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gpfit.tests.t_print_fit.TestPrintFit.test_ma (from gpfit.tests.t_print_fit.TestPrintFit-20200303001815)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #107 )
Took 1 ms.

Error Message

unicode argument expected, got 'str'


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gpfit\tests\", line 17, in test_ma
    strings = print_MA(A, B, DIM, K)
  File "gpfit\", line 55, in print_MA
    print("MA fit from params")
  File "c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages\xmlrunner\", line 44, in write
TypeError: unicode argument expected, got 'str'

Standard Output

ISMA fit from paramsMA fit from paramsSMA fit from paramsISMA fit from paramsSMA fit from paramsMA fit from params	

Standard Error