1.135315468e+01   3.0e-11  2.95  
87  4.3e-08  5.7e-05  3.0e-06  1.01e+00   1.135303344e+01   1.135315134e+01   2.7e-11  2.99  
88  3.9e-08  5.1e-05  2.7e-06  9.98e-01   1.135304233e+01   1.135314846e+01   2.5e-11  3.02  
89  3.5e-08  4.6e-05  2.5e-06  1.01e+00   1.135305053e+01   1.135314577e+01   2.2e-11  3.06  
90  3.2e-08  4.2e-05  2.2e-06  9.90e-01   1.135305771e+01   1.135314346e+01   2.0e-11  3.09  
91  2.8e-08  3.7e-05  2.0e-06  9.81e-01   1.135306416e+01   1.135314141e+01   1.8e-11  3.12  
92  2.6e-08  3.4e-05  1.8e-06  9.96e-01   1.135306998e+01   1.135313952e+01   1.6e-11  3.16  
93  2.3e-08  3.0e-05  1.6e-06  1.02e+00   1.135307580e+01   1.135313756e+01   1.5e-11  3.19  
94  2.1e-08  2.7e-05  1.5e-06  9.88e-01   1.135308045e+01   1.135313607e+01   1.3e-11  3.23  
95  1.9e-08  2.5e-05  1.3e-06  1.04e+00   1.135308532e+01   1.135313441e+01   1.2e-11  3.26  
96  1.7e-08  2.2e-05  1.2e-06  1.05e+00   1.135308982e+01   1.135313287e+01   1.1e-11  3.29  
97  1.5e-08  2.0e-05  1.1e-06  1.03e+00   1.135309357e+01   1.135313161e+01   1.0e-11  3.33  
98  1.4e-08  1.8e-05  9.5e-07  1.01e+00   1.135309652e+01   1.135313066e+01   9.2e-12  3.36  
99  3.8e-09  1.9e-06  9.9e-08  9.85e-01   1.135311978e+01   1.135312335e+01   1.0e-12  3.40  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 3.41. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 3.44    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.1353119783e+01    Viol.  con: 8e-08    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 1.1353123346e+01    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 1e-05  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 3.47 seconds.
result packing took 9% of solve time
solution checking took 1.3% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1899 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Platform               : Linux/64-X86    
  Cores                  : 20              

  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1900            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6471            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1012
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Total number of eliminations : 1022
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Eliminator - elim's                 : 1022            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.02    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 20              
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 831
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3582              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.04              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.02            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.68e+04          after factor           : 1.74e+05        
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 0.00e+00        
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 0                 GP saved flops         : 0.00e+00        
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+03  3.0e+03  1.3e+05  0.00e+00   -1.290449798e+05  2.000000000e+00   1.0e+00  0.07  
1   1.1e+03  1.4e+03  5.9e+04  -9.71e-01  -1.267238422e+05  3.775512755e+00   4.6e-01  0.11  
2   3.8e+02  4.9e+02  2.1e+04  -9.34e-01  -1.195837342e+05  1.180299380e+01   1.7e-01  0.14  
3   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.6e+04  -8.23e-01  -1.157943329e+05  1.062563367e+02   1.2e-01  0.17  
4   2.8e+02  3.6e+02  1.5e+04  -7.56e-01  -1.124434203e+05  2.774755444e+03   1.2e-01  0.19  
5   7.7e+01  1.0e+02  4.3e+03  -7.45e-01  -7.455385302e+04  1.069173495e+04   3.4e-02  0.22  
6   3.6e+01  4.7e+01  2.0e+03  -1.99e-01  -4.587599440e+04  1.113943474e+04   1.6e-02  0.25  
7   2.0e+01  2.6e+01  1.1e+03  2.96e-01   -2.902367104e+04  7.192122891e+03   8.9e-03  0.28  
8   9.6e+00  1.3e+01  5.4e+02  5.99e-01   -1.514451254e+04  3.891022758e+03   4.3e-03  0.31  
9   4.3e+00  5.6e+00  2.4e+02  8.24e-01   -6.849627996e+03  2.131401139e+03   1.9e-03  0.34  
10  1.6e+00  2.1e+00  8.8e+01  9.39e-01   -2.337416284e+03  9.764572946e+02   7.0e-04  0.37  
11  1.1e+00  1.5e+00  6.4e+01  9.89e-01   -1.687987078e+03  7.030677943e+02   5.1e-04  0.39  
12  7.6e-01  1.0e+00  4.3e+01  9.84e-01   -1.147147191e+03  4.839101234e+02   3.4e-04  0.42  
13  5.9e-01  7.8e-01  3.4e+01  9.85e-01   -8.867857661e+02  3.923409631e+02   2.7e-04  0.45  
14  2.2e-01  2.9e-01  1.2e+01  9.88e-01   -3.280074238e+02  1.432996612e+02   9.9e-05  0.48  
15  8.9e-02  1.4e-01  5.2e+00  1.01e+00   -1.298191168e+02  6.730489379e+01   4.2e-05  0.51  
16  3.5e-02  1.0e-01  2.1e+00  1.00e+00   -4.779957796e+01  3.085800934e+01   1.7e-05  0.54  
17  2.9e-02  8.5e-02  1.7e+00  9.96e-01   -3.731340294e+01  2.757665795e+01   1.4e-05  0.57  
18  1.8e-02  6.6e-02  1.0e+00  1.01e+00   -1.939758328e+01  2.035636205e+01   8.6e-06  0.60  
19  1.5e-02  5.8e-02  9.0e-01  1.02e+00   -1.477169517e+01  1.918633908e+01   7.4e-06  0.63  
20  5.5e-03  6.6e-02  3.3e-01  1.02e+00   1.888259696e+00   1.410925399e+01   2.7e-06  0.66  
21  1.8e-03  7.7e-02  1.2e-01  1.02e+00   8.093190562e+00   1.233714743e+01   9.9e-07  0.69  
22  1.3e-03  5.9e-02  8.5e-02  9.65e-01   8.881830431e+00   1.204337124e+01   7.3e-07  0.72  
23  4.9e-04  6.6e-02  3.2e-02  9.60e-01   1.038569759e+01   1.161025832e+01   2.8e-07  0.75  
24  1.9e-04  6.2e-02  1.3e-02  9.58e-01   1.092855367e+01   1.142993666e+01   1.2e-07  0.78  
25  1.7e-04  5.6e-02  1.2e-02  9.76e-01   1.096656235e+01   1.141763713e+01   1.1e-07  0.81  
26  1.6e-04  5.1e-02  1.1e-02  9.74e-01   1.100135024e+01   1.140785018e+01   9.5e-08  0.84  
27  1.4e-04  4.7e-02  9.5e-03  9.76e-01   1.103523588e+01   1.140161852e+01   8.5e-08  0.87  
28  1.3e-04  4.3e-02  8.5e-03  9.78e-01   1.106584087e+01   1.139604309e+01   7.7e-08  0.90  
29  1.1e-04  3.9e-02  7.7e-03  9.80e-01   1.109338966e+01   1.139095415e+01   6.9e-08  0.93  
30  1.0e-04  3.6e-02  6.9e-03  9.82e-01   1.111813328e+01   1.138625866e+01   6.2e-08  0.96  
31  9.2e-05  3.3e-02  6.2e-03  9.83e-01   1.114034899e+01   1.138192468e+01   5.6e-08  1.00  
32  8.3e-05  3.0e-02  5.6e-03  9.85e-01   1.116028912e+01   1.137792469e+01   5.1e-08  1.03  
33  7.4e-05  2.8e-02  5.1e-03  9.86e-01   1.117818278e+01   1.137423449e+01   4.6e-08  1.06  
34  6.7e-05  2.6e-02  4.5e-03  9.87e-01   1.119423726e+01   1.137083217e+01   4.1e-08  1.09  
35  6.0e-05  2.4e-02  4.1e-03  9.89e-01   1.120863992e+01   1.136769763e+01   3.7e-08  1.12  
36  5.4e-05  2.2e-02  3.7e-03  9.90e-01   1.122156009e+01   1.136481277e+01   3.3e-08  1.15  
37  4.9e-05  2.1e-02  3.3e-03  9.91e-01   1.123315013e+01   1.136216039e+01   3.0e-08  1.19  
38  4.4e-05  2.0e-02  3.0e-03  9.92e-01   1.124354717e+01   1.135972447e+01   2.7e-08  1.22  
39  3.9e-05  1.8e-02  2.7e-03  9.92e-01   1.125287426e+01   1.135748975e+01   2.4e-08  1.25  
40  3.6e-05  1.7e-02  2.4e-03  9.93e-01   1.126124169e+01   1.135544148e+01   2.2e-08  1.29  
41  3.2e-05  1.6e-02  2.2e-03  9.94e-01   1.126874853e+01   1.135356577e+01   2.0e-08  1.33  
42  2.9e-05  1.5e-02  2.0e-03  9.94e-01   1.127548378e+01   1.135185004e+01   1.8e-08  1.36  
43  2.6e-05  1.4e-02  1.8e-03  9.95e-01   1.128152717e+01   1.135028195e+01   1.6e-08  1.40  
44  2.3e-05  1.4e-02  1.6e-03  9.95e-01   1.128695063e+01   1.134885050e+01   1.4e-08  1.43  
45  2.1e-05  1.3e-02  1.4e-03  9.96e-01   1.129181863e+01   1.134754532e+01   1.3e-08  1.47  
46  1.9e-05  1.2e-02  1.3e-03  9.96e-01   1.129618886e+01   1.134635658e+01   1.2e-08  1.50  
47  1.7e-05  1.2e-02  1.2e-03  9.97e-01   1.130011290e+01   1.134527503e+01   1.0e-08  1.54  
48  1.5e-05  1.1e-02  1.0e-03  9.97e-01   1.130363687e+01   1.134429193e+01   9.4e-09  1.57  
49  1.4e-05  1.1e-02  9.4e-04  9.97e-01   1.130680204e+01   1.134339908e+01   8.5e-09  1.61  
50  1.2e-05  1.1e-02  8.4e-04  9.98e-01   1.130964540e+01   1.134258886e+01   7.6e-09  1.64  
51  1.1e-05  1.0e-02  7.6e-04  9.98e-01   1.131220002e+01   1.134185400e+01   6.9e-09  1.68  
52  1.0e-05  1.0e-02  6.8e-04  9.98e-01   1.131449558e+01   1.134118816e+01   6.2e-09  1.71  
53  9.0e-06  9.7e-03  6.2e-04  9.98e-01   1.131655855e+01   1.134058513e+01   5.6e-09  1.75  
54  8.1e-06  9.5e-03  5.5e-04  9.98e-01   1.131841270e+01   1.134003935e+01   5.0e-09  1.79  
55  7.3e-06  9.2e-03  5.0e-04  9.99e-01   1.132007931e+01   1.133954547e+01   4.5e-09  1.82  
56  6.6e-06  9.0e-03  4.5e-04  9.99e-01   1.132157748e+01   1.133909877e+01   4.1e-09  1.86  
57  5.9e-06  8.8e-03  4.0e-04  9.99e-01   1.132292430e+01   1.133869484e+01   3.6e-09  1.89  
58  5.3e-06  8.7e-03  3.6e-04  9.99e-01   1.132413511e+01   1.133832975e+01   3.3e-09  1.93  
59  4.8e-06  8.5e-03  3.3e-04  9.99e-01   1.132522369e+01   1.133799984e+01   3.0e-09  1.96  
60  4.3e-06  8.4e-03  2.9e-04  9.99e-01   1.132620241e+01   1.133770172e+01   2.7e-09  2.00  
61  3.9e-06  8.2e-03  2.7e-04  9.99e-01   1.132708242e+01   1.133743244e+01   2.4e-09  2.03  
62  3.5e-06  8.1e-03  2.4e-04  9.99e-01   1.132787373e+01   1.133718926e+01   2.2e-09  2.08  
63  3.2e-06  8.0e-03  2.1e-04  9.99e-01   1.132858533e+01   1.133696977e+01   1.9e-09  2.11  
64  2.8e-06  7.9e-03  1.9e-04  1.00e+00   1.132922534e+01   1.133677162e+01   1.7e-09  2.15  
65  2.6e-06  7.8e-03  1.7e-04  1.00e+00   1.132980099e+01   1.133659294e+01   1.6e-09  2.19  
66  2.3e-06  7.8e-03  1.6e-04  1.00e+00   1.133031882e+01   1.133643176e+01   1.4e-09  2.22  
67  2.1e-06  7.7e-03  1.4e-04  1.00e+00   1.133078466e+01   1.133628646e+01   1.3e-09  2.26  
68  1.9e-06  7.6e-03  1.3e-04  1.00e+00   1.133120377e+01   1.133615554e+01   1.1e-09  2.30  
69  1.7e-06  7.6e-03  1.1e-04  1.00e+00   1.133158084e+01   1.133603756e+01   1.0e-09  2.33  
70  1.5e-06  7.5e-03  1.0e-04  1.00e+00   1.133192013e+01   1.133593124e+01   9.3e-10  2.37  
71  1.4e-06  7.4e-03  9.2e-05  1.00e+00   1.133222542e+01   1.133583552e+01   8.3e-10  2.40  
72  1.2e-06  7.4e-03  8.3e-05  1.00e+00   1.133250012e+01   1.133574930e+01   7.5e-10  2.44  
73  1.1e-06  7.4e-03  7.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.133274732e+01   1.133567165e+01   6.8e-10  2.47  
74  9.9e-07  7.3e-03  6.7e-05  1.00e+00   1.133296978e+01   1.133560169e+01   6.1e-10  2.51  
75  8.9e-07  7.3e-03  6.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.133316995e+01   1.133553875e+01   5.5e-10  2.55  
76  8.0e-07  7.2e-03  5.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.133335009e+01   1.133548205e+01   4.9e-10  2.58  
77  7.2e-07  7.2e-03  4.9e-05  1.00e+00   1.133351220e+01   1.133543101e+01   4.4e-10  2.62  
78  6.5e-07  7.2e-03  4.4e-05  1.00e+00   1.133365809e+01   1.133538504e+01   4.0e-10  2.65  
79  5.8e-07  7.2e-03  4.0e-05  1.00e+00   1.133378939e+01   1.133534364e+01   3.6e-10  2.69  
80  5.3e-07  7.1e-03  3.6e-05  1.00e+00   1.133390754e+01   1.133530640e+01   3.2e-10  2.72  
81  4.7e-07  7.1e-03  3.2e-05  1.00e+00   1.133401386e+01   1.133527288e+01   2.9e-10  2.76  
82  4.3e-07  7.1e-03  2.9e-05  9.99e-01   1.133410954e+01   1.133524271e+01   2.6e-10  2.80  
83  3.8e-07  7.1e-03  2.6e-05  1.00e+00   1.133419566e+01   1.133521553e+01   2.4e-10  2.83  
84  3.4e-07  7.1e-03  2.4e-05  9.98e-01   1.133427314e+01   1.133519111e+01   2.1e-10  2.87  
85  3.1e-07  7.0e-03  2.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.133434289e+01   1.133516905e+01   1.9e-10  2.90  
86  2.8e-07  7.0e-03  1.9e-05  1.00e+00   1.133440566e+01   1.133514921e+01   1.7e-10  2.94  
87  2.5e-07  7.0e-03  1.7e-05  1.00e+00   1.133446215e+01   1.133513133e+01   1.5e-10  2.97  
88  2.3e-07  7.0e-03  1.5e-05  1.00e+00   1.133451298e+01   1.133511526e+01   1.4e-10  3.00  
89  2.0e-07  7.0e-03  1.4e-05  1.00e+00   1.133455872e+01   1.133510078e+01   1.3e-10  3.04  
90  1.8e-07  7.0e-03  1.2e-05  1.00e+00   1.133459989e+01   1.133508775e+01   1.1e-10  3.08  
91  1.6e-07  7.0e-03  1.1e-05  1.00e+00   1.133463703e+01   1.133507595e+01   1.0e-10  3.11  
92  1.5e-07  7.0e-03  1.0e-05  9.99e-01   1.133467036e+01   1.133506542e+01   9.1e-11  3.15  
93  1.3e-07  6.9e-03  9.1e-06  9.98e-01   1.133470035e+01   1.133505594e+01   8.2e-11  3.18  
94  1.2e-07  6.9e-03  8.2e-06  1.00e+00   1.133472735e+01   1.133504736e+01   7.4e-11  3.22  
95  1.1e-07  6.9e-03  7.4e-06  1.00e+00   1.133475164e+01   1.133503966e+01   6.7e-11  3.25  
96  9.7e-08  6.9e-03  6.6e-06  9.99e-01   1.133477350e+01   1.133503273e+01   6.0e-11  3.28  
97  8.8e-08  6.9e-03  6.0e-06  9.95e-01   1.133479316e+01   1.133502653e+01   5.4e-11  3.32  
98  7.9e-08  6.9e-03  5.4e-06  9.98e-01   1.133481087e+01   1.133502092e+01   4.9e-11  3.35  
99  7.1e-08  6.9e-03  4.8e-06  9.96e-01   1.133482679e+01   1.133501588e+01   4.4e-11  3.39  
100 6.4e-08  6.9e-03  4.4e-06  9.98e-01   1.133484113e+01   1.133501133e+01   3.9e-11  3.42  
101 5.7e-08  6.2e-03  3.9e-06  1.01e+00   1.133485438e+01   1.133500707e+01   3.6e-11  3.46  
102 5.2e-08  5.6e-03  3.5e-06  1.00e+00   1.133486606e+01   1.133500334e+01   3.2e-11  3.49  
103 4.7e-08  5.0e-03  3.2e-06  9.95e-01   1.133487646e+01   1.133500005e+01   2.9e-11  3.53  
104 4.2e-08  4.5e-03  2.9e-06  9.92e-01   1.133488583e+01   1.133499709e+01   2.6e-11  3.56  
105 3.8e-08  4.1e-03  2.6e-06  9.86e-01   1.133489425e+01   1.133499446e+01   2.3e-11  3.60  
106 3.4e-08  3.7e-03  2.3e-06  1.01e+00   1.133490201e+01   1.133499196e+01   2.1e-11  3.63  
107 3.1e-08  3.3e-03  2.1e-06  1.00e+00   1.133490886e+01   1.133498976e+01   1.9e-11  3.67  
108 2.8e-08  3.0e-03  1.9e-06  9.95e-01   1.133491499e+01   1.133498782e+01   1.7e-11  3.70  
109 2.5e-08  2.7e-03  1.7e-06  1.02e+00   1.133492092e+01   1.133498588e+01   1.5e-11  3.74  
110 2.2e-08  2.4e-03  1.5e-06  1.01e+00   1.133492604e+01   1.133498422e+01   1.4e-11  3.78  
111 4.4e-09  4.6e-04  2.9e-07  9.92e-01   1.133496180e+01   1.133497292e+01   2.7e-12  3.81  
112 3.8e-10  2.5e-05  1.6e-08  9.97e-01   1.133496969e+01   1.133497030e+01   1.5e-13  3.85  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 3.85. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 3.88    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.1334969686e+01    Viol.  con: 9e-09    var: 0e+00  
  Dual.    obj: 1.1334970302e+01    Viol.  con: 0e+00    var: 2e-04  
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 3.9 seconds.
result packing took 8.3% of solve time
solution checking took 1.5% of solve time
Solving took 6 GP solves and 26.8 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [W_{avg}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/Aircra... >= 0.225*W_{ht}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail*x_{CG_{ht}}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail/HorizontalT...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2418945.48601 force_pound * meter but the right hand side evaluated to 2375460.76188 force_pound * meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.8%)

Warning: Constraint [W_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]... >= W_{avg. pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage*n_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 32774.3835555 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 32399.9999981 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [0.0417*S_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*\tan(\Lambda)_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct*b_M... >= \Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2.21510116796 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 2.08159815844 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 6%)

Warning: Constraint [-C_{p_{fuel}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*T_{t_f}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/A... <= \eta_{B}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CombustorPerf...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 1243579.82659 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 1.5611198135 megajoule / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 12%)

Warning: Constraint [-C_{p_{fuel}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*T_{t_f}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/A... <= \eta_{B}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CombustorPerf...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 664759.763858 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 0.667338102977 megajoule / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.17%)

Warning: Constraint [x_m_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear [m]... >= x_{wing}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.3998928055 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 16.322899656 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 13%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.903624368313851 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.788859170759895 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 56%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.019797170424885 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.788859162018875 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 52%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(2, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 8.144912369066283 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.788859172884759 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 41%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.3622414052 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 18.1377287208 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.3622414052 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 18.242066102 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.65%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) ... >= SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.2960350637775617 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.18973878742599745 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 2.2%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) ... >= SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.23302159332220818 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.17434695955000093 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Ran 1 test in 30.509s


Generating XML reports...
g: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.563247922269057 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.73063975814364 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 37%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.583093111581636 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.757852788582916 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 37%)

Solves with these variables bounded:
   value near lower bound: CruiseAlt_Mission
   value near upper bound: TotalTime_Mission, A_{tri}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct

Cloning into 'solar'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas) (1.11.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-YBvbwE
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-sWQSvL/wheels/d5/94/ac/b1f68b07599181f26f4b9149a1a6d49dfc5cdbc65de1a14d12
Successfully built gpfit
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-yXurot
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gassolar== from git+ in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gassolar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas->gassolar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-M8Pyq5/wheels/fe/11/0a/2dde16df75c51194d20248ec9e30e88fc7200e9fc4664b032e
Successfully built gassolar
Processing /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/solar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from solar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from solar== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from solar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from solar== (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from solar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkitmodels in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek (from solar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas->solar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: solar
  Running bdist_wheel for solar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for solar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-zpJaau/wheels/f6/90/b0/8d5ca9b420ff66bedd24921652ee885c8718a479c0dcec7d2e
Successfully built solar
Installing collected packages: solar
Successfully installed solar-

Running tests...
adding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 5 GP solves and 2.31 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.8904 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1632916.9414 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/TailAero.1_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/TailAero.1_(1,), Re_Mi could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1259333.2949 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 2.9 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2_(0,), CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1135 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1036204.4247 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/TailAero.5_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1006645.3422 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 7 GP solves and 5.06 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4_(0,), CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1487 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 989673.4623 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/TailAero.9_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/TailAero.9 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1019678.5274 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 3.74 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6_(0,), CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1643 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 976142.1408 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/TailAero.13_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/TailAero. could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1042059.4015 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 3.81 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8_(0,), CL_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1567 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8_(0,), Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1007400.4712 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/TailAero.17_(0,), Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/TailAero. could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1092545.5045 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 2.19 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAero.10_(0,), CL_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAer could cause inaccura.te result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAero.10_(0,), Re_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119121.2013 but bound is 600000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 5 GP solves and 2.12 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.8904 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1632916.9409 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/TailAero.1_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/TailAero.1_(1,), Re_Mi could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1259333.2947 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 2.73 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2_(0,), CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1135 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/WingAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1036204.4248 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/TailAero.5_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.2/TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1006645.3423 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 7 GP solves and 3.46 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4_(0,), CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1487 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/WingAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 989673.4623 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/TailAero.9_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.4/TailAero.9 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1019678.5274 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 3.13 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6_(0,), CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1643 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/WingAero.6 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 976142.1406 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/TailAero.13_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.6/TailAero. could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1042059.4014 but bound is 1000000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 6 GP solves and 4.25 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8_(0,), CL_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1567 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8_(0,), Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/WingAero.8 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1007400.4712 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/TailAero.17_(0,), Re_Mission.4/Climb.4/AircraftDrag.8/TailAero. could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1092545.5045 but bound is 1000000.0000
Begi./jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gassolar/environment/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gassolar/environment/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
.nning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.55 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAero.10_(0,), CL_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAero.10_(0,), Re_Mission.5/Climb.5/AircraftDrag.10/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119121.2012 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 5.09 seconds.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -5.975031708182923e-13.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.3227 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 671709.7464 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 5.03 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAero.41_(0,), CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2812 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAero.41_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 729183.6153 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 4.3 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAero.82_(0,), CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2258 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAero.82_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 802959.5988 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 7672 variables.
Solving took 2.63 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/WingAero.123_(0,), CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/Wing could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2008 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/WingAero.123_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/Wing could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 839122.5079 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 5.4 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.3227 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 671709.7369 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 4.99 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAero.41_(0,), CL_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2812 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAero.41_(0,), Re_Mission.1/Climb.1/AircraftDrag.41/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 729183.6155 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 14852 variables.
Solving took 4.57 seconds.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.158445303196258e-11.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAero.82_(0,), CL_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solut...
Ran 6 tests in 287.292s


Generating XML reports...
ion is 1.2258 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAero.82_(0,), Re_Mission.2/Climb.2/AircraftDrag.82/WingAer could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 802959.5990 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 7672 variables.
Solving took 2.34 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/WingAero.123_(0,), CL_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/Wing could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2008 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/WingAero.123_(0,), Re_Mission.3/Climb.3/AircraftDrag.123/Wing could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 839122.5077 but bound is 600000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.97 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119121.2013 but bound is 600000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 1.79 seconds.
Warning: Variable [CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), CL_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), CL_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable [Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(0,), Re_Mission/Climb/AircraftDrag/WingAero_(1,), Re_Missio could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119121.2012 but bound is 600000.0000
Cloning into 'gplibrary'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (0.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.0 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas) (2018.4)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.5.0->pandas) (1.11.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-H5pVn8
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ctypesgen in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.post125)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-UdZ6SE/wheels/4d/4b/2e/9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit
 discussions, or clarifications you feel like sharing.

Finally, we hope you find our documentation (
and engineering-design models (
to be useful resources for your own applications.


calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', '--no-cache-dir', '--no-deps', '-e', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {})

calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt, mosek_cli', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt, mosek_cli', 'pip install': 'git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+'})

calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['python', '/jenkinsProcessing /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gplibrary
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Running bdist_wheel for gpkitmodels: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpkitmodels: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ogVVFw/wheels/63/f8/98/93b45f0bf8ab3367cc8d67f05c8a0e19f356c1a33a86d02692
Successfully built gpkitmodels
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Found existing installation: gpkitmodels
    Not uninstalling gpkitmodels at /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek, outside environment /jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit
    Can't uninstall 'gpkitmodels'. No files were found to uninstall.
Successfully installed gpkitmodels-

Running tests...
...adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/wing/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/fuselage/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/prop/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/motor/'
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.132 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.246 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.02 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.0203 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.0237 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 2.33 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.006556021 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0066%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.54437152 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041409431 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.42058592492 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.420573144861 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.003%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.314645033958 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629895194 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0048%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.168936438406 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931603972 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0639642380792 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0639631379915 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0017%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0226356535427 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0226354005875 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0011%)

Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.233 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.236 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.25 second.s.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 5.77 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.006568341 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0066%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.544539109 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041408191 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [dQ_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,) [N*m]... >= B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)*G_BladeElement_...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 74.5041627751 meter * newton but the right hand side evaluated to 74.5040725471 kilogram * meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00012%)

Warning: Constraint [-B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)*G_BladeElement... >= dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,) [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 134.449579759 kilogram * meter / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 30.2255018449 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00011%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.420585895021 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.42057303321 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0031%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.314644998908 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629685653 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0049%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.16893640237 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931506563 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.063964051843 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0639630073546 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0016%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0226356673111 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0226353930664 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0012%)

Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 13 v.....ariables.
Solving took 0.0794 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 1.68 seconds.
Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619897.4163 but bound is 700000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 13 variables.
Solving took 0.232 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 3.88 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)*r_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) [m*rpm]... >= Wt_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + vt_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) [m/s]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 147.268875342 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 15.4219435408 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00011%)

Warning: Constraint [dQ_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) [N*m]... >= B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*Wa_BladeElementPro...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 42.7884411703 meter * newton but the right hand side evaluated to 42.7884887635 kilogram * meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00011%)

Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619891.9379 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220953.3481 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499787.9721 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223878.3883 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223877.9562 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853897.0659 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853897.0663 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220959.7939 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499796.7837 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1884891.2729 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1910419.4978 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result .
Ran 10 tests in 20.167s


Generating XML reports...
because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1910412.9866 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1910412.9866 but bound is 700000.0000
Cloning into 'eVTOL'...

Running tests...
Ran 2 tests in 1.256s


Generating XML reports...
adding test for ''
/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/bin/pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {})

[Execution node] check if [reynolds] is in [[windows10x64, windows7x64]]
Run condition [Execution node ] preventing perform for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing JUnit
[xUnit] [INFO] - [JUnit] - 8 test report file(s) were found with the pattern '**/test_reports/*.xml, **/test_reports_nounits/*.xml' relative to '/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek' for the testing framework 'JUnit'.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to SUCCESS
[xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...[WS-CLEANUP] done
Finished: SUCCESS