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Started 9 hr 10 min ago
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#937 (Apr 25, 2024, 4:09:07 AM)

  1. MATNEST: fix MatConvert() with (Hermitian) transposed blocks (details / gitlab)
  2. Typo: Frobenious -> Frobenius (details / gitlab)
  3. cuda: more accurately detect nvhpc and prepare math_libs for KK TPL use (details / gitlab)
  4. KK: set CUBLAS_ROOT etc explicitly when using math_libs as KK CMake could fail to detect that (details / gitlab)
  5. Config example: turn on TPL on Perlmutter (details / gitlab)
  6. Fix malformed comments in code (details / gitlab)
  7. Fix badly formatted formatted comment (details / gitlab)
  8. Fix horrible clang-format by inserting blank lines (details / gitlab)
  9. Docs: remove references to inexisting PCRICHARDSON (details / gitlab)
  10. release docs fixes (details / gitlab)
  11. Fix unused variable message from certain compiler/configuration situations. (details / gitlab)
  12. Build: fix the command to do separate .c link with sycl (details / gitlab)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 379e1a5e9cbabd3ef55ea1620f8c9ba6af94daec
  • refs/remotes/origin/release
SCM: git
  • Commits since last build: 15
  • Latest commit: 379e1a5