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1"""Tests for SolutionArray class""" 

2import unittest 

3import numpy as np 

4from gpkit import Variable, VectorVariable, Model, SignomialsEnabled 

5import gpkit 

6from gpkit.solution_array import var_table 

7from gpkit.varkey import VarKey 

8from gpkit.small_classes import Strings, Quantity 



11class TestSolutionArray(unittest.TestCase): 

12 """Unit tests for the SolutionArray class""" 


14 def test_call(self): 

15 A = Variable('A', '-', 'Test Variable') 

16 prob = Model(A, [A >= 1]) 

17 sol = prob.solve(verbosity=0) 

18 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(A), 1.0, 8) 


20 def test_call_units(self): 

21 # test from issue541 

22 x = Variable("x", 10, "ft") 

23 y = Variable("y", "m") 

24 m = Model(y, [y >= x]) 

25 sol = m.solve(verbosity=0) 

26 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("y")/sol("x"), 1.0, 6) 

27 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x)/sol(y), 1.0, 6) 


29 def test_call_vector(self): 

30 n = 5 

31 x = VectorVariable(n, 'x') 

32 prob = Model(sum(x), [x >= 2.5]) 

33 sol = prob.solve(verbosity=0) 

34 solx = sol(x) 

35 self.assertEqual(type(solx), Quantity) 

36 self.assertEqual(type(sol["variables"][x]), np.ndarray) 

37 self.assertEqual(solx.shape, (n,)) 

38 for i in range(n): 

39 self.assertAlmostEqual(solx[i], 2.5, places=4) 


41 def test_subinto(self): 

42 # pylint: disable=invalid-name 

43 nsweep = 20 

44 Pvals = np.linspace(13, 24, nsweep) 

45 H_max = Variable("H_max", 10, "m", "Length") 

46 A_min = Variable("A_min", 10, "m^2", "Area") 

47 P_max = Variable("P", Pvals, "m", "Perimeter") 

48 H = Variable("H", "m", "Length") 

49 W = Variable("W", "m", "Width") 

50 m = Model(12/(W*H**3), 

51 [H <= H_max, 

52 H*W >= A_min, 

53 P_max >= 2*H + 2*W]) 

54 sol = m.solve(verbosity=0) 

55 Psol = sol.subinto(P_max) 

56 self.assertEqual(len(Psol), nsweep) 

57 self.assertAlmostEqual(0*gpkit.ureg.m, 

58 np.max(np.abs(Pvals*gpkit.ureg.m - Psol))) 

59 self.assertAlmostEqual(0*gpkit.ureg.m, 

60 np.max(np.abs(Psol - sol(P_max)))) 


62 def test_table(self): 

63 x = Variable('x') 

64 gp = Model(x, [x >= 12]) 

65 sol = gp.solve(verbosity=0) 

66 tab = sol.table() 

67 self.assertTrue(isinstance(tab, Strings)) 


69 def test_units_sub(self): 

70 # issue 809 

71 t = Variable("T", "N", "thrust") 

72 t_min = Variable("T_{min}", "N", "minimum thrust") 

73 m = Model(t, [t >= t_min]) 

74 tminsub = 1000 * gpkit.ureg.lbf 

75 m.substitutions.update({t_min: tminsub}) 

76 sol = m.solve(verbosity=0) 

77 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(t_min), tminsub) 

78 self.assertFalse( 

79 "1000N" in 

80 sol.table().replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")) 


82 def test_key_options(self): 

83 # issue 993 

84 x = Variable("x") 

85 y = Variable("y") 

86 with SignomialsEnabled(): 

87 m = Model(y, [y + 6*x >= 13 + x**2]) 

88 msol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0) 

89 spsol = m.sp().localsolve(verbosity=0) # pylint: disable=no-member 

90 gpsol = m.program.gps[-1].solve(verbosity=0) 

91 self.assertEqual(msol(x), msol("x")) 

92 self.assertEqual(spsol(x), spsol("x")) 

93 self.assertEqual(gpsol(x), gpsol("x")) 

94 self.assertEqual(msol(x), spsol(x)) 

95 self.assertEqual(msol(x), gpsol(x)) 



98class TestResultsTable(unittest.TestCase): 

99 """TestCase for var_table()""" 


101 def test_nan_printing(self): 

102 """Test that solution prints when it contains nans""" 

103 x = VarKey(name='x') 

104 data = {x: np.array([np.nan, 1, 1, 1, 1])} 

105 title = "Free variables" 

106 printstr = "\n".join(var_table(data, title)) 

107 self.assertTrue(" - " in printstr) # nan is printed as " - " 

108 self.assertTrue(title in printstr) 


110 def test_result_access(self): 

111 x = Variable("x") 

112 y = Variable("y") 

113 with SignomialsEnabled(): 

114 sig = y + 6*x >= 13 + x**2 

115 m = Model(y, [sig]) 

116 sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0) 

117 self.assertTrue(all((isinstance(gp.result.table(), Strings) 

118 for gp in m.program.gps))) 

119 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"]/4.0, 1.0, 5) 

120 self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x")/3.0, 1.0, 3) 


122TESTS = [TestSolutionArray, TestResultsTable] 


124if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover 

125 # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position 

126 from gpkit.tests.helpers import run_tests 

127 run_tests(TESTS)