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gpfit.tests.t_fit.TestFit.test_error (from gpfit.tests.t_fit.TestFit-20211014124607)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Unstable #244 )
Took 10 sec.

Error Message

1.6311714887228878e-06 != 1.61329e-06 within 10 places (1.7881488722887825e-08 difference)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/jenkins/workspace/CE_gpfit_PR_unit_tests/buildnode/reynolds/gpfit/tests/", line 127, in test_error
    self.assertAlmostEqual(f2.errors["rms_rel"], 1.61329e-06, places=10)
AssertionError: 1.6311714887228878e-06 != 1.61329e-06 within 10 places (1.7881488722887825e-08 difference)