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projectroot.test.unit.LIPSolver_btest_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 38 sec.

Standard Output

Running 2 test cases...
Non-zero time : 1.18251 second(s)
Total Degrees of Freedom : 3170
Factorizing matrix...
Jacobian time : 2.84354 second(s)
Numeric factor time : 5.76502 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.421222 second(s)
Solving Fx adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.203763 second(s)
Solving Fy adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.164145 second(s)
Solving Fz adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.163438 second(s)
Solving Mx adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.163264 second(s)
Solving My adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.163481 second(s)
Solving Mz adjoint : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.163929 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.253624 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.254709 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.254801 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.255461 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO solve time : 0.257444 second(s)
Solving primal system : MKL_PARDISO...
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.