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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_gpkitmodels_SP_SimPleAC_SimPleAC_multimission_py_mosek_cli (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20190901125226)

Took 2.1 sec.

Standard Output

SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (3e+03) than the previous one (2.7e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (3e+03) than the previous one (2.7e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (3.4e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (3.4e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0116 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0129 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0132 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.00998 seconds.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 0.0526 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.199 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.321 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.233 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.109 seconds.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 0.873 seconds.

Standard Error