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projectroot.test.CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 6 hr 59 min.

Standard Output

   Project-X:  A Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for PDEs

git commit: 4922ce3aa91a50ec0237cc8bbc9c1a3533675e72
git branch: (no branch)
Using Equation Set = ConjugateHeatTransfer
Using EquationSetLibrary =

WARNING: Ignoring Gold Standard Parameters 
Knob File Detected -> Overriding Default Parameters 

Using AdaptMethod = Direct
Isotropic adaptation
Reading Region EquationSet: NavierStokes2d 
Reading Region EquationSet: Scalar2d 
Region 1: = Region1
Region 2: = Region2
GeomAdapt_Factor =  2.750000000000000e-01

Adapting on Geometry.
pgback->pgsurf = (nil)
pgback->pgsurf = (nil)
Iteration 0: nElement_Total = 18
pg_meshing info is

Grid Contains 288 Total Elements:
  egrp = 0, type = PXE_Unif...
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.