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Started 1 yr 1 mo ago
Took 4 hr 17 min on reynolds

#199 (Mar 4, 2023, 12:02:08 AM)

  • svn+ssh:// : 1894
  • svn+ssh:// : 802
  • svn+ssh:// : 2343
  • svn+ssh:// : 2343
  • svn+ssh:// : 3848
  1. Fix typo (detail)
    by galbramc
  2. Allow aflr4 to mesh abutting bodies with matching faces. (detail)
    by galbramc
  3. fix memory leak in Slugs; update Makefile.DARWIN64 in Slugs to have sanitize targets (detail)
    by jfdannen
  4. Fix block name for exodusWriter. Add symbolic link to mesh for plato AIM. (detail)
    by galbramc
  5. Try that one more time (detail)
    by galbramc
  6. Use and empty mesh instead of edge only for aflr2 tessellation (detail)
    by galbramc
  7. add EVALUATE EDGEKT, EVALUATE EDGECP, EVALUATE FACEUKT, EVALUATE FACEVKT, and EVALUATE FACECP; add evaluate3* test cases; add multiRegions* test cases; add SELECT FLIP to flip the order of rntities in at-sellist (detail)
    by jfdannen
  8. add copyAttr=0 argument to RULE and BLEND to copy Edge Attributes in xsects onto RULE/BLEND Edges; add blend29 and rule29 test cases (detail)
    by jfdannen
  9. update ToDo.txt (detail)
    by jfdannen
  10. improve test for matching Nodes in udfMatchBodys; adjust matchBodys5 test case to check at-at-parameters (detail)
    by jfdannen
  11. add arcLengths to ocsmPrintEgo; fix bug in udfMatchBodys when tol was large (detail)
    by jfdannen
  12. modify udfMatchBodys to transfer an Attribute from one Body to the other when the Nodes, Edges, or Faces match; add matchBody5 test case (detail)
    by jfdannen
  13. fix bug associated with UDP/UDF outputs that change shape (detail)
    by jfdannen
  14. remove stanalyzer false positive by disabling checks for one loop in udfTester1.c (detail)
    by jfdannen
  15. attempt to fix stanalizer error in udfTester1.c (detail)
    by jfdannen
  16. allow at-at-parameters from a UDP/UDF to have velocities; split udpTest into udfTester1 (to demonstrate matrix outputs from a UDP/UDF) and udpTester2 (to demonstrate output velocities from a UDP/UDF); adjust Makefiles and associated test cases (detail)
    by jfdannen
  17. add to Makefiles; add diagnostic printouts when a Face does not tessellate; make sure all UDP/UDFs return output values to the numUdp instance (detail)
    by jfdannen
  18. allow number of rows and columns to be accessible in UDPs; allow at-at-parameters from a UDP/UDF to be vectors or matricies; add udp_error1 to udp_error9 as possible argument to CATBEG statement; fix bug that did not restore at-at-parameters when a UDP/UDF was recycled; refactor way UDP/UDF arguments are handled (detail)
    by jfdannen
  19. Add 1-bias to matchBody documentation (detail)
    by galbramc
  20. update return values from udpTire (detail)
    by jfdannen

Started by upstream project ESP_ValgrindCaps build number 199
originally caused by:

Static Analysis: No warnings
  • Static analysis results from: GNU C Compiler (gcc) (0),  Clang (0)
  • No issues for 114 builds, i.e. since build: #86
  • Quality gate: Success
22 errors, 1 warnings