Started by an SCM change Running as SYSTEM [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on reynolds in workspace /jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository Pruning obsolete local branches Cleaning workspace > JGit fetch # timeout=10 Verifying host key for using /home/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts Merging Revision 5dc44b4f51537c9113d550a1d48b5c199abca7f0 (refs/remotes/acdl/develop) to acdl/apprentice, UserMergeOptions{mergeRemote='acdl', mergeTarget='apprentice', mergeStrategy='DEFAULT', fastForwardMode='FF'} Checking out Revision 5dc44b4f51537c9113d550a1d48b5c199abca7f0 (HEAD, acdl/develop, acdl/apprentice) Commit message: "Merge commit 'f749608e6d9b9686b9b373e7759a582968d85e01' into HEAD" Using 'Changelog to branch' strategy. The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 [GitCheckoutListener] Recording commits of 'git ssh://' [GitCheckoutListener] Found previous build 'SANS_Nightly #1614' that contains recorded Git commits [GitCheckoutListener] -> Starting recording of new commits since 'd472045' [GitCheckoutListener] -> Multiple parent commits found - storing latest commit of local merge '5dc44b4' [GitCheckoutListener] -> Using parent commit 'd472045' of local merge as starting point [GitCheckoutListener] -> Storing target branch head 'f749608' (second parent of local merge) [GitCheckoutListener] -> No new commits found [GitCheckoutListener] -> The latest commit '5dc44b4f51537c9113d550a1d48b5c199abca7f0' is a merge commit [GitCheckoutListener] -> Git commit decorator could not be created for SCM 'hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM@3e3ffa4' No emails were triggered. Triggering SANS_Nightly » release_clang,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » release_intel,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » memcheck_gnu11,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » analyze_clang,macys_VM Triggering SANS_Nightly » cppcheck,macys Triggering SANS_Nightly » memcheck_clang,macys Triggering SANS_Nightly » undefined_clang,macys Triggering SANS_Nightly » release_gnu11,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » analyze_clang,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » release_gnu9,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » cppcheck,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » undefined_gnu11,reynolds Triggering SANS_Nightly » analyze_clang,macys Triggering SANS_Nightly » release_gnu10,reynolds [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » release_clang,reynolds completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » release_intel,reynolds completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » memcheck_gnu11,reynolds completed with result SUCCESS [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » analyze_clang,macys_VM completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » cppcheck,macys completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » memcheck_clang,macys completed with result SUCCESS [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » undefined_clang,macys completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » release_gnu11,reynolds completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » analyze_clang,reynolds completed with result UNSTABLE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » release_gnu9,reynolds completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » cppcheck,reynolds completed with result FAILURE [PostBuildScript] - [WARN] This multi-configuration project post-build action was migrated from a plugin version prior to 1.0.0 as an 'Execute scripts' post-build action, because is not possible to automatically migrate a post-build action to another kind of post-build action. To remove the mandatory dependency between post-build script plugin and the matrix plugin, there is an extra post-build action called 'Execute Scripts on Matrix'. Please add all post-build scripts of this matrix project separately as a post-build action 'Execute Scripts on Matrix' and remove all 'Execute Scripts' entries. SANS_Nightly » undefined_gnu11,reynolds completed with result UNSTABLE