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Build History trend
PR 1578: big pylint refactor
PR 1578: big pylint refactor
PR 1577: Fresh install fixes
PR 1577: Fresh install fixes
PR 1570: allow ast printing to be excluded, add .inner() method to nomialarray
PR 1569: fixes for MISP, MIGP
PR 1569: fixes for MISP, MIGP
PR 1568: add SolutionEnsemble
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1567: better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns
PR 1566: Clean breakdowns


#3229 (Jan 5, 2024, 10:30:10 PM)

  1. add roadmap — whoburg / githubweb
  2. temporarily move root .pylintrc — whoburg / githubweb
  3. use fstring — whoburg / githubweb
  4. use fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  5. specify encodings for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  6. module-level pylint disables — whoburg / githubweb
  7. make return type consistent — whoburg / githubweb
  8. remove unnecessary pylint disable — whoburg / githubweb
  9. explicitly raise from — whoburg / githubweb
  10. f strings — whoburg / githubweb
  11. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  12. use fstrings for some but not all formatting — whoburg / githubweb
  13. assorted pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  14. explicitly specify encoding for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  15. use with statements for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  16. fstrings pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  17. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  18. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  19. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  20. remove unnecessary pylint disable — whoburg / githubweb
  21. eliminate unused / indirect qty import — whoburg / githubweb
  22. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  23. pylint mostly fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  24. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  25. disable fixme messages in pylintrc to encourage writing todos — whoburg / githubweb
  26. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  27. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  28. remove comparison with 0 using is — whoburg / githubweb
  29. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  30. pylint disable invalid-name — whoburg / githubweb
  31. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  32. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  33. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  34. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  35. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  36. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  37. ignore fstring suggestion — whoburg / githubweb
  38. join instead of string formatting — whoburg / githubweb
  39. pylint various — whoburg / githubweb
  40. move imports to top — whoburg / githubweb
  41. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  42. pylint various — whoburg / githubweb
  43. don't require docstrings for tests — whoburg / githubweb
  44. variable names — whoburg / githubweb
  45. ignore import order — whoburg / githubweb
  46. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  47. allow methods named setup to have no docstring — whoburg / githubweb
  48. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  49. ignore imports not at top level — whoburg / githubweb
  50. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  51. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  52. minor pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  53. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  54. use with statements and specify encoding for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  55. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  56. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  57. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  58. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  59. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  60. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  61. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  62. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  63. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  64. fix stray pylint issues — whoburg / githubweb
  65. ignore duplicate-code warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  66. suppress modified-iterating-list warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  67. suppress modified-iterating-list warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  68. remove temporary files — whoburg / githubweb
  69. rcfile location changed — whoburg / githubweb

#3228 (Jan 5, 2024, 10:08:25 PM)

  1. add roadmap — whoburg / githubweb
  2. temporarily move root .pylintrc — whoburg / githubweb
  3. use fstring — whoburg / githubweb
  4. use fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  5. specify encodings for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  6. module-level pylint disables — whoburg / githubweb
  7. make return type consistent — whoburg / githubweb
  8. remove unnecessary pylint disable — whoburg / githubweb
  9. explicitly raise from — whoburg / githubweb
  10. f strings — whoburg / githubweb
  11. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  12. use fstrings for some but not all formatting — whoburg / githubweb
  13. assorted pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  14. explicitly specify encoding for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  15. use with statements for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  16. fstrings pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  17. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  18. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  19. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  20. remove unnecessary pylint disable — whoburg / githubweb
  21. eliminate unused / indirect qty import — whoburg / githubweb
  22. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  23. pylint mostly fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  24. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  25. disable fixme messages in pylintrc to encourage writing todos — whoburg / githubweb
  26. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  27. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  28. remove comparison with 0 using is — whoburg / githubweb
  29. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  30. pylint disable invalid-name — whoburg / githubweb
  31. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  32. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  33. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  34. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  35. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  36. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  37. ignore fstring suggestion — whoburg / githubweb
  38. join instead of string formatting — whoburg / githubweb
  39. pylint various — whoburg / githubweb
  40. move imports to top — whoburg / githubweb
  41. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  42. pylint various — whoburg / githubweb
  43. don't require docstrings for tests — whoburg / githubweb
  44. variable names — whoburg / githubweb
  45. ignore import order — whoburg / githubweb
  46. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  47. allow methods named setup to have no docstring — whoburg / githubweb
  48. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  49. ignore imports not at top level — whoburg / githubweb
  50. fstrings — whoburg / githubweb
  51. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  52. minor pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  53. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  54. use with statements and specify encoding for open() — whoburg / githubweb
  55. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  56. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  57. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  58. various pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  59. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  60. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  61. pylint — whoburg / githubweb
  62. pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  63. minor pylint fixes — whoburg / githubweb
  64. fix stray pylint issues — whoburg / githubweb
  65. ignore duplicate-code warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  66. suppress modified-iterating-list warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  67. suppress modified-iterating-list warning, needs issue — whoburg / githubweb
  68. remove temporary files — whoburg / githubweb
  69. rcfile location changed — whoburg / githubweb

#3227 (Sep 23, 2023, 9:25:08 PM)

  1. fix broken link — whoburg / githubweb
  2. fix another broken link — whoburg / githubweb
  3. fix broken mosek links — whoburg / githubweb

#3226 (Sep 23, 2023, 9:10:46 PM)

  1. fix broken link — whoburg / githubweb
  2. fix another broken link — whoburg / githubweb
  3. fix broken mosek links — whoburg / githubweb

#3223 (Apr 19, 2022, 2:26:55 PM)

  1. allow ast printing to be excluded, add .inner() method to nomialarray — eburn / githubweb

#3222 (Mar 29, 2022, 7:56:56 PM)

  1. fixes for MISP, MIGP — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3221 (Mar 29, 2022, 4:31:54 PM)

  1. fixes for MISP, MIGP — eburn / githubweb

#3220 (Mar 4, 2022, 6:18:16 PM)

  1. add err_on_relax to PCCP solves, True by default — eburn / githubweb
  2. add SolutionEnsemble — eburn / githubweb

#3219 (Feb 17, 2022, 12:02:26 AM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix — eburn / githubweb
  4. fix — eburn / githubweb
  5. add hiddenlineage tag — eburn / githubweb
  6. fix — eburn / githubweb
  7. allow retrieval of vector values on sweeps — eburn / githubweb
  8. fix — eburn / githubweb
  9. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  10. attempt to avoid ragged enraying ragged lists — eburn / githubweb

#3215 (Feb 16, 2022, 6:22:37 PM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix — eburn / githubweb
  4. fix — eburn / githubweb
  5. add hiddenlineage tag — eburn / githubweb
  6. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3214 (Feb 16, 2022, 5:33:35 PM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix — eburn / githubweb
  4. fix — eburn / githubweb
  5. add hiddenlineage tag — eburn / githubweb

#3213 (Feb 16, 2022, 3:56:54 PM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix — eburn / githubweb
  4. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3212 (Feb 16, 2022, 3:43:42 PM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3211 (Feb 16, 2022, 3:28:38 PM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb
  2. fixes — eburn / githubweb

#3210 (Feb 12, 2022, 1:45:23 AM)

  1. better sweep printing, clean sgp cost, lint — eburn / githubweb

#3208 (Jan 8, 2022, 7:07:24 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb
  48. fix — eburn / githubweb
  49. fix — eburn / githubweb
  50. fix — eburn / githubweb
  51. fix — eburn / githubweb
  52. no breakdowns in windows sols — eburn / githubweb
  53. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3207 (Jan 8, 2022, 6:14:35 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb
  48. fix — eburn / githubweb
  49. fix — eburn / githubweb
  50. fix — eburn / githubweb
  51. fix — eburn / githubweb
  52. no breakdowns in windows sols — eburn / githubweb

#3206 (Jan 8, 2022, 6:07:56 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb
  48. fix — eburn / githubweb
  49. fix — eburn / githubweb
  50. fix — eburn / githubweb
  51. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3205 (Jan 8, 2022, 5:56:50 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb
  48. fix — eburn / githubweb
  49. fix — eburn / githubweb
  50. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3203 (Jan 8, 2022, 5:41:04 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb
  48. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3202 (Jan 8, 2022, 5:34:01 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb
  46. fix — eburn / githubweb
  47. fix — eburn / githubweb

#3201 (Jan 8, 2022, 5:20:56 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb
  44. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  45. test — eburn / githubweb

#3200 (Jan 8, 2022, 4:57:19 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb
  43. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3199 (Jan 8, 2022, 4:51:16 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb
  41. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  42. passes tests — eburn / githubweb

#3198 (Jan 7, 2022, 5:19:54 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb
  40. why isn't solar.p showing up — eburn / githubweb

#3197 (Jan 7, 2022, 4:54:06 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb
  39. whoops — eburn / githubweb

#3196 (Jan 7, 2022, 4:52:39 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb
  38. add solar.p — eburn / githubweb

#3195 (Jan 7, 2022, 4:40:33 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb
  37. all tests run, now autoset lineage — eburn / githubweb

#3194 (Oct 26, 2021, 4:22:50 PM)

  1. version as uploaded to pypi — eburn / githubweb
  2. version as uploaded to pypi — eburn / githubweb

#3193 (Oct 26, 2021, 4:15:15 PM)

  1. version as uploaded to pypi — eburn / githubweb

#3192 (Oct 26, 2021, 4:06:14 PM)

  1. version as uploaded to pypi — eburn / githubweb

#3191 (Oct 19, 2021, 12:30:47 PM)

  1. minimum ad version — eburn / githubweb
  2. require plotly, closes #1559 — eburn / githubweb

#3190 (Oct 8, 2021, 6:02:01 AM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  27. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  28. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  29. much cleaner API, ready for documentation — eburn / githubweb
  30. getting it to work with tests — eburn / githubweb
  31. passes unit tests — eburn / githubweb
  32. last sort bug... — eburn / githubweb
  33. small consistency improvements — eburn / githubweb
  34. clean up breakdowns on docs — eburn / githubweb
  35. lint — eburn / githubweb
  36. cleanup — eburn / githubweb

#3188 (Aug 24, 2021, 6:47:31 PM)

  1. First crack at generalized diff with json saving — amgreer / githubweb
  2. Am Engineer - Can't Spell — amgreer / githubweb
  3. fixed spelling error on diff — amgreer / githubweb

#3187 (Aug 21, 2021, 5:24:44 AM)

  1. jsonsave function for sol — alexander.greer / githubweb
  2. style cleaning — alexander.greer / githubweb
  3. include necessarylineage environment — alexander.greer / githubweb
  4. varkey keys for json dict — alexander.greer / githubweb
  5. Testing addition as per comment on branch — alexander.greer / githubweb
  6. Cleaning according to comments on merge — alexander.greer / githubweb
  7. Added label for test — amgreer / githubweb
  8. showvars functionality for savejson — amgreer / githubweb
  9. using json.dumps — amgreer / githubweb
  10. lint, removed printjson — eburn / githubweb

#3186 (Aug 20, 2021, 2:50:56 PM)

  1. jsonsave function for sol — alexander.greer / githubweb
  2. style cleaning — alexander.greer / githubweb
  3. include necessarylineage environment — alexander.greer / githubweb
  4. varkey keys for json dict — alexander.greer / githubweb
  5. Testing addition as per comment on branch — alexander.greer / githubweb
  6. Cleaning according to comments on merge — alexander.greer / githubweb
  7. Added label for test — amgreer / githubweb
  8. showvars functionality for savejson — amgreer / githubweb

#3185 (Aug 20, 2021, 2:45:08 PM)

  1. First crack at generalized diff with json saving — amgreer / githubweb
  2. Am Engineer - Can't Spell — amgreer / githubweb

#3184 (Aug 16, 2021, 8:56:29 PM)

  1. deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3183 (Aug 16, 2021, 8:17:39 PM)

  1. deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3182 (Aug 16, 2021, 8:10:39 PM)

  1. deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3181 (Aug 16, 2021, 4:17:53 PM)

  1. deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3180 (Aug 16, 2021, 3:40:50 PM)

  1. deduplicate in cvxopt presolve instead, add test — eburn / githubweb

#3179 (Aug 4, 2021, 12:21:08 PM)

  1. jsonsave function for sol — alexander.greer / githubweb
  2. style cleaning — alexander.greer / githubweb

#3178 (Aug 2, 2021, 11:02:18 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb
  2. change .pylintrc — eburn / githubweb
  3. lint — eburn / githubweb
  4. lint, infeasibility message edits — eburn / githubweb

#3176 (Aug 2, 2021, 10:43:33 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb
  2. change .pylintrc — eburn / githubweb
  3. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3175 (Jul 31, 2021, 12:25:50 PM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb
  2. change .pylintrc — eburn / githubweb

#3174 (Jul 31, 2021, 10:03:59 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb
  2. change .pylintrc — eburn / githubweb

#3173 (Jul 30, 2021, 10:03:26 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb

#3172 (Jul 30, 2021, 9:44:51 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb

#3171 (Jul 30, 2021, 9:23:25 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb

#3170 (Jul 30, 2021, 8:58:55 AM)

  1. deduplicate gp hmaps — eburn / githubweb

#3169 (Jul 14, 2021, 10:28:08 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  26. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb

#3168 (Jul 12, 2021, 2:22:52 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb
  15. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  16. checkpoint: legendless — eburn / githubweb
  17. checkpoint: quality legendless — eburn / githubweb
  18. checkpoint: what is a breakdown anyway? — eburn / githubweb
  19. make modelsenss table less confusing — eburn / githubweb
  20. fix error typo — eburn / githubweb
  21. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  22. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  23. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  24. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  25. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb

#3167 (Jun 29, 2021, 3:39:41 PM)

  1. add warning when AD encounters monomial — eburn / githubweb

#3166 (Jun 24, 2021, 5:55:26 PM)

  1. fix check for identical warnings across sweep, and msenss printing — eburn / githubweb
  2. better msenss, don't append new vars in sweeps, pop 0d linked results — eburn / githubweb
  3. sweep table fixes, solcheck and pccp slack as solwarnings — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup noncovergent SGP warning condition — eburn / githubweb
  5. apply solve kwargs to init as well (e.g. pccp_penalty) — eburn / githubweb

#3162 (Jun 24, 2021, 4:36:19 PM)

  1. fix check for identical warnings across sweep, and msenss printing — eburn / githubweb
  2. better msenss, don't append new vars in sweeps, pop 0d linked results — eburn / githubweb
  3. sweep table fixes, solcheck and pccp slack as solwarnings — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup noncovergent SGP warning condition — eburn / githubweb
  5. apply solve kwargs to init as well (e.g. pccp_penalty) — eburn / githubweb

#3161 (Jun 24, 2021, 3:53:28 PM)

  1. fix check for identical warnings across sweep, and msenss printing — eburn / githubweb
  2. better msenss, don't append new vars in sweeps, pop 0d linked results — eburn / githubweb
  3. sweep table fixes, solcheck and pccp slack as solwarnings — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup noncovergent SGP warning condition — eburn / githubweb
  5. apply solve kwargs to init as well (e.g. pccp_penalty) — eburn / githubweb

#3160 (Jun 24, 2021, 3:09:07 PM)

  1. fix check for identical warnings across sweep, and msenss printing — eburn / githubweb
  2. better msenss, don't append new vars in sweeps, pop 0d linked results — eburn / githubweb
  3. sweep table fixes, solcheck and pccp slack as solwarnings — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup noncovergent SGP warning condition — eburn / githubweb
  5. apply solve kwargs to init as well (e.g. pccp_penalty) — eburn / githubweb

#3159 (Apr 27, 2021, 9:21:36 PM)

  1. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  2. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  3. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  4. checkpoint: profiled — eburn / githubweb
  5. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  6. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  7. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  8. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  9. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  10. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  11. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  12. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  13. checkpoint — eburn / githubweb
  14. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3158 (Apr 27, 2021, 7:29:51 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb
  4. only add gradients if there's truthy tags — eburn / githubweb
  5. clean up warnings — eburn / githubweb
  6. closes #1522 — eburn / githubweb
  7. fix diff, repeatable test printing — eburn / githubweb

#3157 (Apr 27, 2021, 6:55:36 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb
  4. only add gradients if there's truthy tags — eburn / githubweb
  5. clean up warnings — eburn / githubweb
  6. closes #1522 — eburn / githubweb

#3156 (Apr 27, 2021, 6:33:41 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb
  4. only add gradients if there's truthy tags — eburn / githubweb
  5. clean up warnings — eburn / githubweb

#3155 (Apr 27, 2021, 6:14:25 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb
  4. only add gradients if there's truthy tags — eburn / githubweb

#3154 (Apr 25, 2021, 3:51:31 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb

#3153 (Apr 19, 2021, 4:25:04 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb

#3152 (Apr 14, 2021, 4:54:41 PM)

  1. linked fns warn if not united, allow substitutions for linked vecfns — eburn / githubweb
  2. small fixes — eburn / githubweb
  3. addd test — eburn / githubweb

#3151 (Apr 12, 2021, 4:00:19 PM)

  1. docs improvements — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix ad error messages — eburn / githubweb

#3150 (Mar 21, 2021, 7:40:01 PM)

  1. First pass at treemap plots [#1088] — kirschen / githubweb
  2. [#1088] Allow iteration over constraints or varkeys — kirschen / githubweb
  3. document, lint, fix treemap — eburn / githubweb

#3149 (Mar 21, 2021, 7:32:01 PM)

  1. First pass at treemap plots [#1088] — kirschen / githubweb
  2. [#1088] Allow iteration over constraints or varkeys — kirschen / githubweb
  3. document, lint, fix treemap — eburn / githubweb

#3148 (Mar 21, 2021, 7:18:01 PM)

  1. First pass at treemap plots [#1088] — kirschen / githubweb
  2. [#1088] Allow iteration over constraints or varkeys — kirschen / githubweb
  3. document, lint, fix treemap — eburn / githubweb

#3147 (Mar 21, 2021, 5:32:36 PM)

  1. First pass at treemap plots [#1088] — kirschen / githubweb
  2. [#1088] Allow iteration over constraints or varkeys — kirschen / githubweb

#3146 (Mar 21, 2021, 5:14:49 PM)

  1. migp with choice variables — eburn / githubweb
  2. tested and working — eburn / githubweb
  3. add sorting...reduces binary vars but doesn't seem to improve time — eburn / githubweb
  4. add test and use warnings to discuss migp results — eburn / githubweb
  5. fix warnings — eburn / githubweb
  6. lint — eburn / githubweb
  7. update docs — eburn / githubweb

#3145 (Mar 19, 2021, 5:09:18 PM)

  1. migp with choice variables — eburn / githubweb
  2. tested and working — eburn / githubweb
  3. add sorting...reduces binary vars but doesn't seem to improve time — eburn / githubweb
  4. add test and use warnings to discuss migp results — eburn / githubweb
  5. fix warnings — eburn / githubweb
  6. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3144 (Mar 19, 2021, 4:56:24 PM)

  1. migp with choice variables — eburn / githubweb
  2. tested and working — eburn / githubweb
  3. add sorting...reduces binary vars but doesn't seem to improve time — eburn / githubweb
  4. add test and use warnings to discuss migp results — eburn / githubweb
  5. fix warnings — eburn / githubweb
  6. lint — eburn / githubweb
  7. clean first x0, add test — eburn / githubweb
  8. fix docs typo — eburn / githubweb
  9. use vks for susbtitutions keydicting — eburn / githubweb

#3143 (Mar 19, 2021, 4:24:18 PM)

  1. clean first x0, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix docs typo — eburn / githubweb
  3. use vks for susbtitutions keydicting — eburn / githubweb

#3142 (Mar 19, 2021, 4:06:48 PM)

  1. clean first x0, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix docs typo — eburn / githubweb
  3. use vks for susbtitutions keydicting — eburn / githubweb

#3141 (Mar 19, 2021, 3:34:38 PM)

  1. clean first x0, add test — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix docs typo — eburn / githubweb

#3140 (Mar 10, 2021, 5:58:28 PM)

  1. don't add forward-differentiated sensitivities to constants no longer present — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix warnings table for intermittent warnings in sweeps — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix solution array printing — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup model senss printing, remove gradients from constants — eburn / githubweb
  5. lowercase exponents in model sensitivities — eburn / githubweb

#3139 (Mar 10, 2021, 5:16:32 PM)

  1. don't add forward-differentiated sensitivities to constants no longer present — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix warnings table for intermittent warnings in sweeps — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix solution array printing — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup model senss printing, remove gradients from constants — eburn / githubweb

#3138 (Mar 10, 2021, 5:07:03 PM)

  1. don't add forward-differentiated sensitivities to constants no longer present — eburn / githubweb
  2. fix warnings table for intermittent warnings in sweeps — eburn / githubweb
  3. fix solution array printing — eburn / githubweb
  4. cleanup model senss printing, remove gradients from constants — eburn / githubweb

#3137 (Feb 26, 2021, 4:20:34 PM)

  1. add references plot — eburn / githubweb
  2. document, update — eburn / githubweb

#3135 (Feb 26, 2021, 4:14:20 PM)

  1. avoid DeprecationWarning — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3134 (Feb 12, 2021, 3:58:39 PM)

  1. pass on import error when testing sankey — eburn / githubweb

#3133 (Feb 11, 2021, 5:17:22 PM)

  1. avoid DeprecationWarning — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb

#3132 (Feb 11, 2021, 5:11:48 PM)

  1. avoid DeprecationWarning — eburn / githubweb

#3131 (Dec 21, 2020, 3:09:09 PM)

  1. First pass at treemap plots [#1088] — kirschen / githubweb
  2. [#1088] Allow iteration over constraints or varkeys — kirschen / githubweb

#3130 (Dec 14, 2020, 3:44:19 PM)

  1. sort by model sensitivities and print a table of them — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb
  3. also for diffs — eburn / githubweb

#3129 (Dec 14, 2020, 3:36:01 PM)

  1. sort by model sensitivities and print a table of them — eburn / githubweb
  2. lint — eburn / githubweb