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Started 1 yr 7 mo ago
Took 33 min on macys

#89 (Sep 12, 2022, 8:47:43 AM)

  • svn+ssh:// : 1858
  • svn+ssh:// : 775
  • svn+ssh:// : 2280
  1. initial version of udfDroop2 (detail)
    by jfdannen
  2. fix test_pyOCSM to account for updated MESSAGE statement (detail)
    by jfdannen
  3. extend MESSAGE to optionally write to a file; modify message test case; update ESP-help and ESP_QuickReference (detail)
    by jfdannen
  4. fix memory leak when a UDF returns an error; remove extra prints when udfFlend or udfOffset detect an error; update sanitize targets in Makefile.LINUX (detail)
    by jfdannen
  5. allow OFFSET to function properly when the number of Edges in the offset is fewer than the original Body; fix escape-close-parenthesis in ESP_QuickReference; add ability to create periodic SPLINE in sketcher by using SSLOPE(0); add sslope6* test cases (detail)
    by jfdannen
  6. add assert in udfOffset to eliminate warnings on gcc (detail)
    by jfdannen
  7. fix bug that caused ereped to not work for a named Body; fix bug that added bar at end of file that was being editted in ESP; extend ereped so that it can be applied if there are multiple Bodys on the stack; add ereped8 test case; fix ESP hint associated with ELEVATE command; fix bug when SELECT EGDE with a bounding box was applied to a Body with degenerate Edges; add extractBodys test case; fix array bounds error in udpEqn2body; fix bug in ereped initializations for a single Body (detail)
    by jfdannen
  8. remove use of _scaleuv Attribute (detail)
    by jfdannen
  9. allow very long message to be sent from browser to server; add setCsmFile instead of setScmFileBeg/Mid/End; if error occurs when processing a timMesg, put the tim back into READY mode; post message when erep is successfully generated; implement udpEqn2body for SheetBodys; update frustrum3 test case; use __usedBodys__ attribute when computing velocity of Faces or Edges for RULE and BLEND; fix bug in sensCSM that did not reset maximum errors for Bodys when in -tess mode; fix big that did not copy .hasdots during RESTORE . (dot) (detail)
    by jfdannen
  10. Try to fix stanalyzer errors again (detail)
    by haimes
  11. Fix jlEGADS makefiles (detail)
    by galbramc
  12. Try to fix stanalyzer errors (detail)
    by haimes
  13. Suppress gcc-12 warning (detail)
    by galbramc
  14. Effective Topology: apply last change only for EFaces with more than 1 Face (detail)
    by haimes
  15. Effective Topology: check result of getEdgeUV against invEval and pick the closer (detail)
    by haimes
  16. A different possible fix for the MemcheckOcsm on the rule28 cases (detail)
    by haimes
  17. A different possible fix for the MemcheckOcsm on the rule28 cases (detail)
    by haimes
  18. A possible fix for the MemcheckOcsm on the rule28 cases (detail)
    by haimes
  19. Effective Topology: Mark Planar/Periodic EFaces not to tessellate Edges based on Face Curvature (detail)
    by haimes
  20. Fix scan-build warning from last commit again (detail)
    by haimes
  21. Fix scan-build warning from last commit (detail)
    by haimes
  22. Effective Topology: Fix NM Sheetbody Node removal (detail)
    by haimes
  23. Fix NULL bays at end with multiNode Rule (detail)
    by haimes
  24. Updated ruled sensitvities for multiNode (detail)
    by galbramc
  25. A minor update of the documentation of EG_approximate (detail)
    by haimes
  26. Update the docs to specify the additions to EG_approximate and EG_ruled (detail)
    by haimes
  27. Very strange... (detail)
    by galbramc
  28. Allow multiple csm patterns (detail)
    by galbramc
  29. Only check error handling when running all csm files (detail)
    by galbramc
  30. Support changing outLevel and running select files (detail)
    by galbramc
  31. Don't do jlEGADS testing just yet (detail)
    by galbramc
  32. Revert ESP_venv for ESP_Beta (detail)
    by galbramc
  33. Move virtualenv into ESP directory (detail)
    by galbramc
  34. Only run minimal CAPS examples in beta (detail)
    by galbramc
  35. Install torch for beta (detail)
    by galbramc
  36. pip install torch for corsair (detail)
    by galbramc
  37. Smartsr error log parse (detail)
    by galbramc

Started by upstream project ESP_UndefinedOcsm build number 89
originally caused by:

Static Analysis: No warnings
  • Static analysis results from: GNU C Compiler (gcc) (0),  Clang (0)
  • No issues for 12 builds, i.e. since build: #78
  • Quality gate: Success
0 errors, 0 warnings