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Build History trend
EGADS 2037 OpenCSM 2476
EGADS 2035 OpenCSM 2476
EGADS 2034 OpenCSM 2476
EGADS 2033 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2032 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2030 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2029 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2028 OpenCSM 2474


#806 (Apr 19, 2024, 11:21:08 PM)

  1. add lred, lgreen, and lblue to ESP-help; adjust for new EG_matchBody* definitions; add joinSphereBox test case; fix recently-added bug associated with scribing SolidBodys; add verification testing for ESP/examples; add testExamples target to Makefile.DARWIN64; in udpSew, do not report degenerate Edges as non-manifold; keep user attributes on Edges of xsect after EXTRUDE and REVOLVE operations; keep user attributes on Edges after EXTRACT operation; update _edgeID for non-manifold Edges created by making a hole; update edgeIDtest* test cases — jfdannen / detail
  2. Allow for NULLs as inputs to the returned egos in getInfo — haimes / detail
  3. Allow for the coping of all attributes in replaceFace — haimes / detail

#805 (Apr 15, 2024, 11:21:07 PM)

  1. Fix tolScale bug — galbramc / detail
  2. Add lred, lgreen, and lblue to STEP/IGES IO — galbramc / detail
  3. Suppress missaligned memory for OCC 7.8 — galbramc / detail
  4. Look for stanalizer runtime errors — galbramc / detail

#804 (Apr 12, 2024, 11:21:11 PM)

  1. Avoid segfault when IGES file lacks units — galbramc / detail

#803 (Apr 8, 2024, 11:21:10 PM)

  1. fix bug that causes output from pyscript to be lost if the pyscript uses os.chdir; fix bug that can lose attributes when SUBTRACTing two co-planar SheetBodys; add plateHoles* test cases; update _edgeID documentation in OpenCSM.h and ESP-help; change SUBTRACTion of two co-planar SheetBodys so that the tool always pokes a hole in the source (instead of scribing the source as was previously done if the source and tool intersect); update scribe11* and subtract7* test cases; if any boolean fails, leave the stack unchanged; add scribeAll argument to SUBTRACT to scribe Edges even when they are coincident with a Face; add scribe12* test cases — jfdannen / detail
  2. Fix EG_matchBody functions — galbramc / detail

#802 (Apr 3, 2024, 11:21:07 PM)

  1. Upgrade ESP config to Python 3.11.9 — galbramc / detail

#801 (Apr 1, 2024, 11:21:07 PM)

  1. Further propagate Name attribute in step files — galbramc / detail
  2. Revert last commit — galbramc / detail

#800 (Mar 29, 2024, 11:21:10 PM)

  1. Use face bbx in EG_matchBodyFaces — galbramc / detail

#799 (Mar 18, 2024, 11:21:08 PM)

  1. fix bug when selecting with xmin=xmax, ymi=ymax, and zmin=zmax; update bentWaffle test case — jfdannen / detail
  2. Remove memory leaks from UVMAP when reporting errors — haimes / detail
  3. Supprees fighter4 with OCC 7.8 — galbramc / detail

#798 (Mar 15, 2024, 7:39:43 AM)

  1. Protect against segFaults for unusual situations in UVMAP — haimes / detail
  2. Suppress lint — galbramc / detail
  3. Enable FullAttr for EG_imprintBody — galbramc / detail