Started by timer Running as SYSTEM [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on reynolds in workspace /jenkins/workspace/MUQ2_Nightly [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used... [WS-CLEANUP] Done The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified Cloning the remote Git repository > JGit fetch # timeout=10 remote: Enumerating objects remote: Counting objects remote: Compressing objects Receiving objects Resolving deltas Avoid second fetch Checking out Revision 7634d3ff364525260a067718760fb5f8a5c14b0e (refs/remotes/origin/master) Commit message: "Merged in linus/multilevel-surrogates-fixes (pull request #102)" The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified [GitCheckoutListener] Recording commits of 'git' [GitCheckoutListener] Found previous build 'MUQ2_Nightly #1618' that contains recorded Git commits [GitCheckoutListener] -> Starting recording of new commits since '7634d3f' [GitCheckoutListener] -> Multiple parent commits found - storing latest commit of local merge '7634d3f' [GitCheckoutListener] -> Using parent commit '392db06' of local merge as starting point [GitCheckoutListener] -> Storing target branch head '55d0a31' (second parent of local merge) [GitCheckoutListener] -> Recorded 200 new commits [GitCheckoutListener] -> The latest commit '7634d3ff364525260a067718760fb5f8a5c14b0e' is a merge commit [GitCheckoutListener] -> Git commit decorator successfully obtained 'hudson.plugins.git.browser.BitbucketWeb@5f9e2e1d' to render commit links Triggering MUQ2_Nightly » PYTHON3,reynolds Triggering MUQ2_Nightly » None,reynolds Triggering MUQ2_Nightly » PYTHON2,reynolds MUQ2_Nightly » PYTHON3,reynolds completed with result FAILURE MUQ2_Nightly » None,reynolds completed with result FAILURE MUQ2_Nightly » PYTHON2,reynolds completed with result FAILURE Finished: FAILURE