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Skipping 9 KB.. Full Log
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/61/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/62/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/63/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/63/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/64/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/69/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/70/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/70/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/71/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/72/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/72/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/73/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/73/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/75/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/75/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/77/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/77/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/78/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/78/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/80/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/82/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/82/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/83/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/83/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/85/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/85/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/86/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/88/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/88/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/89/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/89/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/9/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/90/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/90/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/91/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/91/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/92/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/92/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/94/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/96/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/96/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/97/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/97/merge
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/98/head
Seen branch in repository origin/pr/99/head
Seen branch in repository origin/prop_beta
Seen branch in repository origin/qstr
Seen branch in repository origin/quadrotor
Seen branch in repository origin/revert-120-SPaircraft
Seen branch in repository origin/rockets
Seen branch in repository origin/sigeq_paper
Seen branch in repository origin/simple_HT_sizing
Seen branch in repository origin/simple_flight_profile
Seen branch in repository origin/sparlS
Seen branch in repository origin/standard_atmosphere
Seen branch in repository origin/sutherland
Seen branch in repository origin/troposphere
Seen branch in repository origin/vectorizeplanform
Seen branch in repository origin/wide_body
Seen branch in repository origin/wvl
Seen 205 remote branches
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10
Checking out Revision ee3d2b73604aa71e47c8eb689bdb2e2dc1510b1d (origin/pr/169/merge, origin/master)
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git checkout -f ee3d2b73604aa71e47c8eb689bdb2e2dc1510b1d # timeout=3
Commit message: "Merge bb55c55321837c1ba3ded7ca05d3de375c3b53cf into b205f11dfb21f65728464b6fdbab7cf35b0ee7da"
Using 'Changelog to branch' strategy.
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute shell]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[description-setter] Description set: <a title="move outboard moment and shear equations to aircraft models" href="">PR 169</a>: move outboard moment and shear equations to aircraft models
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[macys, macys_VM, reynolds, reynolds-ubuntu16]]
Run condition [Execution node ] preventing perform for step [Execute shell]
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[windows10x64, windows7x64]]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling perform for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[mosek] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\jenkins4419360458283251768.bat

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>echo C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM turn on the anaconda console 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>call activate.bat   || exit /b 666 

(base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM Create a virtualenv to install everything into 

(base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>SET VENV=C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit 

(base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>virtualenv --system-site-packages C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit    || exit /b 666 
New python executable in C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

(base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>call C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\Scripts\activate.bat    || exit /b 666 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.4.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Library\mingw-w64\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Library\usr\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-7.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.4.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Library\mingw-w64\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Library\usr\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>gcc --version   || exit /b 666 
gcc (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 6.4.0
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM upgdade pip 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>python -m pip install --upgrade pip   || exit /b 666 
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages (10.0.1)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM Install coverage into the virtualenv to the coverage command blow uses the virtualenv python 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>pip install --upgrade coverage   || exit /b 666 
Requirement already up-to-date: coverage in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (4.5.1)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>SET GPKITBUILD=C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\build_gpkit 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>if mosek == cvxopt (
pip install --upgrade cvxopt   || exit /b 666  
 set GPKITSOLVERS=cvxopt 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>if mosek == mosek (
msktestlic   || exit /b 666  
 python -c "__import__('mosek').Env()"   || exit /b 666  
 set GPKITSOLVERS=mosek, mosek_cli 
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : min             
  Type                   : LO (linear optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1               
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 5000            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Mosek license manager: License path: C:\Users\jenkins\mosek\mosek.lic
Mosek license manager:  Checkout license feature 'PTS' from flexlm.
Mosek license manager:  Checkout time 0.03. r: 0 status: 0
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 0
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 0                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.00    
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 0.00. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.03    
A license was checked out correctly.

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>dir C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\build_gpkit 
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is C4C9-8F11

 Directory of C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek

File Not Found

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>python -c "import scipy; print scipy.__version__"   || exit /b 666 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>python -c "import numpy; print numpy.__version__"   || exit /b 666 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>python -c "import pint; print pint.__version__"   || exit /b 666 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM Install gpkit to run the documentation examples 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>git clone --depth 1   || exit /b 666 
Cloning into 'gpkit'...

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>pip install -e C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\gpkit   || exit /b 666 
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek/gpkit
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12.1 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit== (1.3.2)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: gpkit
  Running develop for gpkit
Successfully installed gpkit

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>pip install -e C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek   || exit /b 666 
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.8.1)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Running develop for gpkitmodels
Successfully installed gpkitmodels

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM Show the settings file 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>type C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\env\settings 
installed_solvers : mosek, mosek_cli
mosek_bin_dir : C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>REM Limit number of threads that be can used 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set MSK_IPAR_NUM_THREADS=2 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set MKL_NUM_THREADS=2 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS=2 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=2 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>set OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>python -c "from gpkit.tests.test_repo import test_repos; test_repos(xmloutput=True, ingpkitmodels=True)" 
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_PR_Models/mosek
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Found existing installation: gpkitmodels
    Uninstalling gpkitmodels-
      Successfully uninstalled gpkitmodels-
  Running develop for gpkitmodels
Successfully installed gpkitmodels
Cloning into 'shopping'...
adding test for ''
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.043 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.029 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.093 seconds.

Running tests...
Ran 3 tests in 0.672s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'gassolar'...
Checking out files:  29% (616/2110)   
Checking out files:  30% (633/2110)   
Checking out files:  31% (655/2110)   
Checking out files:  32% (676/2110)   
Checking out files:  33% (697/2110)   
Checking out files:  34% (718/2110)   
Checking out files:  35% (739/2110)   
Checking out files:  36% (760/2110)   
Checking out files:  37% (781/2110)   
Checking out files:  38% (802/2110)   
Checking out files:  39% (823/2110)   
Checking out files:  40% (844/2110)   
Checking out files:  41% (866/2110)   
Checking out files:  42% (887/2110)   
Checking out files:  43% (908/2110)   
Checking out files:  44% (929/2110)   
Checking out files:  45% (950/2110)   
Checking out files:  46% (971/2110)   
Checking out files:  47% (992/2110)   
Checking out files:  48% (1013/2110)   
Checking out files:  49% (1034/2110)   
Checking out files:  50% (1055/2110)   
Checking out files:  51% (1077/2110)   
Checking out files:  52% (1098/2110)   
Checking out files:  53% (1119/2110)   
Checking out files:  54% (1140/2110)   
Checking out files:  54% (1145/2110)   
Checking out files:  55% (1161/2110)   
Checking out files:  56% (1182/2110)   
Checking out files:  57% (1203/2110)   
Checking out files:  58% (1224/2110)   
Checking out files:  59% (1245/2110)   
Checking out files:  60% (1266/2110)   
Checking out files:  61% (1288/2110)   
Checking out files:  62% (1309/2110)   
Checking out files:  63% (1330/2110)   
Checking out files:  64% (1351/2110)   
Checking out files:  65% (1372/2110)   
Checking out files:  66% (1393/2110)   
Checking out files:  67% (1414/2110)   
Checking out files:  68% (1435/2110)   
Checking out files:  69% (1456/2110)   
Checking out files:  70% (1477/2110)   
Checking out files:  71% (1499/2110)   
Checking out files:  72% (1520/2110)   
Checking out files:  73% (1541/2110)   
Checking out files:  74% (1562/2110)   
Checking out files:  75% (1583/2110)   
Checking out files:  76% (1604/2110)   
Checking out files:  77% (1625/2110)   
Checking out files:  78% (1646/2110)   
Checking out files:  79% (1667/2110)   
Checking out files:  79% (1669/2110)   
Checking out files:  80% (1688/2110)   
Checking out files:  81% (1710/2110)   
Checking out files:  82% (1731/2110)   
Checking out files:  83% (1752/2110)   
Checking out files:  84% (1773/2110)   
Checking out files:  85% (1794/2110)   
Checking out files:  86% (1815/2110)   
Checking out files:  87% (1836/2110)   
Checking out files:  88% (1857/2110)   
Checking out files:  89% (1878/2110)   
Checking out files:  90% (1899/2110)   
Checking out files:  91% (1921/2110)   
Checking out files:  92% (1942/2110)   
Checking out files:  93% (1963/2110)   
Checking out files:  94% (1984/2110)   
Checking out files:  95% (2005/2110)   
Checking out files:  96% (2026/2110)   
Checking out files:  97% (2047/2110)   
Checking out files:  98% (2068/2110)   
Checking out files:  99% (2089/2110)   
Checking out files: 100% (2110/2110)   
Checking out files: 100% (2110/2110), done.
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas) (1.11.0)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-kkvbt7
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-0dmbet\wheels\4d\4b\2e\9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: gpfit
Successfully installed gpfit-0.1
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gassolar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gassolar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas->gassolar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-7gpgnx\wheels\5c\45\ee\a8ea86f24e24acb4b8a5b5ef8c1a921fb70526d25cb0d4c0da
Successfully built gassolar
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: gassolar
Successfully installed gassolar-
adding test for 'gassolar/gas/'
adding test for 'gassolar/solar/'
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 592 variables.
Solving took 0.714 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission/Climb/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/EnginePerf_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Mission/Climb/ could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.5 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission.1/Climb.1/FlightSegment.2/AircraftPerf.2/EnginePerf.2_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Miss could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 592 variables.
Solving took 0.167 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission/Climb/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/EnginePerf_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Mission/Climb/ could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.07 seconds.
Warning: Variable [P_{shaft-max}_Mission.1/Climb.1/FlightSegment.2/AircraftPerf.2/EnginePerf.2_(0,)**-1*P_{total}_Miss could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1250 variables.
Solving took 0.449 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131551.1529 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment.10/AircraftPerf.10/WingAero.10 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131552.1347 but bound is 150000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 4.02 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.11/AircraftPerf.11/WingAero.11 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.0541 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.21/AircraftPerf.21/WingAero.21 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.9089 but bound is 150000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 1250 variables.
Solving took 1.28 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment/AircraftPerf/WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131551.0147 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission/FlightSegment.10/AircraftPerf.10/WingAero.10 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 131552.3302 but bound is 150000.0000
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 5.66 seconds.
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.11/AircraftPerf.11/WingAero.11 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134552.5355 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_Mission.1/FlightSegment.21/AircraftPerf.21/WingAero.21 could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 134553.8810 but bound is 150000.0000

Running tests...
..C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages\gassolar\environment\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
Ran 4 tests in 71.241s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'jho'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas) (1.11.0)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-uoehvy
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-xthuum\wheels\4d\4b\2e\9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
adding test for 'model/'
adding test for 'model/'
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -7.711084375194854e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -7.916779211358804e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.2783523115008086e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2747203466390022e-13.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 5.84 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -7.63963545202806e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -8.02820266862514e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2975590654024094e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2681316500368078e-13.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 5.11 seconds.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -8.131863238336479e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -3.39420765799181e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0227435218168601e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0247922302419887e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.75369625105798e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.1543298055697454e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.1172076447556883e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.1154628381995074e-12.
MTOW [lbs] = 141.77
Zero fuel weight [lbs] = 53.80
Wing span [ft] = 24.00
Aicraft length [ft] = 12.90
Aspect ratio = 25.60
mean aerodynamic chord [ft] = 0.9722
root chord [ft] = 1.250
speed for best rate of climb [m/s]: Vy = 21.829
speed at top of climb [m/s] = 26.622
design loiter speed [m/s] = 25.070
rotation speed at 55 lbs [m/s] = 18.185
rotation speed at 150 lbs [m/s] = 28.236
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2094820587768562e-12.
optimum loiter speed for min power, start of loiter [m/s] = 25.279
optimum loiter speed for min power, end of loiter [m/s] = 17.233
optimum cruise speed, inbound [m/s] = 25.637
optimum cruise speed, outbound [m/s] = 36.269
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.145433469437083e-11.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.3319932291373439e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.4634596792140884e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.468852329031162e-12.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 5.49 seconds.
Max Speed [m/s]: 74.76
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.74 seconds.
Max payload weight [lbf] = 28.083
Max take off weight [lbf] = 166.417
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -8.296792072814974e-14.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -3.3900703425016054e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0228376305654319e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.0241104839159298e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -2.81247789814254e-13.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.154078460401109e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.117464817511002e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.1153048970480306e-12.
MTOW [lbs] = 141.77
Zero fuel weight [lbs] = 53.80
Wing span [ft] = 24.00
Aicraft length [ft] = 12.90
Aspect ratio = 25.60
mean aerodynamic chord [ft] = 0.9722
root chord [ft] = 1.250
speed for best rate of climb [m/s]: Vy = 21.829
speed at top of climb [m/s] = 26.622
design loiter speed [m/s] = 25.070
rotation speed at 55 lbs [m/s] = 18.185
rotation speed at 150 lbs [m/s] = 28.236
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.2094171150667243e-12.
optimum loiter speed for min power, start of loiter [m/s] = 25.279
optimum loiter speed for min power, end of loiter [m/s] = 17.233
optimum cruise speed, inbound [m/s] = 25.637
optimum cruise speed, outbound [m/s] = 36.269
Beginning signomial solve.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.145432302950954e-11.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -1.3320820059458615e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.4631718882162e-12.
Allowing negative dual variable(s) as small as -6.468880576454987e-12.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 5.41 seconds.
Max Speed [m/s]: 74.76
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 3.48 seconds.
Max payload weight [lbf] = 28.083
Max take off weight [lbf] = 166.417

Running tests...
Ran 4 tests in 81.268s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'turbofan'...
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\turbofan
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: turbofan
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: started
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-xbsyx5\wheels\3a\4a\df\1e137b486523078491de3a0319a07f314f5e9aa745dfaf6fd5
Successfully built turbofan
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: turbofan
Successfully installed turbofan-
adding test for 'turbofan/'
Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0,) + F_{8}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerform... >= F_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0,) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 24184.7528323 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 24184.16 newton (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0025%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1,) + F_{8}_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerform... >= F_Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(1,) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 26232.8485063 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 26232.36 newton (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0019%)

Running tests...
Ran 1 test in 2.549s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'SPaircraft'...
Checking out files:  17% (608/3413)   
Checking out files:  18% (615/3413)   
Checking out files:  19% (649/3413)   
Checking out files:  20% (683/3413)   
Checking out files:  21% (717/3413)   
Checking out files:  22% (751/3413)   
Checking out files:  23% (785/3413)   
Checking out files:  24% (820/3413)   
Checking out files:  25% (854/3413)   
Checking out files:  26% (888/3413)   
Checking out files:  27% (922/3413)   
Checking out files:  28% (956/3413)   
Checking out files:  29% (990/3413)   
Checking out files:  30% (1024/3413)   
Checking out files:  31% (1059/3413)   
Checking out files:  32% (1093/3413)   
Checking out files:  33% (1127/3413)   
Checking out files:  34% (1161/3413)   
Checking out files:  35% (1195/3413)   
Checking out files:  36% (1229/3413)   
Checking out files:  36% (1242/3413)   
Checking out files:  37% (1263/3413)   
Checking out files:  38% (1297/3413)   
Checking out files:  39% (1332/3413)   
Checking out files:  40% (1366/3413)   
Checking out files:  41% (1400/3413)   
Checking out files:  42% (1434/3413)   
Checking out files:  43% (1468/3413)   
Checking out files:  44% (1502/3413)   
Checking out files:  45% (1536/3413)   
Checking out files:  46% (1570/3413)   
Checking out files:  47% (1605/3413)   
Checking out files:  48% (1639/3413)   
Checking out files:  49% (1673/3413)   
Checking out files:  50% (1707/3413)   
Checking out files:  51% (1741/3413)   
Checking out files:  52% (1775/3413)   
Checking out files:  53% (1809/3413)   
Checking out files:  54% (1844/3413)   
Checking out files:  55% (1878/3413)   
Checking out files:  56% (1912/3413)   
Checking out files:  56% (1942/3413)   
Checking out files:  57% (1946/3413)   
Checking out files:  58% (1980/3413)   
Checking out files:  59% (2014/3413)   
Checking out files:  60% (2048/3413)   
Checking out files:  61% (2082/3413)   
Checking out files:  62% (2117/3413)   
Checking out files:  63% (2151/3413)   
Checking out files:  64% (2185/3413)   
Checking out files:  65% (2219/3413)   
Checking out files:  66% (2253/3413)   
Checking out files:  67% (2287/3413)   
Checking out files:  68% (2321/3413)   
Checking out files:  69% (2355/3413)   
Checking out files:  70% (2390/3413)   
Checking out files:  71% (2424/3413)   
Checking out files:  72% (2458/3413)   
Checking out files:  73% (2492/3413)   
Checking out files:  74% (2526/3413)   
Checking out files:  75% (2560/3413)   
Checking out files:  76% (2594/3413)   
Checking out files:  76% (2626/3413)   
Checking out files:  77% (2629/3413)   
Checking out files:  78% (2663/3413)   
Checking out files:  79% (2697/3413)   
Checking out files:  80% (2731/3413)   
Checking out files:  81% (2765/3413)   
Checking out files:  82% (2799/3413)   
Checking out files:  83% (2833/3413)   
Checking out files:  84% (2867/3413)   
Checking out files:  85% (2902/3413)   
Checking out files:  86% (2936/3413)   
Checking out files:  87% (2970/3413)   
Checking out files:  88% (3004/3413)   
Checking out files:  89% (3038/3413)   
Checking out files:  90% (3072/3413)   
Checking out files:  91% (3106/3413)   
Checking out files:  92% (3140/3413)   
Checking out files:  93% (3175/3413)   
Checking out files:  94% (3209/3413)   
Checking out files:  95% (3243/3413)   
Checking out files:  95% (3267/3413)   
Checking out files:  96% (3277/3413)   
Checking out files:  97% (3311/3413)   
Checking out files:  98% (3345/3413)   
Checking out files:  99% (3379/3413)   
Checking out files: 100% (3413/3413)   
Checking out files: 100% (3413/3413), done.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-5ij3zt
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): turbofan== from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: turbofan
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: started
  Running bdist_wheel for turbofan: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-qqapcz\wheels\49\e6\3a\5de0d21c0f148404ea8d883f76e050c82d4e9a0e6f59ce69a5
Successfully built turbofan
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
adding test for ''
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 488
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 6
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.05    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 918
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3577              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.03              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.52e+004         after factor           : 1.75e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.89e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.36e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.38e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 2.9e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.209583815e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.08  
1   1.3e+003 1.7e+003 7.1e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.196064213e+005 3.233982527e+000  5.8e-001 0.23  
2   7.2e+002 9.1e+002 3.8e+004 -9.48e-001 -1.169038963e+005 6.108624786e+000  3.2e-001 0.28  
3   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -9.02e-001 -1.088633822e+005 2.567119516e+001  1.3e-001 0.34  
4   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -7.64e-001 -1.068675635e+005 1.762132597e+003  1.3e-001 0.48  
5   1.0e+002 1.3e+002 5.5e+003 -7.56e-001 -7.936140158e+004 8.550889622e+003  4.6e-002 0.61  
6   3.8e+001 4.9e+001 2.0e+003 -3.57e-001 -4.370922428e+004 1.137917617e+004  1.7e-002 0.77  
7   1.7e+001 2.2e+001 9.0e+002 2.67e-001  -2.286050599e+004 6.546243647e+003  7.6e-003 0.91  
8   7.8e+000 9.8e+000 4.1e+002 6.62e-001  -1.085155505e+004 3.695685528e+003  3.4e-003 1.05  
9   3.6e+000 4.6e+000 1.9e+002 8.69e-001  -4.697517528e+003 2.347582911e+003  1.6e-003 1.16  
10  1.2e+000 1.5e+000 6.4e+001 9.57e-001  -1.220722957e+003 1.136183830e+003  5.4e-004 1.28  
11  9.5e-001 1.2e+000 5.1e+001 9.87e-001  -8.709148830e+002 1.027483299e+003  4.3e-004 1.39  
12  6.5e-001 8.2e-001 3.5e+001 9.87e-001  -4.341896882e+002 8.597382689e+002  2.9e-004 1.53  
13  4.6e-001 1.1e+000 2.5e+001 9.75e-001  -1.751678341e+002 7.585595577e+002  2.1e-004 1.63  
14  1.5e-001 6.8e-001 8.2e+000 9.89e-001  2.641830299e+002  5.723901622e+002  7.0e-005 1.69  
15  4.1e-002 2.3e-001 2.3e+000 1.00e+000  4.166391041e+002  5.048606373e+002  2.0e-005 1.80  
16  1.6e-002 1.4e-001 9.2e-001 9.98e-001  4.543525942e+002  4.888371198e+002  8.1e-006 1.94  
17  5.7e-003 1.1e-001 3.3e-001 9.99e-001  4.698888653e+002  4.823481041e+002  2.9e-006 2.03  
18  2.3e-003 1.0e-001 1.3e-001 1.00e+000  4.751143172e+002  4.801563372e+002  1.2e-006 2.14  
19  7.7e-004 9.6e-002 4.6e-002 1.00e+000  4.775002101e+002  4.792244987e+002  4.1e-007 2.25  
20  3.3e-004 8.2e-002 1.9e-002 1.00e+000  4.782246569e+002  4.789538253e+002  1.8e-007 2.39  
21  1.2e-004 8.3e-002 7.5e-003 1.00e+000  4.785464798e+002  4.788264157e+002  6.7e-008 2.53  
22  4.7e-005 8.3e-002 2.8e-003 1.00e+000  4.786703606e+002  4.787767693e+002  2.6e-008 2.66  
23  4.2e-005 7.5e-002 2.6e-003 1.00e+000  4.786783505e+002  4.787741194e+002  2.3e-008 2.80  
24  3.8e-005 6.8e-002 2.3e-003 1.00e+000  4.786851384e+002  4.787713279e+002  2.1e-008 2.95  
25  3.4e-005 6.2e-002 2.1e-003 1.00e+000  4.786912769e+002  4.787688456e+002  1.9e-008 3.05  
26  3.1e-005 5.7e-002 1.9e-003 1.00e+000  4.786967940e+002  4.787666042e+002  1.7e-008 3.17  
27  2.8e-005 5.2e-002 1.7e-003 1.00e+000  4.787017580e+002  4.787645859e+002  1.5e-008 3.31  
28  2.5e-005 4.7e-002 1.5e-003 1.00e+000  4.787062240e+002  4.787627681e+002  1.4e-008 3.44  
29  2.3e-005 4.3e-002 1.4e-003 1.00e+000  4.787102423e+002  4.787611310e+002  1.2e-008 3.55  
30  2.0e-005 4.0e-002 1.2e-003 1.00e+000  4.787138578e+002  4.787596569e+002  1.1e-008 3.69  
31  1.8e-005 3.7e-002 1.1e-003 1.00e+000  4.787171111e+002  4.787583297e+002  1.0e-008 3.83  
32  1.6e-005 3.4e-002 9.9e-004 1.00e+000  4.787200384e+002  4.787571346e+002  9.0e-009 3.95  
33  1.5e-005 3.1e-002 8.9e-004 1.00e+000  4.787226724e+002  4.787560586e+002  8.1e-009 4.08  
34  1.3e-005 2.9e-002 8.0e-004 1.00e+000  4.787250427e+002  4.787550899e+002  7.3e-009 4.25  
35  1.2e-005 2.7e-002 7.2e-004 1.00e+000  4.787271755e+002  4.787542177e+002  6.5e-009 4.38  
36  1.1e-005 2.5e-002 6.5e-004 1.00e+000  4.787290948e+002  4.787534326e+002  5.9e-009 4.53  
37  3.6e-006 8.3e-003 2.2e-004 1.00e+000  4.787405314e+002  4.787487449e+002  2.0e-009 4.69  
38  2.3e-006 5.1e-003 1.4e-004 1.00e+000  4.787427411e+002  4.787478373e+002  1.2e-009 4.84  
39  2.0e-006 5.1e-003 1.2e-004 1.00e+000  4.787431038e+002  4.787476904e+002  1.1e-009 4.94  
40  8.0e-007 2.0e-003 4.8e-005 1.00e+000  4.787450664e+002  4.787468798e+002  4.4e-010 5.05  
41  7.2e-007 1.8e-003 4.4e-005 1.00e+000  4.787451951e+002  4.787468271e+002  3.9e-010 5.11  
42  6.5e-007 1.6e-003 3.9e-005 1.00e+000  4.787453105e+002  4.787467793e+002  3.5e-010 5.16  
43  5.8e-007 1.5e-003 3.5e-005 1.00e+000  4.787454143e+002  4.787467363e+002  3.2e-010 5.27  
44  5.3e-007 1.3e-003 3.2e-005 1.00e+000  4.787455077e+002  4.787466975e+002  2.9e-010 5.41  
45  4.7e-007 1.2e-003 2.9e-005 1.00e+000  4.787455918e+002  4.787466626e+002  2.6e-010 5.53  
46  4.3e-007 1.1e-003 2.6e-005 1.00e+000  4.787456674e+002  4.787466311e+002  2.3e-010 5.58  
47  3.8e-007 9.6e-004 2.3e-005 1.00e+000  4.787457355e+002  4.787466028e+002  2.1e-010 5.64  
48  3.5e-007 8.6e-004 2.1e-005 1.00e+000  4.787457967e+002  4.787465773e+002  1.9e-010 5.69  
49  3.1e-007 7.8e-004 1.9e-005 1.00e+000  4.787458518e+002  4.787465544e+002  1.7e-010 5.75  
50  2.8e-007 7.0e-004 1.7e-005 1.00e+000  4.787459014e+002  4.787465337e+002  1.5e-010 5.80  
51  2.5e-007 6.3e-004 1.5e-005 1.00e+000  4.787459460e+002  4.787465151e+002  1.4e-010 5.84  
52  2.3e-007 5.7e-004 1.4e-005 1.00e+000  4.787459862e+002  4.787464983e+002  1.2e-010 5.89  
53  2.0e-007 5.1e-004 1.2e-005 1.00e+000  4.787460223e+002  4.787464833e+002  1.1e-010 6.00  
54  1.8e-007 4.6e-004 1.1e-005 1.00e+000  4.787460548e+002  4.787464697e+002  1.0e-010 6.06  
55  1.7e-007 4.1e-004 1.0e-005 1.00e+000  4.787460841e+002  4.787464574e+002  9.0e-011 6.14  
56  1.5e-007 3.7e-004 9.0e-006 1.00e+000  4.787461104e+002  4.787464464e+002  8.1e-011 6.22  
57  1.3e-007 3.3e-004 8.1e-006 1.00e+000  4.787461341e+002  4.787464365e+002  7.3e-011 6.30  
58  1.2e-007 3.0e-004 7.3e-006 1.00e+000  4.787461554e+002  4.787464276e+002  6.6e-011 6.39  
59  1.1e-007 2.7e-004 6.5e-006 1.00e+000  4.787461746e+002  4.787464195e+002  5.9e-011 6.52  
60  9.8e-008 2.4e-004 5.9e-006 1.00e+000  4.787461918e+002  4.787464123e+002  5.3e-011 6.61  
61  1.0e-008 2.6e-005 6.2e-007 9.99e-001  4.787463308e+002  4.787463539e+002  5.6e-012 6.70  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 6.72. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 6.80    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 4.7874633079e+002   nrm: 8e+001   Viol.  con: 2e-007   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 4.7874635393e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 2e-004 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 6.86 seconds.
result packing took 45% of solve time
solution checking took 1.9% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
MOSEK warning 710: #1 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col '' (6266) of matrix 'A'.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 491
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 6
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.03    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 917
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3578              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.03              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.01            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.53e+004         after factor           : 1.76e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.94e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.35e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.25e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 2.9e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.210312506e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.08  
1   1.4e+003 1.8e+003 7.5e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.198796557e+005 3.061739703e+000  6.2e-001 0.16  
2   7.3e+002 9.2e+002 3.9e+004 -9.51e-001 -1.170461114e+005 6.040491449e+000  3.2e-001 0.23  
3   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.6e+004 -9.03e-001 -1.089842335e+005 2.506119038e+001  1.3e-001 0.33  
4   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -7.66e-001 -1.070970055e+005 1.670283421e+003  1.3e-001 0.41  
5   1.3e+002 1.6e+002 6.7e+003 -7.58e-001 -8.559967213e+004 7.255793833e+003  5.5e-002 0.48  
6   3.4e+001 4.3e+001 1.8e+003 -4.58e-001 -3.855677479e+004 1.339305531e+004  1.5e-002 0.56  
7   1.7e+001 2.1e+001 9.0e+002 3.53e-001  -2.244757225e+004 6.914600309e+003  7.5e-003 0.70  
8   8.3e+000 1.0e+001 4.4e+002 6.74e-001  -1.161567475e+004 3.825001589e+003  3.7e-003 0.77  
9   3.4e+000 4.3e+000 1.8e+002 8.62e-001  -4.610016887e+003 1.964863034e+003  1.5e-003 0.84  
10  1.4e+000 1.8e+000 7.5e+001 9.63e-001  -1.763057118e+003 9.715933149e+002  6.3e-004 0.92  
11  1.1e+000 1.5e+000 5.7e+001 9.84e-001  -1.285944448e+003 8.250463437e+002  4.8e-004 1.00  
12  8.7e-001 1.2e+000 4.6e+001 9.70e-001  -1.029921628e+003 7.052443535e+002  3.9e-004 1.08  
13  4.0e-001 5.7e-001 2.1e+001 9.90e-001  -3.729535016e+002 4.274636471e+002  1.8e-004 1.16  
14  1.4e-001 2.2e-001 7.5e+000 9.99e-001  -2.090378971e+001 2.583419234e+002  6.4e-005 1.22  
15  9.9e-002 1.7e-001 5.4e+000 1.00e+000  3.448955414e+001  2.356256523e+002  4.6e-005 1.31  
16  5.6e-002 1.1e-001 3.1e+000 1.00e+000  9.460920370e+001  2.093442070e+002  2.6e-005 1.39  
17  3.3e-002 8.1e-002 1.8e+000 1.01e+000  1.271321809e+002  1.952262579e+002  1.6e-005 1.47  
18  1.3e-002 1.2e-001 7.3e-001 1.01e+000  1.551140341e+002  1.821839043e+002  6.3e-006 1.55  
19  4.0e-003 1.1e-001 2.3e-001 1.01e+000  1.678519026e+002  1.762529840e+002  2.0e-006 1.63  
20  1.5e-003 9.2e-002 8.8e-002 1.01e+000  1.714093695e+002  1.746296628e+002  7.7e-007 1.70  
21  6.7e-004 7.9e-002 3.9e-002 1.00e+000  1.726336342e+002  1.740645350e+002  3.4e-007 1.78  
22  2.9e-004 7.5e-002 1.7e-002 1.00e+000  1.731920845e+002  1.738121847e+002  1.5e-007 1.83  
23  1.5e-004 6.6e-002 8.5e-003 1.00e+000  1.734029663e+002  1.737154158e+002  7.5e-008 1.97  
24  6.4e-005 2.9e-002 3.7e-003 1.00e+000  1.735226853e+002  1.736588417e+002  3.3e-008 2.03  
25  5.7e-005 2.6e-002 3.3e-003 1.00e+000  1.735325474e+002  1.736551012e+002  3.0e-008 2.13  
26  5.2e-005 2.5e-002 3.0e-003 1.00e+000  1.735408196e+002  1.736511159e+002  2.7e-008 2.19  
27  4.6e-005 2.3e-002 2.7e-003 1.00e+000  1.735482692e+002  1.736475343e+002  2.4e-008 2.27  
28  4.2e-005 2.1e-002 2.4e-003 1.00e+000  1.735549596e+002  1.736442969e+002  2.2e-008 2.33  
29  3.8e-005 2.0e-002 2.2e-003 1.00e+000  1.735609769e+002  1.736413794e+002  1.9e-008 2.41  
30  3.4e-005 1.9e-002 2.0e-003 1.00e+000  1.735663890e+002  1.736387504e+002  1.7e-008 2.48  
31  3.0e-005 1.8e-002 1.8e-003 1.00e+000  1.735712574e+002  1.736363819e+002  1.6e-008 2.55  
32  2.7e-005 1.7e-002 1.6e-003 1.00e+000  1.735756368e+002  1.736342483e+002  1.4e-008 2.63  
33  2.5e-005 1.6e-002 1.4e-003 1.00e+000  1.735795766e+002  1.736323265e+002  1.3e-008 2.70  
34  2.2e-005 1.5e-002 1.3e-003 1.00e+000  1.735831209e+002  1.736305955e+002  1.1e-008 2.80  
35  2.0e-005 1.4e-002 1.2e-003 1.00e+000  1.735863097e+002  1.736290365e+002  1.0e-008 2.84  
36  1.8e-005 1.4e-002 1.0e-003 1.00e+000  1.735891786e+002  1.736276325e+002  9.3e-009 2.91  
37  1.6e-005 1.3e-002 9.4e-004 1.00e+000  1.735917597e+002  1.736263681e+002  8.4e-009 2.97  
38  1.5e-005 1.2e-002 8.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.735940820e+002  1.736252294e+002  7.5e-009 3.03  
39  1.3e-005 1.2e-002 7.6e-004 1.00e+000  1.735961715e+002  1.736242040e+002  6.8e-009 3.16  
40  1.2e-005 1.2e-002 6.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.735980515e+002  1.736232807e+002  6.1e-009 3.27  
41  1.1e-005 1.1e-002 6.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.735997431e+002  1.736224493e+002  5.5e-009 3.33  
42  3.6e-006 3.8e-003 2.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.736097227e+002  1.736175204e+002  1.9e-009 3.38  
43  3.3e-006 3.4e-003 1.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.736102515e+002  1.736172695e+002  1.7e-009 3.45  
44  3.0e-006 3.1e-003 1.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.736107203e+002  1.736170365e+002  1.5e-009 3.50  
45  2.7e-006 2.8e-003 1.6e-004 1.00e+000  1.736111428e+002  1.736168274e+002  1.4e-009 3.59  
46  2.4e-006 2.5e-003 1.4e-004 1.00e+000  1.736115228e+002  1.736166390e+002  1.2e-009 3.64  
47  2.2e-006 2.3e-003 1.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.736118649e+002  1.736164694e+002  1.1e-009 3.70  
48  1.9e-006 2.0e-003 1.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.736121726e+002  1.736163168e+002  1.0e-009 3.78  
49  1.7e-006 1.8e-003 1.0e-004 1.00e+000  1.736124496e+002  1.736161794e+002  9.0e-010 3.91  
50  1.6e-006 1.6e-003 9.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.736126989e+002  1.736160556e+002  8.1e-010 4.00  
51  1.4e-006 1.5e-003 8.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.736129232e+002  1.736159443e+002  7.3e-010 4.09  
52  1.3e-006 1.3e-003 7.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.736131250e+002  1.736158440e+002  6.6e-010 4.17  
53  1.1e-006 1.2e-003 6.7e-005 1.00e+000  1.736133066e+002  1.736157538e+002  5.9e-010 4.28  
54  1.0e-006 1.1e-003 6.0e-005 1.00e+000  1.736134701e+002  1.736156725e+002  5.3e-010 4.34  
55  9.3e-007 9.7e-004 5.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.736136172e+002  1.736155994e+002  4.8e-010 4.39  
56  8.3e-007 8.8e-004 4.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.736137496e+002  1.736155335e+002  4.3e-010 4.47  
57  7.5e-007 7.9e-004 4.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.736138687e+002  1.736154743e+002  3.9e-010 4.56  
58  6.8e-007 7.1e-004 3.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.736139759e+002  1.736154209e+002  3.5e-010 4.66  
59  6.1e-007 6.4e-004 3.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.736140724e+002  1.736153729e+002  3.1e-010 4.73  
60  5.5e-007 5.7e-004 3.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.736141592e+002  1.736153297e+002  2.8e-010 4.80  
61  4.9e-007 5.2e-004 2.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.736142373e+002  1.736152908e+002  2.5e-010 4.89  
62  9.3e-008 9.8e-005 5.5e-006 1.00e+000  1.736148065e+002  1.736150068e+002  4.8e-011 4.95  
63  9.6e-009 1.0e-005 5.6e-007 1.00e+000  1.736149264e+002  1.736149469e+002  4.9e-012 5.03  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 5.03. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 5.08    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.7361492638e+002   nrm: 4e+001   Viol.  con: 1e-007   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 1.7361494688e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 7e-005 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 5.12 seconds.
result packing took 7.3% of solve time
solution checking took 1.5% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
MOSEK warning 710: #1 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col '' (6266) of matrix 'A'.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 488
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 9
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.02    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 917
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.03              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.53e+004         after factor           : 1.76e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.94e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.36e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.26e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 3.0e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.219174955e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.06  
1   1.6e+003 2.0e+003 8.3e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.210257253e+005 2.797002025e+000  6.8e-001 0.13  
2   7.7e+002 9.9e+002 4.1e+004 -9.56e-001 -1.182369620e+005 5.492772887e+000  3.4e-001 0.22  
3   2.9e+002 3.8e+002 1.6e+004 -9.09e-001 -1.099207219e+005 2.318324510e+001  1.3e-001 0.28  
4   2.9e+002 3.8e+002 1.6e+004 -7.69e-001 -1.077339957e+005 1.935557338e+003  1.3e-001 0.33  
5   1.2e+002 1.6e+002 6.6e+003 -7.59e-001 -8.614152063e+004 7.151470731e+003  5.4e-002 0.41  
6   4.3e+001 5.5e+001 2.3e+003 -4.49e-001 -4.748963297e+004 1.204758189e+004  1.9e-002 0.48  
7   2.4e+001 3.2e+001 1.3e+003 2.07e-001  -3.167114729e+004 8.024067498e+003  1.1e-002 0.55  
8   9.8e+000 1.3e+001 5.3e+002 5.12e-001  -1.397883770e+004 4.326585688e+003  4.4e-003 0.66  
9   5.3e+000 6.9e+000 2.9e+002 8.22e-001  -7.544395172e+003 2.741863868e+003  2.4e-003 0.70  
10  1.7e+000 2.1e+000 8.9e+001 9.22e-001  -2.182501492e+003 1.104660683e+003  7.4e-004 0.81  
11  1.1e+000 1.4e+000 6.0e+001 9.89e-001  -1.379269555e+003 8.251473723e+002  5.0e-004 0.86  
12  1.0e+000 1.4e+000 5.6e+001 9.67e-001  -1.305886366e+003 7.803148318e+002  4.7e-004 0.97  
13  6.0e-001 8.2e-001 3.3e+001 9.77e-001  -6.999161196e+002 5.234107680e+002  2.7e-004 1.05  
14  2.9e-001 4.1e-001 1.6e+001 1.00e+000  -2.546510430e+002 3.447107220e+002  1.3e-004 1.09  
15  2.4e-001 3.4e-001 1.3e+001 9.99e-001  -1.769213509e+002 3.116681817e+002  1.1e-004 1.14  
16  8.4e-002 1.5e-001 4.7e+000 1.00e+000  3.780122620e+001  2.122217887e+002  3.9e-005 1.20  
17  5.4e-002 1.1e-001 3.0e+000 1.01e+000  8.053239395e+001  1.921973346e+002  2.5e-005 1.27  
18  5.4e-002 1.0e-001 3.0e+000 1.02e+000  8.132074076e+001  1.922741803e+002  2.5e-005 1.31  
19  4.6e-002 1.2e-001 2.6e+000 1.02e+000  9.899632205e+001  1.945985018e+002  2.2e-005 1.36  
20  3.4e-002 1.6e-001 1.9e+000 9.99e-001  1.153112924e+002  1.851361516e+002  1.6e-005 1.42  
21  3.1e-002 1.9e-001 1.7e+000 9.48e-001  1.196471699e+002  1.827392685e+002  1.5e-005 1.52  
22  2.6e-002 2.1e-001 1.5e+000 8.87e-001  1.270164421e+002  1.796124430e+002  1.2e-005 1.61  
23  1.2e-002 2.2e-001 6.8e-001 8.73e-001  1.479982717e+002  1.731143339e+002  5.8e-006 1.73  
24  4.3e-003 1.0e-001 2.5e-001 9.45e-001  1.603944810e+002  1.698945024e+002  2.2e-006 1.83  
25  2.3e-003 7.3e-002 1.4e-001 1.01e+000  1.636628941e+002  1.687442306e+002  1.2e-006 1.88  
26  1.0e-003 1.0e-001 6.2e-002 1.02e+000  1.656744201e+002  1.679430263e+002  5.3e-007 1.92  
27  8.6e-004 9.6e-002 5.3e-002 9.76e-001  1.659070509e+002  1.678469339e+002  4.6e-007 1.98  
28  3.1e-004 9.0e-002 2.0e-002 9.98e-001  1.667579023e+002  1.674741666e+002  1.7e-007 2.05  
29  1.4e-004 7.9e-002 9.1e-003 1.00e+000  1.670220631e+002  1.673515140e+002  7.9e-008 2.09  
30  1.3e-004 7.8e-002 8.2e-003 1.00e+000  1.670476602e+002  1.673431227e+002  7.1e-008 2.14  
31  1.2e-004 6.9e-002 7.4e-003 1.00e+000  1.670673130e+002  1.673331622e+002  6.4e-008 2.22  
32  1.0e-004 6.3e-002 6.6e-003 1.00e+000  1.670852811e+002  1.673245758e+002  5.8e-008 2.31  
33  9.4e-005 5.7e-002 6.0e-003 1.00e+000  1.671014199e+002  1.673167905e+002  5.2e-008 2.34  
34  8.5e-005 5.2e-002 5.4e-003 1.00e+000  1.671159056e+002  1.673097550e+002  4.7e-008 2.45  
35  7.6e-005 4.7e-002 4.8e-003 1.00e+000  1.671289204e+002  1.673033983e+002  4.2e-008 2.53  
36  6.9e-005 4.3e-002 4.3e-003 1.00e+000  1.671406145e+002  1.672976569e+002  3.8e-008 2.58  
37  6.2e-005 4.0e-002 3.9e-003 1.00e+000  1.671511231e+002  1.672924721e+002  3.4e-008 2.69  
38  5.6e-005 3.7e-002 3.5e-003 9.99e-001  1.671605670e+002  1.672877906e+002  3.1e-008 2.78  
39  5.0e-005 3.4e-002 3.2e-003 9.99e-001  1.671690545e+002  1.672835640e+002  2.8e-008 2.86  
40  4.5e-005 3.1e-002 2.9e-003 9.99e-001  1.671766830e+002  1.672797486e+002  2.5e-008 2.95  
41  4.1e-005 2.9e-002 2.6e-003 9.99e-001  1.671835397e+002  1.672763049e+002  2.2e-008 3.05  
42  3.6e-005 2.7e-002 2.3e-003 9.99e-001  1.671897030e+002  1.672731971e+002  2.0e-008 3.09  
43  3.3e-005 2.5e-002 2.1e-003 9.99e-001  1.671952434e+002  1.672703926e+002  1.8e-008 3.19  
44  3.0e-005 2.3e-002 1.9e-003 9.99e-001  1.672002239e+002  1.672678622e+002  1.6e-008 3.23  
45  2.7e-005 2.1e-002 1.7e-003 9.99e-001  1.672047012e+002  1.672655793e+002  1.5e-008 3.33  
46  2.4e-005 2.0e-002 1.5e-003 9.99e-001  1.672087264e+002  1.672635196e+002  1.3e-008 3.39  
47  2.2e-005 1.9e-002 1.4e-003 9.99e-001  1.672123450e+002  1.672616615e+002  1.2e-008 3.45  
48  1.9e-005 1.8e-002 1.2e-003 9.99e-001  1.672155982e+002  1.672599854e+002  1.1e-008 3.56  
49  1.7e-005 1.7e-002 1.1e-003 9.99e-001  1.672185230e+002  1.672584734e+002  9.6e-009 3.64  
50  1.6e-005 1.6e-002 1.0e-003 9.99e-001  1.672211530e+002  1.672571100e+002  8.7e-009 3.69  
51  1.4e-005 1.5e-002 9.0e-004 9.99e-001  1.672235179e+002  1.672558806e+002  7.8e-009 3.75  
52  1.3e-005 1.4e-002 8.1e-004 9.99e-001  1.672256448e+002  1.672547724e+002  7.0e-009 3.83  
53  1.1e-005 1.3e-002 7.3e-004 9.99e-001  1.672275576e+002  1.672537735e+002  6.3e-009 3.88  
54  1.0e-005 1.3e-002 6.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.672292781e+002  1.672528732e+002  5.7e-009 3.92  
55  9.3e-006 1.2e-002 5.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.672308256e+002  1.672520618e+002  5.1e-009 4.03  
56  8.3e-006 1.2e-002 5.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.672322176e+002  1.672513307e+002  4.6e-009 4.20  
57  7.5e-006 1.1e-002 4.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.672334698e+002  1.672506720e+002  4.1e-009 4.31  
58  6.8e-006 1.1e-002 4.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.672345961e+002  1.672500785e+002  3.7e-009 4.41  
59  6.1e-006 1.1e-002 3.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.672356094e+002  1.672495437e+002  3.4e-009 4.52  
60  5.5e-006 1.0e-002 3.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.672365209e+002  1.672490619e+002  3.0e-009 4.61  
61  4.9e-006 1.0e-002 3.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.672373408e+002  1.672486279e+002  2.7e-009 4.69  
62  4.4e-006 9.9e-003 2.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.672380783e+002  1.672482367e+002  2.4e-009 4.77  
63  4.0e-006 9.7e-003 2.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.672387417e+002  1.672478843e+002  2.2e-009 4.84  
64  3.6e-006 9.5e-003 2.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.672393383e+002  1.672475666e+002  2.0e-009 4.92  
65  3.2e-006 9.3e-003 2.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.672398750e+002  1.672472805e+002  1.8e-009 4.97  
66  2.9e-006 9.2e-003 1.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.672403576e+002  1.672470227e+002  1.6e-009 5.00  
67  2.6e-006 9.0e-003 1.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.672407917e+002  1.672467902e+002  1.4e-009 5.08  
68  2.4e-006 8.9e-003 1.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.672411821e+002  1.672465809e+002  1.3e-009 5.14  
69  2.1e-006 8.8e-003 1.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.672415332e+002  1.672463921e+002  1.2e-009 5.20  
70  1.9e-006 8.7e-003 1.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.672418491e+002  1.672462221e+002  1.1e-009 5.28  
71  1.7e-006 8.6e-003 1.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.672421333e+002  1.672460689e+002  9.5e-010 5.38  
72  1.5e-006 8.5e-003 9.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672423889e+002  1.672459310e+002  8.5e-010 5.45  
73  1.4e-006 8.4e-003 8.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672426189e+002  1.672458068e+002  7.7e-010 5.55  
74  1.3e-006 8.3e-003 7.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.672428258e+002  1.672456949e+002  6.9e-010 5.59  
75  1.1e-006 8.3e-003 7.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.672430121e+002  1.672455942e+002  6.2e-010 5.66  
76  1.0e-006 8.2e-003 6.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.672431796e+002  1.672455034e+002  5.6e-010 5.77  
77  9.1e-007 8.2e-003 5.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672433304e+002  1.672454218e+002  5.0e-010 5.84  
78  8.2e-007 8.1e-003 5.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.672434661e+002  1.672453483e+002  4.5e-010 5.91  
79  7.4e-007 8.1e-003 4.7e-005 1.00e+000  1.672435881e+002  1.672452822e+002  4.1e-010 5.97  
80  6.7e-007 8.0e-003 4.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.672436980e+002  1.672452226e+002  3.7e-010 6.03  
81  6.0e-007 8.0e-003 3.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672437969e+002  1.672451690e+002  3.3e-010 6.09  
82  5.4e-007 8.0e-003 3.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.672438859e+002  1.672451208e+002  3.0e-010 6.17  
83  4.9e-007 7.9e-003 3.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.672439659e+002  1.672450774e+002  2.7e-010 6.20  
84  4.4e-007 7.9e-003 2.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672440380e+002  1.672450383e+002  2.4e-010 6.25  
85  3.9e-007 7.9e-003 2.5e-005 9.99e-001  1.672441028e+002  1.672450032e+002  2.2e-010 6.30  
86  3.5e-007 7.9e-003 2.2e-005 9.98e-001  1.672441612e+002  1.672449716e+002  2.0e-010 6.34  
87  3.2e-007 7.8e-003 2.0e-005 9.99e-001  1.672442137e+002  1.672449431e+002  1.8e-010 6.38  
88  2.9e-007 7.8e-003 1.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.672442611e+002  1.672449174e+002  1.6e-010 6.45  
89  2.6e-007 7.8e-003 1.6e-005 1.00e+000  1.672443036e+002  1.672448943e+002  1.4e-010 6.50  
90  2.3e-007 7.8e-003 1.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.672443420e+002  1.672448734e+002  1.3e-010 6.53  
91  2.1e-007 7.8e-003 1.3e-005 9.99e-001  1.672443764e+002  1.672448548e+002  1.2e-010 6.59  
92  1.9e-007 7.8e-003 1.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.672444074e+002  1.672448379e+002  1.0e-010 6.67  
93  6.5e-008 2.7e-003 4.1e-006 9.98e-001  1.672445896e+002  1.672447395e+002  3.6e-011 6.72  
94  5.9e-008 2.4e-003 3.7e-006 9.93e-001  1.672445993e+002  1.672447342e+002  3.3e-011 6.86  
95  1.2e-008 4.8e-004 7.4e-007 1.02e+000  1.672446692e+002  1.672446955e+002  6.3e-012 6.91  
96  1.1e-008 4.3e-004 6.7e-007 9.42e-001  1.672446709e+002  1.672446947e+002  5.7e-012 6.94  
97  3.1e-009 5.6e-005 8.6e-008 1.06e+000  1.672446845e+002  1.672446874e+002  6.2e-013 6.98  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 6.98. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 7.01    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.6724468449e+002   nrm: 4e+001   Viol.  con: 6e-008   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 1.6724468741e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 4e-004 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 7.05 seconds.
result packing took 4.5% of solve time
solution checking took 1.1% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
MOSEK warning 710: #1 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col '' (6266) of matrix 'A'.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 488
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 9
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.03    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 917
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.03              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.53e+004         after factor           : 1.76e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.94e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.36e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.26e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 3.0e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.216783969e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.08  
1   1.6e+003 2.0e+003 8.3e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.208005987e+005 2.779155076e+000  6.9e-001 0.17  
2   7.9e+002 1.0e+003 4.2e+004 -9.57e-001 -1.181593025e+005 5.263444539e+000  3.5e-001 0.23  
3   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -9.12e-001 -1.096909515e+005 2.232335477e+001  1.3e-001 0.31  
4   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -7.69e-001 -1.073107036e+005 2.103811237e+003  1.3e-001 0.41  
5   1.2e+002 1.5e+002 6.3e+003 -7.58e-001 -8.484394956e+004 7.399195768e+003  5.2e-002 0.47  
6   4.5e+001 5.8e+001 2.4e+003 -4.32e-001 -4.970557775e+004 1.119711867e+004  2.0e-002 0.52  
7   2.5e+001 3.3e+001 1.4e+003 1.72e-001  -3.286096511e+004 7.712413060e+003  1.1e-002 0.59  
8   1.3e+001 1.7e+001 6.9e+002 4.98e-001  -1.830647589e+004 4.710784596e+003  5.7e-003 0.66  
9   4.0e+000 5.2e+000 2.2e+002 7.54e-001  -5.749550222e+003 2.057034339e+003  1.8e-003 0.70  
10  2.8e+000 3.7e+000 1.5e+002 9.49e-001  -3.830903445e+003 1.712802263e+003  1.3e-003 0.78  
11  1.2e+000 1.7e+000 6.4e+001 9.71e-001  -1.512766760e+003 8.503182061e+002  5.4e-004 0.83  
12  9.2e-001 1.3e+000 4.9e+001 9.81e-001  -1.142348159e+003 6.974127109e+002  4.1e-004 0.91  
13  5.5e-001 8.5e-001 3.0e+001 9.73e-001  -6.197574466e+002 4.848089632e+002  2.5e-004 0.98  
14  2.3e-001 5.5e-001 1.3e+001 9.94e-001  -1.749665775e+002 2.925817215e+002  1.1e-004 1.14  
15  2.0e-001 4.9e-001 1.1e+001 1.00e+000  -1.348870250e+002 2.791300941e+002  9.4e-005 1.34  
16  1.3e-001 3.2e-001 7.1e+000 9.99e-001  -2.855068297e+001 2.360680412e+002  6.0e-005 1.47  
17  6.8e-002 1.9e-001 3.7e+000 9.99e-001  5.887597194e+001  1.978980773e+002  3.2e-005 1.52  
18  5.4e-002 1.8e-001 3.0e+000 1.02e+000  8.800881685e+001  1.981490060e+002  2.5e-005 1.56  
19  3.4e-002 2.4e-001 1.9e+000 9.99e-001  1.157441945e+002  1.848787233e+002  1.6e-005 1.61  
20  8.2e-003 1.4e-001 4.7e-001 1.01e+000  1.545940048e+002  1.718939714e+002  4.0e-006 1.70  
21  4.4e-003 8.8e-002 2.5e-001 1.01e+000  1.600501303e+002  1.693415005e+002  2.1e-006 1.77  
22  1.7e-003 1.1e-001 1.0e-001 1.02e+000  1.642553728e+002  1.678811051e+002  8.5e-007 1.81  
23  1.4e-003 1.0e-001 8.1e-002 9.96e-001  1.647414260e+002  1.676748812e+002  6.9e-007 1.86  
24  3.6e-004 1.3e-001 2.2e-002 9.94e-001  1.662440083e+002  1.670343726e+002  1.9e-007 2.02  
25  2.1e-004 9.4e-002 1.3e-002 1.01e+000  1.664616503e+002  1.669409165e+002  1.2e-007 2.13  
26  8.0e-005 9.2e-002 5.0e-003 1.01e+000  1.666577691e+002  1.668384039e+002  4.4e-008 2.19  
27  3.1e-005 9.0e-002 2.0e-003 1.00e+000  1.667309769e+002  1.668009876e+002  1.7e-008 2.27  
28  1.2e-005 8.6e-002 7.6e-004 1.00e+000  1.667591366e+002  1.667865037e+002  6.7e-009 2.34  
29  4.9e-006 8.3e-002 3.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.667696725e+002  1.667808668e+002  2.8e-009 2.45  
30  4.4e-006 7.5e-002 2.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.667704454e+002  1.667805205e+002  2.5e-009 2.50  
31  4.0e-006 6.8e-002 2.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.667711020e+002  1.667801691e+002  2.2e-009 2.58  
32  3.6e-006 6.2e-002 2.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.667716919e+002  1.667798518e+002  2.0e-009 2.67  
33  3.2e-006 5.7e-002 2.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.667722216e+002  1.667795651e+002  1.8e-009 2.72  
34  2.9e-006 5.2e-002 1.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.667726979e+002  1.667793068e+002  1.6e-009 2.81  
35  2.6e-006 4.8e-002 1.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.667731262e+002  1.667790740e+002  1.5e-009 2.89  
36  2.4e-006 4.4e-002 1.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.667735113e+002  1.667788642e+002  1.3e-009 2.94  
37  2.1e-006 4.0e-002 1.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.667738578e+002  1.667786751e+002  1.2e-009 2.98  
38  1.9e-006 3.7e-002 1.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.667741694e+002  1.667785049e+002  1.1e-009 3.05  
39  1.7e-006 3.4e-002 1.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.667744497e+002  1.667783516e+002  9.6e-010 3.09  
40  1.5e-006 3.1e-002 9.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.667747018e+002  1.667782134e+002  8.7e-010 3.16  
41  1.4e-006 2.9e-002 8.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.667749286e+002  1.667780889e+002  7.8e-010 3.20  
42  1.3e-006 2.7e-002 7.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.667751327e+002  1.667779770e+002  7.0e-010 3.27  
43  1.1e-006 2.5e-002 7.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.667753163e+002  1.667778760e+002  6.3e-010 3.33  
44  1.0e-006 2.3e-002 6.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.667754814e+002  1.667777852e+002  5.7e-010 3.39  
45  9.1e-007 2.2e-002 5.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.667756300e+002  1.667777034e+002  5.1e-010 3.47  
46  8.2e-007 2.0e-002 5.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.667757637e+002  1.667776297e+002  4.6e-010 3.55  
47  7.4e-007 1.9e-002 4.7e-005 1.00e+000  1.667758840e+002  1.667775634e+002  4.2e-010 3.63  
48  6.7e-007 1.8e-002 4.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.667759923e+002  1.667775037e+002  3.7e-010 3.83  
49  6.0e-007 1.7e-002 3.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.667760897e+002  1.667774500e+002  3.4e-010 3.92  
50  5.4e-007 1.6e-002 3.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.667761773e+002  1.667774016e+002  3.0e-010 4.00  
51  4.9e-007 1.5e-002 3.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.667762561e+002  1.667773580e+002  2.7e-010 4.05  
52  4.4e-007 1.4e-002 2.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.667763271e+002  1.667773187e+002  2.5e-010 4.09  
53  3.9e-007 1.4e-002 2.5e-005 9.99e-001  1.667763909e+002  1.667772835e+002  2.2e-010 4.16  
54  3.5e-007 1.3e-002 2.2e-005 9.99e-001  1.667764484e+002  1.667772517e+002  2.0e-010 4.25  
55  3.2e-007 1.3e-002 2.0e-005 1.00e+000  1.667765001e+002  1.667772231e+002  1.8e-010 4.33  
56  2.9e-007 1.2e-002 1.8e-005 9.99e-001  1.667765466e+002  1.667771974e+002  1.6e-010 4.41  
57  2.6e-007 1.2e-002 1.6e-005 1.00e+000  1.667765885e+002  1.667771742e+002  1.4e-010 4.45  
58  2.3e-007 1.1e-002 1.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.667766262e+002  1.667771533e+002  1.3e-010 4.55  
59  2.1e-007 1.1e-002 1.3e-005 1.00e+000  1.667766601e+002  1.667771345e+002  1.2e-010 4.64  
60  1.9e-007 1.1e-002 1.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.667766906e+002  1.667771176e+002  1.1e-010 4.70  
61  1.7e-007 1.0e-002 1.1e-005 9.98e-001  1.667767181e+002  1.667771024e+002  9.5e-011 4.89  
62  1.5e-007 1.0e-002 9.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.667767431e+002  1.667770886e+002  8.6e-011 5.02  
63  1.4e-007 9.8e-003 8.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.667767655e+002  1.667770761e+002  7.7e-011 5.14  
64  1.2e-007 9.6e-003 7.8e-006 1.00e+000  1.667767855e+002  1.667770651e+002  6.9e-011 5.24  
65  1.1e-007 9.5e-003 7.0e-006 1.00e+000  1.667768036e+002  1.667770550e+002  6.2e-011 5.31  
66  1.0e-007 9.3e-003 6.3e-006 9.99e-001  1.667768198e+002  1.667770460e+002  5.6e-011 5.41  
67  9.0e-008 9.1e-003 5.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.667768345e+002  1.667770379e+002  5.1e-011 5.49  
68  8.1e-008 9.0e-003 5.1e-006 9.94e-001  1.667768476e+002  1.667770307e+002  4.6e-011 5.55  
69  7.3e-008 8.8e-003 4.6e-006 9.99e-001  1.667768594e+002  1.667770242e+002  4.1e-011 5.63  
70  6.6e-008 8.8e-003 4.2e-006 1.01e+000  1.667768706e+002  1.667770180e+002  3.7e-011 5.67  
71  5.9e-008 8.7e-003 3.7e-006 9.89e-001  1.667768800e+002  1.667770128e+002  3.3e-011 5.75  
72  5.3e-008 8.6e-003 3.4e-006 9.94e-001  1.667768886e+002  1.667770081e+002  3.0e-011 5.80  
73  4.8e-008 8.5e-003 3.0e-006 9.98e-001  1.667768963e+002  1.667770039e+002  2.7e-011 5.88  
74  4.3e-008 7.6e-003 2.7e-006 1.02e+000  1.667769037e+002  1.667769997e+002  2.5e-011 5.95  
75  3.9e-008 6.9e-003 2.5e-006 1.02e+000  1.667769104e+002  1.667769960e+002  2.2e-011 6.02  
76  3.5e-008 6.2e-003 2.2e-006 9.91e-001  1.667769159e+002  1.667769930e+002  2.0e-011 6.08  
77  1.0e-007 5.6e-003 2.0e-006 1.02e+000  1.667769196e+002  1.667769980e+002  1.8e-011 6.13  
78  1.3e-007 5.1e-003 1.8e-006 9.95e-001  1.667769241e+002  1.667769970e+002  1.6e-011 6.19  
79  1.2e-007 4.6e-003 1.6e-006 1.01e+000  1.667769284e+002  1.667769938e+002  1.5e-011 6.30  
80  1.0e-007 4.1e-003 1.4e-006 9.93e-001  1.667769321e+002  1.667769904e+002  1.3e-011 6.34  
81  9.0e-008 3.7e-003 1.3e-006 1.00e+000  1.667769354e+002  1.667769879e+002  1.2e-011 6.42  
82  8.1e-008 3.3e-003 1.2e-006 1.01e+000  1.667769386e+002  1.667769856e+002  1.1e-011 6.52  
83  7.3e-008 3.0e-003 1.1e-006 1.01e+000  1.667769414e+002  1.667769835e+002  9.8e-012 6.59  
84  1.1e-007 2.7e-003 9.5e-007 9.61e-001  1.667769438e+002  1.667769815e+002  8.8e-012 6.66  
85  1.0e-007 2.4e-003 8.6e-007 1.03e+000  1.667769463e+002  1.667769800e+002  8.0e-012 6.74  
86  9.0e-008 2.2e-003 7.7e-007 9.84e-001  1.667769482e+002  1.667769785e+002  7.2e-012 6.81  
87  8.1e-008 2.0e-003 6.9e-007 1.01e+000  1.667769500e+002  1.667769772e+002  6.5e-012 6.95  
88  7.3e-008 1.8e-003 6.2e-007 1.02e+000  1.667769517e+002  1.667769759e+002  5.9e-012 7.06  
89  5.6e-008 1.6e-003 5.6e-007 1.16e+000  1.667769541e+002  1.667769734e+002  5.7e-012 7.19  
90  5.1e-008 1.4e-003 5.1e-007 1.00e+000  1.667769552e+002  1.667769728e+002  5.2e-012 7.31  
91  2.0e-007 1.3e-003 4.5e-007 1.00e+000  1.667769565e+002  1.667769721e+002  4.7e-012 7.39  
92  1.8e-007 1.2e-003 4.0e-007 9.88e-001  1.667769574e+002  1.667769716e+002  4.2e-012 7.49  
93  1.6e-007 1.1e-003 2.8e-007 1.00e+000  1.667769610e+002  1.667769710e+002  3.8e-012 7.59  
94  4.7e-008 1.2e-004 3.2e-008 8.70e-001  1.667769656e+002  1.667769668e+002  6.7e-013 7.69  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 7.70. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 7.72    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.6677696559e+002   nrm: 6e+001   Viol.  con: 9e-007   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 1.6677696681e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 9e-004 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 7.77 seconds.
result packing took 7% of solve time
solution checking took 1.1% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
MOSEK warning 710: #1 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col '' (6266) of matrix 'A'.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 488
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 9
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.05    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 917
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.06              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.53e+004         after factor           : 1.76e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.94e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.36e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.26e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 3.0e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.216961670e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.11  
1   1.6e+003 2.0e+003 8.4e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.208306546e+005 2.764489370e+000  6.9e-001 0.19  
2   8.0e+002 1.0e+003 4.2e+004 -9.57e-001 -1.182196525e+005 5.196975299e+000  3.5e-001 0.23  
3   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -9.13e-001 -1.097365415e+005 2.215930925e+001  1.3e-001 0.31  
4   2.9e+002 3.7e+002 1.5e+004 -7.71e-001 -1.072819668e+005 2.154982005e+003  1.3e-001 0.38  
5   1.5e+002 1.9e+002 7.9e+003 -7.59e-001 -9.182358200e+004 5.782962337e+003  6.6e-002 0.42  
6   4.5e+001 5.8e+001 2.4e+003 -5.38e-001 -4.924587795e+004 1.207946251e+004  2.0e-002 0.45  
7   2.4e+001 3.1e+001 1.3e+003 1.74e-001  -3.149037531e+004 7.515489275e+003  1.1e-002 0.52  
8   1.2e+001 1.5e+001 6.3e+002 5.24e-001  -1.696894026e+004 4.526336110e+003  5.3e-003 0.58  
9   4.3e+000 5.6e+000 2.3e+002 7.80e-001  -6.264417911e+003 2.154746028e+003  1.9e-003 0.63  
10  2.7e+000 3.5e+000 1.4e+002 9.42e-001  -3.561962574e+003 1.736176169e+003  1.2e-003 0.69  
11  1.2e+000 1.5e+000 6.2e+001 9.76e-001  -1.439482327e+003 8.588232637e+002  5.2e-004 0.75  
12  9.3e-001 1.2e+000 5.0e+001 9.84e-001  -1.140829007e+003 7.184135767e+002  4.2e-004 0.81  
13  5.6e-001 8.1e-001 3.0e+001 9.70e-001  -6.415307980e+002 4.910813989e+002  2.5e-004 0.89  
14  2.4e-001 7.7e-001 1.3e+001 9.98e-001  -1.879039143e+002 3.034653216e+002  1.1e-004 0.97  
15  2.1e-001 6.6e-001 1.1e+001 1.00e+000  -1.397034390e+002 2.848911704e+002  9.6e-005 1.01  
16  7.6e-002 2.6e-001 4.2e+000 1.00e+000  4.770557538e+001  2.037061345e+002  3.6e-005 1.16  
17  5.5e-002 1.9e-001 3.1e+000 1.02e+000  8.337437569e+001  1.973410115e+002  2.6e-005 1.26  
18  9.6e-003 1.8e-001 5.6e-001 1.01e+000  1.516771302e+002  1.720270048e+002  4.7e-006 1.36  
19  3.5e-003 1.1e-001 2.1e-001 9.77e-001  1.612380507e+002  1.689095505e+002  1.7e-006 1.48  
20  1.8e-003 1.1e-001 1.1e-001 1.02e+000  1.638968042e+002  1.678652610e+002  9.1e-007 1.56  
21  1.5e-003 1.0e-001 9.0e-002 9.93e-001  1.643717491e+002  1.676650826e+002  7.6e-007 1.64  
22  5.4e-004 8.9e-002 3.3e-002 9.89e-001  1.658593015e+002  1.670733595e+002  2.8e-007 1.70  
23  2.2e-004 8.5e-002 1.4e-002 1.01e+000  1.663441337e+002  1.668546783e+002  1.2e-007 1.78  
24  9.8e-005 8.2e-002 6.2e-003 1.01e+000  1.665395374e+002  1.667620424e+002  5.3e-008 1.86  
25  4.4e-005 7.6e-002 2.8e-003 1.01e+000  1.666209138e+002  1.667223552e+002  2.4e-008 1.95  
26  2.3e-005 6.8e-002 1.5e-003 1.00e+000  1.666532953e+002  1.667060430e+002  1.3e-008 2.02  
27  1.3e-005 6.0e-002 8.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666684150e+002  1.666981693e+002  7.1e-009 2.08  
28  6.7e-006 5.8e-002 4.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666777953e+002  1.666932266e+002  3.7e-009 2.16  
29  6.1e-006 5.3e-002 3.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.666789320e+002  1.666928212e+002  3.3e-009 2.22  
30  5.5e-006 4.9e-002 3.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666798194e+002  1.666923189e+002  3.0e-009 2.31  
31  4.9e-006 4.5e-002 3.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.666806214e+002  1.666918704e+002  2.7e-009 2.38  
32  4.4e-006 4.1e-002 2.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.666813419e+002  1.666914655e+002  2.4e-009 2.48  
33  4.0e-006 3.8e-002 2.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666819897e+002  1.666911006e+002  2.2e-009 2.61  
34  3.6e-006 3.5e-002 2.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666825721e+002  1.666907716e+002  2.0e-009 2.70  
35  3.2e-006 3.2e-002 2.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.666830958e+002  1.666904751e+002  1.8e-009 2.83  
36  2.9e-006 3.0e-002 1.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.666835667e+002  1.666902078e+002  1.6e-009 2.95  
37  2.6e-006 2.7e-002 1.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.666839901e+002  1.666899670e+002  1.4e-009 3.08  
38  2.4e-006 2.5e-002 1.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666843708e+002  1.666897499e+002  1.3e-009 3.22  
39  2.1e-006 2.4e-002 1.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666847133e+002  1.666895543e+002  1.2e-009 3.28  
40  1.9e-006 2.2e-002 1.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.666850213e+002  1.666893782e+002  1.0e-009 3.34  
41  1.7e-006 2.1e-002 1.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.666852984e+002  1.666892195e+002  9.4e-010 3.44  
42  1.5e-006 1.9e-002 9.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666855477e+002  1.666890766e+002  8.5e-010 3.56  
43  1.4e-006 1.8e-002 8.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666857719e+002  1.666889479e+002  7.6e-010 3.64  
44  1.2e-006 1.7e-002 7.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.666859737e+002  1.666888320e+002  6.9e-010 3.73  
45  1.1e-006 1.6e-002 7.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666861552e+002  1.666887277e+002  6.2e-010 3.83  
46  1.0e-006 1.5e-002 6.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.666863185e+002  1.666886338e+002  5.6e-010 3.91  
47  9.1e-007 1.5e-002 5.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666864655e+002  1.666885492e+002  5.0e-010 3.95  
48  8.2e-007 1.4e-002 5.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666865977e+002  1.666884731e+002  4.5e-010 4.09  
49  7.4e-007 1.3e-002 4.7e-005 1.00e+000  1.666867167e+002  1.666884045e+002  4.1e-010 4.16  
50  6.6e-007 1.3e-002 4.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666868238e+002  1.666883428e+002  3.7e-010 4.25  
51  6.0e-007 1.2e-002 3.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666869201e+002  1.666882872e+002  3.3e-010 4.31  
52  5.4e-007 1.2e-002 3.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.666870068e+002  1.666882372e+002  3.0e-010 4.38  
53  4.8e-007 1.1e-002 3.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.666870848e+002  1.666881921e+002  2.7e-010 4.47  
54  4.4e-007 1.1e-002 2.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666871550e+002  1.666881516e+002  2.4e-010 4.55  
55  3.9e-007 1.1e-002 2.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.666872182e+002  1.666881151e+002  2.2e-010 4.67  
56  3.5e-007 1.0e-002 2.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666872750e+002  1.666880822e+002  1.9e-010 4.75  
57  3.2e-007 1.0e-002 2.0e-005 1.00e+000  1.666873262e+002  1.666880527e+002  1.7e-010 4.83  
58  2.9e-007 9.9e-003 1.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666873722e+002  1.666880261e+002  1.6e-010 4.89  
59  2.6e-007 9.7e-003 1.6e-005 1.00e+000  1.666874137e+002  1.666880021e+002  1.4e-010 4.98  
60  2.3e-007 9.5e-003 1.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.666874509e+002  1.666879806e+002  1.3e-010 5.05  
61  2.1e-007 9.3e-003 1.3e-005 1.00e+000  1.666874845e+002  1.666879612e+002  1.1e-010 5.11  
62  1.9e-007 9.2e-003 1.2e-005 9.99e-001  1.666875147e+002  1.666879437e+002  1.0e-010 5.17  
63  1.7e-007 9.0e-003 1.1e-005 9.99e-001  1.666875419e+002  1.666879280e+002  9.3e-011 5.23  
64  1.5e-007 8.9e-003 9.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666875664e+002  1.666879139e+002  8.4e-011 5.31  
65  1.4e-007 8.8e-003 8.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666875884e+002  1.666879011e+002  7.5e-011 5.42  
66  1.2e-007 8.7e-003 7.8e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876082e+002  1.666878897e+002  6.8e-011 5.50  
67  1.1e-007 8.6e-003 7.0e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876261e+002  1.666878794e+002  6.1e-011 5.59  
68  1.0e-007 8.5e-003 6.3e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876421e+002  1.666878701e+002  5.5e-011 5.69  
69  9.0e-008 8.4e-003 5.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876567e+002  1.666878617e+002  4.9e-011 5.78  
70  8.1e-008 8.3e-003 5.1e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876697e+002  1.666878541e+002  4.5e-011 5.89  
71  7.3e-008 8.3e-003 4.6e-006 1.00e+000  1.666876814e+002  1.666878474e+002  4.0e-011 5.98  
72  6.5e-008 8.2e-003 4.2e-006 9.95e-001  1.666876920e+002  1.666878413e+002  3.6e-011 6.16  
73  5.9e-008 8.1e-003 3.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666877015e+002  1.666878359e+002  3.2e-011 6.25  
74  5.3e-008 8.1e-003 3.4e-006 1.00e+000  1.666877101e+002  1.666878309e+002  2.9e-011 6.34  
75  4.8e-008 8.0e-003 3.0e-006 9.86e-001  1.666877177e+002  1.666878265e+002  2.6e-011 6.47  
76  4.3e-008 8.0e-003 2.7e-006 9.99e-001  1.666877246e+002  1.666878226e+002  2.4e-011 6.61  
77  3.9e-008 7.2e-003 2.5e-006 1.00e+000  1.666877309e+002  1.666878189e+002  2.1e-011 6.80  
78  3.5e-008 6.5e-003 2.2e-006 9.89e-001  1.666877365e+002  1.666878155e+002  1.9e-011 6.92  
79  3.2e-008 5.8e-003 2.0e-006 9.95e-001  1.666877416e+002  1.666878126e+002  1.7e-011 7.03  
80  2.8e-008 5.2e-003 1.8e-006 1.02e+000  1.666877464e+002  1.666878098e+002  1.6e-011 7.13  
81  2.6e-008 4.7e-003 1.6e-006 1.02e+000  1.666877507e+002  1.666878073e+002  1.4e-011 7.22  
82  2.3e-008 4.2e-003 1.5e-006 1.02e+000  1.666877546e+002  1.666878051e+002  1.3e-011 7.33  
83  2.1e-008 3.8e-003 1.3e-006 9.88e-001  1.666877578e+002  1.666878033e+002  1.2e-011 7.42  
84  1.9e-008 3.4e-003 1.2e-006 9.80e-001  1.666877607e+002  1.666878016e+002  1.0e-011 7.55  
85  1.7e-008 3.1e-003 1.1e-006 9.96e-001  1.666877633e+002  1.666878002e+002  9.4e-012 7.67  
86  1.5e-008 2.8e-003 9.5e-007 9.53e-001  1.666877656e+002  1.666877989e+002  8.5e-012 7.81  
87  1.4e-008 2.5e-003 8.6e-007 9.92e-001  1.666877677e+002  1.666877977e+002  7.6e-012 7.92  
88  1.2e-008 2.3e-003 7.7e-007 1.07e+000  1.666877703e+002  1.666877961e+002  7.1e-012 8.05  
89  1.1e-008 2.0e-003 6.9e-007 1.11e+000  1.666877728e+002  1.666877946e+002  6.7e-012 8.17  
90  9.9e-009 1.8e-003 6.2e-007 1.03e+000  1.666877743e+002  1.666877937e+002  6.1e-012 8.28  
91  9.6e-009 1.6e-003 5.6e-007 9.86e-001  1.666877756e+002  1.666877927e+002  5.5e-012 8.39  
92  8.8e-009 1.5e-003 5.1e-007 1.01e+000  1.666877768e+002  1.666877921e+002  5.0e-012 8.50  
93  7.9e-009 1.3e-003 4.6e-007 1.37e+000  1.666877777e+002  1.666877919e+002  4.5e-012 8.66  
94  7.8e-009 1.2e-003 4.1e-007 1.02e+000  1.666877787e+002  1.666877913e+002  4.1e-012 8.78  
95  6.9e-009 1.1e-003 3.7e-007 9.07e-001  1.666877795e+002  1.666877908e+002  3.7e-012 8.92  
96  4.4e-004 7.4e-005 2.5e-008 1.07e-001  1.666877884e+002  1.666877896e+002  9.8e-013 9.02  
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 9.03. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 9.22    
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.6668778840e+002   nrm: 9e+001   Viol.  con: 1e-002   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 1.6668778958e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 7e-004 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 9.26 seconds.
result packing took 4.3% of solve time
Solution check warning: sum of nu^T * A did not vanish
solution checking took 0.43% of solve time
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 1897 variables.
MOSEK warning 710: #1 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col '' (6266) of matrix 'A'.
Number of Hessian non-zeros: 1953
* Solving exponential optimization problem on dual form. *
* The following log information refers to the solution of the dual problem. *
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : max             
  Type                   : GECO (general convex optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1898            
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 6469            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 488
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 9
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 2                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.03    
Matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering started.
Local matrix reordering terminated.
Matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer  - threads                : 4               
Optimizer  - solved problem         : the primal      
Optimizer  - Constraints            : 917
Optimizer  - Cones                  : 0
Optimizer  - Scalar variables       : 3579              conic                  : 0               
Optimizer  - Semi-definite variables: 0                 scalarized             : 0               
Factor     - setup time             : 0.05              dense det. time        : 0.00            
Factor     - ML order time          : 0.00              GP order time          : 0.03            
Factor     - nonzeros before factor : 1.53e+004         after factor           : 1.76e+005       
Factor     - dense dim.             : 0                 flops                  : 3.94e+007       
Factor     - GP saved nzs           : 3.36e+004         GP saved flops         : 9.26e+005       
ITE PFEAS    DFEAS    GFEAS    PRSTATUS   POBJ              DOBJ              MU       TIME  
0   2.3e+003 3.0e+003 1.2e+005 0.00e+000  -1.216807368e+005 2.000000000e+000  1.0e+000 0.08  
1   1.6e+003 2.0e+003 8.4e+004 -9.71e-001 -1.208119300e+005 2.766167877e+000  6.9e-001 0.23  
2   7.9e+002 1.0e+003 4.2e+004 -9.57e-001 -1.181419277e+005 5.251584876e+000  3.5e-001 0.39  
3   3.0e+002 3.9e+002 1.6e+004 -9.12e-001 -1.102205141e+005 2.139559489e+001  1.3e-001 0.56  
4   2.8e+002 3.6e+002 1.5e+004 -7.81e-001 -1.068147081e+005 2.266433392e+003  1.2e-001 0.64  
5   1.5e+002 1.9e+002 8.0e+003 -7.53e-001 -9.200863352e+004 5.806400939e+003  6.6e-002 0.72  
6   3.6e+001 4.6e+001 1.9e+003 -5.42e-001 -4.078867856e+004 1.358387784e+004  1.6e-002 0.80  
7   2.0e+001 2.6e+001 1.1e+003 3.26e-001  -2.647607859e+004 7.817977843e+003  8.9e-003 0.88  
8   1.0e+001 1.3e+001 5.5e+002 6.14e-001  -1.467415866e+004 4.384274568e+003  4.6e-003 0.95  
9   4.2e+000 5.4e+000 2.2e+002 8.19e-001  -5.968511128e+003 2.093107765e+003  1.9e-003 1.05  
10  2.3e+000 3.0e+000 1.2e+002 9.46e-001  -3.062806897e+003 1.512091959e+003  1.0e-003 1.14  
11  1.0e+000 1.3e+000 5.5e+001 9.81e-001  -1.245389220e+003 7.772562903e+002  4.6e-004 1.20  
12  9.3e-001 1.2e+000 5.0e+001 9.76e-001  -1.157121484e+003 7.150159415e+002  4.2e-004 1.30  
13  5.7e-001 7.5e-001 3.1e+001 9.79e-001  -6.599832798e+002 5.005654633e+002  2.6e-004 1.44  
14  2.4e-001 5.6e-001 1.3e+001 9.95e-001  -1.870944809e+002 2.975944021e+002  1.1e-004 1.50  
15  1.4e-001 3.5e-001 7.9e+000 1.01e+000  -4.670801050e+001 2.468444104e+002  6.7e-005 1.64  
16  7.1e-002 1.8e-001 3.9e+000 1.01e+000  5.515127804e+001  2.005739396e+002  3.3e-005 1.70  
17  7.0e-002 1.8e-001 3.9e+000 1.02e+000  5.643464776e+001  2.008678244e+002  3.3e-005 1.78  
18  5.7e-002 1.5e-001 3.2e+000 1.02e+000  8.264053715e+001  2.005419010e+002  2.7e-005 1.91  
19  9.6e-003 1.7e-001 5.6e-001 1.00e+000  1.518329560e+002  1.725170173e+002  4.7e-006 2.06  
20  6.3e-003 1.2e-001 3.7e-001 9.99e-001  1.568095927e+002  1.704013495e+002  3.1e-006 2.20  
21  2.2e-003 1.2e-001 1.3e-001 1.01e+000  1.633497514e+002  1.681076571e+002  1.1e-006 2.38  
22  1.5e-003 9.9e-002 9.1e-002 1.00e+000  1.643749084e+002  1.676899101e+002  7.7e-007 2.50  
23  6.2e-004 8.4e-002 3.8e-002 1.00e+000  1.657224826e+002  1.671221363e+002  3.3e-007 2.61  
24  4.1e-004 6.6e-002 2.6e-002 1.01e+000  1.660529879e+002  1.669812438e+002  2.2e-007 2.67  
25  2.2e-004 6.2e-002 1.4e-002 1.01e+000  1.663458667e+002  1.668433702e+002  1.2e-007 2.75  
26  2.0e-004 5.8e-002 1.2e-002 1.01e+000  1.663823577e+002  1.668300533e+002  1.1e-007 2.83  
27  1.8e-004 5.3e-002 1.1e-002 1.01e+000  1.664119755e+002  1.668147821e+002  9.6e-008 2.97  
28  1.6e-004 4.8e-002 1.0e-002 1.01e+000  1.664394248e+002  1.668018423e+002  8.6e-008 3.09  
29  1.5e-004 4.4e-002 9.0e-003 1.01e+000  1.664639092e+002  1.667899914e+002  7.8e-008 3.22  
30  1.3e-004 4.0e-002 8.1e-003 1.01e+000  1.664858964e+002  1.667792950e+002  7.0e-008 3.33  
31  1.2e-004 3.7e-002 7.3e-003 1.01e+000  1.665056323e+002  1.667696296e+002  6.3e-008 3.45  
32  1.1e-004 3.4e-002 6.6e-003 1.01e+000  1.665233529e+002  1.667609004e+002  5.7e-008 3.56  
33  9.5e-005 3.2e-002 5.9e-003 1.01e+000  1.665392625e+002  1.667530147e+002  5.1e-008 3.64  
34  8.6e-005 2.9e-002 5.3e-003 1.01e+000  1.665535449e+002  1.667458890e+002  4.6e-008 3.73  
35  7.7e-005 2.7e-002 4.8e-003 1.00e+000  1.665663651e+002  1.667394482e+002  4.1e-008 3.83  
36  7.0e-005 2.5e-002 4.3e-003 1.00e+000  1.665778718e+002  1.667336251e+002  3.7e-008 3.91  
37  6.3e-005 2.4e-002 3.9e-003 1.00e+000  1.665881989e+002  1.667283597e+002  3.3e-008 3.94  
38  5.6e-005 2.2e-002 3.5e-003 1.00e+000  1.665974676e+002  1.667235985e+002  3.0e-008 3.97  
39  5.1e-005 2.1e-002 3.2e-003 1.00e+000  1.666057867e+002  1.667192934e+002  2.7e-008 4.02  
40  4.6e-005 1.9e-002 2.8e-003 1.00e+000  1.666132545e+002  1.667154016e+002  2.4e-008 4.06  
41  4.1e-005 1.8e-002 2.6e-003 1.00e+000  1.666199588e+002  1.667118842e+002  2.2e-008 4.11  
42  3.7e-005 1.7e-002 2.3e-003 1.00e+000  1.666259784e+002  1.667087056e+002  2.0e-008 4.13  
43  3.3e-005 1.6e-002 2.1e-003 1.00e+000  1.666313838e+002  1.667058339e+002  1.8e-008 4.16  
44  3.0e-005 1.5e-002 1.9e-003 1.00e+000  1.666362382e+002  1.667032397e+002  1.6e-008 4.20  
45  2.7e-005 1.5e-002 1.7e-003 1.00e+000  1.666405980e+002  1.667008965e+002  1.4e-008 4.25  
46  2.4e-005 1.4e-002 1.5e-003 1.00e+000  1.666445139e+002  1.666987803e+002  1.3e-008 4.30  
47  2.2e-005 1.4e-002 1.4e-003 1.00e+000  1.666480313e+002  1.666968694e+002  1.2e-008 4.36  
48  2.0e-005 1.3e-002 1.2e-003 1.00e+000  1.666511911e+002  1.666951441e+002  1.1e-008 4.44  
49  1.8e-005 1.3e-002 1.1e-003 1.00e+000  1.666540302e+002  1.666935867e+002  9.5e-009 4.55  
50  1.6e-005 1.2e-002 9.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.666565813e+002  1.666921814e+002  8.5e-009 4.63  
51  1.4e-005 1.2e-002 8.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.666588741e+002  1.666909135e+002  7.7e-009 4.78  
52  1.3e-005 1.1e-002 8.0e-004 1.00e+000  1.666609347e+002  1.666897697e+002  6.9e-009 4.91  
53  1.2e-005 1.1e-002 7.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.666627867e+002  1.666887378e+002  6.2e-009 4.99  
54  1.0e-005 1.1e-002 6.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666644513e+002  1.666878070e+002  5.6e-009 5.06  
55  9.4e-006 1.1e-002 5.9e-004 1.00e+000  1.666659475e+002  1.666869675e+002  5.0e-009 5.13  
56  8.5e-006 1.0e-002 5.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666672924e+002  1.666862101e+002  4.5e-009 5.24  
57  7.6e-006 1.0e-002 4.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.666685012e+002  1.666855271e+002  4.1e-009 5.31  
58  6.8e-006 9.9e-003 4.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666695878e+002  1.666849110e+002  3.7e-009 5.42  
59  6.2e-006 9.7e-003 3.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.666705646e+002  1.666843554e+002  3.3e-009 5.49  
60  5.5e-006 9.6e-003 3.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666714427e+002  1.666838544e+002  3.0e-009 5.59  
61  5.0e-006 9.4e-003 3.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.666722322e+002  1.666834027e+002  2.7e-009 5.66  
62  4.5e-006 9.3e-003 2.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.666729419e+002  1.666829953e+002  2.4e-009 5.78  
63  4.0e-006 9.2e-003 2.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666735799e+002  1.666826280e+002  2.2e-009 5.86  
64  3.6e-006 9.1e-003 2.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666741536e+002  1.666822968e+002  1.9e-009 5.95  
65  3.3e-006 9.0e-003 2.0e-004 1.00e+000  1.666746693e+002  1.666819983e+002  1.8e-009 6.02  
66  2.9e-006 8.9e-003 1.8e-004 1.00e+000  1.666751330e+002  1.666817291e+002  1.6e-009 6.11  
67  2.7e-006 8.8e-003 1.7e-004 1.00e+000  1.666755499e+002  1.666814864e+002  1.4e-009 6.17  
68  2.4e-006 8.8e-003 1.5e-004 1.00e+000  1.666759248e+002  1.666812676e+002  1.3e-009 6.24  
69  2.1e-006 8.7e-003 1.3e-004 1.00e+000  1.666762619e+002  1.666810705e+002  1.2e-009 6.34  
70  1.9e-006 8.6e-003 1.2e-004 1.00e+000  1.666765652e+002  1.666808929e+002  1.0e-009 6.44  
71  1.7e-006 8.6e-003 1.1e-004 1.00e+000  1.666768379e+002  1.666807328e+002  9.3e-010 6.56  
72  1.6e-006 8.5e-003 9.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666770832e+002  1.666805887e+002  8.4e-010 6.66  
73  1.4e-006 8.5e-003 8.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666773039e+002  1.666804588e+002  7.6e-010 6.75  
74  1.3e-006 8.4e-003 7.9e-005 1.00e+000  1.666775024e+002  1.666803419e+002  6.8e-010 6.84  
75  1.1e-006 8.4e-003 7.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.666776811e+002  1.666802366e+002  6.1e-010 6.92  
76  1.0e-006 8.3e-003 6.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.666778418e+002  1.666801417e+002  5.5e-010 7.02  
77  9.3e-007 8.3e-003 5.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666779864e+002  1.666800564e+002  5.0e-010 7.06  
78  8.3e-007 8.3e-003 5.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666781165e+002  1.666799795e+002  4.5e-010 7.17  
79  7.5e-007 8.2e-003 4.7e-005 1.00e+000  1.666782336e+002  1.666799103e+002  4.0e-010 7.25  
80  6.7e-007 8.2e-003 4.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666783389e+002  1.666798479e+002  3.6e-010 7.34  
81  6.1e-007 8.2e-003 3.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666784337e+002  1.666797919e+002  3.3e-010 7.41  
82  5.5e-007 8.1e-003 3.4e-005 1.00e+000  1.666785190e+002  1.666797414e+002  2.9e-010 7.47  
83  4.9e-007 8.1e-003 3.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.666785958e+002  1.666796959e+002  2.6e-010 7.53  
84  4.4e-007 8.1e-003 2.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666786649e+002  1.666796550e+002  2.4e-010 7.59  
85  4.0e-007 8.0e-003 2.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.666787270e+002  1.666796181e+002  2.1e-010 7.67  
86  3.6e-007 8.0e-003 2.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666787830e+002  1.666795850e+002  1.9e-010 7.75  
87  3.2e-007 8.0e-003 2.0e-005 1.00e+000  1.666788334e+002  1.666795552e+002  1.7e-010 7.83  
88  2.9e-007 8.0e-003 1.8e-005 1.00e+000  1.666788787e+002  1.666795283e+002  1.6e-010 7.88  
89  2.6e-007 8.0e-003 1.6e-005 1.00e+000  1.666789195e+002  1.666795041e+002  1.4e-010 7.99  
90  2.4e-007 7.9e-003 1.5e-005 1.00e+000  1.666789562e+002  1.666794824e+002  1.3e-010 8.05  
91  2.1e-007 7.9e-003 1.3e-005 1.00e+000  1.666789892e+002  1.666794628e+002  1.1e-010 8.11  
92  1.9e-007 7.9e-003 1.2e-005 1.00e+000  1.666790190e+002  1.666794452e+002  1.0e-010 8.23  
93  1.7e-007 7.9e-003 1.1e-005 1.00e+000  1.666790458e+002  1.666794293e+002  9.2e-011 8.33  
94  1.5e-007 7.9e-003 9.6e-006 1.00e+000  1.666790699e+002  1.666794151e+002  8.3e-011 8.42  
95  1.4e-007 7.9e-003 8.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666790916e+002  1.666794022e+002  7.4e-011 8.53  
96  1.2e-007 7.8e-003 7.8e-006 9.99e-001  1.666791111e+002  1.666793907e+002  6.7e-011 8.67  
97  1.1e-007 7.8e-003 7.0e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791287e+002  1.666793803e+002  6.0e-011 8.78  
98  1.0e-007 7.8e-003 6.3e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791445e+002  1.666793710e+002  5.4e-011 8.89  
99  9.1e-008 7.8e-003 5.7e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791587e+002  1.666793626e+002  4.9e-011 9.00  
100 8.2e-008 7.8e-003 5.1e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791716e+002  1.666793550e+002  4.4e-011 9.09  
101 7.4e-008 7.7e-003 4.6e-006 9.97e-001  1.666791831e+002  1.666793482e+002  4.0e-011 9.19  
102 6.6e-008 7.0e-003 4.1e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791936e+002  1.666793420e+002  3.6e-011 9.28  
103 6.0e-008 6.3e-003 3.7e-006 9.98e-001  1.666792029e+002  1.666793365e+002  3.2e-011 9.39  
104 5.4e-008 5.6e-003 3.4e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792114e+002  1.666793315e+002  2.9e-011 9.47  
105 4.8e-008 5.1e-003 3.0e-006 9.91e-001  1.666792189e+002  1.666793271e+002  2.6e-011 9.55  
106 4.4e-008 4.6e-003 2.7e-006 1.01e+000  1.666792260e+002  1.666793225e+002  2.3e-011 9.69  
107 3.9e-008 4.1e-003 2.4e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792322e+002  1.666793188e+002  2.1e-011 9.81  
108 3.5e-008 3.7e-003 2.2e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792377e+002  1.666793157e+002  1.9e-011 9.95  
109 3.2e-008 3.3e-003 2.0e-006 9.90e-001  1.666792426e+002  1.666793128e+002  1.7e-011 10.03 
110 6.5e-008 3.0e-003 1.8e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792470e+002  1.666793105e+002  1.5e-011 10.14 
111 5.8e-008 2.7e-003 1.6e-006 1.03e+000  1.666792515e+002  1.666793078e+002  1.4e-011 10.23 
112 5.2e-008 2.4e-003 1.4e-006 1.02e+000  1.666792553e+002  1.666793055e+002  1.3e-011 10.33 
113 4.3e-007 2.3e-003 3.4e-006 1.00e+000  1.666791876e+002  1.666793043e+002  1.2e-011 10.42 
114 3.6e-007 2.0e-003 3.0e-006 1.03e+000  1.666791801e+002  1.666793118e+002  1.1e-011 10.52 
115 3.3e-007 1.8e-003 2.7e-006 1.01e+000  1.666791899e+002  1.666793102e+002  9.6e-012 10.66 
116 3.0e-007 1.7e-003 2.4e-006 1.04e+000  1.666792016e+002  1.666793072e+002  8.8e-012 10.75 
117 2.7e-007 1.5e-003 2.2e-006 9.98e-001  1.666792101e+002  1.666793052e+002  7.9e-012 10.88 
118 2.4e-007 1.3e-003 2.0e-006 9.89e-001  1.666792178e+002  1.666793034e+002  7.1e-012 10.95 
119 2.2e-007 1.2e-003 1.8e-006 1.02e+000  1.666792254e+002  1.666793016e+002  6.5e-012 11.03 
120 2.0e-007 1.1e-003 1.6e-006 9.77e-001  1.666792315e+002  1.666793002e+002  5.8e-012 11.08 
121 1.8e-007 9.8e-004 1.5e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792360e+002  1.666792989e+002  5.2e-012 11.16 
122 1.6e-007 8.8e-004 1.3e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792406e+002  1.666792977e+002  4.7e-012 11.22 
123 2.2e-006 8.7e-004 1.3e-006 9.93e-001  1.666792417e+002  1.666792972e+002  4.7e-012 11.28 
124 2.7e-006 8.7e-004 1.3e-006 9.66e-001  1.666792419e+002  1.666792971e+002  4.7e-012 11.36 
125 4.7e-006 8.5e-004 1.3e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792414e+002  1.666792978e+002  4.5e-012 11.45 
126 1.0e-005 7.6e-004 1.2e-006 1.00e+000  1.666792403e+002  1.666793007e+002  4.0e-012 11.53 
127 9.7e-006 7.2e-004 1.1e-006 1.04e+000  1.666792441e+002  1.666792992e+002  3.8e-012 11.63 
128 8.7e-006 6.5e-004 9.9e-007 1.03e+000  1.666792487e+002  1.666792981e+002  3.5e-012 11.72 
129 7.8e-006 5.8e-004 8.9e-007 9.31e-001  1.666792522e+002  1.666792973e+002  3.2e-012 11.80 
130 7.1e-006 5.8e-004 2.9e-006 1.00e+000  1.666794459e+002  1.666792972e+002  3.1e-012 11.86 
131 6.4e-006 5.3e-004 2.6e-006 1.05e+000  1.666794226e+002  1.666792954e+002  2.9e-012 11.95 
132 5.8e-006 4.7e-004 2.4e-006 1.00e+000  1.666794126e+002  1.666792946e+002  2.6e-012 12.02 
133 5.2e-006 4.3e-004 2.2e-006 1.08e+000  1.666793869e+002  1.666792925e+002  2.4e-012 12.09 
134 4.7e-006 3.8e-004 2.0e-006 1.09e+000  1.666793727e+002  1.666792917e+002  2.2e-012 12.16 
135 4.7e-006 3.8e-004 2.0e-006 1.00e+000  1.666793732e+002  1.666792917e+002  2.2e-012 12.23 
136 4.5e-006 3.8e-004 2.0e-006 8.39e-001  1.666793732e+002  1.666792918e+002  2.2e-012 12.30 
137 3.6e-006 3.6e-004 1.9e-006 1.05e+000  1.666793654e+002  1.666792911e+002  2.1e-012 12.42 
138 3.2e-006 3.2e-004 1.7e-006 7.61e-001  1.666793524e+002  1.666792902e+002  1.9e-012 12.50 
139 2.8e-006 2.9e-004 1.5e-006 1.00e+000  1.666793565e+002  1.666792909e+002  1.7e-012 12.58 
140 2.5e-006 2.6e-004 1.4e-006 1.03e+000  1.666793488e+002  1.666792905e+002  1.5e-012 12.64 
141 2.3e-006 2.4e-004 1.2e-006 9.75e-001  1.666793425e+002  1.666792901e+002  1.4e-012 12.70 
142 2.1e-006 2.1e-004 1.1e-006 1.01e+000  1.666793367e+002  1.666792898e+002  1.2e-012 12.78 
143 1.9e-006 1.9e-004 1.0e-006 9.00e-001  1.666793335e+002  1.666792897e+002  1.1e-012 12.88 
144 1.7e-006 1.7e-004 9.0e-007 1.00e+000  1.666793292e+002  1.666792895e+002  1.0e-012 12.95 
145 1.5e-006 1.6e-004 8.1e-007 9.52e-001  1.666793251e+002  1.666792893e+002  9.1e-013 13.03 
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 13.05. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 13.06   
solsta = 1, prosta = 1

Interior-point solution summary
  Problem status  : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE
  Solution status : OPTIMAL
  Primal.  obj: 1.6667932506e+002   nrm: 7e+001   Viol.  con: 3e-005   var: 0e+000 
  Dual.    obj: 1.6667928927e+002   nrm: 8e+002   Viol.  con: 0e+000   var: 1e-003 
* End solution on dual form. *
Transforming to primal solution.
Solving took 13.1 seconds.
result packing took 3.3% of solve time
solution checking took 0.58% of solve time
Solving took 6 GP solves and 63.2 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [W_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]... >= W_{avg. pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage*n_{pass}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage_(0,) [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 32774.3346248 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 32399.9999863 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.2%)

Warning: Constraint [2*h_{t_8}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) [J/kg]... >= 2*h_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) + u_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 666056.130786 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 665218.423398 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.13%)

Warning: Constraint [2*h_{t_6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) [J/kg]... >= 2*h_6_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) + u_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/En...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 1201164.20545 joule / kilogram but the right hand side evaluated to 1195173.30076 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.5%)

Warning: Constraint [F_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/En... >= F_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) [N]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 31324.1645123 newton but the right hand side evaluated to 31155.0886451 newton (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.54%)

Warning: Constraint [u_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerformance_(0, 0) [m/s]... >= 0.514*V_Mission/FlightState_(0, 0) + F_{8}_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/ThrustPerforman...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 352.602082876 meter / second but the right hand side evaluated to 351.41908651 newton * second / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.34%)

Warning: Constraint [fp1_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/EnginePerformance/CombustorPerformance_(0, 0)*u_{6}_Mission/Aircraft/Eng... >= 0.514*V_Mission/FlightState_(0, 0) + 0.514*V_Mission/FlightState_(0, 0)*f_Mission/Aircraft/Engine/En...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 408.039520063 meter / second but the right hand side evaluated to 397.648402188 newton * second / kilogram (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 2.6%)

Warning: Constraint [x_m_Mission/Aircraft/LandingGear [m]... >= x_{wing}_Mission/Aircraft/Fuselage [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.956734188 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 17.741634975 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 12%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0... >= x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.7487798176 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.5950647589 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.78%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0... >= x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.7487798176 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.594922639 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.78%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0... >= x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.7487798176 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.5945512023 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.78%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0) + ma... >= SM_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.26572509677733913 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.18257926433584876 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.5%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0) + ma... >= SM_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.265684363282791 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.1825693683237871 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.5%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0) + ma... >= SM_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.2655771013863127 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.18254329261581811 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.5%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 14.185253004634387 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.636782726318836 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 60%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 12.537298029874043 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.636741843637411 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 55%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP/HorizontalTailPerformance_(2, 0)*C_{L}_Mission/Clim... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/ClimbSegment/ClimbP/AircraftP_(2, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 10.191590047557984 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.636634994897685 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 45%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.7487798176 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.5939536968 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.78%)

Warning: Constraint [0.25*\Delta x_{AC_{wing}}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing + x_{NP}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(... >= x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) [m]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 19.7487798176 meter but the right hand side evaluated to 19.5936355245 meter (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 0.79%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0) ... >= SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.26540547616957555 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.18250157748419654 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.5%)

Warning: Constraint [-mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{CG}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0) ... >= SM_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.26558342705216487 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.1825444990981169 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 1.5%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(0, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(0, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 8.56706939709845 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.6364631144517485 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 34%)

Warning: Constraint [C_{L_{ht}}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1/HorizontalTailPerformance.1_(1, 0)*C_{L}_Missio... >= mac_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct**-1*x_{AC}_Mission/CruiseSegment/CruiseP/AircraftP.1_(1, 0)...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 8.508483429489313 but the right hand side evaluated to 5.636371587921675 (Allowable error: 0.1%, Actual error: 34%)

Solves with these variables bounded:
   value near lower bound: CruiseAlt_Mission
   value near upper bound: A_{tri}_Mission/Aircraft/Wing/WingNoStruct, TotalTime_Mission

Running tests...
Ran 1 test in 74.215s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'solar'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas) (1.11.0)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-601u4d
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pc8j1q\wheels\d5\94\ac\b1f68b07599181f26f4b9149a1a6d49dfc5cdbc65de1a14d12
Successfully built gpfit
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-ehubef
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gassolar== from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gassolar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas->gassolar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gassolar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-mxad8n\wheels\fe\11\0a\2dde16df75c51194d20248ec9e30e88fc7200e9fc4664b032e
Successfully built gassolar
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\solar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from solar== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from solar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from solar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from solar== (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from solar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkitmodels in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek (from solar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas->solar== (1.11.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: solar
  Running bdist_wheel for solar: started
  Running bdist_wheel for solar: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-tmc27x\wheels\f4\d5\5c\e37fedf74a44fbd5641b13d5622b97d759218ff594b631174a
Successfully built solar
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: solar
Successfully installed solar-

Running tests...
ERROR [3.553s]: test_solar_npod_trade_py_mosek (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 47, in test
  File "", line 14, in pods
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 633, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

ERROR [0.644s]: test_solar_npod_trade_py_mosek_cli (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 47, in test
  File "", line 14, in pods
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 633, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

ERROR [0.853s]: test_solar_season_py_mosek (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 62, in test
  File "", line 23, in season
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 637, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

ERROR [0.424s]: test_solar_season_py_mosek_cli (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 62, in test
  File "", line 23, in season
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 637, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

ERROR [1.348s]: test_solar_sens_chart_py_mosek (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 95, in test
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 633, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

ERROR [0.517s]: test_solar_sens_chart_py_mosek_cli (gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 62, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 50, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gadding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'
plibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\tests\", line 39, in test_fn
  File "", line 95, in test
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 633, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
  File "", line 479, in setup
  File "c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\constraints\", line 61, in __init__
    cs = self.setup(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=no-member
TypeError: setup() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sp'

Ran 6 tests in 7.340s

FAILED (errors=6)

Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'gplibrary'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (0.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2017.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.9.0 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas) (1.11.0)
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-_2xxk5
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\venv2_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (
Requirement already satisfied: pint>=0.7 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpfit: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-vrcqjh\wheels\4d\4b\2e\9480645acbe8d32004b09b3732f616bbb2a9ee75e4526f058f
Successfully built gpfit
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_pr_models\mosek\gplibrary
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.8.1)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Running bdist_wheel for gpkitmodels: started
  Running bdist_wheel for gpkitmodels: finished with status 'done'
  Stored in directory: c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-aky6qr\wheels\a3\80\70\6d80d6b876aaa160fc8dda3c238a4f64c571e65f335a009034
Successfully built gpkitmodels
grin 1.2.1 requires argparse>=1.1, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Found existing installation: gpkitmodels
    Uninstalling gpkitmodels-
      Successfully uninstalled gpkitmodels-
Successfully installed gpkitmodels-
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/wing/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/fuselage/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/prop/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/motor/'
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.035 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 11 variables.
Solving took 0.092 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.045 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.036 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.021 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 2.28 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.00655602 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0066%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.544365974 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041410147 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.420585770106 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.420572990016 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.003%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.314645025369 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629886558 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0048%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.168936437105 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931602656 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0639642340241 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0639631339331 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0017%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.022635653157 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.022635400201 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0011%)

Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 9 variables.
Solving took 0.166 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.155 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 25 variables.
Solving took 0.163 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 16 GP solves and 5.27 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dT_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,) + dT_BladeElem... >= T_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp [lbf]...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 100.00654283 force_pound but the right hand side evaluated to 100.0 force_pound (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0065%)

Warning: Constraint [omega_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*r_BladeElem... >= Wt_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) + vt_BladeElem...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 985.544204024 meter * revolutions_per_minute but the right hand side evaluated to 103.041408907 meter / second (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.16%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.420586072554 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.420572864981 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0031%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.314644954858 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.314629811505 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0048%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(2,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.168936403241 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.168931574136 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0029%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0639643128937 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.063963204361 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0017%)

Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**-2*F_Bla... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElement_Propulsor_Test/PropulsorPerf.2/BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(4,)**2*G_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 0.0226356655222 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 0.0226353975935 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0012%)

Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 13 variables.
Solving took 0.022 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 1.95 seconds.
Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619897.8516 but bound is 700000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 13 variables.
Solving took 0.099 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Solving took 11 GP solves and 3.56 seconds.
Warning: Constraint [dQ_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,) [N*m]... >= B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(3,)*Wa_BladeElementPro...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 42.7884411703 meter * newton but the right hand side evaluated to 42.7884844846 kilogram * meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.0001%)

Warning: Variable [cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), cl_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), cl_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable [Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(0,), Re_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,), Re_BladeEleme could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619891.9379 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Constraint [0.151*B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**-2*F_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*R_Pro... >= 0.00633*B_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*G_BladeElementProp/BladeElementPerf_(1,)**2*r_Bl...] is not tight because the left hand side evaluated to 3.18328269931 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 but the right hand side evaluated to 3.18327922145 meter ** 2 / second ** 2 (Allowable error: 0.0001%, Actual error: 0.00011%)

Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220953.3838 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499787.9776 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223878.3883 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223877.9590 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.6787 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.7665 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220959.7939 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499796.7837 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.2 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.3 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1860712.4314 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.4 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_TailAero.5 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1884891.6332 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656770.1579 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656769.2019 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable Re_WingAero.1 could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1656769.2019 but bound is 700000.0000

Running tests...
Ran 10 tests in 20.879s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'eVTOL'...
adding test for ''

Running tests...
Ran 2 tests in 2.165s


Generating XML reports...
calling ['pip', 'install', '--no-cache-dir', '--no-deps', '-e', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {})

calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt, mosek_cli', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt, mosek_cli', 'pip install': 'git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt', 'pip install': 'pandas, git+, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {})

(venv2_gpkit) (base) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek>exit 0 
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' changed build result to FAILURE
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing JUnit
[xUnit] [INFO] - [JUnit] - 8 test report file(s) were found with the pattern '**/test_reports/*.xml, **/test_reports_nounits/*.xml' relative to 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\gplibrary_PR_Models\mosek' for the testing framework 'JUnit'.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to FAILURE
[xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...[WS-CLEANUP] done
Finished: FAILURE