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projectroot.test.system.ErrorOrder_2D_DGBR2_RANS_MMS_btest_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 54 sec.

Standard Output

Running 3 test cases...
P = 1 ii =   2: L2 solution error = 5.77463e-02, 1.90977e-01, 7.49334e-02, 5.75441e-01, 1.00023e-02
P = 1 ii =   4: L2 solution error = 3.59628e-02, 7.83665e-02, 1.28558e-02, 3.42966e-01, 5.30823e-03  (ratio = 0.62277, 0.41034, 0.17156, 0.59601, 0.53070)  (slope = 0.68323, 1.28509, 2.54319, 0.74660, 0.91403)
P = 1 ii =   2: L2 solution error = 6.65789e-02, 1.95386e-01, 1.18699e-01, 5.31072e-01, 9.48461e-02
P = 1 ii =   4: L2 solution error = 2.68587e-02, 7.77211e-02, 3.01664e-02, 2.88211e-01, 5.47950e-02  (ratio = 0.40341, 0.39778, 0.25414, 0.54270, 0.57773)  (slope = 1.30968, 1.32995, 1.97630, 0.88178, 0.79154)

*** No errors detected