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Build History trend
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1562: version 1.0.0
PR 1556: deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test
PR 1463: python3.5+
PR 1463: python3.5+
PR 342: {CI testing}
PR 1454: support for mosek 9 (local branch)
PR 1454: support for mosek 9 (local branch)
PR 1454: support for mosek 9 (local branch)
PR 1454: support for mosek 9 (local branch)
PR 1454: support for mosek 9 (local branch)
PR 1447: fix pickle version to an old one
PR 1446: sort variables for ~determinism~
PR 1443: Various fixes
PR 1433: failing test for submodel variable access
PR 1434: fixes for windows
PR 1429: remove ctyespgen dependency
PR 1428: python3 compatible parse_variables
PR 1428: python3 compatible parse_variables

Build Time Trend

[Build time graph]