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Started by upstream project "ESP_UndefinedCaps" build number 177
originally caused by:
 Started by an SCM change
Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on macys in workspace /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory EGADS
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         trunk
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A         trunk/src/egadsExport.c
A         trunk/src/egadsFit.c
A         trunk/src/egadsHLevel.cpp
A         trunk/src/egadsInternals.h
A         trunk/src/egadsMemory.c
A         trunk/src/egadsOCC.h
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A         trunk/src/egadsSkinning.cpp
A         trunk/src/egadsSolids.c
A         trunk/src/egadsSpline.cpp
A         trunk/src/egadsSplineFit.cpp
A         trunk/src/egadsSplineVels.h
A         trunk/src/egadsStack.h
A         trunk/src/egadsTess.c
A         trunk/src/egadsTessInp.c
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A         trunk/src/egadsTopo.cpp
A         trunk/src/egadsTris.c
A         trunk/src/egadsTris.h
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A         trunk/src/fgadsBase.c
A         trunk/src/fgadsGeom.c
A         trunk/src/fgadsHLevel.c
A         trunk/src/fgadsMemory.c
A         trunk/src/fgadsTess.c
A         trunk/src/fgadsTopo.c
A         trunk/src/fgv.c
A         trunk/src/prmCfit.c
A         trunk/src/prmGrid.c
A         trunk/src/prmUV.c
AU        trunk/src/egads.rc
A         trunk/src/Surreal
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealD_Lazy.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealD_Trad.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealS_Lazy.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealS_Trad.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealS.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/SurrealD.h
A         trunk/src/Surreal/always_inline.h
A         trunk/src/Makefile
A         trunk/src/egads.def
A         trunk/src/NMakefile
A         trunk/src/OCC
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AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepLib_FuseEdges.h
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AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism.hxx
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AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol.hxx
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AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Prism.hxx
AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Revol.cpp
AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Revol.hxx
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AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Rotation.hxx
AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Translation.cpp
AU        trunk/src/OCC/BRepSweep_Translation.hxx
A         trunk/src/egadsRobust.c
AU        trunk/src/elint
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A         trunk/docs/UDP_UDF/data/NMakefile
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AU        trunk/docs/UDP_UDF/figs/tire_faces_3_4_7_8.png
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AU        trunk/docs/UDP_UDF/figs/vTess.png
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A         trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire.c
A         trunk/docs/Tutorial/
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A         trunk/docs/Tutorial/Tutorial.tex
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A         trunk/docs/Tutorial/egads2tri.make
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AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/manifold.png
A         trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire.mak
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AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_bottomup.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_edges.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_faces_1_5.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_faces_2_6.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_faces_3_4_7_8.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_filletted.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_final.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/tire_nodes.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/vGeom.png
AU        trunk/docs/Tutorial/vTess.png
A         trunk/docs/EGADS_dot
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A         trunk/docs/EGADS_dot/src/circle2_dot.c
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AU        trunk/docs/EGADS_dot/fig/circle_input.png
AU        trunk/docs/EGADS_dot/fig/circle_ortho.png
A         trunk/docs/ESPconcepts
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AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/efinal.png
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AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/start.png
AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/startGrid.png
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AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/tempGrid.png
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AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/vTess.png
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AU        trunk/docs/ESPconcepts/esp_logo.png
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AU        trunk/docs/Viewer.pdf
AU        trunk/docs/Viewer.ppt
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AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/Coons.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/DARPA04.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/DARPA05.png
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AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/ESPscreen.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/FSI.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/Glider_fuse.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/Glider_twist.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/airfoils.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/bolt.png
AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/coonsCADfig.png
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AU        trunk/docs/Motivation/figs/views.png
A         trunk/docs/FullAttribution.txt
A         trunk/include
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A         trunk/include/egads_dot.h
A         trunk/include/prm.h
A         trunk/include/wsserver.h
A         trunk/include/wsss.h
A         trunk/include/STANALYZER.make
A         trunk/include/
A         trunk/include/
A         trunk/include/emp.h
A         trunk/include/WIN64.2022
A         trunk/include/LINUX64.gprof
AU        trunk/include/CYGWIN64
A         trunk/include/LINUX64
A         trunk/include/WIN64.2017
A         trunk/include/WIN64.2019
A         trunk/include/
A         trunk/include/gv.h
A         trunk/include/
A         trunk/include/Graphics.h
A         trunk/lite
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A         trunk/lite/qtTest.c
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A         trunk/lite/quadTree.h
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AU        trunk/lite/egadslite.rc
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A         trunk/lite/Makefile
A         trunk/lite/NMakefile
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A         trunk/lite/NR.make
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A         trunk/lite/liteDevice.h
A         trunk/lite/CUDA.make
A         trunk/lite/cudaUtil.h
A         trunk/lite/liteString.c
A         trunk/lite/liteString.h
A         trunk/lite/liteTess.make
A         trunk/lite/liteTessNR.make
A         trunk/lite/otTest.make
A         trunk/lite/qtTest.mak
A         trunk/lite/qtTest.make
A         trunk/lite/liteTess.mak
A         trunk/lite/liteTest.make
A         trunk/lite/approxLM.c
A         trunk/lite/approxLM.mak
A         trunk/lite/approxLM.make
A         trunk/lite/relPosTs.make
AU        trunk/lite/tlint
A         trunk/lite/inFace.make
A         trunk/lite/liteInOut.mak
A         trunk/lite/liteTest.mak
A         trunk/lite/liteInOut.make
AU        trunk/lite/boxcyl.lite
A         trunk/lite/boxcyl.egads
A         trunk/lite/traceEdges.mak
A         trunk/lite/traceEdges.make
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A         trunk/lite/evalTest.make
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A         trunk/lite/evalTest.c
A         trunk/pyEGADS
A         trunk/pyEGADS/pyEGADS
A         trunk/pyEGADS/pyEGADS/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/pyEGADS/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/pyEGADS/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/pyEGADS/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/test
A         trunk/pyEGADS/test/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/test/
A         trunk/pyEGADS/test/Makefile
A         trunk/pyEGADS/test/NMakefile
A         trunk/test
A         trunk/test/BSplineIGES.c
A         trunk/test/CSys.c
A         trunk/test/GBO.c
A         trunk/test/SBO.c
A         trunk/test/agglom.c
A         trunk/test/blend.c
A         trunk/test/chamfer.c
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A         trunk/test/extrot.c
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A         trunk/test/hollow.c
A         trunk/test/hollowFace.c
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A         trunk/test/makeCone.c
A         trunk/test/makeFace3D.c
A         trunk/test/makeLoop.c
A         trunk/test/mofb.c
A         trunk/test/mssb.c
A         trunk/test/multiContext.c
A         trunk/test/offset.c
A         trunk/test/parsec.c
A         trunk/test/rebuild.c
A         trunk/test/ref.c
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A         trunk/test/ruled.c
A         trunk/test/saveTess.c
A         trunk/test/scribe.c
A         trunk/test/sew.c
A         trunk/test/simplePer.c
A         trunk/test/smallEdges.c
A         trunk/test/sweep.c
A         trunk/test/testc.c
A         trunk/test/tolerance.c
A         trunk/test/vAttr.c
A         trunk/test/vCurvature.c
A         trunk/test/vEffect.c
A         trunk/test/vEto.c
A         trunk/test/vFrame.c
A         trunk/test/vGeom.c
A         trunk/test/vQuad.c
A         trunk/test/vTess.c
A         trunk/test/vTessInp.c
A         trunk/test/xform.c
A         trunk/test/egadsGeom_dot.c
A         trunk/test/egadsSpline_dot.c
A         trunk/test/simplePer.make
A         trunk/test/approx.f
A         trunk/test/closure.f
A         trunk/test/parsef.f
A         trunk/test/step.f
A         trunk/test/testf.f
A         trunk/test/union.f
AU        trunk/test/
A         trunk/test/vAttr.make
A         trunk/test/vCurvature.mak
A         trunk/test/vCurvature.make
A         trunk/test/vEffect.mak
A         trunk/test/vEffect.make
A         trunk/test/vEto.make
A         trunk/test/vFrame.make
A         trunk/test/vGeom.mak
A         trunk/test/vGeom.make
A         trunk/test/vQuad.make
A         trunk/test/vTess.mak
A         trunk/test/vTess.make
A         trunk/test/vTessInp.make
A         trunk/test/egadsHLevel_dot.c
A         trunk/test/egadsTopo_dot.c
A         trunk/test/exportLite.mak
A         trunk/test/exportLite.make
A         trunk/test/saveTess.make
A         trunk/test/makeTests.bat
A         trunk/test/effective.make
A         trunk/test/smallEdges.make
A         trunk/test/fullAttr.mak
A         trunk/test/fullAttr.make
A         trunk/test/fitTri.c
A         trunk/test/egadsGeom_dot.make
A         trunk/test/egadsSpline_dot.make
AU        trunk/test/tinyply.cpp
A         trunk/test/egadsTopo_dot.mak
A         trunk/test/egadsTopo_dot.make
A         trunk/test/egads2ply.make
A         trunk/test/egadsSpline_dot.mak
A         trunk/test/egadsHLevel_dot.mak
A         trunk/test/egadsHLevel_dot.make
A         trunk/test/approx.make
A         trunk/test/closure.make
A         trunk/test/step.make
A         trunk/test/test.make
A         trunk/test/union.make
A         trunk/test/egadsGeom_dot.mak
A         trunk/test/edge2WB.make
A         trunk/test/GBO.make
A         trunk/test/multiContext.mak
A         trunk/test/multiContext.make
A         trunk/test/addKnots.c
A         trunk/test/addKnots.make
A         trunk/test/sew.make
A         trunk/test/mapTess.c
AU        trunk/test/tinyply.h
A         trunk/test/test.mak
A         trunk/test/SBO.make
A         trunk/test/fuseSheets.make
A         trunk/test/scribe.make
A         trunk/test/BSplineIGES.make
A         trunk/test/hollowFace.make
A         trunk/test/mssb.make
A         trunk/test/CSys.make
A         trunk/test/globalTess.make
A         trunk/test/blend.mak
A         trunk/test/chamfer.make
A         trunk/test/agglom.make
A         trunk/test/egads2cart.mak
A         trunk/test/ruled.make
A         trunk/test/revolve.make
A         trunk/test/makeFace3D.make
A         trunk/test/sweep.make
A         trunk/test/blend.make
A         trunk/test/hollow.make
A         trunk/test/makeLoop.make
A         trunk/test/mapTess.make
A         trunk/test/ref.make
A         trunk/test/rebuild.make
A         trunk/test/fitTri.make
A         trunk/test/replace.make
A         trunk/test/tolerance.make
A         trunk/test/mofb.make
A         trunk/test/edges.make
A         trunk/test/xform.make
A         trunk/test/fillet.make
A         trunk/test/egads2cart.make
A         trunk/test/makeCone.make
A         trunk/test/fit.make
A         trunk/test/extrot.make
A         trunk/test/offset.make
A         trunk/test/intersect.make
A         trunk/test/Piston.BRep
A         trunk/test/misc1.step
A         trunk/test/iges2.igs
A         trunk/util
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A         trunk/util/egadsPatch.h
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A         trunk/util/evaluateNR.c
A         trunk/util/extractTess.c
A         trunk/util/limitTessBody.c
A         trunk/util/retessFaces.c
A         trunk/util/vHOtess.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap
A         trunk/util/uvmap/main
A         trunk/util/uvmap/main/uvmap.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/Release_Notes_uvmap.txt
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A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_gen.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_version.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/Makefile.common
AU        trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap.compile_lib
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapTest.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapTest.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmap_Read.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmap_Read.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmap_Write.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmap_Write.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/UVMAP_LIB_INC.h
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A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_test.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_test.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapFindUV.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapFindUV.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapGen.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapGen.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapStructFree.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/EG_uvmapStructFree.h
AU        trunk/util/uvmap/OpenLicense.pdf
A         trunk/util/uvmap/OpenLicense.txt
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_chk_edge_ratio.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_chk_edge_ratio.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_gen_uv.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_message.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_solve.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_write.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibeibe.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibfibf.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_idibe.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/Makefile.Cygwin
A         trunk/util/uvmap/Makefile.Linux
A         trunk/util/uvmap/Makefile.MacOSX
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_cpu_message.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_find_uv.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_find_uv.h
AU        trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap.compile
AU        trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap.lib_list
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_add.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_add.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_bnd_adj.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_bnd_adj.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_chk_area_uv.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_chk_area_uv.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_cpu_message.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_from_egads.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_from_egads.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_gen.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_gen_uv.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibeibe.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibfibf.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibfin.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_ibfin.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_iccibe.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_iccibe.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_iccin.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_iccin.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_idibe.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_inibe.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_inibe.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_inl_uv_bnd.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_inl_uv_bnd.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_malloc.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_malloc.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_mben_disc.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_mben_disc.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_message.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_norm_uv.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_norm_uv.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_read.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_solve.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_struct.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_struct_tasks.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_struct_tasks.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_to_egads.c
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_to_egads.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_version.h
A         trunk/util/uvmap/uvmap_write.h
A         trunk/util/SurrealD1_btest.cpp
A         trunk/util/SurrealD4_btest.cpp
A         trunk/util/SurrealS1_btest.cpp
A         trunk/util/SurrealS4_btest.cpp
A         trunk/util/emp.c
A         trunk/util/ThreadTest.c
A         trunk/util/triServer.c
A         trunk/util/triServer.mak
A         trunk/util/triServer.make
A         trunk/util/vHOtess.mak
A         trunk/util/egadsPatch.mak
A         trunk/util/egadsPatch.make
AU        trunk/util/plint
A         trunk/util/NMakefile
A         trunk/util/rational.c
A         trunk/util/regQuads.c
A         trunk/util/Makefile
A         trunk/util/README.txt
A         trunk/util/regQuads.h
A         trunk/util/extractTess.mak
A         trunk/util/extractTess.make
A         trunk/util/limits.mak
AU        trunk/util/HOlint
A         trunk/util/vHOtess.make
A         trunk/util/gp_Vec2d68.lxx
A         trunk/util/gp_Vec2d.lxx
A         trunk/util/limits.make
AU        trunk/util/ulint
A         trunk/wvServer
A         trunk/wvServer/browserMessage.c
A         trunk/wvServer/fwv.c
A         trunk/wvServer/server.c
A         trunk/wvServer/wv.c
A         trunk/wvServer/libwebsockets.h
A         trunk/wvServer/client-handshake.c
A         trunk/wvServer/extension-x-google-mux.c
A         trunk/wvServer/handshake.c
A         trunk/wvServer/libwebsockets.c
A         trunk/wvServer/parsers.c
A         trunk/wvServer/private-libwebsockets.h
A         trunk/wvServer/base64-decode.c
A         trunk/wvServer/Makefile
A         trunk/wvServer/SSL.mak
A         trunk/wvServer/SSL.make
A         trunk/wvServer/wsserver.def
A         trunk/wvServer/NMakefile
A         trunk/wvServer/test.make
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/adler32.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/compress.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/crc32.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/crc32.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/deflate.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/deflate.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/gzclose.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/gzguts.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/gzlib.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/gzread.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/gzwrite.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/infback.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inffast.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inffast.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inffixed.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inflate.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inflate.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inftrees.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/inftrees.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/trees.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/trees.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/uncompr.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/zconf.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/zlib.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/zutil.c
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/zutil.h
A         trunk/wvServer/zlib/NMakefile
A         trunk/wvServer/map.cpp
AU        trunk/wvServer/slint
A         trunk/wvServer/sha-1.c
A         trunk/wvServer/README.txt
A         trunk/wvServer/extension-x-google-mux.h
A         trunk/wvServer/extension-deflate-stream.c
A         trunk/wvServer/test.f
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/unistd.h
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/websock-w32.h
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/sys
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/sys/time.h
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/strings.h
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/netdb.h
A         trunk/wvServer/win32helpers/gettimeofday.h
A         trunk/wvServer/websock-w32.c
A         trunk/wvServer/extension-deflate-stream.h
A         trunk/wvServer/extension.c
A         trunk/wvServer/gettimeofday.c
A         trunk/wvServer/md5.c
A         trunk/config
A         trunk/config/README.txt
A         trunk/config/linREADME.txt
A         trunk/config/m1README.txt
A         trunk/config/macREADME.txt
A         trunk/config/winREADME.txt
AU        trunk/config/makeEnv
A         trunk/config/MACdownloads.txt
AU        trunk/config/winEnv
A         trunk/jlEGADS
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/src
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/src/egads.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/test
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/test/runtests.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/test/Project.toml
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/Project.toml
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/Makefile
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/README.txt
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egads/USAGE.txt
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadscommon
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadscommon/egadscommon.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadscommon/Makefile
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadscommon/build.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/test
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/test/Project.toml
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/test/runtests.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/src
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/src/egadslite.jl
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/Project.toml
A         trunk/jlEGADS/egadslite/Makefile
A         trunk/jlEGADS/Makefile
A         trunk/wvClient
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-cbManage.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-draw.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-gPrim.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-render.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-sGraph.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/wv-socket.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/webgl-utils.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/J3DIMath.js
A         trunk/wvClient/WebViewer/webgl-debug.js
A         trunk/wvClient/wv.js
A         trunk/wvClient/wv.html
A         trunk/wvClient/simpleUI.js
A         trunk/wvClient/wv.css
A         trunk/wvClient/wv-tree.js
A         trunk/wvClient/wvSimple.html
A         trunk/OpenItems.txt
At revision 1896

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/src doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory OpenCSM/trunk/src
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         OpenCSM.c
A         serveESP.c
A         udfCatmull.c
A         udfGuide.c
A         udfNaca6mc.c
A         udfNacelle.c
A         udfOffset.c
A         udfSlices.c
A         udfStiffener.c
A         udfTile.c
A         udfTile2.c
A         Makefile.DARWIN64
A         OpenCSM.h
A         udfMatchBodys.c
A         udfTester1.c
A         Makefile
A         Makefile.DARWIN64.gcc
A         Makefile.LINUX64
A         NMakefile
A         udpTester2.c
A         udpUtilities.c
A         udfEditAttr.c
A         udfShadow.c
A         udpBezier.c
A         udpBox.c
A         udpCsm.c
A         udpFitcurve.c
A         udpHex.c
A         udpImport.c
A         udpLevelset.c
A         udpPod.c
A         udpProp.c
A         udpSample.c
A         udpUtilities.h
A         udfCompare.c
A         udp.c
A         udp.h
A         udpFreeform.c
A         udpNurbbody.c
A         udpParabaloid.c
A         udpWaffle.c
A         simpleCSM.cpp
A         serveCSM.c
A         OpenCSMtcl.c
A         OpenCSMtcl.h
A         adjointCSM.c
A         buildCSM.c
A         common.h
A         compareVerify.c
A         egg.h
A         eggPDT2.c
A         esp.h
A         fun3dCSM.c
A         gmgwCSM.c
A         gridCSM.c
A         liteCSM.c
A         massProps.c
A         matchCSM.c
A         naca456.f90
AU        ocsm.rc
A         parka.c
A         sensCSM.c
A         tessCSM.c
A         tim.c
A         tim.h
A         timCapsMode.c
A         timEreped.c
A         timFlowchart.c
A         timGloves.c
A         timMitten.c
A         timPlotter.c
A         timPlugs.c
A         timPyscript.c
A         timSlugs.c
A         timViewer.c
A         udfCreateBEM.c
A         udfCreatePoly.c
A         udfDroop.c
A         udfDroop2.c
A         udfDroop3.c
A         udfDumpPmtrs.c
A         udfFlend.c
A         udfGanged.c
A         udfNuscale.c
A         udfPrintBbox.c
A         udfPrintBrep.c
A         udfPrintEgo.c
A         udpBiconvex.c
A         udpEllipse.c
A         udpEqn2body.c
A         udpGlovesBox.c
A         udpGlovesCyl.c
A         udpGlovesFuse.c
A         udpGlovesSphr.c
A         udpGlovesVtail.c
A         udpGlovesWing.c
A         udpKulfan.c
A         udpNaca.c
A         udpNaca456.c
A         udpParsec.c_original
A         udpParsec.cpp
A         udpPoly.c
A         udpRadwaf.c
A         udpSew.c
A         udpStag.c
A         udpSupell.c
A         udpTblade.c
A         vsp2csm.c
A         ocsm.def
A         serveESP.mak
A         serveESP.make
A         timPyscript.def
A         timGloves.h
A         tim.def
A         Tblade3
A         Tblade3/3dbgb.f90
A         Tblade3/bladegen.f90
A         Tblade3/bladestack.f90
A         Tblade3/bsplinecam.f90
A         Tblade3/derivatives.f90
A         Tblade3/file_operations.f90
A         Tblade3/funcNsubs.f90
A         Tblade3/globvar.f90
A         Tblade3/readinput.f90
A         Tblade3/Makefile
A         Tblade3/Makefile.DARWIN64
A         Tblade3/Makefile.LINUX64
A         Tblade3/MakefileESP
A         Tblade3/cubicspline.f90
A         Tblade3/errors.f90
A         Tblade3/spanwise_variation.f90
A         Tblade3/spline.f90
A         Tblade3/bspline3.f90
A         Tblade3/NMakefile
A         Tblade3/airfoiltypes.f90
A         Tblade3/splinethick.f90
A         Tblade3/techop.f90
A         Tblade3/3dbgb_driver.f90
A         Tblade3/T-Blade3_ReadMe.txt
A         Tblade3/T-Blade3_ReadMe_ESP.txt
A         Tblade3/license.txt
A         Tblade3/GitHub.address
A         udpHubWedge.c
A         udp.def
A         udfTile.mak
A         udfTile.make
A         udfTile2.mak
A         udfTile2.make
A         tcl
AU        tcl/buildCSM2.tcl
A         tcl/sketcher.tcl
A         udfCompare.mak
A         udfCompare.make
A         egg.def
A         RunAllCsmFiles.bat
 U        .
At revision 2344

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory CAPS
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         aim
A         aim/aflr3
A         aim/aflr3/aflr3_version.c
A         aim/aflr3/Makefile
A         aim/aflr3/NMakefile
A         aim/aflr3/aflr3AIM.c
A         aim/aflr3/aflr3_Interface.c
A         aim/aflr3/aflr3_Interface.h
A         aim/aflr3/doc
A         aim/aflr3/doc/aflr3AIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/aflr3/doc/aflr3AIM_header.tex
A         aim/aflr3/doc/aflr3AIM_layout.xml
A         aim/aflr3/doc/aflr3_help.dox
A         aim/aflr3/doc/image
AU        aim/aflr3/doc/image/multiBodyAFRL3.png
A         aim/aflr3/aflr3AIM.def
AU        aim/aflr3/a3lint
A         aim/aflr4
A         aim/aflr4/Makefile
A         aim/aflr4/aflr4_Interface.c
A         aim/aflr4/aflr4_version.c
A         aim/aflr4/NMakefile
A         aim/aflr4/aflr4AIM.c
A         aim/aflr4/aflr4_Interface.h
A         aim/aflr4/doc
A         aim/aflr4/doc/aflr4AIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/aflr4/doc/aflr4AIM_header.tex
A         aim/aflr4/doc/aflr4AIM_layout.xml
A         aim/aflr4/doc/aflr4_help.dox
A         aim/aflr4/doc/image
AU        aim/aflr4/doc/image/wingAFRL4.png
AU        aim/aflr4/doc/image/sphereAFRL4.png
AU        aim/aflr4/doc/image/wing2DAFRL4.png
A         aim/aflr4/aflr4AIM.def
AU        aim/aflr4/a4lint
A         aim/unitTest
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
AU        aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
AU        aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/NMakefile
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/
A         aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/Makefile
A         aim/unitTest/csmData
AU        aim/unitTest/csmData/masstran.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/cfdMultiBody.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/cfdSingleBody.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/cornerGeom.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/avlSections.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/kulfanSymmetricSection.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/airfoilSection.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/kulfanSection.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/feaSimplePlate.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/feaWingOMLAero.csm
A         aim/unitTest/csmData/cfd2D.csm
A         aim/unitTest/Makefile
A         aim/unitTest/NMakefile
A         aim/unitTest/datafiles
A         aim/unitTest/cCAPS
A         aim/meshWriter
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter/exodusWriter.cpp
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter/Makefile
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter/exodusWriter.h
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter/NMakefile
A         aim/meshWriter/exodusWriter/exodusWriter.def
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer/su2Writer.c
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer/su2Writer.h
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer/Makefile
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer/NMakefile
A         aim/meshWriter/su2Writer/su2Writer.def
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter/ugridWriter.c
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter/ugridWriter.h
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter/Makefile
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter/NMakefile
A         aim/meshWriter/ugridWriter/ugridWriter.def
A         aim/meshWriter/Makefile
A         aim/meshWriter/NMakefile
A         aim/plato
A         aim/plato/platoAIM.c
A         aim/plato/Makefile
A         aim/plato/NMakefile
A         aim/plato/doc
A         aim/plato/doc/platoAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/plato/doc/platoAIM_header.tex
A         aim/plato/doc/platoAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/plato/platoAIM.def
A         aim/aflr2
A         aim/aflr2/aflr2_Interface.c
A         aim/aflr2/Makefile
A         aim/aflr2/aflr2AIM.c
A         aim/aflr2/aflr2_Interface.h
A         aim/aflr2/doc
A         aim/aflr2/doc/aflr2AIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/aflr2/doc/aflr2AIM_header.tex
A         aim/aflr2/doc/aflr2AIM_layout.xml
A         aim/aflr2/doc/aflr2_help.dox
A         aim/aflr2/aflr2AIM.def
A         aim/aflr2/NMakefile
A         aim/aflr2/aflr2_version.c
AU        aim/aflr2/a2lint
A         aim/cart3d
A         aim/cart3d/cart3dAIM.c
A         aim/cart3d/cart3dTest.c
A         aim/cart3d/ESPxddm.c
A         aim/cart3d/Makefile
A         aim/cart3d/doc
A         aim/cart3d/doc/cart3dAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/cart3d/doc/cart3dAIM_header.tex
A         aim/cart3d/doc/cart3dAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/cart3d/writeTrix.c
A         aim/cart3d/xddm
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/xddm.c
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/xddm.h
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/Makefile
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples/COMMANDS.txt
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples/Config.xml
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples/Functionals.xml
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples/basic.xml
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/examples/design.xml
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/main.c
A         aim/cart3d/xddm/xddmInternals.h
A         aim/cart3d/bodyTess.c
A         aim/cart3d/surfTrix.c
A         aim/cart3d/writeTrix.h
AU        aim/cart3d/clint
A         aim/cart3d/wing.csm
A         aim/cart3d/bodyTess.h
A         aim/fun3d
A         aim/fun3d/fun3dAIM.c
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dUtils.c
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dUtils.h
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dNamelist.c
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dNamelist.h
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dInputs.h
AU        aim/fun3d/fun3dNamelist.pyx
A         aim/fun3d/doc
A         aim/fun3d/doc/fun3dAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/fun3d/doc/fun3dAIM_header.tex
A         aim/fun3d/doc/fun3dTetgenExample.dox
A         aim/fun3d/doc/fun3dAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/fun3d/doc/image
AU        aim/fun3d/doc/image/FUN3D_Ex1.png
A         aim/fun3d/fun3dAIM.def
A         aim/fun3d/Makefile
A         aim/fun3d/NMakefile
AU        aim/fun3d/flint
AU        aim/fun3d/cfun3dNamelist.pxd
A         aim/tetgen
A         aim/tetgen/tetgenAIM.cpp
A         aim/tetgen/Makefile
A         aim/tetgen/tetgen_Interface.cpp
A         aim/tetgen/tetgen_Interface.hpp
A         aim/tetgen/doc
A         aim/tetgen/doc/tetgenAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/tetgen/doc/tetgenAIM_header.tex
A         aim/tetgen/doc/tetgenAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/tetgen/doc/tetgen_help.dox
A         aim/tetgen/tetgenAIM.def
A         aim/tetgen/NMakefile
A         aim/tacs
A         aim/tacs/tacsAIM.c
A         aim/tacs/doc
A         aim/tacs/doc/tacsAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/tacs/doc/tacsAIM_header.tex
A         aim/tacs/doc/image
A         aim/tacs/doc/tacsAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/tacs/tacsAIM.def
A         aim/tacs/Makefile
A         aim/tacs/NMakefile
AU        aim/tacs/slint
A         aim/utils
AU        aim/utils/feaUtils.c
A         aim/utils/miscUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/vlmUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/vlmUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/cardUtils.c
A         aim/utils/meshUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/nastranUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/arrayUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/arrayUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/cardUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/feaUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/nastranCards.c
AU        aim/utils/nastranCards.h
AU        aim/utils/feaTypes.h
AU        aim/utils/jsonUtils.c
A         aim/utils/meshTypes.h
A         aim/utils/meshUtils.h
A         aim/utils/miscUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/nastranUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/vlmTypes.h
A         aim/utils/cfdUtils.c
A         aim/utils/cfdTypes.h
A         aim/utils/Makefile
AU        aim/utils/nastranOP2Reader.c
AU        aim/utils/nastranOP2Reader.h
AU        aim/utils/deprecateUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/deprecateUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/vlmSpanSpace.cpp
AU        aim/utils/vlmSpanSpace.h
A         aim/utils/cfdUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/tecplotUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/tecplotUtils.h
A         aim/utils/NMakefile
AU        aim/utils/ulint
AU        aim/utils/nastranOP2Reader.pyx
AU        aim/utils/cardTypes.h
AU        aim/utils/jsonUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/attrTypes.h
AU        aim/utils/attrUtils.c
AU        aim/utils/attrUtils.h
AU        aim/utils/miscTypes.h
A         aim/mses
A         aim/mses/msesAIM.c
A         aim/mses/doc
A         aim/mses/doc/msesAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/mses/doc/msesAIM_header.tex
A         aim/mses/doc/image
A         aim/mses/doc/msesAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/mses/doc/msesExample.dox
A         aim/mses/msesAIM.def
A         aim/mses/Makefile
A         aim/mses/NMakefile
A         aim/mses/msesUtils.c
A         aim/mses/msesUtils.h
AU        aim/mses/xlint
A         aim/avl
A         aim/avl/avlAIM.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATS.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_BODY.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_CPOML.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/read_util.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_CNC.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_STRP.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATB.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATM.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATS.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_ELE.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_HINGE.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_SURF.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_TOT.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_VM.c
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_BODY.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_CNC.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_CPOML.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATB.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_DERMATM.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_ELE.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_HINGE.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_STRP.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_SURF.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_TOT.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlRead_VM.h
A         aim/avl/avlmrf/avlmrf.h
A         aim/avl/doc
A         aim/avl/doc/avlAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/avl/doc/avlAIM_header.tex
A         aim/avl/doc/avlAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/avl/avlAIM.def
A         aim/avl/NMakefile
A         aim/avl/Makefile
AU        aim/avl/alint
A         aim/awave
A         aim/awave/awaveAIM.c
A         aim/awave/doc
A         aim/awave/doc/awaveAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/awave/doc/awaveAIM_header.tex
A         aim/awave/doc/awaveExample.dox
A         aim/awave/doc/awaveAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/awave/awaveAIM.def
A         aim/awave/Makefile
A         aim/awave/NMakefile
AU        aim/awave/awlint
A         aim/awave/awavemod.f
A         aim/awave/AWAVEman.txt
A         aim/cgt
A         aim/cgt/egads2cgt.c
A         aim/cgt/aflr4egads.c
A         aim/cgt/Makefile
AU        aim/cgt/clint
A         aim/cgt/NMakefile
A         aim/cgt/egads2cgt.tex
A         aim/friction
A         aim/friction/frictionAIM.c
A         aim/friction/doc
A         aim/friction/doc/frictionAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/friction/doc/frictionAIM_header.tex
A         aim/friction/doc/frictionExample.dox
A         aim/friction/doc/frictionAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/friction/frictionAIM.def
A         aim/friction/Makefile
A         aim/friction/NMakefile
A         aim/friction/friction_eja_mod.f
AU        aim/friction/flint
AU        aim/friction/FRICTIONman.pdf
AU        aim/friction/license.txt
A         aim/jfd3
A         aim/jfd3/jfd3AIM.c
A         aim/jfd3/jfd3AIM.def
A         aim/jfd3/Makefile
A         aim/jfd3/NMakefile
AU        aim/jfd3/slint
A         aim/masstran
A         aim/masstran/masstranAIM.cpp
A         aim/masstran/doc
A         aim/masstran/doc/masstranAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/masstran/doc/masstranAIM_header.tex
A         aim/masstran/doc/masstranExample.dox
A         aim/masstran/doc/masstranAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/masstran/doc/image
AU        aim/masstran/doc/image/exampleWingBEM.png
A         aim/masstran/Makefile
A         aim/masstran/NMakefile
A         aim/masstran/masstranAIM.def
A         aim/masstran/Masstran.c
AU        aim/masstran/mlint
AU        aim/masstran/CG_Calc.pdf
A         aim/masstran/Makefile.DARWIN64
A         aim/masstran/AstrosModalAGARD445.bdf
A         aim/masstran/AstrosSingleLoadPlate.bdf
A         aim/masstran/astros_CompositeWing.bdf
A         aim/masstran/boxBEM.bdf
A         aim/masstran/cylinderBEM.bdf
A         aim/masstran/plateBEM.bdf
A         aim/masstran/pyCAPS_astros_Test.bdf
A         aim/masstran/wingBEM.bdf
A         aim/skeleton
A         aim/skeleton/skeletonAIM.c
A         aim/skeleton/
A         aim/skeleton/skeletonAIM.def
A         aim/skeleton/Makefile
A         aim/skeleton/NMakefile
AU        aim/skeleton/slint
A         aim/skeleton/case.csm
A         aim/astros
AU        aim/astros/astrosAIM.c
AU        aim/astros/astrosUtils.c
AU        aim/astros/astrosCards.c
AU        aim/astros/astrosCards.h
AU        aim/astros/astrosUtils.h
A         aim/astros/doc
A         aim/astros/doc/astrosAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/astros/doc/astrosAIM_header.tex
A         aim/astros/doc/astrosAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/astros/doc/image
A         aim/astros/astrosAIM.def
A         aim/astros/Makefile
A         aim/astros/NMakefile
AU        aim/astros/alint
A         aim/nastran
AU        aim/nastran/nastranAIM.c
A         aim/nastran/doc
A         aim/nastran/doc/nastranExample.dox
A         aim/nastran/doc/nastranAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/nastran/doc/nastranAIM_header.tex
A         aim/nastran/doc/nastranAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/nastran/doc/image
AU        aim/nastran/doc/image/compositeWing.png
AU        aim/nastran/doc/image/threeBar.png
A         aim/nastran/nastranAIM.def
A         aim/nastran/Makefile
A         aim/nastran/NMakefile
AU        aim/nastran/nlint
A         aim/su2
A         aim/su2/ReadMe_SU2AIM.txt
A         aim/su2/su2AIM.c
A         aim/su2/su2_7_Blackbird.c
AU        aim/su2/su2Utils.c
A         aim/su2/su2_6_Falcon.c
A         aim/su2/doc
A         aim/su2/doc/su2AIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/su2/doc/su2AIM_header.tex
A         aim/su2/doc/su2Example.dox
A         aim/su2/doc/su2AIM_layout.xml
A         aim/su2/su2AIM.def
A         aim/su2/su2_4_Cardinal.c
A         aim/su2/su2_5_Raven.c
A         aim/su2/Makefile
A         aim/su2/NMakefile
AU        aim/su2/su2Utils.h
AU        aim/su2/slint
A         aim/delaundo
AU        aim/delaundo/delaundoAIM.c
A         aim/delaundo/doc
A         aim/delaundo/doc/delaundoAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/delaundo/doc/delaundoAIM_header.tex
A         aim/delaundo/doc/delaundoAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/delaundo/delaundoAIM.def
A         aim/delaundo/Makefile
A         aim/delaundo/NMakefile
AU        aim/delaundo/dlint
A         aim/hsm
AU        aim/hsm/hsmUtils.c
A         aim/hsm/doc
A         aim/hsm/doc/hsmAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/hsm/doc/hsmAIM_header.tex
A         aim/hsm/doc/hsmAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/hsm/doc/image
AU        aim/hsm/hsmAIM.c
A         aim/hsm/hsmAIM.def
A         aim/hsm/hsmAdj.c
AU        aim/hsm/hsmUtils.h
A         aim/hsm/Makefile
A         aim/hsm/NMakefile
A         aim/hsm/src
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmsol.f
A         aim/hsm/src/NMakefile
A         aim/hsm/src/Makefile
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmrun.f
A         aim/hsm/src/version_notes.txt
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmbb2.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmbc.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmout.f
A         aim/hsm/src/
A         aim/hsm/src/bmdump.f
A         aim/hsm/src/
A         aim/hsm/src/
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmabd.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmdep.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmeqn.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmgeo.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmglr.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmprj.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmre1.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmren.f
A         aim/hsm/src/hsmrfm.f
A         aim/hsm/src/sbsolve.f
A         aim/hsm/src/atanc.f
A         aim/hsm/src/cross.f
A         aim/hsm/src/
A         aim/hsm/src/ludcmp.f
AU        aim/hsm/hlint
A         aim/hsm/man
AU        aim/hsm/man/hsm.pdf
AU        aim/hsm/man/hsmman.pdf
AU        aim/hsm/hsmTypes.h
A         aim/hsm/rcm
A         aim/hsm/rcm/rcm.cpp
A         aim/hsm/rcm/genrcmi.cpp
A         aim/hsm/rcm/genrcmi.hpp
A         aim/hsm/rcm/rcm.hpp
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/README.rcm
AU        aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/pack-rcm
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/rcm.bib
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/rcm.c
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/rcm.doxy
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/rcm.h
A         aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/rcm_f77.c
AU        aim/hsm/rcm_Fritzsche/refman.pdf
A         aim/hsm/test
A         aim/hsm/test/testHSM.make
A         aim/hsm/test/testHSM.c
A         aim/hsm/test/valence.c
A         aim/hsm/test/nacaWing.csm
A         aim/hsm/test/nacaWing.egads
A         aim/mystran
AU        aim/mystran/mystranAIM.c
AU        aim/mystran/mystranUtils.c
A         aim/mystran/doc
A         aim/mystran/doc/mystranAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/mystran/doc/mystranAIM_header.tex
A         aim/mystran/doc/mystranExample.dox
A         aim/mystran/doc/mystranAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/mystran/doc/image
AU        aim/mystran/doc/image/exampleWingBEM.png
A         aim/mystran/Makefile
A         aim/mystran/mystranAIM.def
A         aim/mystran/NMakefile
AU        aim/mystran/mlint
AU        aim/mystran/mystranUtils.h
A         aim/pointwise
AU        aim/pointwise/pointwiseAIM.c
A         aim/pointwise/doc
A         aim/pointwise/doc/pointwiseAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/pointwise/doc/pointwiseAIM_header.tex
A         aim/pointwise/doc/pointwiseAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/pointwise/doc/image
A         aim/pointwise/NMakefile
A         aim/pointwise/pointwiseAIM.def
AU        aim/pointwise/nmb.rc
A         aim/pointwise/Makefile
A         aim/pointwise/glyph
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GMMeshParamCoords2.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GMUtility.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GMMeshParamCoords.glf
AU        aim/pointwise/glyph/AttributeVocabulary.xlsx
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GMDatabaseUtility.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GMSafe.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMeshDefaults.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/README.rst
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/RefineByFactor.glf
A         aim/pointwise/glyph/QuiltToSurfMesh.glf
AU        aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMeshGUI.png
A         aim/pointwise/nmb.cpp
A         aim/pointwise/hashElement.c
AU        aim/pointwise/plint
A         aim/pointwise/lib.make
A         aim/pointwise/egads2nmb.c
A         aim/pointwise/hashElement.h
A         aim/pointwise/checkGMA.c
A         aim/pointwise/checkGMA.make
A         aim/pointwise/nmb.h
A         aim/pointwise/lib.mak
A         aim/pointwise/nmb.def
A         aim/Makefile
A         aim/NMakefile
A         aim/xfoil
AU        aim/xfoil/xfoilAIM.c
A         aim/xfoil/doc
A         aim/xfoil/doc/xfoilAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/xfoil/doc/xfoilAIM_header.tex
A         aim/xfoil/doc/xfoilExample.dox
A         aim/xfoil/doc/xfoilAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/xfoil/doc/image
AU        aim/xfoil/doc/image/xFoil_Ex1.png
A         aim/xfoil/xfoilAIM.def
A         aim/xfoil/Makefile
A         aim/xfoil/NMakefile
AU        aim/xfoil/xlint
A         aim/egadsTess
AU        aim/egadsTess/egadsTessAIM.c
A         aim/egadsTess/doc
A         aim/egadsTess/doc/egadsTessAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/egadsTess/doc/egadsTessAIM_header.tex
A         aim/egadsTess/doc/egadsTessAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/egadsTess/egadsTessAIM.def
A         aim/egadsTess/Makefile
A         aim/egadsTess/NMakefile
AU        aim/egadsTess/elint
A         aim/interference
A         aim/interference/interferenceAIM.c
A         aim/interference/doc
A         aim/interference/doc/interferenceAIM_dox.cfg
A         aim/interference/doc/interferenceAIM_header.tex
A         aim/interference/doc/interferenceAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/interference/interferenceAIM.def
A         aim/interference/cloud.h
A         aim/interference/cloudFns.c
A         aim/interference/Makefile
A         aim/interference/NMakefile
AU        aim/interference/ilint
A         aim/tsfoil
A         aim/tsfoil/doc
A         aim/tsfoil/doc/tsfoilAIM_dox.cfg
AU        aim/tsfoil/doc/tsfoilAIM_header.tex
A         aim/tsfoil/doc/tsfoilAIM_layout.xml
A         aim/tsfoil/doc/image
AU        aim/tsfoil/tsfoilAIM.c
A         aim/tsfoil/tsfoilAIM.def
A         aim/tsfoil/Makefile
A         aim/tsfoil/NMakefile
AU        aim/tsfoil/tslint
A         aim/custom
A         aim/custom/Makefile
A         aim/custom/NMakefile
A         pyCAPS
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/pyCAPS/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/cvxopt/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/solverWrappers/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/howToConvert.txt
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/optimization/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/kulfan
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/kulfan/mses
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/kulfan/mses/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/kulfan/mses/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/kulfan/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca4
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca4/mses
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca4/mses/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca4/mses/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca4/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca24xx
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca24xx/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca24xx/hoburg
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca24xx/hoburg/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/airfoil/naca24xx/hoburg/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/aerodynamics/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry/airfoilThickness
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry/airfoilThickness/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry/airfoilThickness/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry/airfoilThickness/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/geometry/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/models/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/inactive
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/inactive/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/inactive/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/inactive/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/inactive/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/MSES/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/CAPS/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/XFOIL
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/XFOIL/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/XFOIL/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/wrappers/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/analysis/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/dataTypes/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/data
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/data/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/data/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/constants_en.txt
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/default_en.txt
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
AU        pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/pint-convert
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/baseline
AU        pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/baseline/test_basic_plot.png
AU        pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/baseline/test_plot_with_set_units.png
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/testsuite/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/pint_custom/xtranslated.txt
A         pyCAPS/corsairlite/core/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest
AU        pyCAPS/unitTest/
AU        pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/unitGeom.csm
AU        pyCAPS/unitTest/
AU        pyCAPS/unitTest/
AU        pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/airfoilSection.csm
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/Makefile
A         pyCAPS/unitTest/NMakefile
A         pyCAPS/src
A         pyCAPS/src/Makefile
AU        pyCAPS/src/cCAPS.pxd
AU        pyCAPS/src/pyCAPS.c
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AU        pyCAPS/src/cOCSM.pxd
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AU        pyCAPS/src/exceptionUtils.pxi
AU        pyCAPS/src/
AU        pyCAPS/src/tecplotUtils.pxi
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AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
AU        pyCAPS/unitExample/
A         pyCAPS/viewer
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AU        pyCAPS/viewer/capsViewer.html
AU        pyCAPS/viewer/capsViewer.css
AU        pyCAPS/viewer/caps_logo.png
A         examples
A         examples/pyCAPS
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
AU        examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
AU        examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/pyCAPS/
A         examples/regressionTest
AU        examples/regressionTest/
AU        examples/regressionTest/
A         examples/csmData
A         examples/csmData/table.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfd2D.csm
A         examples/csmData/cyli_box.csm
A         examples/csmData/aeroelasticDataTransferSimple.csm
A         examples/csmData/aeroelasticDataTransfer.csm
A         examples/csmData/15degreeWing.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaAGARD445.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaSimplePlate.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaWingBEMAero.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfd_airfoilSection.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfdMultiBody.csm
A         examples/csmData/avlWing.csm
A         examples/csmData/awaveWingTailFuselage.csm
A         examples/csmData/linearAero.csm
A         examples/csmData/airfoilSection.csm
A         examples/csmData/interference.csm
A         examples/csmData/avlWing.udc
A         examples/csmData/avlWings.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfd2DArbShape.csm
A         examples/csmData/regions.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfdSymmetry.csm
A         examples/csmData/cfdX43a.csm
A         examples/csmData/generic_missile.csm
A         examples/csmData/tiptreat.csm
A         examples/csmData/frictionWingTailFuselage.csm
AU        examples/csmData/feaWingBEM.csm
A         examples/csmData/simpleWingBox.csm
A         examples/csmData/nosecone1.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaJoinedPlate.csm
A         examples/csmData/spheres.csm
A         examples/csmData/avlWingTail.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaBoxes.csm
A         examples/csmData/compositeWing.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaCantileverPlate.csm
A         examples/csmData/feaThreeBar.csm
A         examples/cCAPS
A         examples/cCAPS/fun3dAFLR2Test.c
A         examples/cCAPS/aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/aeroelasticTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/avlTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/awaveTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/frictionTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/fun3dTetgenTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/hsmCantileverPlateTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/hsmJoinedPlateTest.c
AU        examples/cCAPS/hsmSimplePlateTest.c
AU        examples/cCAPS/hsmTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/msesTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/mystranTest.c
AU        examples/cCAPS/pointwiseTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/interferenceTest.c
A         examples/cCAPS/msesTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/msesTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/interferenceTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/interferenceTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/awaveTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/awaveTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/fun3d.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/fun3d.make
A         examples/cCAPS/aeroelastic_SU2.make
A         examples/cCAPS/avlTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/frictionTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/hsm.make
A         examples/cCAPS/mystran.make
A         examples/cCAPS/pointwiseTest.make
A         examples/cCAPS/hsm.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/pointwiseTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/aeroelastic_SU2.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/avlTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/frictionTest.mak
A         examples/cCAPS/mystran.mak
A         examples/corsairlite
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing1.csm
A         examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing2.csm
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/csm
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/csm/naca.csm
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
A         examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/corsairlite/
A         examples/Makefile
A         examples/NMakefile
A         examples/README.txt
A         include
A         include/aimUtil.h
A         include/aimMesh.h
A         include/caps.h
A         include/capsErrors.h
A         include/capsTypes.h
A         include/DARWIN64
A         include/LINUX64
A         Slugs
A         Slugs/src
A         Slugs/src/Fitter.c
A         Slugs/src/Makefile.DARWIN64
A         Slugs/src/Slugs.c
A         Slugs/src/Tessellate.c
A         Slugs/src/Tessellate.h
A         Slugs/src/Fitter.h
A         Slugs/src/TestFit.c
A         Slugs/src/RedBlackTree.c
A         Slugs/src/RedBlackTree.h
A         Slugs/src/StlEdit.c
A         Slugs/src/stl2tess.c
A         Slugs/src/Makefile
A         Slugs/src/Makefile.LINUX64
A         Slugs/src/NMakefile
A         Slugs/client
A         Slugs/client/Slugs.js
A         Slugs/client/Slugs-help.html
A         Slugs/client/Slugs.css
A         Slugs/client/Slugs.html
A         Slugs/client/pictures
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AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig10.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig02.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig11.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig03.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig12.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig04.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig13.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig05.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig14.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig06.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig15.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig07.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig16.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig17.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig08.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig09.png
AU        Slugs/client/pictures/SLUGS-fig18.png
A         Slugs/Slugs.txt
A         doc
AU        doc/AIMdevel.pdf
A         doc/AIMdevel.tex
A         doc/CAPS.dox
AU        doc/CAPSapi.pdf
A         doc/CAPSapi.tex
A         doc/AIM.bib
A         doc/AIM.dox
A         doc/AIM_dox.cfg
A         doc/Makefile
A         doc/CAPS_dox.cfg
A         doc/CAPS_header.tex
A         doc/figures
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AU        doc/figures/caps_logo.png
AU        doc/figures/esp_logo.png
AU        doc/figures/CAPSFlow.png
AU        doc/figures/CAPSObjs.png
AU        doc/capsDiscr.pdf
A         doc/capsDiscr.tex
A         doc/pyCAPS_examples.dox
A         doc/CAPS
A         doc/CAPS/CAPS_Overview.html
A         doc/CAPS/html
A         doc/CAPS/pdf
A         doc/CAPS_main_layout.xml
A         doc/papers
A         doc/papers/aviation2016
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/myGlider.csm
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/wing.udc
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/wingOML_tess.csm
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/gen_rot.udc
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/wake.udc
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/fuselage.udc
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Example/flapz.udc
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Aviation2016_CAPS.tex
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Aviation2016_CAPS.pdf
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/afrl-logo.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/syracuse-logo.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/python-logo.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/logo-mit.png
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AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/tail.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/nsweep.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/wingloc.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/area.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/su2.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/halfAspect.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/designPt.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/quarterAspect.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/sweep.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/cylindersphereUnion.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/airfoilblend.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/airfoilsecs.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/cylindersphere.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/dragpolar.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/aeroelastic_FEA_Mesh.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/aeroelastic_CFD_Mesh.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/waffle.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/caps_Aeroelastic_Ex_Workflow.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/aeroelastic_Deflected_Cp.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/aeroelastic_Deflected_Wing.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/aeroelastic_FEA_Mesh.jpg
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/crossSections.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/avl.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/bem.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/beam.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/CAPS.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/f1a.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/oml.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/f1b.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/f1c.png
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Figures/midplane.png
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/BEAMERoptions.tex
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/beamercolorthemeacdl.sty
A         doc/papers/aviation2016/Aviation_caps_v01.tex
AU        doc/papers/aviation2016/Aviation_caps_v01.pdf
A         doc/BEAMERoptions.tex
A         doc/beamercolorthemeesp.sty
AU        doc/caps_logo.png
AU        doc/esp_logo.png
A         doc/ESP_main_layout.xml
A         doc/ESP_dox.cfg
A         src
A         src/aimMesh.c
A         src/capsAnalysis.c
A         src/aimUtil.c
A         src/capsAIM.c
A         src/capsAIM.h
A         src/capsApprox.c
A         src/capsAttr.c
A         src/capsBase.c
A         src/capsBase.h
A         src/capsBound.c
A         src/capsChkInpt.c
A         src/capsFunIDs.c
A         src/capsFunIDs.h
A         src/capsProblem.c
A         src/capsUnits.c
A         src/capsValue.c
A         src/conjGrad.c
A         src/phaseUtil.c
A         src/printObject.c
A         src/testingAIM.c
A         src/testingWriter.c
AU        src/caps.rc
A         src/caps.def
A         src/Makefile
A         src/NMakefile
A         src/aim.def
A         src/aimTransferUtil.c
A         src/testingWriter.def
AU        src/clint
A         training
A         training/2023
A         training/2023/data
A         training/2023/data/ESP
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fuseBem.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fuseCalc.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fuseIml.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fuseOml.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fusePmtrs.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/fuseWaffle.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailBem.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailCalc.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailHinges.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailOml.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailPmtrs.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailVlm.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/htailWaffle.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/nacelleCalc.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/nacelleOml.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/nacellePmtrs.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/payload.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/payloadPmtrs.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/pylonCalc.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/pylonOml.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/pylonPmtrs.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/transport.csm
A         training/2023/data/ESP/transport_init.udc
A         training/2023/data/ESP/viewBem.udc
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AU        training/lectures/session07/inviscidTransport_Wing.png
AU        training/lectures/session07/viscousTransport_Full.png
AU        training/lectures/session07/viscousTransport_Tail.png
AU        training/lectures/session07/viscousTransport_Wing.png
AU        training/lectures/session07/viscousWingPod_BL.png
AU        training/lectures/session07/viscousWing_BL.png
A         training/lectures/session09
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing3_ESP_full.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing3_ESP_ignore.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_TFI.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dev1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dev2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dev3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dihedral1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dihedral2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_dihedral3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_leadingeEdge.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_maxLen1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_maxLen2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_maxLen3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_mesh_size1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_mesh_size2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_mesh_size3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_noTFI.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_quad1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_quad2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_quad3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing_rootLeadingEdge.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size22.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size4.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size5.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size6.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingbox_mesh_size7.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wingfull.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/airside0.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/airside1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/cyl1.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/cyl2.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/cyl3.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/trisplit.png
AU        training/lectures/session09/wing3.png
A         training/lectures/session10
AU        training/lectures/session10/capsLoad.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/leftWingSkin.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/riteWingSkin.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/rootClamped.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/rootSupport.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing3_flutter_aero.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing3_flutter_struc.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wingRib.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wingSpar1.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wingSpar2.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing_u.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing_v.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing_leftCsys.png
AU        training/lectures/session10/wing_riteCsys.png
A         training/lectures/session11
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Aero_lowerWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Aero_tipWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Aero_upperWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Struct_lowerWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Struct_tipWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/capsBound_Struct_upperWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/vertexSet_Aero_upperWing.png
AU        training/lectures/session11/vertexSet_Struct_upperWing.png
A         training/lectures/CAPSflyer.tex
A         training/lectures/session04.tex
A         training/lectures/welcome
AU        training/lectures/welcome/AFRL.png
AU        training/lectures/welcome/DARPA.png
AU        training/lectures/welcome/NASA.png
A         training/lectures/session04
A         training/lectures/session04/save.view
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing4.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing4_CFDvisc.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing4_VLM.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing4_coupled.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing4_struct.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/transport.png
AU        training/lectures/session04/wing1.png
A         training/lectures/csmListing.tex
A         training/lectures/csmListingsBW.tex
A         training/lectures/session01
AU        training/lectures/session01/ParaView_Logo.png
AU        training/lectures/session01/AIMdoc.png
AU        training/lectures/session01/inviscidTransport_Full.png
A         training/lectures/session08
AU        training/lectures/session08/logoSU2_v3_3_mod.png
AU        training/lectures/session08/hi_lift2.jpg
AU        training/lectures/session08/hl_crm_01.png
AU        training/lectures/session08/fun3d_logo.png
AU        training/lectures/session08/nasa_meatball_0138.png
AU        training/lectures/cmpress
A         training/lectures/PythonTutorial.tex
A         training/lectures/session02
AU        training/lectures/session02/f118_boxter.png
A         training/lectures/session03
AU        training/lectures/session03/avl_logo.png
AU        training/lectures/session03/naca.png
AU        training/lectures/session03/planevanilla.png
AU        training/lectures/session03/xfoil_logo.png
A         training/lectures/capsSyllabus.tex
A         training/lectures/oneTrainingSyllabus.tex
AU        training/lectures/questionnaire.docx
A         training/lectures/syllabus.tex
A         training/lectures/cover.tex
A         training/lectures/overlayPageSubNumber.tex
A         training/lectures/ParaviewBasics
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/basic_paraview.pdf
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/basic_paraview.pptx
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.41.32 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.42.43 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.43.22 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.43.31 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.44.04 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.44.13 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.44.53 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.45.27 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.45.36 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.46.10 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.46.34 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.46.46 PM.png
AU        training/lectures/ParaviewBasics/Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 10.44.44 AM.png
A         training/lectures/BEAMERoptions.tex
A         training/lectures/CAPSauthor.tex
AU        training/lectures/caps_logo.png
A         training/lectures/beamercolorthemeesp.sty
AU        training/lectures/esp_logo.png
A         training/transport.jrnl
A         training/wing1.jrnl
A         training/wing2.jrnl
A         training/wing3.jrnl
A         training/wing4.jrnl
A         test
A         test/aim.c
A         test/aimTransferUtilTest.c
A         test/autoExec.c
A         test/basic.c
A         test/geomIn.c
A         test/miscUtilsTest.c
A         test/testCAPS.h
A         test/vVS.c
A         test/variParam.c
A         test/vlmUtilsTest.c
A         test/newPhase.c
AU        test/
A         test/readPhase.c
A         test/readPhase.mak
A         test/readPhase.make
A         test/testingAIM.csm
A         test/utilsTest.mak
A         test/utilsTest.make
A         test/aim.make
A         test/vVS.mak
A         test/vVS.make
A         test/autoExec.mak
A         test/autoExec.make
A         test/newPhase.mak
A         test/newPhase.make
A         test/variParam.csm
A         test/variParam.mak
A         test/variParam.make
A         test/basic.make
A         test/geomIn.make
A         test/aim.mak
A         test/geomIn.mak
A         test/basic.mak
A         legacy
A         legacy/examples
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/examples/regressionTest
AU        legacy/examples/regressionTest/
A         legacy/examples/csmData
A         legacy/examples/csmData/avlWing.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/awaveWingTailFuselage.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfd_airfoilSection.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/linearAero.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/15degreeWing.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/aeroelasticDataTransfer.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/aeroelasticDataTransferSimple.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/airfoilSection.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/avlWing.udc
A         legacy/examples/csmData/avlWingTail.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/avlWings.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfd2D.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfd2DArbShape.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfdMultiBody.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfdSymmetry.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/cfdX43a.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/compositeWing.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaAGARD445.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaBoxes.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaCantileverPlate.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaJoinedPlate.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaSimplePlate.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaThreeBar.csm
AU        legacy/examples/csmData/feaWingBEM.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/feaWingBEMAero.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/frictionWingTailFuselage.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/generic_missile.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/nosecone1.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/regions.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/simpleWingBox.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/spheres.csm
A         legacy/examples/csmData/tiptreat.csm
A         legacy/aim
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/Makefile
A         legacy/aim/pyCAPS/NMakefile
A         legacy/aim/csmData
A         legacy/aim/csmData/airfoilSection.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/avlSections.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/cfd2D.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/cfdMultiBody.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/cfdSingleBody.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/cornerGeom.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/feaSimplePlate.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/feaWingOMLAero.csm
A         legacy/aim/csmData/kulfanSection.csm
AU        legacy/aim/csmData/masstran.csm
A         legacy/unitTest
A         legacy/unitTest/
A         legacy/unitTest/Makefile
A         legacy/unitTest/
A         legacy/unitTest/
A         legacy/unitTest/
A         legacy/unitTest/
A         legacy/unitTest/NMakefile
A         legacy/unitTest/unitGeom.csm
A         BuildFromRepo.txt
A         emailAddresses.txt
A         Makefile
A         NMakefile
At revision 3850

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory JenkinsESP
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         ESP_Beta.bat
A         ESP_Commit.bat
A         ESP_Env.bat
A         ESP_PreBuilt.bat
A         ESP_Regression.bat
A         ESP_email.template
A         ESP_parse
A         ESPbfr.bat
AU        ESPbfr.tgz
A         Verification.bat
A         data
A         data/CAPS
A         data/CAPS/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/CAPS/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/CAPS/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/CAPS/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/CAPS/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/TRADES
A         data/TRADES/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/TRADES/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/TRADES/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/TRADES/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/TRADES/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/basic
A         data/basic/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/basic/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/basic/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/basic/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/basic/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/capsExamples
A         data/capsExamples/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/capsExamples/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/capsExamples/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/capsExamples/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/capsExamples/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/csmIgnore.txt
A         data/csmIgnore_7.3.txt
A         data/csmIgnore_7.4.txt
A         data/csmIgnore_7.6.txt
A         data/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/gallery
A         data/gallery/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/gallery/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/gallery/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/gallery/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/gallery/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/legacy
A         data/legacy/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/legacy/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/legacy/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/legacy/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/legacy/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/plugs
A         data/plugs/plugsFailure.txt
A         data/plugs/plugsIgnore.txt
A         data/plugs/plugsIgnoreValgrind.txt
A         data/sensFailure.txt
A         data/studentGallery
A         data/studentGallery/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/studentGallery/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/studentGallery/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/studentGallery/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/studentGallery/egadsTessError.txt
A         data/training
A         data/training/csmErrorHandling.txt
A         data/training/csmOCCFailure_7.3.txt
A         data/training/csmOCCFailure_7.4.txt
A         data/training/csmOCCFailure_7.6.txt
A         data/training/egadsTessError.txt
A         suppression_address.txt
A         suppression_undefined.txt
A         tex
A         tex/BEAMERoptions.tex
AU        tex/JenkinsESP.pdf
A         tex/JenkinsESP.tex
A         tex/beamercolorthemeacdl.sty
A         valgrind
A         valgrind/valgrind-AFLR.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-IRIT.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-MKL.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-OCC7.3.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-OCC7.4.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-OCC7.6.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-Tblade3.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-Ubuntu.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-exodus.supp
A         valgrind/valgrind-python.supp
At revision 803

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/udc doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory OpenCSM/trunk/udc
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         flapz.udc
A         splitEdges.udc
A         combine.udc
A         replicate.udc
A         wing.udc
A         applyTparams.udc
A         contains.udc
A         overlaps.udc
A         glovesFuse.udc
A         glovesVtail.udc
A         glovesWing.udc
A         swap.udc
A         viewAvl.udc
A         gen_rot.udc
A         viewSansLIP.udc
A         viewSkinStructure.udc
A         capsHeader.udc
A         capsViews.udc
A         viewAstros.udc
A         viewConcept.udc
A         viewMasstran.udc
A         viewSu2Inviscid.udc
A         viewSu2Viscous.udc
A         duct.udc
A         strut.udc
A         wake.udc
A         fuselage.udc
A         popupz.udc
A         biconvex.udc
A         boxudc.udc
A         spoilerz.udc
A         diamond.udc
A         expressions.udc
At revision 2344

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         verify_7.6.0
A         verify_7.6.0/blend12_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/blindeye_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/boxBall_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/boxHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/box_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/cylinderHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/cylinder_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/damaged_2.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/demo1_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/duct_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/eyeball_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/holes_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/pieslice_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/sphere_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/torus_1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/tutorial1.vfy
A         verify_7.6.0/wing_1.vfy
A         holes_0.stl
A         boxBall_0.jrnl
A         boxBall.plot
A         boxBall_0.stl
A         verify_7.3.1
A         verify_7.3.1/holes_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/blindeye_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/cylinder_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/damaged_2.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/blend12_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/boxBall_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/boxHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/box_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/cylinderHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/demo1_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/duct_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/eyeball_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/pieslice_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/sphere_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/torus_1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/tutorial1.vfy
A         verify_7.3.1/wing_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1
A         verify_7.4.1/holes_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/blend12_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/blindeye_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/boxBall_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/boxHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/box_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/cylinderHole_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/cylinder_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/damaged_2.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/demo1_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/duct_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/eyeball_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/pieslice_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/sphere_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/torus_1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/tutorial1.vfy
A         verify_7.4.1/wing_1.vfy
A         holes.plot
A         holes_0.csm
A         holes_0.jrnl
A         holes_1.csm
AU        tutorial1.stl
A         sphere_0.stl
A         blend12.plot
A         blend12_0.csm
A         blend12_0.stl
A         blindeye.plot
A         blindeye_0.csm
A         blindeye_0.jrnl
A         blindeye_0.stl
A         blindeye_1.csm
A         box.plot
A         boxBall_0.csm
A         boxBall_1.csm
A         boxHole.plot
A         boxHole_0.csm
A         boxHole_0.jrnl
A         boxHole_0.stl
A         box_0.csm
A         box_0.jrnl
A         box_0.stl
A         cylinder.plot
A         cylinderHole.plot
A         cylinderHole_0.csm
A         cylinderHole_0.jrnl
A         cylinderHole_0.stl
A         cylinder_0.csm
A         cylinder_0.jrnl
A         cylinder_0.stl
A         damaged.plot
A         damaged_0.csm
A         damaged_0.stl
A         damaged_1.jrnl
A         demo1.plot
A         demo1_0.csm
A         demo1_0.jrnl
A         demo1_0.stl
A         duct.plot
A         duct_0.csm
A         duct_0.jrnl
A         duct_0.stl
A         eyeball.plot
A         eyeball_0.csm
A         eyeball_0.jrnl
A         eyeball_0.stl
A         myGlider.plot
A         myGlider_0.cpc
A         myGlider_0.stl
A         pieslice.plot
A         pieslice_0.csm
A         pieslice_0.jrnl
A         pieslice_0.stl
A         sphere.plot
A         sphere_0.csm
A         sphere_0.jrnl
A         torus.plot
A         torus_0.csm
A         torus_0.jrnl
A         torus_0.stl
A         tutorial1.jrnl
A         tutorial1.plot
A         tutorial1_setup.csm
A         tutorial1_setup.stl
A         wing.plot
A         wingBody.plot
A         wingBody_0.cpc
A         wingBody_0.stl
A         wing_0.csm
A         wing_0.jrnl
A         wing_0.stl
A         blend12_1.csm
A         boxHole_1.csm
A         box_1.csm
A         cylinderHole_1.csm
A         cylinder_1.csm
A         damaged_2.csm
A         demo1_1.csm
A         duct_1.csm
A         myGlider_2.csm
A         sphere_1.csm
A         torus_1.csm
A         tutorial1.csm
A         wingBody_2.csm
A         wing_1.csm
A         testfiles
A         testfiles/elbow.stl
A         testfiles/elbow_NW.csm
A         testfiles/elbow_NW.jrnl
A         testfiles/elbow_NW.stl
A         testfiles/nucleus1.csm
A         testfiles/nucleus1.jrnl
A         testfiles/nucleus1.stl
A         testfiles/nucleus2.stl
A         testfiles/nucleus3.stl
AU        aneurysm_case1.iges
AU        aneurysm_case1_slugs.stl
A         eyeball_1.csm
A         pieslice_1.csm
A         myGlider_0.jrnl
A         myGlider_1.jrnl
A         damaged_0.jrnl
A         wingBody_0.jrnl
A         wingBody_1.jrnl
A         tutorial1_setup.jrnl
A         blend12_0.jrnl
 U        .
At revision 2344

Checking out a fresh workspace because /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM doesn't exist
Cleaning local Directory OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM
Checking out svn+ssh:// at revision '2023-03-11T00:14:07.756 -0500'
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
A         pyOCSM
A         pyOCSM/
A         pyOCSM/
A         pyOCSM/
A         testOCSM
A         testOCSM/
A         testOCSM/inline.csm
A         testOCSM/sample.csm
A         testOCSM/sample.dict
 U        .
At revision 2344

Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
Using sole credentials 3614a4cf-01de-4393-97de-73734b7dd5a2 in realm ‘svn+ssh://’
No changes for svn+ssh:// since the previous build
No changes for svn+ssh:// since the previous build
No changes for svn+ssh:// since the previous build
[GitCheckoutListener] SCM 'hudson.scm.SubversionSCM' is not of type GitSCM
[DARWIN64] $ /bin/bash -xe /var/folders/xs/_fh4l1p54zqcl6mbk4zclcfr0000gp/T/
+ rm -rf /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training/lectures
+ [[ CAPS/unit != *\S\l\u\g\s* ]]
+ rm -rf /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs
+ [[ macys == *\v\i\g\g\e\n* ]]
+ bash -x /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/
+ source /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/
++ AFLR_VERSION=11.3.17
++ SU2_VERSION=7.4.0
++ export PYTHON_VERSION=3.9.13
++ export EFCOMP=gfortran
++ EFCOMP=gfortran
++ [[ macys == \r\e\y\n\o\l\d\s ]]
++ [[ DARWIN64 == *\.\i\f\o\r\t ]]
++ '[' -f /opt/intel/oneapi/ ']'
++ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
++ '[' -f /Users/jenkins/.bashrc ']'
++ export CAPS_OUTLEVEL=0
++ [[ DARWIN64 == \D\A\R\W\I\N\6\4\.\g\c\c ]]
++ export ESP_BLOC=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64
++ ESP_BLOC=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64
++ export ESP_ROOT=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64
++ ESP_ROOT=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64
++ export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/julia
++ JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/julia
++ export AWAVE=awavemod.f
++ AWAVE=awavemod.f
++ [[ macys == *\r\e\y\n\o\l\d\s* ]]
++ [[ macys == *\m\a\c\y\s* ]]
++ export EMPnumProc=2
++ EMPnumProc=2
++ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
++ source /Users/jenkins/.bash_profile
++++ brew --prefix
/Users/jenkins/.bash_profile: line 2: brew: command not found
+++ '[' -f /etc/bash_completion ']'
+++ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+++ PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+++ export PATH=/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+++ PATH=/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+++ export
++ [[ macys == *\m\a\c\y\s* ]]
++ export PATH=/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ export CASARCH=.
+++ ls -d /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/OpenCASCADE-7.6.0
++ export CASROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/OpenCASCADE-7.6.0
++ CASROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/OpenCASCADE-7.6.0
++ export UDUNITS2_XML_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/udunits/udunits2.xml
++ UDUNITS2_XML_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/udunits/udunits2.xml
++ export ESP_EXTERN_LIBS=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs
++ ESP_EXTERN_LIBS=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs
++ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib:/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/OpenCASCADE-7.6.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/2021.3.0/env/../lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2021.3.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2021.3.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/compiler/lib/intel64_mac:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/compiler/lib
++ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib:/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/OpenCASCADE-7.6.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/2021.3.0/env/../lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2021.3.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2021.3.0/lib:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/compiler/lib/intel64_mac:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/compiler/lib
++ export AFLR=/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17
++ AFLR=/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17
++ [[ macys == *\m\a\c\y\s* ]]
++ export AFLR_ARCH=MacOSX-x86-64
++ AFLR_ARCH=MacOSX-x86-64
++ export ASTROS_ROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit
++ ASTROS_ROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ export CART3D=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28
++ CART3D=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28
++ export CART3D_ARCH=OSX64_ICC
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ [[ macys == *\m\a\c\y\s* ]]
++ export IRIT_LIB=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-osx/lib
++ IRIT_LIB=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-osx/lib
++ export IRIT_INC=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-sm
++ IRIT_INC=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-sm
++ export PATH=/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ PATH=/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/
++ export CAPS_GLYPH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph
++ CAPS_GLYPH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph
++ [[ macys == \m\a\c\y\s ]]
++ export SEACAS=/Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas
++ SEACAS=/Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas
++ export SU2_HOME=/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0
++ SU2_HOME=/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0
++ export SU2_RUN=/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ SU2_RUN=/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PATH=/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PATH=/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PYTHONPATH=:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PYTHONPATH=:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export TETGEN=/Users/jenkins/util/tetgen/tetgen1.6.0
++ TETGEN=/Users/jenkins/util/tetgen/tetgen1.6.0
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ export PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ PYTHONPATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/pyOCSM:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS::/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
++ [[ macys == \m\a\c\y\s* ]]
++ mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin
++ rm -f /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/python
++ rm -f /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/python-config
++ rm -f /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/virtualenv
++ rm -f '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/analyze-*'
++ rm -f '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/intercept-*'
++ [[ macys == \m\a\c\y\s ]]
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/python3 /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/python
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/python3-config /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/python-config
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/virtualenv /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/virtualenv
+++ ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-build /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-c++ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-cc /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-build /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-c++ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-cc
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-build
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-build
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-build /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/analyze-build
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-c++
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-c++
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-c++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/analyze-c++
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-cc
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-cc
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/analyze-cc /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/analyze-cc
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-build
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-build
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-build /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/intercept-build
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-c++
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-c++
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-c++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/intercept-c++
++ for i in '`ls /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/analyze-* /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/intercept-*`'
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-cc
+++ basename /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-cc
++ ln -s /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/bin/intercept-cc /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/intercept-cc
+++ python-config --includes
++ export 'PYTHONINC=. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9'
++ PYTHONINC='. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9'
+++ python-config --help
++ [[ Usage: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/python-config [--prefix|--exec-prefix|--includes|--libs|--cflags|--ldflags|--extension-suffix|--help|--abiflags|--configdir|--embed] == *\e\m\b\e\d* ]]
+++ python-config --ldflags --embed
++ export 'PYTHONLIB=-L/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/lib -lpython3.9 -ldl -framework CoreFoundation'
++ PYTHONLIB='-L/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/lib -lpython3.9 -ldl -framework CoreFoundation'
++ python --version
Python 3.9.13
++ [[ DARWIN64 == \D\A\R\W\I\N\6\4\.\g\c\c ]]
++ export CSMDATA=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data
++ CSMDATA=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data
+ [[ macys == *\r\e\y\n\o\l\d\s* ]]
+ [[ macys == *\m\a\c\y\s* ]]
+ export CASROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install
+ CASROOT=/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install
+ export 'ESPFLAGS=-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer'
+ ESPFLAGS='-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer'
+ export UBSANPATH=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin
+ UBSANPATH=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin
+ export 'ESPFLIBS=-Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib'
+ ESPFLIBS='-Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib'
+ export UBSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/suppression_undefined.txt
+ UBSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/suppression_undefined.txt
+ source /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/
++ tar -xvf /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/ESPbfr.tgz
x ESP/
x ESP/WIN64/
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x ESP/LINUX64/include/
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x ESP/LINUX64/lib/
x ESP/LINUX64/lib/libc3dio.a
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x ESP/LINUX64/include/nmb.h
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x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/GridInfo.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/geomTypes.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/CaseInfo.h
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x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/int64.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/map.h
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x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/c3d_timeout.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/encoding.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/PostProcInfo.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/vortexBC.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/earthBL_BC.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/c3d_global.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/timer.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/memory_util.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/SolverInfo.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/MGinfo.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/hex.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/ConvInfo.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/limiters.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/basicTypes.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/stateVector.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/bBox_stuff.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/SFC.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/cartCells.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/libCart3D/geomStructures.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/xddm/xddmInternals.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/xddm/xddm.c
x ESP/LINUX64/include/xddm/xddm.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/c3dio/c3dio_lib.h
x ESP/LINUX64/include/c3dio/c3dio_icemcfd.h
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x ESP/CYGWIN64/test/
x ESP/CYGWIN64/bin/
x ESP/CYGWIN64/include/
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x ESP/CYGWIN64/lib/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/GridInfo.h
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/CaseInfo.h
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/map.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/infoStructures.h
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/sensors.h
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/encoding.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/PostProcInfo.h
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x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/timer.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/memory_util.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/SolverInfo.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/MGinfo.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/hex.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/ConvInfo.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/limiters.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/basicTypes.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/stateVector.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/bBox_stuff.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/SFC.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/cartCells.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/libCart3D/geomStructures.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/xddm/xddmInternals.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/xddm/xddm.c
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/xddm/xddm.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/c3dio/c3dio_lib.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/include/c3dio/c3dio_icemcfd.h
x ESP/DARWINM1/bin/mastros.exe
x ESP/DARWINM1/bin/xfoil
x ESP/DARWINM1/bin/mses
x ESP/DARWINM1/bin/mset
x ESP/DARWINM1/bin/avl
x ESP/udunits/udunits2-prefixes.xml
x ESP/udunits/udunits2.xml
x ESP/udunits/udunits2-common.xml
x ESP/udunits/udunits2-derived.xml
x ESP/udunits/udunits2-accepted.xml
x ESP/udunits/udunits2-base.xml
x ESP/DARWIN64/obj/
x ESP/DARWIN64/test/
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libudunits2.0.dylib
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libc3dio.a
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libudunits2.dylib
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libnmb.dylib
x ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libCart3D.a
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/udunits.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/c3dio/
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/xddm/
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/converter.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/udunits2.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/nmb.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/gridStructures.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/GridInfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/geomTypes.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/CaseInfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/IOinfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/int64.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/map.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/infoStructures.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/string_util.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/dualtime.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/myLList.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/sensors.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/utils_xml.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/c3d_timeout.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/encoding.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/PostProcInfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/vortexBC.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/earthBL_BC.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/c3d_global.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/timer.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/memory_util.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/SolverInfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/MGinfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/hex.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/ConvInfo.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/limiters.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/basicTypes.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/stateVector.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/bBox_stuff.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/SFC.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/cartCells.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/libCart3D/geomStructures.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/xddm/xddmInternals.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/xddm/xddm.c
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/xddm/xddm.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/c3dio/c3dio_lib.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/include/c3dio/c3dio_icemcfd.h
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/mastros.exe
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/xfoil
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/mses
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/mset
x ESP/DARWIN64/bin/avl
x ESP/WIN64/obj/
x ESP/WIN64/test/
x ESP/WIN64/bin/
x ESP/WIN64/include/
x ESP/WIN64/lib/
x ESP/WIN64/lib/libwinpthread-1.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/libquadmath-0.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/udunits2.lib
x ESP/WIN64/lib/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/udunits2.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/expat.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/nmb.dll
x ESP/WIN64/lib/nmb.lib
x ESP/WIN64/include/udunits.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/
x ESP/WIN64/include/converter.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/udunits2.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/nmb.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/unistd.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/websock-w32.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/strings.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/sys/
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/gettimeofday.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/netdb.h
x ESP/WIN64/include/winhelpers/sys/time.h
x ESP/WIN64/bin/avl.exe
x ESP/WIN64/bin/mastros.exe
x ESP/WIN64/bin/xfoil.exe
x ESP/WIN64/bin/ASTRO.D01
x ESP/WIN64/bin/mses.exe
x ESP/WIN64/bin/mset.exe
++ virtualenv /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv
created virtual environment in 422ms
  creator CPython3Posix(dest=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/Users/jenkins/Library/Application Support/virtualenv)
    added seed packages: pip==23.0.1, setuptools==67.2.0, wheel==0.38.4
  activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator
++ . /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/activate
+++ '[' /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/activate = /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/ ']'
+++ deactivate nondestructive
+++ unset -f pydoc
+++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ hash -r
+++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ unset VIRTUAL_ENV
+++ '[' '!' nondestructive = nondestructive ']'
+++ VIRTUAL_ENV=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv
+++ '[' darwin22 = cygwin ']'
+++ '[' darwin22 = msys ']'
+++ export VIRTUAL_ENV
+++ _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
+++ PATH=/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test:/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/tsfoil:/Applications/Pointwise/PointwiseV18.5R1:/Users/jenkins/util/delaundo/delaundo/src:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin:/Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC/:/Users/jenkins/util/astros/Astros/Darwin-64bit:/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2021.3.0/bin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/mac/bin/intel64:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/Users/jenkins/util/SU2/SU2-v7.4.0/bin
+++ export PATH
+++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ '[' x '!=' x ']'
++++ basename /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv
+++ PS1='(venv) '
+++ export PS1
+++ alias pydoc
+++ true
+++ hash -r
++ pip_install pip
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (23.0.1)
++ pip_install f90nml
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade f90nml
Collecting f90nml
  Using cached f90nml-1.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (32 kB)
Installing collected packages: f90nml
Successfully installed f90nml-1.4.3
++ pip_install numpy
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade numpy
Collecting numpy
  Using cached numpy-1.24.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (19.8 MB)
Installing collected packages: numpy
Successfully installed numpy-1.24.2
++ pip_install 'scipy!=1.9.2,!=1.9.3'
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade 'scipy!=1.9.2,!=1.9.3'
Collecting scipy!=1.9.2,!=1.9.3
  Using cached scipy-1.10.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (35.2 MB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<1.27.0,>=1.19.5 in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from scipy!=1.9.2,!=1.9.3) (1.24.2)
Installing collected packages: scipy
Successfully installed scipy-1.10.1
++ pip_install openmdao
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade openmdao
Collecting openmdao
  Using cached openmdao-3.25.0-py3-none-any.whl
Collecting requests
  Using cached requests-2.28.2-py3-none-any.whl (62 kB)
Collecting packaging
  Using cached packaging-23.0-py3-none-any.whl (42 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from openmdao) (1.24.2)
Collecting networkx>=2.0
  Using cached networkx-3.0-py3-none-any.whl (2.0 MB)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from openmdao) (1.10.1)
Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1
  Using cached urllib3-1.26.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl (140 kB)
Collecting idna<4,>=2.5
  Using cached idna-3.4-py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
Collecting charset-normalizer<4,>=2
  Using cached charset_normalizer-3.1.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (124 kB)
Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
  Using cached certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl (155 kB)
Installing collected packages: urllib3, packaging, networkx, idna, charset-normalizer, certifi, requests, openmdao
Successfully installed certifi-2022.12.7 charset-normalizer-3.1.0 idna-3.4 networkx-3.0 openmdao-3.25.0 packaging-23.0 requests-2.28.2 urllib3-1.26.15
++ [[ macys == *\v\i\g\g\e\n* ]]
++ pip_install cvxopt
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade cvxopt
Collecting cvxopt
  Using cached cvxopt-1.3.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (3.1 MB)
Installing collected packages: cvxopt
Successfully installed cvxopt-1.3.0
++ pip_install dill
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade dill
Collecting dill
  Using cached dill-0.3.6-py3-none-any.whl (110 kB)
Installing collected packages: dill
Successfully installed dill-0.3.6
++ pip_install packaging
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade packaging
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (23.0)
++ pip_install matplotlib
++ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/venv/bin/python -m pip install --only-binary all --upgrade matplotlib
Collecting matplotlib
  Using cached matplotlib-3.7.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_12_x86_64.whl (7.4 MB)
Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1
  Using cached kiwisolver-1.4.4-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (65 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.20 in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.24.2)
Collecting fonttools>=4.22.0
  Using cached fonttools-4.39.0-py3-none-any.whl (1.0 MB)
Collecting python-dateutil>=2.7
  Using cached python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (247 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in ./ESP/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib) (23.0)
Collecting contourpy>=1.0.1
  Using cached contourpy-1.0.7-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (244 kB)
Collecting pyparsing>=2.3.1
  Using cached pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl (98 kB)
Collecting importlib-resources>=3.2.0
  Using cached importlib_resources-5.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (36 kB)
Collecting pillow>=6.2.0
  Using cached Pillow-9.4.0-2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl (3.3 MB)
Collecting cycler>=0.10
  Using cached cycler-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl (6.4 kB)
Collecting zipp>=3.1.0
  Using cached zipp-3.15.0-py3-none-any.whl (6.8 kB)
Collecting six>=1.5
  Using cached six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
Installing collected packages: zipp, six, pyparsing, pillow, kiwisolver, fonttools, cycler, contourpy, python-dateutil, importlib-resources, matplotlib
Successfully installed contourpy-1.0.7 cycler-0.11.0 fonttools-4.39.0 importlib-resources-5.12.0 kiwisolver-1.4.4 matplotlib-3.7.1 pillow-9.4.0 pyparsing-3.0.9 python-dateutil-2.8.2 six-1.16.0 zipp-3.15.0
++ [[ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs == '' ]]
++ '[' -d /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs ']'
++ cp /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs/ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs/ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/ExternLibs/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/src
++ make
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/DARWIN64
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/DARWIN64
cp -p ../include/DARWIN64 /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/DARWIN64
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/STANALYZER.make
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/STANALYZER.make
cp -p ../include/STANALYZER.make /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/STANALYZER.make
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads.h
cp -p ../include/egads.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads_dot.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads_dot.h
cp -p ../include/egads_dot.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egads_dot.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
cp -p ../include/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsErrors.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsErrors.h
cp -p ../include/egadsErrors.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsErrors.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTypes.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTypes.h
cp -p ../include/egadsTypes.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTypes.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/emp.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/emp.h
cp -p ../include/emp.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/emp.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/prm.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/prm.h
cp -p ../include/prm.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/prm.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsserver.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsserver.h
cp -p ../include/wsserver.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsserver.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
cp -p ../include/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsss.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsss.h
cp -p ../include/wsss.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/wsss.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTris.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTris.h
cp -p egadsTris.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsTris.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineFit.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineFit.h
cp -p egadsSplineFit.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineFit.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineVels.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineVels.h
cp -p egadsSplineVels.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/egadsSplineVels.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
cp -p ../include/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal
cp Surreal/SurrealD.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal/SurrealD.h
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal
cp Surreal/SurrealD_Lazy.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal/SurrealD_Lazy.h
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal
cp Surreal/SurrealD_Trad.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal/SurrealD_Trad.h
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal
cp Surreal/SurrealS.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal/SurrealS.h
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal
cp Surreal/SurrealS_Lazy.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/Surreal/SurrealS_Lazy.h
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clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -x c++ -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/inc -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/include/opencascade -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install -I. -I../include \
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SurrealD1_test_suite Complete!

clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/SurrealD4 -O -std=c++11 -I. ../util/SurrealD4_btest.cpp

SurrealD4_test_suite Complete!

clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/SurrealS1 -O -std=c++11 -I. ../util/SurrealS1_btest.cpp

SurrealS1_test_suite Complete!

clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/SurrealS4 -O -std=c++11 -I. ../util/SurrealS4_btest.cpp

SurrealS4_test_suite Complete!

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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/EG_uvmapGen.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/EG_uvmapGen.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_gen_uv.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_gen_uv.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_ibeibe.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_ibeibe.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_ibfibf.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_ibfibf.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_ibfin.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_ibfin.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_iccibe.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_iccibe.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_iccin.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_iccin.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_idibe.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_idibe.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_inibe.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_inibe.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_inl_uv_bnd.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_inl_uv_bnd.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_mben_disc.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_mben_disc.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_message.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_message.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_norm_uv.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_norm_uv.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_read.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_read.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_solve.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_solve.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_struct_tasks.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_struct_tasks.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_test.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_test.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_to_egads.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_to_egads.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_version.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_version.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I. uvmap/uvmap_write.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap_write.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 egadsUVmap.c -Iuvmap \
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libuvmap.a
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/uvmap.exe /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/uvmap.o \
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		-install_name '@rpath/libegads.dylib' \
		-compatibility_version 7.6 \
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		evaluate.o rational.o regQuads.o;  )
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6  -I../include fgadsBase.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fgadsBase.o
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libfgads.a
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libemp.a
 *** EGADS Build Complete! ***
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/wvServer
++ make
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 map.cpp -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/map.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DLWS_NO_FORK -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include libwebsockets.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/libwebsockets.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DLWS_NO_FORK -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include md5.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/md5.o
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libwsserver.a
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		-I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/servertest.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/server /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/servertest.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libwsserver.a  \
		-lpthread -lz -lm
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libwsserver.dylib
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libwsserver.dylib
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		-compatibility_version 7.6 \
		-current_version 1.0.22 )
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/lite
++ make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I. -I../src -I../util/uvmap \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I. -I../src -I../util/uvmap \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I. -I../src -I../util/uvmap \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I. -I../src -I../util/uvmap \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I. -I../src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I. -I../src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I. -I../src \
                ../src/egadsQuads.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/liteQuads.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I. -I../src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE ../util/rational.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I../util \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I. -I../src \
                ../src/egadsEffect.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/liteEffect.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DLITE -I../include -I. -I../src \
                -I../util/uvmap liteUVmap.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/liteUVmap.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libegadslite.dylib
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                liteBase.o liteMemory.o liteGeom.o liteTopo.o liteAttrs.o liteImport.o liteString.o liteTess.o liteTris.o liteQuads.o liteTessInp.o \
		egadsRobust.o emp.o evaLite.o ratLite.o liteRegQuads.o \
		liteEffect.o liteUVmap.o \
		-undefined error -install_name '@rpath/libegadslite.dylib' \
                -current_version 1.0.22 )
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                liteTess.o liteTris.o liteQuads.o liteTessInp.o egadsRobust.o \
		emp.o evaLite.o ratLite.o liteRegQuads.o liteEffect.o \
		liteUVmap.o ;  )
ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libegadslitestatic.a
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test
+++ ls BSplineIGES.make CSys.make GBO.make SBO.make addKnots.make agglom.make approx.make blend.make chamfer.make closure.make edge2WB.make edges.make effective.make egads2cart.make egads2ply.make egadsGeom_dot.make egadsHLevel_dot.make egadsSpline_dot.make egadsTopo_dot.make exportLite.make extrot.make fillet.make fit.make fitTri.make fullAttr.make fuseSheets.make globalTess.make hollow.make hollowFace.make intersect.make makeCone.make makeFace3D.make makeLoop.make mapTess.make mofb.make mssb.make multiContext.make offset.make rebuild.make ref.make replace.make revolve.make ruled.make saveTess.make scribe.make sew.make simplePer.make smallEdges.make step.make sweep.make test.make tolerance.make union.make vAttr.make vCurvature.make vEffect.make vEto.make vFrame.make vGeom.make vQuad.make vTess.make vTessInp.make xform.make
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f BSplineIGES.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include BSplineIGES.c -o \
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/BSplineIGES /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/BSplineIGES.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f CSys.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include CSys.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/CSys.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f GBO.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include GBO.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/GBO.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/GBO /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/GBO.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f SBO.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include SBO.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/SBO.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/SBO /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/SBO.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f addKnots.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include addKnots.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/addKnots.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/addKnots /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/addKnots.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f agglom.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include agglom.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/agglom.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f approx.make
gfortran -m64 -g  -c -O -frecursive -fcray-pointer -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include approx.f -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/approx.o
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		-legads -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/ -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f blend.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include blend.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/blend.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f chamfer.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include chamfer.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/chamfer.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f closure.make
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		-legads -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/ -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f edge2WB.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include edge2WB.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/edge2WB.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f edges.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include edges.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/edges.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f effective.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include effective.c \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egads2cart.make
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		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egads2cart.o
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egads2ply.make
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. egads2ply.cpp -std=c++11 \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egads2ply.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I. tinyply.cpp -std=c++11 -w \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/tinyply.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egads2ply /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egads2ply.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/tinyply.o \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egadsGeom_dot.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include egadsGeom_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsGeom_dot.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egadsHLevel_dot.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include egadsHLevel_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsHLevel_dot.o
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egadsSpline_dot.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include egadsSpline_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsSpline_dot.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f egadsTopo_dot.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include egadsTopo_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsTopo_dot.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egadsTopo_dot /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsTopo_dot.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f exportLite.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../util/uvmap \
		../src/egadsExport.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/exportLite.o -DSTANDALONE
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/exportLite /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/exportLite.o  \
		 -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f extrot.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include extrot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/extrot.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f fillet.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fillet.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fillet.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f fit.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fit.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fit.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f fitTri.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fitTri.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fitTri.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f fullAttr.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fullAttr.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fullAttr.o
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			-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f fuseSheets.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fuseSheets.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fuseSheets.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f globalTess.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include globalTess.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/globalTess.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f hollow.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hollow.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hollow.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f hollowFace.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hollowFace.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hollowFace.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f intersect.make
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f makeCone.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include makeCone.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/makeCone.o
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f makeFace3D.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include makeFace3D.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/makeFace3D.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f makeLoop.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include makeLoop.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/makeLoop.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f mapTess.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include mapTess.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mapTess.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f mofb.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include mofb.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mofb.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f mssb.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include mssb.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mssb.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f multiContext.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include multiContext.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/multiContext.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/multiContext /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/multiContext.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib \
		-legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f offset.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include offset.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/offset.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f rebuild.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include rebuild.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/rebuild.o
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f ref.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include ref.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/ref.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f replace.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include replace.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/replace.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f revolve.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include revolve.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/revolve.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f ruled.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f saveTess.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f scribe.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f sew.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f simplePer.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include simplePer.c \
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f smallEdges.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include smallEdges.c \
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		 -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f step.make
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		-Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/ -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f sweep.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f test.make
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		-Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/ -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
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		-Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/ -Wl,-rpath,/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f tolerance.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f union.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vAttr.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vCurvature.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vEffect.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vEto.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vFrame.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include vFrame.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vFrame.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vGeom.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include vGeom.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vGeom.o
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		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vQuad.make
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vTess.make
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		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/retessFaces.o
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		-lpthread -lz -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f vTessInp.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include vTessInp.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vTessInp.o
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++ for file in '`ls *.make`'
++ make -f xform.make
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++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/docs/Tutorial
++ make -f tire.make
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++ make -f egads2tri.make
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++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/docs/EGADS_dot/src
++ make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. circle1_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/circle1_dot.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. pingBodies.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pingBodies.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o circle1_dot /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/circle1_dot.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pingBodies.o \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. circle2_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/circle2_dot.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o circle2_dot /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/circle2_dot.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pingBodies.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -lm -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. naca_dot.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/naca_dot.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o naca_dot /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/naca_dot.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pingBodies.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -lm -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o ruled_naca_dot /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/ruled_naca_dot.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pingBodies.o \
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++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/src
++ make
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. udp.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/udp.o
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libocsm.dylib
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libocsm.dylib
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++ [[ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-osx/lib != '' ]]
++ [[ /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/IRIT/irit-sm != '' ]]
++ make -f udfTile.make
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
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++ make
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o udpTire.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads -lm -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
++ [[ '' == '' ]]
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS
++ make
(cd src; make)
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			-undefined error \
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libcapsstatic.a
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rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ No such file or directory
make[1]: [/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/] Error 1 (ignored)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/testingAIM.o \
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rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ No such file or directory
make[1]: [/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/] Error 1 (ignored)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/testingWriter.o \
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		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/phaseUtil.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/phaseUtil /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/phaseUtil.o \
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(cd aim; make)
(cd utils; make)
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -DHAVE_PYTHON -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 tecplotUtils.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/tecplotUtils.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -DHAVE_PYTHON -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 arrayUtils.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/arrayUtils.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -DHAVE_PYTHON -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 deprecateUtils.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/deprecateUtils.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -DHAVE_PYTHON -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 cardUtils.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/cardUtils.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -DHAVE_PYTHON -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 jsonUtils.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/jsonUtils.o
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clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. vlmSpanSpace.cpp -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vlmSpanSpace.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libutils.a
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libutils.a
(cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj; ar -rs /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libutils.a attrUtils.o meshUtils.o cfdUtils.o miscUtils.o feaUtils.o vlmUtils.o nastranUtils.o tecplotUtils.o arrayUtils.o deprecateUtils.o cardUtils.o nastranCards.o jsonUtils.o nastranOP2Reader.o vlmSpanSpace.o )
ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libutils.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libutils.a(attrUtils.o) has no symbols
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/meshTypes.h
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cp -p meshTypes.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/meshTypes.h
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/miscTypes.h
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/miscTypes.h
cp -p miscTypes.h /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include/miscTypes.h
(cd avl; make)
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-function -Iavlmrf avlmrf/avlRead_BODY.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_BODY.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-function -Iavlmrf avlmrf/avlRead_CNC.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_CNC.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-function -Iavlmrf avlmrf/avlRead_HINGE.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_HINGE.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-function -Iavlmrf avlmrf/avlRead_SURF.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_SURF.o
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlAIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_BODY.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_CNC.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_CPOML.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_DERMATB.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_DERMATM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_DERMATS.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_ELE.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_HINGE.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_STRP.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_SURF.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_TOT.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlRead_VM.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -laimUtil -lutils -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -ldl \
		-lc++ -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
(cd delaundo; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils delaundoAIM.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/delaundoAIM.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/delaundoAIM.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lutils -laimUtil -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -ldl \
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(cd egadsTess; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils egadsTessAIM.c \
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egadsTessAIM.o \
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(cd friction; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -Wno-format -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils frictionAIM.c \
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gfortran -m64 -g  -c -O -frecursive -fcray-pointer friction_eja_mod.f -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/friction.o
gfortran -m64 -g  -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/friction /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/friction.o -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/14.0.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx_dynamic.dylib
(cd fun3d; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -DHAVE_PYTHON -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils -I../meshWriter/ugridWriter \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils -I../meshWriter/ugridWriter \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils \
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Building FUN3D with Python
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dAIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dUtils.o \
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(cd mystran; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils mystranAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils mystranUtils.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mystranAIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mystranUtils.o \
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(cd masstran; make)
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils masstranAIM.cpp \
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clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/masstranAIM.o \
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(cd nastran; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils nastranAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/nastranAIM.o \
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(cd astros; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils astrosAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils astrosUtils.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils astrosCards.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/astrosAIM.o  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/astrosUtils.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/astrosCards.o \
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(cd hsm; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils hsmAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils hsmUtils.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmUtils.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils hsmAdj.c \
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clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -Wno-comment rcm/rcm.cpp -DREVISION=7.6 \
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clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -fPIC -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception -D_OCC64 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 rcm/genrcmi.cpp -DREVISION=7.6 \
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rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libhsm.a
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ar: creating archive /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/libhsm.a
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
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gfortran -m64 -g  -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ \
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(cd skeleton; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils skeletonAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/skeletonAIM.o \
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(cd su2; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../meshWriter/su2Writer -I../utils su2AIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils su2_5_Raven.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils su2_6_Falcon.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils su2_7_Blackbird.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2AIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2Utils.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2_4_Cardinal.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2_5_Raven.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2_6_Falcon.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2_7_Blackbird.o \
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(cd tacs; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils tacsAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/tacsAIM.o \
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(cd tsfoil; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/tsfoilAIM.o \
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(cd xfoil; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/xfoilAIM.o \
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(cd mses; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils msesAIM.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/msesAIM.o
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/msesAIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/msesUtils.o \
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(cd interference; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include interferenceAIM.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. cloudFns.c \
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
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(cd aflr2; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src aflr2_version.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src \
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
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(cd aflr3; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src aflr3_version.c \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../utils -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src \
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clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -D_ENABLE_EGADS_ -w -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src /Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src/egads_aflr4/EG_getEffBodyTopos.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/EG_getEffBodyTopos.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -D_ENABLE_EGADS_ -w -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src /Users/jenkins/util/AFLR/aflr_lib_11.3.17/src/egads_aflr4/egads_aflr4_check_tess_coord.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/egads_aflr4_check_tess_coord.o
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(cd aflr4; make)
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(cd awave; make)
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(cd tetgen; make)
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(cd cart3d; make)
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(cd plato; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../meshWriter/exodusWriter -I../utils  -I/Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas/include -I. platoAIM.c \
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(cd pointwise; make)
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touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pointwiseAIM.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hashElement.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lutils -laimUtil -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -ldl \
		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -lpthread
(cd meshWriter; make)
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C exodusWriter 
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -std=c++11 -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I/Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas/include -I. exodusWriter.cpp \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/exodusWriter.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -std=c++11 -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/exodusWriter.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas/lib -lexodus -Wl,-rpath /Users/jenkins/util/sandialabs/seacas/lib  -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -laimUtil -legads -locsm -ludunits2 -ldl -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C su2Writer 
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include su2Writer.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2Writer.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/su2Writer.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -laimUtil -legads -locsm -ludunits2 -ldl -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C ugridWriter 
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I../include -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include ugridWriter.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/ugridWriter.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/ugridWriter.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -laimUtil -legads -locsm -ludunits2 -ldl -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm
(cd custom; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd Slugs/src; make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. Slugs.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Slugs.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. Fitter.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Fitter.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. RedBlackTree.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/RedBlackTree.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. Tessellate.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Tessellate.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/Slugs /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Slugs.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Fitter.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/RedBlackTree.o \
		/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Tessellate.o -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lwsserver -legads \
		-lpthread -lz -lm
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. TestFit.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/TestFit.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/bin/TestFit /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/TestFit.o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/Fitter.o -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -legads \
		-lpthread -lz -lm
(cd test; make -f aim.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include aim.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aim.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/aim /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aim.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads \
		-lwsserver -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
cp -p -f testingAIM.csm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/testingAIM.csm
(cd test; make -f autoExec.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include autoExec.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/autoExec.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/autoExec /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/autoExec.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm \
		-legads -lwsserver -lpthread -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lz -lm -ldl
(cd test; make -f newPhase.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include newPhase.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/newPhase.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/newPhase /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/newPhase.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib \
		-lcaps -locsm -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(cd test; make -f basic.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include basic.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/basic.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/basic /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/basic.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads\
		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(cd test; make -f geomIn.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include geomIn.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/geomIn.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/geomIn /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/geomIn.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads\
		-rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(cd test; make -f utilsTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include aimTransferUtilTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aimTransferUtilTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/aimTransferUtilTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aimTransferUtilTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -laimUtil -locsm -legads \
		-lpthread -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -ludunits2 -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../aim/utils miscUtilsTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/miscUtilsTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/miscUtilsTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/miscUtilsTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -laimUtil -locsm -legads \
		-lpthread -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -ludunits2 -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I../aim/utils vlmUtilsTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vlmUtilsTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/vlmUtilsTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vlmUtilsTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lutils -laimUtil -locsm -legads \
		-lpthread -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -ludunits2 -lm -ldl
(cd test; make -f vVS.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include vVS.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vVS.o
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/vVS /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/vVS.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lwsserver -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib
(cd examples; make)
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/csmData
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/regressionTest
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/pyCAPS/
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mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/csm
mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS
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cp -p -f corsairlite/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/
cp -p -f corsairlite/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/
cp -p -f corsairlite/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/
cp -p -f corsairlite/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/
cp -p -f corsairlite/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/
cp -p -f corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing1.csm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing1.csm
cp -p -f corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing2.csm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/csm/wing2.csm
cp -p -f corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/capsPhase/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/csm/naca.csm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/csm/naca.csm
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/corsairlite/multifidelity/pyCAPS/
cp -p -f regressionTest/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/regressionTest/
cp -p -f regressionTest/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/regressionTest/
(make -C cCAPS -f aeroelastic_SU2.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f avlTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include avlTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/avlTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/avlTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -legads -locsm \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f awaveTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include awaveTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/awaveTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/awaveTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/awaveTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -legads -locsm \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f frictionTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include frictionTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/frictionTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/frictionTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/frictionTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f fun3d.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fun3dAFLR2Test.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dAFLR2Test.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/fun3dAFLR2Test /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dAFLR2Test.o \
	-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include fun3dTetgenTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dTetgenTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/fun3dTetgenTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/fun3dTetgenTest.o \
	-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include aeroelasticTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aeroelasticTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/aeroelasticTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/aeroelasticTest.o \
	-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f hsm.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hsmTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmTest.o   
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/hsmTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hsmSimplePlateTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmSimplePlateTest.o  
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/hsmSimplePlateTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmSimplePlateTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hsmCantileverPlateTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmCantileverPlateTest.o  
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/hsmCantileverPlateTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmCantileverPlateTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include hsmJoinedPlateTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmJoinedPlateTest.o  
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/hsmJoinedPlateTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/hsmJoinedPlateTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f interferenceTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include interferenceTest.c \
		-o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/interferenceTest.o   
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/interferenceTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/interferenceTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f msesTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include msesTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/msesTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/msesTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/msesTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -legads -locsm \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f mystran.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include mystranTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mystranTest.o   
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/mystranTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/mystranTest.o \
		-L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads -ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
(make -C cCAPS -f pointwiseTest.make)
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include pointwiseTest.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pointwiseTest.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/pointwiseTest /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/pointwiseTest.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -legads \
		-ludunits2 -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
+++ find /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training/ -name Makefile
++ for i in '`find $WORKSPACE/CAPS/training/ -name Makefile`'
++ [[ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//2023/lectures/Makefile == *\l\e\c\t\u\r\e\s* ]]
++ continue
++ for i in '`find $WORKSPACE/CAPS/training/ -name Makefile`'
++ [[ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//2023/data/session01/Makefile == *\l\e\c\t\u\r\e\s* ]]
+++ dirname /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//2023/data/session01/Makefile
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//2023/data/session01
++ make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include template_avl.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/template_avl.o
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/template_avl /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/template_avl.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -legads -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -lm -ldl
++ for i in '`find $WORKSPACE/CAPS/training/ -name Makefile`'
++ [[ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//data/session01/Makefile == *\l\e\c\t\u\r\e\s* ]]
+++ dirname /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//data/session01/Makefile
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/training//data/session01
++ make
make: Nothing to be done for `default'.
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/src
++ make -f serveESP.make
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. timCapsMode.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timCapsMode.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timCapsMode.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -lwsserver -legads -ldl -lm
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. timFlowchart.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timFlowchart.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timFlowchart.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -lwsserver -legads -ldl -lm
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. timViewer.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timViewer.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timViewer.o -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -lwsserver -legads -ldl -lm
clang -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -O -Wall -Wno-dangling-else -Wno-unused-result -DREVISION=7.6 -I/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/include -I. -I. -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 -I/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/include/python3.9 timPyscript.c -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timPyscript.o
touch /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
rm /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/
clang++ -m64 -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr -fno-omit-frame-pointer -bundle -undefined error -o /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/obj/timPyscript.o -L/Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/lib -lpython3.9 -ldl -framework CoreFoundation -L/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -lcaps -locsm -lwsserver -legads -ldl -rpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib -rpath @loader_path/ -rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/opencascade-7.6/trunk/build_undefined/install/./lib -Wl,-rpath /Users/jenkins/util/ESP/Python/ESP_Python-3.9.13/lib
++ ln -f -s /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/udc /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64
+++ find /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data/training/ -name Makefile
find: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/OpenCSM/trunk/data/training/: No such file or directory
+ source /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/JenkinsESP/
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ mkdir -p /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/test
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/test
++ [[ CAPS/unit =~ [0-9]+.[0-9]+ ]]
++ export ESPTEST=CAPS/unit
++ [[ CAPS/unit == \C\A\P\S* ]]
++ export CAPSTARGET=unit
++ [[ unit == \u\n\i\t ]]
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test
++ ./

+ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egadsGeom_dot
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test/egadslog.txt

real	0m10.213s
user	0m6.189s
sys	0m0.099s
+ status=0
+ set +x

EGADS test egadsGeom_dot passed (as expected)

+ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egadsSpline_dot
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test/egadslog.txt

real	1m52.159s
user	1m53.818s
sys	0m0.323s
+ status=0
+ set +x

EGADS test egadsSpline_dot passed (as expected)

+ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egadsTopo_dot
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test/egadslog.txt

real	0m0.666s
user	0m0.472s
sys	0m0.069s
+ status=0
+ set +x

EGADS test egadsTopo_dot passed (as expected)

+ /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/egadsHLevel_dot
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/test/egadslog.txt

real	0m0.877s
user	0m0.840s
sys	0m0.066s
+ status=1
+ set +x

EGADS test egadsHLevel_dot failed (as expected)

All tests pass!

++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/docs/Tutorial
++ ./tire
EG_open -> status=0
EG_makeTopology -> status=0
EG_saveModel -> status=0
EG_close -> status=0
 EGADS Info: 77 Objects, 197 Reference in Use (of 1955) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 73 unattached Objects (197 References) removed!
EG_close -> status=0
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/docs/EGADS_dot/src
++ make test
 Circle np1 = 65
 EGADS Info: 44 Objects, 88 Reference in Use (of 160) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 44 unattached Objects (88 References) removed!
 Circle np1 = 65
 EGADS Info: 84 Objects, 168 Reference in Use (of 280) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 84 unattached Objects (168 References) removed!

 sharpte = 0
 Ping NACA Edge 1 np1 = 20
 Ping NACA Edge 2 np1 = 20
 Ping NACA Edge 3 np1 = 2
 Ping NACA Face 1 np1 = 50

 sharpte = 1
 Ping NACA Edge 1 np1 = 20
 Ping NACA Edge 2 np1 = 20
 Ping NACA Face 1 np1 = 49
 EGADS Info: 76 Objects, 172 Reference in Use (of 296) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 76 unattached Objects (172 References) removed!

 sharpte = 0
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 1 np1 = 33
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 2 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 3 np1 = 129
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 4 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 5 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 6 np1 = 33
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 7 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 8 np1 = 2
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 9 np1 = 2
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 1 np1 = 1427
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 2 np1 = 513
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 3 np1 = 66
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 4 np1 = 25
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 5 np1 = 25

 sharpte = 1
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 1 np1 = 33
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 2 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 3 np1 = 129
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 4 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 5 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Edge 6 np1 = 13
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 1 np1 = 1427
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 2 np1 = 536
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 3 np1 = 24
 Ping Ruled NACA Face 4 np1 = 24
 EGADS Info: 200 Objects, 345 Reference in Use (of 880) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 105 unattached Objects (345 References) removed!
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/pyEGADS/test
++ make
python --version
Python 3.9.13
python -u -m unittest discover
..................................................   PCurve Map: 48 (alloc 48)!
   Surface Map: 12 (alloc 24)!
   Curve Map: 28 (alloc 28)!
 Writing PCurves...
 Writing Curves...
 Writing Surfaces...
 Writing 16 Nodes...
 Writing 28 Edges...
 Writing 12 Loops...
 Writing 12 Faces...
 Writing 1 Shells...
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 972) at Close!
Ran 69 tests in 7.162s

++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/EGADS/trunk/docs/Tutorial
++ python -u
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 2791) at Close!
++ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS
++ make unit
(cd src; make)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd aim; make)
(cd utils; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd avl; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd delaundo; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd egadsTess; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd friction; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd fun3d; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd mystran; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd masstran; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd nastran; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd astros; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd hsm; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd skeleton; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd su2; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd tacs; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd tsfoil; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd xfoil; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd mses; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd interference; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd aflr2; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd aflr3; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd aflr4; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd awave; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd tetgen; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd cart3d; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd plato; make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/lib/' is up to date.
(cd pointwise; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd meshWriter; make)
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C exodusWriter 
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C su2Writer 
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C ugridWriter 
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd custom; make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd Slugs/src; make)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
(cd test; make -f aim.make)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd test; make -f autoExec.make)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd test; make -f newPhase.make)
make[1]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/newPhase' is up to date.
(cd test; make -f basic.make)
make[1]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/basic' is up to date.
(cd test; make -f geomIn.make)
make[1]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/geomIn' is up to date.
(cd test; make -f utilsTest.make)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `default'.
(cd test; make -f vVS.make)
make[1]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/test/vVS' is up to date.
(cd examples; make)
(make -C cCAPS -f aeroelastic_SU2.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_SU2_and_MystranTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f avlTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/avlTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f awaveTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/awaveTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f frictionTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/frictionTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f fun3d.make)
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `fun3d'.
(make -C cCAPS -f hsm.make)
make[2]: `hsm' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f interferenceTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/interferenceTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f msesTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/msesTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f mystran.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/mystranTest' is up to date.
(make -C cCAPS -f pointwiseTest.make)
make[2]: `/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/cCAPS/pointwiseTest' is up to date.
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C pyCAPS/unitTest test
python --version
Python 3.9.13
python -u -m unittest discover
..Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 2
	Name = leftWingSkin, index = 1
	Name = riteWingSkin, index = 2

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 2
	Coordinate system name - leftWingSkin
	Coordinate system name - riteWingSkin
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 1
	Name = Upper_Left, index = 1
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 265
	Number of elements = 526
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 526
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 265
	Number of elements = 526
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 526
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 530
	Combined Number of elements = 1052
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 0
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 1052
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - Wing1
	Property name - Wing2
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
... EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
..Writing D3 Javascript library -  d3.v3.min.js
........... EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.No analysis directory provided - defaulting to altName
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 2
	Name = leftWingSkin, index = 1
	Name = riteWingSkin, index = 2

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 2
	Coordinate system name - leftWingSkin
	Coordinate system name - riteWingSkin
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 1
	Name = Upper_Left, index = 1
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 533
	Number of elements = 1062
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 1062
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 533
	Number of elements = 1062
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 1062
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 1066
	Combined Number of elements = 2124
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 0
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 2124
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - Wing1
	Property name - Wing2
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
..........--> Opening DESPMTR file "unitGeom.param"
    updating CFGPMTR series                          [ 1, 1] =  8412.000000
    updating CFGPMTR series2                         [ 1, 1] =    20.000000
    updating CFGPMTR VIEW:CFD                        [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating CFGPMTR nrow                            [ 1, 1] =     3.000000
    updating CFGPMTR ncol                            [ 1, 1] =     2.000000
    updating DESPMTR area                            [ 1, 1] =    40.000000
    updating DESPMTR aspect                          [ 1, 1] =     5.000000
    updating DESPMTR taper                           [ 1, 1] =     0.500000
    updating DESPMTR twist                           [ 1, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:lesweep                    [ 1, 1] =    30.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:dihedral                   [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:chord:root                 [ 1, 1] =     1.560000
    updating DESPMTR htail                           [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR htail:chord                     [ 1, 1] =     2.000000
    updating DESPMTR vtail:chord                     [ 1, 1] =     3.000000
    updating DESPMTR vtail                           [ 1, 1] =     4.000000
    updating DESPMTR sphereR                         [ 1, 1] =    80.000000
    updating DESPMTR v@1:d_name                      [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 1, 2] =    12.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 2, 1] =    13.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 2, 2] =    14.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 3, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 3, 2] =    16.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 2, 1] =    13.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 3, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 2] =    12.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 3] =    13.000000
ERROR:: DESPMTR file "unitGeom.param" not found
 CAPS Error: ocsmSaveDespmtrs = -201 (caps_readParameters)!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Error: No Attribute -> __numRemaining__ (EG_attributeDel)!
 EGADS Error: No Attribute -> __numRemaining__ (EG_attributeDel)!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
..Linked Parameter Beta to analysis su2 input Beta
Linked Parameter Alpha to analysis su2 input Alpha
No linkable data found for Altitude
No linkable data found for Strings
No linkable data found for Strings2
Linked Parameter Beta to analysis su2 input Beta
Linked Parameter Alpha to analysis su2 input Alpha
............ EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
... EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Error: No Attribute -> __numRemaining__ (EG_attributeDel)!
 EGADS Error: No Attribute -> __numRemaining__ (EG_attributeDel)!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.--> Opening DESPMTR file "unitGeom.param"
    updating CFGPMTR series                          [ 1, 1] =  8412.000000
    updating CFGPMTR series2                         [ 1, 1] =    20.000000
    updating CFGPMTR VIEW:CFD                        [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating CFGPMTR nrow                            [ 1, 1] =     3.000000
    updating CFGPMTR ncol                            [ 1, 1] =     2.000000
    updating DESPMTR area                            [ 1, 1] =    40.000000
    updating DESPMTR aspect                          [ 1, 1] =     5.000000
    updating DESPMTR taper                           [ 1, 1] =     0.500000
    updating DESPMTR twist                           [ 1, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:lesweep                    [ 1, 1] =    30.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:dihedral                   [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR wing:chord:root                 [ 1, 1] =     1.560000
    updating DESPMTR htail                           [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR htail:chord                     [ 1, 1] =     2.000000
    updating DESPMTR vtail:chord                     [ 1, 1] =     3.000000
    updating DESPMTR vtail                           [ 1, 1] =     4.000000
    updating DESPMTR sphereR                         [ 1, 1] =    80.000000
    updating DESPMTR v@1:d_name                      [ 1, 1] =     1.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 1, 2] =    12.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 2, 1] =    13.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 2, 2] =    14.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 3, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR despMat                         [ 3, 2] =    16.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 2, 1] =    13.000000
    updating DESPMTR despCol                         [ 3, 1] =    15.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 1] =    11.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 2] =    12.000000
    updating DESPMTR despRow                         [ 1, 3] =    13.000000
ERROR:: DESPMTR file "unitGeom.param" not found
 CAPS Error: ocsmSaveDespmtrs = -201 (caps_readParameters)!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
................ EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!

Ran 100 tests in 30.144s

WARNING: 'capsProblem.loadCAPS' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.loadAIM' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.analysis.create'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.analysis.create'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.setAnalysisVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.input["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.setGeometryVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.despmtr["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAnalysisOutVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.output["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C legacy/unitTest test
python --version
Python 3.9.13
python -u -m unittest discover
......sAnalysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  None
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty
Analysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  None
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_1 will be used!

Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_2 will be used!
Analysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest7_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  None
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest7_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty

Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_3 will be used!
Analysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest8_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  None
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest8_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty

Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_4 will be used!
Analysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest9_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  STRUCTURE
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest9_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty

Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_5 will be used!
Analysis Info:
	Name           =  UnitTest10_fun3dAIM
	Intent         =  ['CFD', 'STRUCTURE']
	AnalysisDir    =  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/legacy/unitTest/basicTest/Scratch/UnitTest10_fun3dAIM
	Version        =  1.23
	Execution Flag =  0
	Number of Fields =  7
	Field name (Rank):
	  Pressure ( 1 )
	  P ( 1 )
	  Cp ( 1 )
	  CoefficientOfPressure ( 1 )
	  Displacement ( 3 )
	  EigenVector ( 3 )
	  EigenVector_# ( 3 )
	Dirty state    =  3  -  Both analysis and geometry inputs are dirty
...Error: Invalid attribute level! Defaulting to 'Face'
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_6 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_7 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_8 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_9 will be used!

Analysis object with the name, egadsTessAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of egadsTessAIM_1 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_10 will be used!

Analysis object with the name, egadsTessAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of egadsTessAIM_2 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_11 will be used!

Analysis object with the name, egadsTessAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of egadsTessAIM_3 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_12 will be used!
Analysis object with the name, fun3dAIM, has already been initilized
An altName of fun3dAIM_13 will be used!
...No data transfer method (transferMethod) provided - defaulting to "Interpolate"
No data transfer method (transferMethod) provided - defaulting to "Interpolate"
.No data transfer method (transferMethod) provided - defaulting to "Interpolate"
....No data transfer method (transferMethod) provided - defaulting to "Interpolate"
.No data transfer method (transferMethod) provided - defaulting to "Interpolate"
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.s. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
...Error: Invalid attribute level! Defaulting to 'Face'
........ EGADS Error: No Attribute -> __numRemaining__ (EG_attributeDel)!
.... EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.s... EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.Linked Parameter Beta to analysis fun3d input Beta
Linked Parameter Alpha to analysis fun3d input Alpha
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 2
	Name = leftWingSkin, index = 1
	Name = riteWingSkin, index = 2

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 2
	Coordinate system name - leftWingSkin
	Coordinate system name - riteWingSkin
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 1
	Name = Upper_Left, index = 1
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
 7FF84D47F680 Odd Degenerate test for side 1: 9!
 7FF84D47F680 Odd Degenerate test for side 2: 9!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1114
	Number of elements = 2224
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 2224
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
 700008320000 Odd Degenerate test for side 1: 9!
 7FF84D47F680 Odd Degenerate test for side 2: 9!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1114
	Number of elements = 2224
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 2224
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 2228
	Combined Number of elements = 4448
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 0
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 4448
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - Wing1
	Property name - Wing2
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Ran 72 tests in 9.407s

OK (skipped=3)
WARNING: 'capsProblem.loadCAPS' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.__init__'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.loadAIM' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.analysis.create'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.analysis.create'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.setAnalysisVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.input["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAnalysisVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.input["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.addAttribute' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.attr.create'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAttribute' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.attr["name"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAnalysisInfo' is deprecated. Please use ''!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAnalysisOutVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.output["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getAttributeVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.geometry.attrList'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.getBoundingBox' is deprecated. Please use 'Analysis.bodies'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.aimName' is deprecated. Please use 'name'!
WARNING: 'capsAnalysis.saveGeometry' is deprecated. Please use ''!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.closeCAPS' is deprecated. Please use 'close'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.setGeometryVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.despmtr["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.buildGeometry' is deprecated. Please use ''!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.getAttributeMap' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.attrMap'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.getAttributeVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.attrList'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.getBoundingBox' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.bodies'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.getGeometryOutVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.outpmtr["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.getGeometryVal' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.despmtr["varname"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.saveGeometry' is deprecated. Please use ''!
WARNING: 'capsGeometry.viewGeometry' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.geometry.view'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.addAttribute' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.attr.create'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.getAttribute' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.attr["name"].value'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.createValue' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.parameter.create'!
WARNING: '_capsValue.__init__' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.parameter.create'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.setVerbosity' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.setOutLevel'!
WARNING: 'capsProblem.autoLinkValue' is deprecated. Please use 'Problem.autoLinkParameter'!
Legacy pyCAPS unit testing done!
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C aim/skeleton test
python -u
Loading file into our Problem
Default num = 8.0
Current num = 16.0
             aim_newGeometry = 0!
       1: num  2  (1,1)
       2: x  2  (8,1)
       3: ymin  2  (8,1)
       4: zmin  2  (8,1)
       5: zmax  2  (8,1)

       1: pVol  6  (1,1)
       2: cVol  6  (1,1)

       1: InputVariable  0  (1,1) (null)
       2: num  2  (1,1) (null)
       3: Mach  2  (1,1) (null)
       4: Mesh_Format  3  (1,1) (null)
       5: Table  4  (1,3) (null)

Computed sqrtNum = 4.0
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C aim/unitTest/pyCAPS test
python --version
Python 3.9.13
python -u -m unittest discover
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       116         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        24        50
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        48        98
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        72       146
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        97       196
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        98       198
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       120       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       224       332
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       330       544
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       422       728
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       504       892
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       591      1066
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       674      1232
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       741      1366
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       796      1476
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       847      1578
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       889      1662
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       919      1722
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       942      1768
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       957      1798
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       970      1824
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       977      1838
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       983      1850
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 984
Number of elements = 1968
Number of tris = 1852
Number of quad = 0
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =        96         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        20        42
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        40        82
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        60       122
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        78       158
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        79       160
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        80       162
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       100       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       183       270
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       263       430
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       328       560
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       393       690
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       440       784
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       481       866
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       519       942
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       556      1016
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       587      1078
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       604      1112
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       613      1130
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       615      1134
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 616
Number of elements = 1232
Number of tris = 1136
Number of quad = 0
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       116         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        24        50
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        48        98
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        72       146
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        97       196
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        98       198
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       120       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       224       332
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       330       544
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       422       728
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       504       892
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       591      1066
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       674      1232
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       741      1366
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       796      1476
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       847      1578
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       889      1662
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       919      1722
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       942      1768
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       957      1798
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       970      1824
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       977      1838
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       983      1850
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 984
Number of elements = 1968
Number of tris = 1852
Number of quad = 0
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =        96         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        20        42
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        40        82
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        60       122
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        78       158
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        79       160
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        80       162
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       100       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       183       270
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       263       430
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       328       560
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       393       690
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       440       784
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       481       866
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       519       942
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       556      1016
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       587      1078
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       604      1112
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       613      1130
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       615      1134
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 616
Number of elements = 1232
Number of tris = 1136
Number of quad = 0
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
.Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       116         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        24        50
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        48        98
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        72       146
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        97       196
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        98       198
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       120       234
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       116       116
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       224       332
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       330       544
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       422       728
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       504       892
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       591      1066
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       674      1232
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       741      1366
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       796      1476
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       847      1578
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       889      1662
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       919      1722
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       942      1768
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       957      1798
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       970      1824
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       977      1838
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       983      1850
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.002   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       984      1852
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 984
Number of elements = 1968
Number of tris = 1852
Number of quad = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =        96         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        20        42
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        40        82
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        60       122
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        78       158
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        79       160
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        80       162
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       100       194
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =        96        96
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       183       270
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       263       430
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       328       560
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       393       690
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       440       784
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       481       866
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       519       942
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       556      1016
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       587      1078
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       604      1112
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       613      1130
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       615      1134
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =       616      1136
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
Number of nodes = 616
Number of elements = 1232
Number of tris = 1136
Number of quad = 0
.Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - 2DSlice
	Mesh sizing name - Airfoil
	Mesh sizing name - InFlow
	Mesh sizing name - OutFlow
	Mesh sizing name - TunnelWall
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       344         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        70       142
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       140       282
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       210       422
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       280       562
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       316       634
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       348       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =       680      1016
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      1009      1674
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      1333      2322
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      1650      2956
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      1957      3570
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      2258      4172
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      2548      4752
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      2831      5318
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      3102      5860
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      3364      6384
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      3614      6884
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      3830      7316
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4037      7730
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4229      8114
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4415      8486
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4594      8844
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4763      9182
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      4926      9508
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5086      9828
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5239     10134
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5385     10426
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5529     10714
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5669     10994
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5812     11280
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      5943     11542
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6070     11796
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6189     12034
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6307     12270
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6415     12486
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6510     12676
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6595     12846
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6665     12986
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6727     13110
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6772     13200
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6806     13268
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6831     13318
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6850     13356
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6864     13384
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6872     13400
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6875     13406
AFLR2 GG : Nodes, Faces      =      6876     13408
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.012   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6876     13408
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.002   seconds
Number of nodes = 6876
Number of elements = 13752
Number of tris = 13408
Number of quad = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: pyCAPS_aflr2_Tri.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - 2DSlice
	Mesh sizing name - Airfoil
	Mesh sizing name - InFlow
	Mesh sizing name - OutFlow
	Mesh sizing name - TunnelWall
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       344         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        70       142
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       140       282
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       210       422
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       280       562
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       316       634
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       348       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =       681      1018
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1013      1682
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1339      2334
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1652      2960
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1957      3570
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2252      4160
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2526      4708
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2809      5274
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3083      5822
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3327      6310
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3564      6784
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3788      7232
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3995      7646
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4194      8044
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4394      8444
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4585      8826
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4772      9200
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4943      9542
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5129      9914
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5293     10242
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5447     10550
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5594     10844
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5716     11088
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5830     11316
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5909     11474
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5964     11584
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6006     11668
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6025     11706
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6034     11724
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.014   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6034     11724
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033       454
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033      5634
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033     11722
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       462
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5629
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       456
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5632
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       474
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5623
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031       486
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031      5616
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031       488
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031      5616
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.007   seconds
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4741 4722 complete [but 7915] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4741 4912 complete [but 7916] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5850 5858 complete [but 8742] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5850 5851 complete [but 8742] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5858 5851 complete [but 8791] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4912 4722 complete [but 9417] (EG_makeConnect)!
Number of nodes = 6031
Number of elements = 6448
Number of tris = 488
Number of quad = 5616

Writing TECPLOT file: pyCAPS_aflr2_Quad.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

.Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 5
	Name = 2DSlice, index = 1
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 2
	Name = OutFlow, index = 3
	Name = InFlow, index = 4
	Name = Airfoil, index = 5
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = TunnelWall, index = 1
	Name = OutFlow, index = 2
	Name = InFlow, index = 3
	Name = Airfoil, index = 4

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - 2DSlice
	Mesh sizing name - Airfoil
	Mesh sizing name - InFlow
	Mesh sizing name - OutFlow
	Mesh sizing name - TunnelWall
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting 2D mesh for body 1 (of 1)
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2 IC : Nodes, Faces      =       344         0
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 EG : Nodes, Edges      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.000   seconds
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =         0         2
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =        70       142
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       140       282
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       210       422
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       280       562
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       316       634
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       348       690
AFLR2 IG : Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.001   seconds
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =       344       344
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =       681      1018
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1013      1682
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1339      2334
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1652      2960
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      1957      3570
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2252      4160
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2526      4708
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      2809      5274
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3083      5822
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3327      6310
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3564      6784
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3788      7232
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      3995      7646
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4194      8044
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4394      8444
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4585      8826
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4772      9200
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      4943      9542
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5129      9914
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5293     10242
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5447     10550
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5594     10844
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5716     11088
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5830     11316
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5909     11474
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      5964     11584
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6006     11668
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6025     11706
AFLR2 GGp: Nodes, Faces      =      6034     11724
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.014   seconds
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6034     11724
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033       454
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033      5634
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6033     11722
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       462
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5629
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       456
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5632
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032       474
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032      5623
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6032     11720
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031       486
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031      5616
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031       488
AFLR2 QI : Nodes, Faces      =      6031      5616
AFLR2    : CPU Time          =     0.006   seconds
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4741 4722 complete [but 7915] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4741 4912 complete [but 7916] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5850 5858 complete [but 8742] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5850 5851 complete [but 8742] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 5858 5851 complete [but 8791] (EG_makeConnect)!
EGADS Internal: Face 1, Side 4912 4722 complete [but 9417] (EG_makeConnect)!
Number of nodes = 6031
Number of elements = 6448
Number of tris = 488
Number of quad = 5616

Writing TECPLOT file: pyCAPS_aflr2_Test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 7
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
AFLR4    : Proximity BG Surface Grid Generation Skipped
AFLR4    : No Modifications Required
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 7
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
Getting volume mesh for body 1 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR4    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR4    : Version Number 11.3.17
AFLR4    : Version Date   03/03/23 @ 03:12PM
AFLR4    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR4    : Compile Date   03/03/23 @ 04:58PM
AFLR4    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR4    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 1 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 1189
	Number of elements       = 6249
	Number of triangles      = 1332
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 4917
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 2 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 2 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 6237
	Number of elements       = 34620
	Number of triangles      = 4438
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 30182
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 3 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = cone, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 3 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 13613
	Number of elements       = 76414
	Number of triangles      = 8142
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 68272
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 4 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = torus, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 4 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 41618
	Number of elements       = 236483
	Number of triangles      = 19838
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 216645
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 5 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = sphere, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 5 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 4369
	Number of elements       = 24223
	Number of triangles      = 3016
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 21207
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 6 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = boxhole, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 6 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 11007
	Number of elements       = 60837
	Number of triangles      = 8632
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 52205
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
Getting volume mesh for body 7 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = bullet, index = 1

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh for body 7 (of 7):
	Number of nodes          = 10456
	Number of elements       = 58612
	Number of triangles      = 6352
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 52260
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Getting volume mesh for body 1 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 2 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 3 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 4 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 5 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 6 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Getting volume mesh for body 7 (of 7)

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 88489
	Number of elements       = 497438
	Number of triangles      = 51750
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 445688
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 8
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
	Name = farfield, index = 8
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 8
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
	Name = farfield, index = 8
Getting volume mesh
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR2    : Version Number 9.14.6
AFLR2    : Version Date   11/20/22 @ 09:21PM
AFLR2    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR2    : Compile Date   02/27/23 @ 04:31PM
AFLR2    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR2    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR4    : ---------------------------------------
AFLR4    : Version Number 11.3.17
AFLR4    : Version Date   03/03/23 @ 03:12PM
AFLR4    : Compile OS     Darwin 22.3.0 arm64
AFLR4    : Compile Date   03/03/23 @ 04:58PM
AFLR4    : Copyright 1994-2021, D.L. Marcum
AFLR4    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 17481
	Number of elements       = 99569
	Number of triangles      = 8306
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 91263
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 2592
	Number of elements       = 13823
	Number of triangles      = 2758
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 11065
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = boxhole, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = boxhole, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 3654
	Number of elements       = 19800
	Number of triangles      = 3394
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 16406
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = bullet, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = bullet, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 5478
	Number of elements       = 30452
	Number of triangles      = 3656
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 26796
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cone, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cone, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 4694
	Number of elements       = 25935
	Number of triangles      = 3326
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 22609
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cylinder, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cylinder, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 5554
	Number of elements       = 30862
	Number of triangles      = 3756
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 27106
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 29525
	Number of elements       = 170763
	Number of triangles      = 7670
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 163093
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 22768
	Number of elements       = 132033
	Number of triangles      = 6118
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 125915
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 29525
	Number of elements       = 170763
	Number of triangles      = 7670
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 163093
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 22768
	Number of elements       = 132033
	Number of triangles      = 6118
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 125915
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 29525
	Number of elements       = 170763
	Number of triangles      = 7670
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 163093
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 22768
	Number of elements       = 132033
	Number of triangles      = 6118
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 125915
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 29525
	Number of elements       = 170763
	Number of triangles      = 7670
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 163093
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 22768
	Number of elements       = 132033
	Number of triangles      = 6118
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 125915
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 4989
	Number of elements       = 27641
	Number of triangles      = 3462
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 24179
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = torus, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = torus, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 6401
	Number of elements       = 35742
	Number of triangles      = 4048
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 31694
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0
No project name ("Proj_Name") provided - A volume mesh will not be written out
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
AFLR4    : Proximity BG Surface Grid Generation Skipped
AFLR4    : No Modifications Required
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Wake
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 40639
	Number of elements       = 234687
	Number of triangles      = 12424
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 222263
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Wake
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 43166
	Number of elements       = 249595
	Number of triangles      = 12406
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 237189
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Wake
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting volume mesh

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------

EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
EGADS    : Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System
EGADS    : Version 1.23
EGADS    : OpenCASCADE Version 7.6.0
EGADS    : ---------------------------------------
Volume mesh:
	Number of nodes          = 40639
	Number of elements       = 234669
	Number of triangles      = 12406
	Number of quadrilatarals = 0
	Number of tetrahedrals   = 222263
	Number of pyramids       = 0
	Number of prisms         = 0
	Number of hexahedrals    = 0

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
AFLR4    : Proximity BG Surface Grid Generation Skipped
AFLR4    : No Modifications Required
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - trailingEdge
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 8
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
	Name = farfield, index = 8
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = boxhole, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = bullet, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cone, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cylinder, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = torus, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 1
	Name = Skin, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 2)
Getting surface mesh for body 2 (of 2)
Body 1 (of 2)
Number of nodes    = 1
Number of elements = 1
Number of node elements          = 1
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 2 (of 2)
Number of nodes    = 46
Number of elements = 44
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 44
Total number of nodes    = 47
Total number of elements = 45
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = Rib_Root_Point, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 1
	Name = Skin_Top, index = 1
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 1
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 1
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsReference attributes ................
	Number of unique capsReference attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 1
	Name = Skin, index = 2
	Name = Wing, index = 3
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 1
	Name = Skin, index = 2
	Name = Wing, index = 3
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 46
	Number of elements = 44
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 44
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 47
	Combined Number of elements = 45
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 44
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Skin_Top
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data

Getting FEA vortex lattice mesh
	Surface 1: Number of points found for aero-spline = 3
	Surface 2: Number of points found for aero-spline = 6
	(Re-)Combining all aerodynamic surfaces into a 'Wing', 'Canard', and/or  'Fin' single surfaces !
Aero_Reference value is NULL - No aero reference parameters set

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Unobtainium
	No "materialType" specified for Material tuple Unobtainium, defaulting to "Isotropic"
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - Rib_Root
	No "material" specified for Property tuple Rib_Root, defaulting to an index of 1
	Property name - Skin
	No "material" specified for Property tuple Skin, defaulting to an index of 1
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - ribConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple ribConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints

Getting FEA supports.......
	Number of supports - 1
	Support name - ribSupport
	Done getting FEA supports

Getting FEA connections.......
	Number of connection tuples - 1
	Connection name - Rib_Root
	No "groupName" specified for Connection tuple Rib_Root!
	Looking for automatic connections from the use of capsConnectLink for Rib_Root
	8 automatic connections were made for capsConnect Rib_Root (node id 1)
	Done getting FEA connections
Load tuple is NULL - No loads applied
Optimization Control tuple is NULL - Default optimization control is used

Getting FEA optimization control.......
Done getting FEA Optimization Control
Design_Variable tuple is NULL - No design variables applied
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Trim1
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file
Writing connection cards - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing aeros card
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing support cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing aeroelastic cards

Running Astros......
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Done running Astros!
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 25
Number of elements = 16
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 16
Total number of nodes    = 25
Total number of elements = 16
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsReference attributes ................
	Number of unique capsReference attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16
Aero_Reference value is NULL - No aero reference parameters set

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads
Optimization Control tuple is NULL - Default optimization control is used

Getting FEA optimization control.......
Done getting FEA Optimization Control
Design_Variable tuple is NULL - No design variables applied
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Aero_Reference value is NULL - No aero reference parameters set

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads
Optimization Control tuple is NULL - Default optimization control is used

Getting FEA optimization control.......
Done getting FEA Optimization Control
Design_Variable tuple is NULL - No design variables applied
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in large field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Aero_Reference value is NULL - No aero reference parameters set

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads
Optimization Control tuple is NULL - Default optimization control is used

Getting FEA optimization control.......
Done getting FEA Optimization Control
Design_Variable tuple is NULL - No design variables applied
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
Writing mass properties file: caps.mass
Parsing MassProp
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - VTail1
	No "groupName" variable provided or no matches found, going to use tuple name
	VLM surface name - VTail2
	No "groupName" variable provided or no matches found, going to use tuple name
	VLM surface name - Wing
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - VTail1 (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 2 (ID = 1)
	Section 2 of 2 (ID = 0)
Writing surface - VTail2 (ID = 1)
	Section 1 of 2 (ID = 0)
	Section 2 of 2 (ID = 1)
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 2)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	VLM surface name - hTail
	VLM surface name - vTail
	No "groupName" variable provided or no matches found, going to use tuple name
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control RightAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control LeftAileron not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control Elevator not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control Elevator not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control Elevator not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control Rudder not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Warning: Control Rudder not found in controls tuple! Only defaults will be used.
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing surface - hTail (ID = 1)
	Section 1 of 3 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 3 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 3 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing surface - vTail (ID = 2)
	Section 1 of 2 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 2 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = Wing, index = 1
	Name = hTail, index = 2
	Name = vTail, index = 3
	Name = VTail1, index = 4
	Name = VTail2, index = 5
Getting vortex lattice control surface data
	VLM control surface name - Elevator
	VLM control surface name - LeftAileron
	VLM control surface name - RightAileron
	VLM control surface name - Rudder
	Done getting vortex lattice control surface data
Getting vortex lattice surface data
	VLM surface name - Wing
	VLM surface name - hTail
	VLM surface name - vTail
	No "groupName" variable provided or no matches found, going to use tuple name
	Done getting vortex lattice surface data
Writing surface - Wing (ID = 0)
	Section 1 of 4 (ID = 3)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 4 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 4 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 4 of 4 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing surface - hTail (ID = 1)
	Section 1 of 3 (ID = 2)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 3 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 3 of 3 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
Writing surface - vTail (ID = 2)
	Section 1 of 2 (ID = 0)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
	Section 2 of 2 (ID = 1)
	  Control surface 1 of 1 
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
 Body size = 15.356535
 Tessellating body 1 with  MaxEdge = 0.383913  Sag = 0.015357  Angle = 15.000000
 Executing: autoInputs -r 28.284271 -nDiv 9 -maxR 7  -mesh2d > autoInputs.out
 Executing: ./aero.csh > aero.out
Sat Mar 11 06:09:01 EST 2023

-rwx------  1 jenkins  77175 Mar 11 06:09 ./aero.csh

CART3D env variable set to: /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28
CART3D_ARCH env variable set to: OSX64_ICC

Using codes:
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  1558776 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//cubes
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  1344160 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//mgTree
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4000008 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//flowCart
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4374960 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//xsensit
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4168768 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointCart
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  12944448 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointErrorEst_quad
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  2952992 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adapt

md5 checksums:
83388126060516d9809ae90219324ec2 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//cubes
789ee15071d61898883c9ae7ed344d24 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//mgTree
e6b7a582f48fdfcfa826ace8e16ae775 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//flowCart
0a21c9bbb7cbe180fb260828930d5e51 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//xsensit
4700b7139293eedfe3cf9ec973695073 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointCart
7daf88cd4774ca932186a9814f2f180d /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointErrorEst_quad
34e91e2cc2f93cdcf420065832acd385 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adapt

Building initial mesh

ERROR: CUBES failed in  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_cart3dTest/Scratch/cart3dAIM1/inputs/adapt00
 ===> ERROR:  Cannot execute cubes -- please contact Cart3D developers.
E.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Objective name - Drag
	Done getting CFD functional
 Body size = 15.356535
 Tessellating body 1 with  MaxEdge = 0.383913  Sag = 0.015357  Angle = 15.000000
 Executing: autoInputs -r 80.000000 -nDiv 5 -maxR 7  > autoInputs.out
 Executing: ./aero.csh > aero.out
Sat Mar 11 06:09:06 EST 2023

-rwx------  1 jenkins  77249 Mar 11 06:09 ./aero.csh

CART3D env variable set to: /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28
CART3D_ARCH env variable set to: OSX64_ICC

Using codes:
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  1558776 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//cubes
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  1292272 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//mgPrep
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4000008 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//flowCart
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4374960 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//xsensit
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  4168768 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointCart
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  12944448 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointErrorEst_quad
-rwxr-xr--  1 jenkins  2952992 Oct 27  2020 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adapt

md5 checksums:
83388126060516d9809ae90219324ec2 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//cubes
b931a45f0a6528e9e0a09dd8bbdc3112 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//mgPrep
e6b7a582f48fdfcfa826ace8e16ae775 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//flowCart
0a21c9bbb7cbe180fb260828930d5e51 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//xsensit
4700b7139293eedfe3cf9ec973695073 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointCart
7daf88cd4774ca932186a9814f2f180d /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adjointErrorEst_quad
34e91e2cc2f93cdcf420065832acd385 /Users/jenkins/util/cart3d/cart3d_v1.5.7_OSX64_ICC--20.10.28/bin/OSX64_ICC//adapt

Building initial mesh

ERROR: CUBES failed in  /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_cart3dTest/Scratch/cart3dAIM0/inputs/adapt00
 ===> ERROR:  Cannot execute cubes -- please contact Cart3D developers.
EMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 1

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - Mach
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 3
	Objective name - C_A
	Objective name - C_N
	Objective name - C_Y
	Done getting CFD functional
 Body size = 15.356535
 Tessellating body 1 with  MaxEdge = 0.383913  Sag = 0.015357  Angle = 15.000000
 Executing: autoInputs -r 80.000000 -nDiv 5 -maxR 7  > autoInputs.out
 o Evaluating Cart3D functionals and/or gradients
   ATTENTION: using static geometry ../inputs/Components.i.tri
   (06:09:12) Running aero.csh on 2 core(s) in M0.5A1B0_DP1 FAILED: aero.csh failed
Read OUT file in /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_cart3dTest/Scratch/cart3dAIM2/design/M0.5A1B0_DP1
   ERROR c3d_objGrad.csh: failed
EMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 1

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 2
	Design Variable name - Mach
	Design Variable name - area
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 3
	Objective name - C_A
	Objective name - C_N
	Objective name - C_Y
	Done getting CFD functional
 Body size = 15.356535
 Tessellating body 1 with  MaxEdge = 0.383913  Sag = 0.015357  Angle = 15.000000
 Executing: autoInputs -r 80.000000 -nDiv 5 -maxR 7  > autoInputs.out
 o Evaluating Cart3D functionals and/or gradients
   ATTENTION: using static geometry ../inputs/Components.i.tri
   (06:09:17) Running aero.csh on 2 core(s) in M0.5A1B0_DP1 FAILED: aero.csh failed
Read OUT file in /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_cart3dTest/Scratch/cart3dAIM3/design/M0.5A1B0_DP1
   ERROR c3d_objGrad.csh: failed
EMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 9
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
	Name = nodeBody, index = 8
	Name = farfield, index = 9
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = -1!
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = 1!
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = -1!
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = 1!
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = boxhole, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = -1!
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = 1!
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = -1!
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = 1!
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = bullet, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cone, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cylinder, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = nodeBody, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - box
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = torus, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 2 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 3 (of 3)
Body 1 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 7820
Number of elements = 15636
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 15636
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 2 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 5889
Number of elements = 11774
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 11774
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 3 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 524
Number of elements = 1044
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 1044
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 14233
Total number of elements = 28454
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.33178
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.064238
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.164829
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.070133
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.07509
Refining mesh...
  18972 insertions, added 13254 points, 701278 tetrahedra in queue.
  6317 insertions, added 2883 points, 614952 tetrahedra in queue.
  8421 insertions, added 2047 points, 103425 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  3.89356
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  3.5223
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.148204

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.020736
Total running seconds:  8.29265


  Input points: 14233
  Input facets: 28454
  Input segments: 42681
  Input holes: 2
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 33078
  Mesh tetrahedra: 159812
  Mesh faces: 333851
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 28454
  Mesh faces on input facets: 28454
  Mesh edges on input segments: 42681
  Steiner points inside domain: 18845

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 5
	Design Variable name - Mach
Warning: No initial value set for Mach
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 6
	Design Variable name - Alpha
	Design Variable name - Beta
Warning: No initial value set for Beta
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 2
	Objective name - Composite
	Objective name - Lift^2
	Done getting CFD functional
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
Creating FUN3D directory tree
DesignVariable = Alpha
DesignVariable = Beta
DesignVariable = area
DesignVariable = aspect
DesignVariable = taper
DesignVariable = twist
Writing sensitivity file for body 1, File - Rubberize/model.tec.1.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 2, File - Rubberize/model.tec.2.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 3, File - Rubberize/model.tec.3.sd1

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Using Python to write FUN3D namelist (fun3d.nml)
	Overwrite_NML is set to 'True' - a new namelist will be created
	Creating namelist
	Done writing nml file with Python
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - Alpha
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 2
	Objective name - Composite
	Objective name - Lift^2
	Done getting CFD functional
Creating FUN3D directory tree
DesignVariable = Alpha

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Using Python to write FUN3D namelist (fun3d.nml)
	Overwrite_NML is set to 'True' - a new namelist will be created
	Creating namelist
	Done writing nml file with Python
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 6
	Design Variable name - Alpha
	Design Variable name - Beta
Warning: No initial value set for Beta
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD functional.......
	Number of design variables - 2
	Objective name - Composite
	Objective name - Lift^2
	Done getting CFD functional
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree
DesignVariable = Alpha
DesignVariable = Beta
DesignVariable = area
DesignVariable = aspect
DesignVariable = taper
DesignVariable = twist
Writing sensitivity file for body 1, File - Rubberize/model.tec.1.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 2, File - Rubberize/model.tec.2.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 3, File - Rubberize/model.tec.3.sd1
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
Projecting tessellation 1 (of 3) on to new body
Projecting tessellation 2 (of 3) on to new body
Projecting tessellation 3 (of 3) on to new body
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree
DesignVariable = Alpha
DesignVariable = Beta
DesignVariable = area
DesignVariable = aspect
DesignVariable = taper
DesignVariable = twist
Writing sensitivity file for body 1, File - Rubberize/model.tec.1.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 2, File - Rubberize/model.tec.2.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 3, File - Rubberize/model.tec.3.sd1
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
Projecting tessellation 1 (of 3) on to new body
Projecting tessellation 2 (of 3) on to new body
Projecting tessellation 3 (of 3) on to new body
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree
DesignVariable = Alpha
DesignVariable = Beta
DesignVariable = area
DesignVariable = aspect
DesignVariable = taper
DesignVariable = twist
Writing sensitivity file for body 1, File - Rubberize/model.tec.1.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 2, File - Rubberize/model.tec.2.sd1
Writing sensitivity file for body 3, File - Rubberize/model.tec.3.sd1
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat
Writing surface file for 1 (of 3) in body 1 File - Flow/fun3d_CAPS_body1.dat

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 2 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 3 (of 3)
Body 1 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 7820
Number of elements = 15636
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 15636
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 2 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 5889
Number of elements = 11774
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 11774
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 3 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 524
Number of elements = 1044
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 1044
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 14233
Total number of elements = 28454
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.291255
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.054975
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.145646
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.069372
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.076392
Refining mesh...
  18972 insertions, added 13254 points, 701278 tetrahedra in queue.
  6317 insertions, added 2883 points, 614952 tetrahedra in queue.
  8421 insertions, added 2047 points, 103425 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  3.87921
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  3.67167
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.146581

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.020879
Total running seconds:  8.35703


  Input points: 14233
  Input facets: 28454
  Input segments: 42681
  Input holes: 2
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 33078
  Mesh tetrahedra: 159812
  Mesh faces: 333851
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 28454
  Mesh faces on input facets: 28454
  Mesh edges on input segments: 42681
  Steiner points inside domain: 18845

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Using Python to write FUN3D namelist (fun3d.nml)

	Reading /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_fun3dTest/Scratch/fun3dAIM4/fun3d.nml .....
	Appending namelist
	Done writing nml file with Python
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
..Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Using Python to write FUN3D namelist (fun3d.nml)
	/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_fun3dTest/Scratch/fun3dAIM6/fun3d.nml not found!
	Creating namelist
	Done writing nml file with Python
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Using Python to write FUN3D namelist (fun3d.nml)

	Reading /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_fun3dTest/Scratch/fun3dAIM6/fun3d.nml .....
	Appending namelist
	Done writing nml file with Python
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - X
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 5079, elements - 10146
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 4
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 5079, elements - 10146
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 4
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
Python library was linked, but will not be used!
Creating FUN3D directory tree

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 4
	Design Variable name - area
	Design Variable name - aspect
	Design Variable name - taper
	Design Variable name - twist
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Since Python was not linked and/or being used, the "Overwrite_NML" input needs to be set to "True" to give permission to create a new fun3d.nml. fun3d.nml will NOT be updated!!
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Since Python was not linked and/or being used, the "Overwrite_NML" input needs to be set to "True" to give permission to create a new fun3d.nml. fun3d.nml will NOT be updated!!
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Since Python was not linked and/or being used, the "Overwrite_NML" input needs to be set to "True" to give permission to create a new fun3d.nml. fun3d.nml will NOT be updated!!
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Warning: The fun3d.nml file will be overwritten!
Writing fun3d.nml
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Python library was linked, but will not be used!

Writing MAPBC file ....
Finished writing MAPBC file

Since Python was not linked and/or being used, the "Overwrite_NML" input needs to be set to "True" to give permission to create a new fun3d.nml. fun3d.nml will NOT be updated!!
Info: No recognized data transfer names found.
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - box1
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 7
	Design_Variable name - H
	Design_Variable name - L
	Design_Variable name - W
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> L
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> W
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> H
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> x0
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> x1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m0
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Face 3 quading disabled with attribute .qParams
	Face 6 quading disabled with attribute .qParams
	Getting quads for BEM!
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 361 (out of 4274) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3913
	Number of elements = 6544
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 5344
	Elemental Quad4 = 1200

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - box1
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - box2
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 7
	Design_Variable name - H
	Design_Variable name - L
	Design_Variable name - W
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> L
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> W
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> H
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> x0
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = box2, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2402
	Number of elements = 2400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 2400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> x1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m0
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box2
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4009) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3685
	Number of elements = 7292
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7292
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5854
	Combined Number of elements = 11625
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11624
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4000) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3676
	Number of elements = 7274
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7274
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5845
	Combined Number of elements = 11607
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11606
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4009) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3685
	Number of elements = 7292
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7292
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5854
	Combined Number of elements = 11625
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11624
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4009) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3685
	Number of elements = 7292
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7292
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5854
	Combined Number of elements = 11625
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11624
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4000) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3676
	Number of elements = 7274
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7274
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5845
	Combined Number of elements = 11607
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11606
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 2168
	Number of elements = 4332
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 4332
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	capsIgnore attribute found for face - 1!!
Removing unused nodes...
	Removed 324 (out of 4000) unused nodes!
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 3676
	Number of elements = 7274
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 7274
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 2
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 5845
	Combined Number of elements = 11607
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 11606
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 0

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - madeupium
	Material name - unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - box1
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 7
	Design_Variable name - H
	Design_Variable name - L
	Design_Variable name - W
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> L
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> W
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> H
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> x0
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box1, index = 1
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> x1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m0
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 3
	Done getting FEA design variables
.Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 2
	Property name - box1
	Property name - point
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 7
	Design_Variable name - H
	Design_Variable name - L
	Design_Variable name - W
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> L
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> W
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> H
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input
===> x0
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 0
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box1, index = 1
	Name = point, index = 2
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 441
	Number of elements = 400
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 400
Creating FEA BEM
	Mesh for body = 1
	Number of nodal coordinates = 1
	Number of elements = 1
	Elemental Nodes = 1
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 0
Combining multiple FEA meshes!
	Combined Number of nodal coordinates = 442
	Combined Number of elements = 401
	Combined Elemental Nodes = 1
	Combined Elemental Rods  = 0
	Combined Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Combined Elemental Quad4 = 400
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> x1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m0
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
===> m1
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 4
	Design_Variable name - m0
	Design_Variable name - m1
	Design_Variable name - x0
	Design_Variable name - x1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - mass_point
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_madeupium
	Name madeupium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - rho_unobtainium
	Name unobtainium not found in attribute map!!!!
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick_box1
	Number of design variable relations - 4
	Done getting FEA design variables
Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 4
	Design Variable name - alowervar
	Design Variable name - auppervar
	Design Variable name - classvar
	Design Variable name - ztailvar
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - avar
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05
Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 2
	Design Variable name - camber
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!

Getting CFD design variables.......
	Number of design variables - 1
	Design Variable name - thick
	Done getting CFD design variables
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 4
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Wake, index = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 4
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest1/Scratch/MultiBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest2/Scratch/SingleBody' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 5
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cone, index = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 3
	Name = bullet, index = 4
	Name = farfield, index = 5
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/All' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Box' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = bullet, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Bullet' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cone, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cone' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = cylinder, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Cylinder' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/BoxError/caps.egads'....
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest3/Scratch/SingleBody2' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = sphere, index = 1
	Name = farfield, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Writing global Glyph inputs...
Writing egads file '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere/caps.egads'....

Running pointwise......
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
Pointwise was unable to obtain a license.
Reprise License Manager reported the following error:

pointwise: License server does not support this product (-18)

Please check your license file, network, and license server status.
Use environment variable pwid_LICENSE=port@hostname to specify a license server.
Failed to execute! (caps_system): cd '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_PointwiseTest/Scratch/Sphere' && pointwise -b /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/pointwise/glyph/GeomToMesh.glf caps.egads capsUserDefaults.glf
FMapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 2 (of 3)
Getting surface mesh for body 3 (of 3)
Body 1 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 7820
Number of elements = 15636
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 15636
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 2 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 5889
Number of elements = 11774
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 11774
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 3 (of 3)
Number of nodes    = 524
Number of elements = 1044
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 1044
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 14233
Total number of elements = 28454
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.289123
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.051116
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.136669
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.068881
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.073987
Refining mesh...
  18972 insertions, added 13254 points, 701278 tetrahedra in queue.
  6317 insertions, added 2883 points, 614952 tetrahedra in queue.
  8421 insertions, added 2047 points, 103425 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  3.77345
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  3.61564
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.155117

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.024481
Total running seconds:  8.1895


  Input points: 14233
  Input facets: 28454
  Input segments: 42681
  Input holes: 2
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 33078
  Mesh tetrahedra: 159812
  Mesh faces: 333851
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 28454
  Mesh faces on input facets: 28454
  Mesh edges on input segments: 42681
  Steiner points inside domain: 18845

Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing SU2 file ....
Finished writing SU2 file

Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "Cardinal"
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "Raven"
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "Falcon"
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - X
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing SU2 file ....
Finished writing SU2 file

Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
Running SU2 1
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 2
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
Running SU2 2
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 14233, elements - 28454
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing SU2 file ....
Finished writing SU2 file

Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Running SU2 1
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 2
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Running SU2 2
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 15883, elements - 31754
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing SU2 file ....
Finished writing SU2 file

Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Wing1, index = 1
	Name = Wing2, index = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 3
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 1
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing boundary flags
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[0].surfaceType = 3
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[1].surfaceType = 2
 - bcProps.surfaceProp[2].surfaceType = 1
Done boundary flags
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
.Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Wing1
	Boundary condition name - Wing2
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 25
Number of elements = 16
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 16
Total number of nodes    = 25
Total number of elements = 16
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 25
Number of elements = 16
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 16
Total number of nodes    = 25
Total number of elements = 16
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 2
	Design_Variable name - plateLength
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateLength[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 3 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 4 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 25
Number of elements = 16
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 0
Number of quadrilateral elements = 16
Total number of nodes    = 25
Total number of elements = 16
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - plateWidth
	Number of design variable relations - 0
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
 CAPS Info: Sensitivity FD step 1.000000e-05 used for: plateWidth[1,1]
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = plateEdge, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 0
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = plate, index = 1
Setting FEA Data
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 25
	Number of elements = 16
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 0
	Elemental Quad4 = 16

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 1
	Material name - Madeupium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 1
	Property name - plate
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - appliedPressure
	Done getting FEA loads

Getting FEA design variables.......
	Number of design variables          - 1
	Design_Variable name - thick1
	Design_Variable_Relation name - thick1
	Number of design variable relations - 1
	Done getting FEA design variables
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Design_Equation tuple is NULL - No design equations applied
Design_Table tuple is NULL - No design table constants applied
Design_Opt_Param tuple is NULL - No design optimization parameters applied
Design_Response tuple is NULL - No design responses applied
Design_Equation_Response tuple is NULL - No design equation responses applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses

Writing Nastran grid and connectivity file (in small field format) ....
Finished writing Nastran grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing TACS instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint ADD cards
	Writing load cards
	Writing constraint cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
	Writing design variable cards
	Writing design variable relation cards
.ERROR:: BAD STATUS = -276 from matsol (called from solveSketchOrig:56975)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 7
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 7)
Getting surface mesh for body 2 (of 7)
Getting surface mesh for body 3 (of 7)
Getting surface mesh for body 4 (of 7)
Getting surface mesh for body 5 (of 7)
Getting surface mesh for body 6 (of 7)
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = -1!
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = -1!
 7FF84D47F680 EGADS Info: Face #3 -> Edge #9 (9) Internally in Loop 7 4, sen = 1!
 700008B85000 EGADS Info: Face #5 -> Edge #17 (9) Internally in Loop 4 7, sen = 1!
Getting surface mesh for body 7 (of 7)
Body 1 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 98
Number of elements = 192
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 192
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 2 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 294
Number of elements = 584
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 584
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 3 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 488
Number of elements = 972
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 972
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 1 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Warning: No capsGroup/capsIgnore attribute found on edge 2 of face 1, unable to assign a boundary index value
Body 4 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 2048
Number of elements = 4096
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 4096
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 5 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 152
Number of elements = 300
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 300
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 6 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 624
Number of elements = 1248
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 1248
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Body 7 (of 7)
Number of nodes    = 488
Number of elements = 972
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 972
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 4192
Total number of elements = 8364
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 7
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
Body 1 number of surface: nodes - 98, elements - 192
Body 2 number of surface: nodes - 294, elements - 584
Body 3 number of surface: nodes - 488, elements - 972
Body 4 number of surface: nodes - 2048, elements - 4096
Body 5 number of surface: nodes - 152, elements - 300
Body 6 number of surface: nodes - 624, elements - 1248
Body 7 number of surface: nodes - 488, elements - 972
Getting volume mesh for body 1 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = box, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.003084
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000385
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.001287
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000107
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.00116
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.003236
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.003212
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.000232

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  8.2e-05
Total running seconds:  0.012841


  Input points: 98
  Input facets: 192
  Input segments: 288
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 100
  Mesh tetrahedra: 232
  Mesh faces: 560
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 192
  Mesh faces on input facets: 192
  Mesh edges on input segments: 288
  Steiner points inside domain: 2

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 2 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.019177
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000905
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.003007
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000663
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.004896
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.030085
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.024547
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.001115

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000292
Total running seconds:  0.084766


  Input points: 294
  Input facets: 584
  Input segments: 876
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 342
  Mesh tetrahedra: 1038
  Mesh faces: 2368
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 584
  Mesh faces on input facets: 584
  Mesh edges on input segments: 876
  Steiner points inside domain: 48

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 3 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = cone, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.059756
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.001616
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.00752
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.001336
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.016103
Refining mesh...
  650 insertions, added 167 points, 7377 tetrahedra in queue.
  216 insertions, added 8 points, 5933 tetrahedra in queue.
  288 insertions, added 11 points, 2914 tetrahedra in queue.
  384 insertions, added 11 points, 392 tetrahedra in queue.
  512 insertions, added 15 points, 93 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.187104
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.069435
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.005478

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000494
Total running seconds:  0.348936


  Input points: 488
  Input facets: 972
  Input segments: 1458
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 706
  Mesh tetrahedra: 2870
  Mesh faces: 6226
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 972
  Mesh faces on input facets: 972
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1458
  Steiner points inside domain: 218

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 4 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = torus, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.437039
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.006606
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.015639
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.006538
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.132298
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.363336
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.315461
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.013348

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.001947
Total running seconds:  1.29243


  Input points: 2048
  Input facets: 4096
  Input segments: 6144
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 2904
  Mesh tetrahedra: 11373
  Mesh faces: 24794
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 4096
  Mesh faces on input facets: 4096
  Mesh edges on input segments: 6144
  Steiner points inside domain: 856

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 5 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = sphere, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.000955
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000535
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.000783
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000206
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.000852
Refining mesh...
  202 insertions, added 46 points, 0 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.009213
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.006689
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.000614

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000128
Total running seconds:  0.020039


  Input points: 152
  Input facets: 300
  Input segments: 450
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 198
  Mesh tetrahedra: 672
  Mesh faces: 1494
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 300
  Mesh faces on input facets: 300
  Mesh edges on input segments: 450
  Steiner points inside domain: 46

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 6 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = boxhole, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.053293
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.002087
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.005893
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.001544
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.007359
Refining mesh...
  831 insertions, added 215 points, 5504 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.087602
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.072502
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.005691

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000481
Total running seconds:  0.236555


  Input points: 624
  Input facets: 1248
  Input segments: 1872
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 846
  Mesh tetrahedra: 3169
  Mesh faces: 6962
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 1248
  Mesh faces on input facets: 1248
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1872
  Steiner points inside domain: 222

Done meshing using TetGen!
Getting volume mesh for body 7 (of 7)
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 1
	Name = bullet, index = 1

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.04061
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.003823
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.047611
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000982
Suppressing Steiner points ...
Steiner suppression seconds:  6e-06
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.037421
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.057927
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.046518
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.00275
Jettisoning redundant points.

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000449
Total running seconds:  0.238751


  Input points: 488
  Input facets: 972
  Input segments: 1458
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0

  Mesh points: 672
  Mesh tetrahedra: 2513
  Mesh faces: 5512
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 972
  Mesh faces on input facets: 972
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1458
  Steiner points inside domain: 184

Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 7
	Name = box, index = 1
	Name = cylinder, index = 2
	Name = cone, index = 3
	Name = torus, index = 4
	Name = sphere, index = 5
	Name = boxhole, index = 6
	Name = bullet, index = 7
Body 1 number of surface: nodes - 98, elements - 192
Body 2 number of surface: nodes - 294, elements - 584
Body 3 number of surface: nodes - 488, elements - 972
Body 4 number of surface: nodes - 2048, elements - 4096
Body 5 number of surface: nodes - 152, elements - 300
Body 6 number of surface: nodes - 624, elements - 1248
Body 7 number of surface: nodes - 488, elements - 972
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.002976
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000328
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.001558
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000126
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.001031
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.002982
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.003257
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.000236

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  8.1e-05
Total running seconds:  0.012626


  Input points: 98
  Input facets: 192
  Input segments: 288
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 1

  Mesh points: 100
  Mesh tetrahedra: 232
  Mesh faces: 560
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 192
  Mesh faces on input facets: 192
  Mesh edges on input segments: 288
  Steiner points inside domain: 2

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.0162
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000952
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.00315
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000602
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.004923
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.030467
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.024362
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.001128

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000272
Total running seconds:  0.082137


  Input points: 294
  Input facets: 584
  Input segments: 876
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 2

  Mesh points: 342
  Mesh tetrahedra: 1038
  Mesh faces: 2368
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 584
  Mesh faces on input facets: 584
  Mesh edges on input segments: 876
  Steiner points inside domain: 48

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.060058
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.001615
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.007387
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 2-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.001437
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.016002
Refining mesh...
  650 insertions, added 167 points, 7377 tetrahedra in queue.
  216 insertions, added 8 points, 5933 tetrahedra in queue.
  288 insertions, added 11 points, 2914 tetrahedra in queue.
  384 insertions, added 11 points, 392 tetrahedra in queue.
  512 insertions, added 15 points, 93 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.189361
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.069889
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.003096

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000383
Total running seconds:  0.349316


  Input points: 488
  Input facets: 972
  Input segments: 1458
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 3

  Mesh points: 706
  Mesh tetrahedra: 2870
  Mesh faces: 6226
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 972
  Mesh faces on input facets: 972
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1458
  Steiner points inside domain: 218

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.43569
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.006445
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.015915
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 2-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 3-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.006505
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.13242
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.368441
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.300718
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.015263

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.002074
Total running seconds:  1.28373


  Input points: 2048
  Input facets: 4096
  Input segments: 6144
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 4

  Mesh points: 2912
  Mesh tetrahedra: 11359
  Mesh faces: 24766
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 4096
  Mesh faces on input facets: 4096
  Mesh edges on input segments: 6144
  Steiner points inside domain: 864

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.000917
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.000518
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.000772
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 2-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 3-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 4-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000327
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.000997
Refining mesh...
  202 insertions, added 46 points, 0 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.008884
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.006422
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.000616

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000122
Total running seconds:  0.019631


  Input points: 152
  Input facets: 300
  Input segments: 450
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 5

  Mesh points: 198
  Mesh tetrahedra: 672
  Mesh faces: 1494
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 300
  Mesh faces on input facets: 300
  Mesh edges on input segments: 450
  Steiner points inside domain: 46

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.052768
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.001925
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.006038
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 2-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 3-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 4-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 5-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.001831
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.007027
Refining mesh...
  831 insertions, added 215 points, 5504 tetrahedra in queue.
Refinement seconds:  0.082759
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.070057
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.003702

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000586
Total running seconds:  0.226794


  Input points: 624
  Input facets: 1248
  Input segments: 1872
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 6

  Mesh points: 846
  Mesh tetrahedra: 3169
  Mesh faces: 6962
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 1248
  Mesh faces on input facets: 1248
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1872
  Steiner points inside domain: 222

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000T1.00e-16A
Delaunizing vertices...
Delaunay seconds:  0.039871
Creating surface mesh ...
Surface mesh seconds:  0.001499
Recovering boundaries...
Boundary recovery seconds:  0.046756
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning:  The 1-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 2-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 3-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 4-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 5-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Warning:  The 6-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
Spreading region attributes.
Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.000899
Suppressing Steiner points ...
Steiner suppression seconds:  4e-06
Recovering Delaunayness...
Delaunay recovery seconds:  0.037402
Refining mesh...
Refinement seconds:  0.054933
Smoothing vertices...
Mesh smoothing seconds:  0.044588
Improving mesh...
Mesh improvement seconds:  0.00267
Jettisoning redundant points.

Writing nodes.
Writing elements.
Writing faces.
Writing edges.

Output seconds:  0.000474
Total running seconds:  0.229791


  Input points: 488
  Input facets: 972
  Input segments: 1458
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 7

  Mesh points: 673
  Mesh tetrahedra: 2528
  Mesh faces: 5542
  Mesh faces on exterior boundary: 972
  Mesh faces on input facets: 972
  Mesh edges on input segments: 1458
  Steiner points inside domain: 185

Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing AFLR3 file ....
Finished writing AFLR3 file

.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq2.000/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
 EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq2.000/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!
 CAPS Info: Hit last success -- going live!
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 7173, elements - 14338
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

.Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
	Name = trailingEdge, index = 3

Getting mesh sizing parameters
	Mesh sizing name - Farfield
	Done getting mesh sizing parameters
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 9601
Number of elements = 19194
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 19194
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 9601
Total number of elements = 19194

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 2
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = Wing1, index = 2
Number of surface: nodes - 9601, elements - 19194
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq2.000/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing TECPLOT file: test.dat ....
Finished writing TECPLOT file

. EGADS Info: 0 Objects, 0 Reference in Use (of 0) at Close!
.......Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
ERROR: test_TargetCL (test_cart3d.TestCart3D)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 174, in test_TargetCL
    self.assertAlmostEqual( TargetCL, self.cart3d.output.C_L, 2 )
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1950, in __getattr__
    return self._capsItems[name].value
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1880, in value
    return self._valObj.getValue()
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 999, in wrapper_checkClosed
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1968, in getValue
    if stat: _raiseStatus(stat, errors=capsErrs(nErr, errs))
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 822, in _raiseStatus
    raise CAPSError(status, msg=msg, errors=errors)

ERROR: test_reenter (test_cart3d.TestCart3D)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 118, in test_reenter
    vals[name] = self.myAnalysis.output[name].value
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1880, in value
    return self._valObj.getValue()
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 999, in wrapper_checkClosed
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1968, in getValue
    if stat: _raiseStatus(stat, errors=capsErrs(nErr, errs))
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 822, in _raiseStatus
    raise CAPSError(status, msg=msg, errors=errors)

ERROR: test_sensitivity_AnalysisIn (test_cart3d.TestCart3D)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 227, in test_sensitivity_AnalysisIn
    valOut = self.cart3d.output[name].value
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1880, in value
    return self._valObj.getValue()
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 999, in wrapper_checkClosed
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1968, in getValue
    if stat: _raiseStatus(stat, errors=capsErrs(nErr, errs))
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 822, in _raiseStatus
    raise CAPSError(status, msg=msg, errors=errors)

ERROR: test_sensitivity_GeometryIn (test_cart3d.TestCart3D)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 300, in test_sensitivity_GeometryIn
    valOut = self.cart3d.output[name].value
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1880, in value
    return self._valObj.getValue()
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 999, in wrapper_checkClosed
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 1968, in getValue
    if stat: _raiseStatus(stat, errors=capsErrs(nErr, errs))
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/pyCAPS/pyCAPS/", line 822, in _raiseStatus
    raise CAPSError(status, msg=msg, errors=errors)

FAIL: test_MultiBody (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 153, in test_MultiBody
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_SingleBody (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 136, in test_SingleBody
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_all (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 318, in test_all
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_box (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 196, in test_box
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_bullet (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 301, in test_bullet
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_cone (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 231, in test_cone
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_cylinder (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 213, in test_cylinder
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_reenter (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 170, in test_reenter
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

FAIL: test_sphere (test_pointwise.TestPointwise)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 265, in test_sphere
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/", line 98, in run_pointwise
    self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pointwise.analysisDir,'caps.GeomToMesh.gma')) and
AssertionError: False is not true

Ran 123 tests in 3902.066s

FAILED (failures=9, errors=4)
 CAPS Error: Cannot open /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64/CAPS/aim/unitTest/pyCAPS/workDir_cart3dTest/Scratch/capsRestart/Problem!
 CAPS Warning: caps_writeProblem = -333 (caps_close)!
make[1]: *** [test] Error 1
make: *** [unitaim] Error 2
++ true
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64')
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Successfully parsed console log
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Skipping post processing
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Successfully parsed console log
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/unit/DARWIN64')
[Clang] Skipping post processing
[Clang] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Clang] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Static Analysis] Obtaining reference build from same job (7.6,CAPS/unit,DARWIN64,macys)
[Static Analysis] Using reference build 'ESP_UndefinedCaps/CASREV=7.6,ESPTEST=CAPS/unit,ESP_ARCH=DARWIN64,buildnode=macys #176' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[Static Analysis] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[Static Analysis] Evaluating quality gates
[Static Analysis] -> PASSED - Total (any severity): 0 - Quality Gate: 1
[Static Analysis] -> All quality gates have been passed
[Static Analysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Static Analysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Static Analysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'analysis' to build 'ESP_UndefinedCaps/CASREV=7.6,ESPTEST=CAPS/unit,ESP_ARCH=DARWIN64,buildnode=macys #177'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' changed build result to FAILURE
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] build step #0 should only be executed on MATRIX
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Skipped based on build state FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE