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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_gpkitmodels_GP_aircraft_tail_tail_tests_py_cvxopt (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20171218112723)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #63 )
Took 2.3 sec.

Error Message

final status of solver 'cvxopt' was 'unknown', not 'optimal'.  The solver's result is stored in model.program.solver_out. A result dict can be generated via program._compile_result(program.solver_out).


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/buildnode/reynolds/optimizer/cvxopt/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/buildnode/reynolds/optimizer/cvxopt/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/buildnode/reynolds/optimizer/cvxopt/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 63, in test
  File "", line 58, in test_emp
  File "/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/buildnode/reynolds/optimizer/cvxopt/gpkit/gpkit/constraints/", line 80, in solvefn
    result = progsolve(solver, verbosity, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/buildnode/reynolds/optimizer/cvxopt/gpkit/gpkit/constraints/", line 202, in solve
    (solvername, solver_status))
RuntimeWarning: final status of solver 'cvxopt' was 'unknown', not 'optimal'.

The solver's result is stored in model.program.solver_out. A result dict can be generated via program._compile_result(program.solver_out).

Standard Output

Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220953.1863 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499787.4102 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2151943.3055 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2237085.5643 but bound is 700000.0000

Standard Error