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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_SPaircraft_py_mosek (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20180627132531)

Took 59 sec.

Standard Output

Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 6.94 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 9.38 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 10.3 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 4.02 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 8.02 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 1.69 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 1.82 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 2.26 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1776 variables.
Solving took 1.31 seconds.
Solving took 9 GP solves and 53.7 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [W_{avg}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4, 0)*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/Aircraft... >= 0.225*W_{ht}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail*x_{CG_{ht}}_Mission/Aircraft/HorizontalTail/HorizontalT...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2150733.97584 force_pound * meter but the right hand side evaluated to 2110367.02616 force_pound * meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.9%)

Warning: Constraint [W_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]... >= W_{avg. pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage*n_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 32774.3225246 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 32399.999999 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [0.0417*S_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*\tan(\Lambda)_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct*b_M... >= \Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 2.21510116801 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 1.56571109367 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 29%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 37402.8965652 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 37221.6920607 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.48%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 40681.6128394 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 40621.0151006 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.15%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(2, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(2, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 27841.4197847 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 27789.1069672 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.19%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(4, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(4, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 12415.2661976 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 12373.946055 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.33%)

Warning: Constraint [-M_{takeoff}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EngineConstants*\eta_{HPshaft}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Turbine*... >= -h_{t_{2.5}}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CompressorPerformance_(0, 0) + h_{t_3}_Missio...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 147031.899519 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 142869.471513 joule / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.17%)

Warning: Constraint [x_m_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear [m]... >= x_{wing}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 18.9006932359 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 17.3408824579 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 9%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(0,... >= x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(0, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.2489026003 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.1427850747 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.55%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(1,... >= x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(1, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.2489026003 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.1426669321 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.55%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(2,... >= x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(2, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.2489026003 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.1425463004 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.55%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(3,... >= x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(3, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.2489026003 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 18.9108534533 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.8%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4,... >= x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.2489026003 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.0198216736 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(0, 0) + ... >= SM_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.22445780390287595 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.17208594165386581 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(1, 0) + ... >= SM_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.22442690062041049 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.1720777081721681 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(2, 0) + ... >= SM_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.22439531268088275 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.17206926621305926 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(3, 0) + ... >= SM_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(3, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.3589174367236172 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.20337977883739605 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 3.1%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4, 0) + ... >= SM_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.29891961096443104 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.19039271078357065 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 2.2%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Fl... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 11.936868112037557 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.010007472436764 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 58%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Fl... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.029039263452782 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.009976552405732 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 50%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(2, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Fl... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 8.91446194907565 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.009944980942199 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 44%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(3, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Fl... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(3, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.694893674278823 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.9493068402271145 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 36%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(4, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Fl... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/FlightSegment/FlightP/AircraftP_(4, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 7.701431583474139 but the right hand side evaluated to 4.977825762403711 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 35%)

Solves with these variables bounded:
   value near lower bound: CruiseAlt_Mission
   value near upper bound: TotalTime_Mission, \alpha_{max}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/Thrust, A_{tri}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct

Checking for relaxed constants...

Total Fuel Weight Percent Diff: [-34.0435309]

Total Aircraft Weight Percent Diff: [-16.36634019]

Engine Weight Percent Diff: -7.907610059256738

Fuselage Weight Percent Diff: -7.48282623971083

Payload Weight Percent Diff: [-0.04003563]

VT Weight Percent Diff: -34.04954040912835

HT Weight Percent Diff: -74.8959709968193

Wing Weight Percent Diff: -0.7867778511514434


Wing Span Percent Diff: 3.445847136731355

Wing Area Percent Diff: -2.4553552444307036


HT Area Percent Diff: -33.306815020820586


VT Span Percent Diff: -20.008596482506775

VT Area Percent Diff: -36.01858365154142


L/D Percent Diff: [26.40554954]

Overall Cd Percent Diff: [-8.00034693]

Nacelle Cd Percent Diff: [-40.9517036]

HT Cd Percent Diff: [-49.6748791] dimensionless

Fuselage Cd Percent Diff: [38.24781523]

VT Cd Percent Diff: [34.05397121] dimensionless

Induced Drag Cd Percent Diff: [2.43802505]

Wing Profile Cd Percent Diff: [-13.35357921]


Initial Cruise TSFC Percent Diff: [-8.59708179]


Weight of HB material: -58.34846701180594 

Weight of VB material: -59.948017799762695 
Fan Propulsive Efficiency in Cruise Segment 1

Standard Error