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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_gpkitmodels_SP_SimPleAC_SimPleAC_py_cvxopt (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20190901124835)

Took 0.58 sec.

Standard Output

Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.141 seconds.
Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0785 seconds.
Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.112 seconds.
Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.105 seconds.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 0.528 seconds.

Standard Error