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Code Coverage - Messages

Error Messages
Errors while resolving source files on agent:
- Source file '../../src/pde/NS/BCEuler3D.cpp' not found
- Source file '../../src/NonLinearSolver/NewtonSolverParams.cpp' not found
- Source file '../../src/Python/ParameterType.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/ErrorEstimate/DG/ErrorEstimateBoundaryTrace_DGBR2.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/VMSDBR2/SetAdjointLO_Dispatch_VMSD.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/Galerkin/JacobianCell_Galerkin_BDF.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/DG/FunctionalCell_DGBR2.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Field/XField/Partition/XField_Lagrange_Distribute_impl.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Field/FieldSubGroup_impl.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Hermite.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/LinearAlgebra/SparseLinAlg/Direct/MKL_PARDISO/MKL_PARDISOSolver.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/pde/OutputCell_FunctionalErrorSquared.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Adaptation/MOESS/XFieldND_EquilateralRef/XFieldND_EquilateralRef3D.cpp' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/VMSDBR2/FieldBundle_VMSD_BR2.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/LinearAlgebra/DenseLinAlg/DynamicSize/MatrixD_Array3D.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/Galerkin/ResidualInteriorTrace_Galerkin.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/MPI/operations.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Discretization/HDG/IntegrandInteriorTrace_HDGAdvective.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/Field/Field_DG/FieldLiftLine_DG_Cell_impl.h' not found
- Source file '../../src/ErrorEstimate/VMSD/ErrorEstimateBoundaryTrace_Dispatch_VMSD.h' not found
... skipped logging of 1838 additional errors ...
Information Messages
Recording coverage results
Creating parser for Cobertura Coverage Reports
Searching for all files in '/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Commit/builddir/coverage_gnu11/buildnode/reynolds' that match the pattern 'build/coverage.xml'
Traversing of symbolic links: disabled
-> found 1 file
Successfully parsed file '/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Commit/builddir/coverage_gnu11/buildnode/reynolds/build/coverage.xml'
MODULE: 100.00% (1/1)
PACKAGE: 94.84% (147/155)
FILE: 89.67% (1666/1858)
CLASS: 89.67% (1666/1858)
METHOD: 42.48% (139004/327211)
LINE: 79.75% (141433/177352)
LOC: 177352
Successfully processed file 'build/coverage.xml'
Resolving source code files...
Searching for source code files in '/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Commit/builddir/coverage_gnu11/buildnode/reynolds/src/main/java'
-> finished resolving of absolute paths (found: 0, not found: 1858)
Obtaining result action of reference build
Reference build recorder is not configured
-> Found no reference build
Evaluating quality gates
-> All quality gates have been passed
-> Details for each quality gate:
- [Overall project (difference to reference job) - Line Coverage]: ≪Not built≫ - (Actual value: n/a, Quality gate: 0.00)
Executing source code painting...
Painting 1858 source files on agent
-> finished painting (0 files have been painted, 1858 files failed)
-> zipping sources from folder '/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Commit/builddir/coverage_gnu11/buildnode/reynolds/coverage' as '/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Commit/builddir/coverage_gnu11/buildnode/reynolds/'
Copying painted sources from agent to build folder
-> extracting...
-> done
Deleting source code files of build #9801
Finished coverage processing - adding the action to the build...