ESP Bibliography at AIAApaper2012-0683 "On The Construction of Aircraft Conceptual Geometry for High-Fidelity Analysis and Design" Robert Haimes and Mark Drela AIAApaper2013-0701 "OpenCSM: An Open-Source Constructive Solid Modeler for MDAO" John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2013-0702 "Geometric Sketch Constraint Solving with User Feedback" Bridget Dixon and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2013-3073 "The Engineering Sketch Pad: A Solid-Modeling, Feature-Based, Web-Enabled System for Building Parametric Geometry" Robert Haimes and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2014-0188 "Computational Geometry for Multifidelity and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization" Nitin Bhagat and Edward Alyanak AIAApaper2014-0294 "Conservative Fitting for Multi-Disciplinary Analysis" John Dannenhoffer and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2015-1370 "Design Sensitivity Calculations Directly on CAD-based Geometry" John Dannenhoffer and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2016-1925 "Generation of Multi-fidelity, Multi-discipline Air Vehicle Models with the Engineering Sketch Pad" John Dannenhoffer and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2016-1926 "Generation of Parametric Aircraft Models from a Cloud of Points" Pengcheng Jia and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2016-4007 "Multi-fidelity Geometry-centric Multi-disciplinary Analysis for Design" Edward Alyanak, Ryan Durscher, Robert Haimes, John Dannenhoffer, Nitin Bhagat and Darcy Allison AIAApaper2017-0138 "The Creation of a Static BRep Model Given a Cloud of Points" John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2017-0139 "Using Design-Parameter Sensitivities in Adjoint-Based Design Environments" John Dannenhoffer and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2018-1401 "EGADSlite: A Lightweight Geometry Kernel for HPC" Robert Haimes and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2019-1717 "Flends: Generalized Fillets via B-splines" Zachary Eager and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2019-1721 "Automatic Unstructured Mesh Generation with Geometry Attribution" Steve Karman and Nick Wyman AIAApaper2019-1988 "Towards Fully Regular Quad Mesh Generation" Julia Docampo-Sánchez and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2019-1992 "Extension of local cavity operators to 3d + t spacetime mesh adaptation" Philip Caplan, Robert Haimes, David Darmofal and Marshall Galbraith AIAApaper2019-2225 "Toward the Realization of a Highly Integrated, Multidisciplinary, Multifidelity Design Environment" Dean Bryson, Robert Haimes and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2019-2226 "pyCAPS: A Python Interface to the Computational Aircraft Prototype Syntheses" Ryan Durscher and Dennis Reedy AIAApaper2019-2227 "Hybrid Shell Model for Aeroelastic Modeling" Mark Drela, Marshall Galbraith and Steven Allmaras AIAApaper2019-2228 "Shape Continuum Sensitivity Analysis using ASTROS and CAPS" Robert Canfield, Suood Alnaqbi, Ryan Durscher, Dean Bryson and Raymond Kolonay AIAApaper2019-2229 "Rapid Generation of Parametric Aircraft Structural Models" John Joe, Viraj Gandhi, John Dannenhoffer and Hamid Dalir AIAApaper2019-2230 "Parameterized, Multi-fidelity Aircraft Geometry and Analysis for MDAO Studies using CAPS" Christopher Meckstroth AIAApaper2019-3369 "Automated Wing Internal Structure Placement Guided by Finite Element Analysis" Justin Clough, Assad Oberai and Andrew Zakrajsek IMR28 "A Regularization Approach for Automatic Quad Mesh Generation" Julia Docampo-Sánchez and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2021-2992 "Boundary Representation Tolerance Impacts on Mesh Generation and Adaptation" Michael Park, Robert Haimes, Nicholas Wyman, Patrick Baker and Adrien Loseille AIAApaper2022-0387 "Exploring Tie Constraints for Structural Analysis Problems" Paul Mokotoff and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2022-0971 "Parallelization Strategies for Efficiently Computing CAD-based Sensitivities for Design Optimization" John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2022-1734 "A Parametric G1-continuous Rounded Wing Tip Treatment for Preliminary Aircraft Design" Marshall Galbraith and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2022-1735 "Towards Modeling for Design: Aspects of Multi-fidelity Geometry using CAPS" Nitin Bhagat, Ryan Durscher and Dean Bryson AIAApaper2022-1736 "On Analysis Driven Shape Design Using B-Splines" Marlena Gomez, Marshall Galbraith and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2022-2248 "Towards Modeling for Design: Using a Real-time Collaborative Environment in CAPS" John Dannenhoffer and Nitin Bhagat AIAApaper2022-3493 "GLOVES: A Graphical Layout of Vehicle Systems for the Engineering Sketch Pad" Paul Mokotoff and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2023-0550 "An Integrated Design Environment for the Engineering Sketch Pad" John Dannenhoffer and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2023-1162 "A Parametric Design Process based on Optimization-Guided Incremental Design Decisions" Dongjoon Lee, Cody Karcher, Robert Haimes, Marshall Galbraith and John Dannenhoffer AIAApaper2023-3599 "On Managing Geometric Models for Multi-component, Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Design" John Dannenhoffer and Nitin Bhagat AIAApaper2023-3601 "Free-Form Deformation of Parametric CAD Geometryvia B-Spline Transformations" Marlena Gomez, Marshall Galbraith† and Robert Haimes AIAApaper2024-1315 "An Overview of the Engineering Sketch Pad" John F. Dannenhoffer, III AIAApaper2024-1316 "Using Faceted Geometries for Analysis and Design" John F. Dannenhoffer, III AIAApaper2024-1317 "Analysis Driven Shape Design using Free-form Deformation of Parametric CAD Geometry" Marlena Gomez and Marshall Galbraith AIAApaper2024-4304 "Using OpenVSP Models in the Engineering Sketch Pad" John F. Dannenhoffer, III AIAApaper2025-0369 "The Role of Geometry in MDO" John F. Dannenhoffer, III