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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_solar_sens_chart_py_mosek_cli (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20210310201159)

Took 4.7 sec.

Standard Output

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 85 free variables
  in 21 locally-GP constraints
  and for 954 free variables
       in 1269 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 3.76 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119116.3963 but bound is 600000.0000

Standard Error

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_PR_research_models\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\gpfit\ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  for k in range(fitdata["K"])]
...[truncated 679 chars]...
dows10x64\optimizer\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gpkit_PR_research_models\buildnode\windows10x64\optimizer\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)