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gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles.test_gpkitmodels_GP_aircraft_motor_motor_test_py_mosek (from gpkit.tests.from_paths.TestFiles-20190901141105)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #191 )
Took 4 ms.

Error Message

'str' object is not callable


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_Push_Models/mosek/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 64, in test
    testfn(name, import_dict, path)(self)
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_Push_Models/mosek/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 51, in <lambda>
    lambda self: getattr(self, name)()))  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_Push_Models/mosek/gpkit/gpkit/tests/", line 37, in test_fn
    mod = __import__(os.path.basename(path)[:-3])
  File "", line 2, in <module>
  File "", line 4, in <module>
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_Push_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/prop/", line 9, in <module>
    class ActuatorProp(Model):
  File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/gplibrary_Push_Models/mosek/venv2_gpkit/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/prop/", line 36, in ActuatorProp
    @parse_variables(__doc__, globals())
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

Standard Output

SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (3e+03) than the previous one (2.7e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (3e+03) than the previous one (2.7e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (3.4e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (3.4e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
SP is not converging! Last GP iteration had a higher cost (4.3e+03) than the previous one (4.3e+03). Results for each iteration are in (Model).program.results. If your model contains SignomialEqualities, note that convergence is not guaranteed: try replacing any SigEqs you can and solving again.
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0105 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0126 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0124 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0122 seconds.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 0.0534 seconds.
Beginning signomial solve.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0412 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.0411 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.038 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
Solving for 20 variables.
Solving took 0.038 seconds.
Solving took 4 GP solves and 0.18 seconds.

Standard Error