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projectroot.test.CHT_NS2d_Scalar2d_FullEmb_FlatSlab_TEST_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 6 hr 57 min.

Standard Output

   Project-X:  A Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for PDEs

git commit: 157e8e74e5c6d7e2ac0bd1561c7baa37d0218c78
git branch: (no branch)

Using Equation Set = ConjugateHeatTransfer
Using EquationSetLibrary =

Knob File Detected -> Overriding Gold Standard Parameters 

Unsteady Flag = OFF 
CutCell Flag  = ON 
Adjoint Flag  = ON 
Adapt Flag    = ON 
Shock Flag    = OFF 

Using AdaptMethod = Direct
Anisotropic adaptation with determination method = Hessian

Reading Region EquationSet: NavierStokes2d 
Reading Region EquationSet: Scalar2d 
Region 1: = Fluid1
Region 2: = Solid2
GeomAdapt_Factor =  3.000000000000000e-01
Building ZeroD . . .Done 
Building TwoD . . . Done
Building TwoD . . . Done
New Cut Grid Built
Recognizing Canonical Shapes . . . Done
Shadow Basis for Cut Elements:
           Back Ground Elements : 3
     Half Oriented Bounding Box : 1
The minimum distance...
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.