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projectroot.test.PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 1 min 52 sec.

Standard Output

   Project-X:  A Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for PDEs

git commit: 4454aa236a678e2ea6e8349ccabdba7e0de871f2
git branch: (detached from acdl/master)

Using Equation Set = Scalar2d
Using EquationSetLibrary =

WARNING: Ignoring Gold Standard Parameters 
Knob File Detected -> Overriding Default Parameters 

Using AdaptMethod = FixedFraction
Anisotropic adaptation with determination method = Hessian

GeomAdapt_Factor =  3.000000000000000e-01
an =  0, title =                  Spline_5, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  1, title =                  Spline_6, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  0, title =                  Spline_5, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  1, title =                  Spline_6, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
nUsedSurfNode[ 1] = 2, xg = [ 0.000000000000000e+00,  0.000000000000000e+00]
egrp = 0, elem ...
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.