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44 statements  

1"An example to show off Breakdowns" 

2import os 

3import pickle 

4import pint 

5from packaging import version 

6from gpkit.breakdowns import Breakdowns 


8dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep 

9if version.parse(pint.__version__) >= version.parse("0.13"): 

10 sol = pickle.load(open(dirpath+"solar_13.p", "rb")) 

11elif version.parse(pint.__version__) >= version.parse("0.12"): 

12 sol = pickle.load(open(dirpath+"solar_12.p", "rb")) 

13elif version.parse(pint.__version__) >= version.parse("0.10"): 

14 sol = pickle.load(open(dirpath+"solar_10.p", "rb")) 

15elif version.parse(pint.__version__) == version.parse("0.9"): 

16 sol = pickle.load(open(dirpath+"solar.p", "rb")) 


18 sol = None 


20if sol is not None: 

21 # the code to create solar.p is in ./breakdowns/ 

22 bds = Breakdowns(sol) 


24 print("Cost breakdown (as seen in solution tables)") 

25 print("==============") 

26 bds.plot("cost") 


28 print("Variable breakdowns (note the two methods of access)") 

29 print("===================") 

30 varkey, = sol["variables"].keymap[("Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftPerf" 

31 ".AircraftDrag.Poper")] 

32 bds.plot(varkey) 

33 bds.plot("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.MotorPerf.Q") 


35 print("Combining the two above by increasing maxwidth") 

36 print("----------------------------------------------") 

37 bds.plot("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.Poper", maxwidth=105) 


39 print("Model sensitivity breakdowns (note the two methods of access)") 

40 print("============================") 

41 bds.plot("model sensitivities") 

42 bds.plot("Aircraft") 


44 print("Exhaustive variable breakdown traces (and configuration arguments)") 

45 print("====================================") 

46 # often useful as a reference point when reading traces 

47 bds.plot("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.Poper", height=12) 

48 # includes factors, can be useful for reading traces as well 

49 bds.plot("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.Poper", showlegend=True) 

50 print("\nPermissivity = 2 (the default)") 

51 print("----------------") 

52 bds.trace("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.Poper") 

53 print("\nPermissivity = 1 (stops at Pelec = v·i)") 

54 print("----------------") 

55 bds.trace("AircraftPerf.AircraftDrag.Poper", permissivity=1) 


57 # you can also produce Plotly treemaps/icicle plots of your breakdowns 

58 fig = bds.treemap("model sensitivities", returnfig=True) 

59 fig = bds.icicle("cost", returnfig=True) 

60 # uncommenting any of the below makes and shows the plot directly 

61 # bds.icicle("model sensitivities") 

62 # bds.treemap("cost")