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Started 1 yr 4 mo ago
Took 28 min on viggen

#173 (Dec 3, 2022, 2:19:32 PM)

  • svn+ssh:// : 1885
  • svn+ssh:// : 798
  • svn+ssh:// : 2132
  • svn+ssh:// : 2297
  • svn+ssh:// : 2314
  • svn+ssh:// : 3787
  • svn+ssh:// : 2298
  1. Rev update and other dox fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  2. More VLM error handling updates (detail)
    by galbramc
  3. Update documentation for masstran. Update VLM input error messages. (detail)
    by galbramc
  4. Use the body _name if there is only one body in exodus writer (detail)
    by galbramc
  5. Initial commit of 2023 training (detail)
    by galbramc
  6. add comments to cyli_box.csm (detail)
    by jfdannen
  7. unset LD_PRELOAD when checking NETCDFINC (detail)
    by galbramc
  8. Another debug attempt (detail)
    by galbramc
  9. Debugging exodus makefile (detail)
    by galbramc
  10. change sprintf to snprintf in Slugs (detail)
    by jfdannen
  11. Missed one (detail)
    by galbramc
  12. More example updates (detail)
    by galbramc
  13. Replace last sprintf with snprintf (detail)
    by galbramc
  14. fix examples (detail)
    by ryan
  15. fix examples (detail)
    by ryan
  16. Fix double free in astrosAIM (detail)
    by galbramc
  17. Updated config file generator for SU2-7.4.0 (detail)
    by nitin
  18. Warning fix. Double memory free fix. More sprintf replacements. (detail)
    by galbramc
  19. Replace aim sprintf with snprintf (detail)
    by galbramc
  20. scan-build fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  21. Windoze fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  22. masstran now supports analysis sensitvities (detail)
    by galbramc
  23. More example updates for new structures design variable relations (detail)
    by galbramc
  24. Fix for old training (detail)
    by galbramc
  25. Lots of lint fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  26. Fix array bounds erros and update tests for new structures design variables (detail)
    by galbramc
  27. scan-build fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  28. Fix legacy example (detail)
    by galbramc
  29. Warning fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  30. Fix previous commits. Add more info in caps_setValue error message. masstranAIM fix. (detail)
    by galbramc
  31. fix of design variables (detail)
    by ryan
  32. fix of design variables (detail)
    by ryan
  33. fix of design variables (detail)
    by ryan
  34. fix of design variables (detail)
    by ryan
  35. add cvxopt debug messages (detail)
    by dongjoon
  36. add more debugging statements (detail)
    by dongjoon
  37. add debugging corsairlite statements
    by dongjoon
  38. update corsairlite example for debugging (detail)
    by dongjoon
  39. scan-build fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  40. Suppress warning (detail)
    by galbramc
  41. Update cyli_box example with semi-colon separated capsGroup tags (detail)
    by galbramc
  42. account for forward- and backward-slashes when opening a .udc (detail)
    by jfdannen
  43. update ereped6a and project verification data again; fix recently-added bug that causes a memory fault for some non-manifold Edges (detail)
    by jfdannen
  44. add Trace button in .csm editor to trace all top-level Parameters; reorganize session10 files to make it easier to build large, multi-component, multi-view models; update ereped6a, hollowC6, hollowC7, hollowCA, hollowCB, and project 3 verification data on 7.6.0 (because of issues highlighted by Xcode 14 on M1); update ereped6a and project3 verification data on 7.4.1 (because of issues highlighted by Xcode 14 on M1); add description of -dxdd flag to ESP-help (detail)
    by jfdannen
  45. update testScript.txt; fix possible buffer overflow in SPECIAL command (detail)
    by jfdannen
  46. convert all (deprecated) sprintf calls to snprintf (detail)
    by jfdannen
  47. fix bug where result of SPECIAL/clearance was not recycled (detail)
    by jfdannen
  48. remove suppressions of sensitivity checks on designH2, designJ1c, designJ1d, and designJ5; add suppressions of sensitivity checks to designG5 and designG6 (for rounded tips); fix valgrind error in sensitivities in udpWaffle (detail)
    by jfdannen
  49. fix some compiler warnings in most recent commit (detail)
    by jfdannen
  50. add ocsmClearance; add clearance* test cases (detail)
    by jfdannen
  51. Rev updates to 1.22 (detail)
    by galbramc
  52. README updates (detail)
    by galbramc
  53. Update makeEnv for macOS 13 (detail)
    by galbramc
  54. Replace DEBUG sprintf with snprintf (detail)
    by galbramc
  55. Try again: reorder includes! (detail)
    by haimes
  56. Try again: MSVC 2022 seems to have snprintf defined! (detail)
    by haimes
  57. sprintf -> snprintf mods (detail)
    by haimes
  58. Replace sprintf with snprintf in egadsTopo (detail)
    by galbramc
  59. Suppress clang deprication warning of sprintf in OCC (detail)
    by galbramc
  60. Another exodus suppression (detail)
    by galbramc
  61. Suppresse NETCDF/HDF5 memory leaks (detail)
    by galbramc
  62. Upgrade to SU2 7.4.0 (detail)
    by galbramc

Started by upstream project ESP_UndefinedCaps build number 173
originally caused by:

Static Analysis: No warnings
  • Static analysis results from: GNU C Compiler (gcc) (0),  Clang (0)
  • No issues for 34 builds, i.e. since build: #140
  • Quality gate: Success
0 errors, 0 warnings