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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_SP_aircraft_py_mosek (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20171031145530)

Took 16 sec.

Standard Output

Beginning signomial solve.
final status of solver 'mosek' was 'NEAR_DUAL_FEAS', not 'optimal'.

Solving took 7 GP solves and 7.33 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [W_{avg}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/Aircra... >= 0.225*W_{ht}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail*x_{CG_{ht}}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail/HorizontalT...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2427087.75579 force_pound * meter but the right hand side evaluated to 2397886.75267 force_pound * meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [0.0417*S_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*\tan(\Lambda)_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct*b_M... >= \Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2.2151011671 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 1.96468860625 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 11%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(3, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(3, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 17472.5816948 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 17443.2503052 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.17%)

Warning: Constraint [-C_{p_{fuel}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*T_{t_f}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/A... <= \eta_{B}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CombustorPerf...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 1242118.48038 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 1.48136866252 megajoule / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 9.5%)

Warning: Constraint [-C_{p_{fuel}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*T_{t_f}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/A... <= \eta_{B}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Combustor*f_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CombustorPerf...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 642472.052129 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 0.643956670993 megajoule / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.1%)

Warning: Constraint [W_{lg}_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear*x_{CG_{lg}}_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear [N*m]... >= W_{mg}_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear*x_m_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear + W_{ng}_Mission/Aircraft/Landi...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 271790.014733 meter * newton but the right hand side evaluated to 263035.067433 meter * newton (Allowable error: 1.0%, Actual error: 3.3%)

Warning: Constraint [x_m_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear [m]... >= x_{wing}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.575989991 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 16.6120739905 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 12%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.9551847012 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.85819983294 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 56%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.0069504983 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.85821005877 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 51%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(2, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 8.21525740458 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.85821013641 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 41%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.622022639 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 18.3758844003 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.3%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.622022639 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 18.4513509002 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.92%)

Warning: Constraint [SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) + mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{... <= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 4.67772135983 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.79405214462 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 2.4%)

Warning: Constraint [SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) + mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{... <= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 4.73115118179 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.81374046698 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.7%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.60827989891 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.79405214462 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 37%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.57971821957 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.81374046698 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 36%)

Solves with these variables bounded:
   value near lower bound: [CruiseAlt_Mission]
   value near upper bound: [TotalTime_Mission, MaxClimbDistance_Mission, \bar{A}_{fuel, max}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct, A_{tri}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct, ClimbDistance_Mission]

Checking for relaxed constants...

Total Fuel Weight Percent Diff: [-6.97452942]

Total Aircraft Weight Percent Diff: [-4.95042043]

Engine Weight Percent Diff: -8.23500834414

Fuselage Weight Percent Diff: -10.9542232721

Payload Weight Percent Diff: [-0.04003555]

VT Weight Percent Diff: -24.5188100136

HT Weight Percent Diff: -85.1524942276

Wing Weight Percent Diff: 0.426131140898


Wing Span Percent Diff: 0.921607133551

Wing Area Percent Diff: -6.861853721


HT Area Percent Diff: -54.6184281613


VT Span Percent Diff: -16.3231478582

VT Area Percent Diff: -29.9968951171


Overall Cd Percent Diff: [-0.13061499]

Nacelle Cd Percent Diff: [ 23.80942417]

HT Cd Percent Diff: [-63.50961016] dimensionless

Fuselage Cd Percent Diff: [ 45.32349081]

VT Cd Percent Diff: [ 60.36885108] dimensionless

Induced Drag Cd Percent Diff: [ 1.06430788]

Wing Profile Cd Percent Diff: [-15.69376169]


Initial Cruise TSFC Percent Diff: [ 2.99104183]


Fan Propulsive Efficiency in Cruise Segment 1

Standard Error