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projectroot.src.PXSolver_PXU (from CTest)

Took 0.3 sec.

Standard Output

Requested CFL =   6.2500000000000000e-02, minimum CFL =   1.0000000000000001e-01.
CFL below minimum  - exiting solver.
Error -12 (Not Converged) has occured.
 File : /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/PXSolver_PXU.c  Line : 120
 Call : PXAdjustCFL(pxa, UpdateState, &CFL)
Adjoint Run, NAdjOutput = 1 (StateVolume )
WARNING: Constant stabilization parameter value leads to
         inconsistent discretization for p=0!

OK (3 tests)
with 1 processors