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run_tests.TestLinearization_mosek_conif.test_two_term_posynomial_linearization_coeff (from run_tests.TestLinearization_mosek_conif-20210629211401)

Took 11 ms.

Standard Output

Final PCCP solution let non-GP constraints slacken by 0.069%. Calling .localsolve(pccp_penalty=...) with a higher `pccp_penalty` (it was 200 this time) will reduce slack if the model is solvable with less. To verify that the slack is needed, generate an SGP with `use_pccp=False` and start it from this model's  solution: e.g. `m.localsolve(use_pccp=False, x0=m.solution["variables"])`.
Final PCCP solution let non-GP constraints slacken by 0.0016%. Calling .localsolve(pccp_penalty=...) with a high
...[truncated 164 chars]...
lse` and start it from this model's  solution: e.g. `m.localsolve(use_pccp=False, x0=m.solution["variables"])`.
Final PCCP solution let non-GP constraints slacken by 0.011%. Calling .localsolve(pccp_penalty=...) with a higher `pccp_penalty` (it was 200 this time) will reduce slack if the model is solvable with less. To verify that the slack is needed, generate an SGP with `use_pccp=False` and start it from this model's  solution: e.g. `m.localsolve(use_pccp=False, x0=m.solution["variables"])`.

Standard Error