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projectroot.src.Grid.PXCutCellTools2d_PXU (from CTest)

Took 1.9 sec.

Standard Output

A background node on the spline ends! Need more implementation
A background node on the spline ends! Need more implementation
minVR = 9.70273368e-01, CritMinVR = 9.90000000e-01, (minVR>CritMinVR) = 0
-------------------------------------------minVR =  9.702733683035827e-01
(egrpA, elemA) = (0, 0)   (egrpB, elemB) = (1, 0)
-------------------------------------------minVR =  1.000000000000000e+30

During merging 1 elements were merged
an =  0, title =                  Spline_2, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  1, title =                  Spline_3, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  2, title =                  Spline_4, type =                PXE_AttachmentSpline
an =  0, title =                  Spline_2, type =                ...
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.