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  1. 0032666: Data Exchange - Cannot write STEP file from an XCAF document containing only triangulations in the faces (details)
  2. 0033515: Modeling Algorithm - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape poduces wrong result (details)
  3. 0033491: Data Exchange, Step Import - Incorrect import of ComplexTriangulatedFace (details)
Commit 58390c4eb1d6f455db61db004e69738e55452716 by ichesnok
0032666: Data Exchange - Cannot write STEP file from an XCAF document containing only triangulations in the faces

Added support of reading and writing of the triangulated_surface_set.
Prevented creation of tesselated geometry under the schemas different from AP242DIS.
test step_read corrected, switched parameter write.step.schema to AP242DIS in begin and back to AP214CD at the end
The file was modified src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_Builder.cxx
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_Builder.hxx
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.cxx
The file was modified src/StepVisual/FILES
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.hxx
The file was modified src/StepAP214/StepAP214_Protocol.cxx
The file was modified src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeTessellatedItem.cxx
The file was modified tests/de_mesh/step_read/end
The file was modified src/RWStepAP214/RWStepAP214_GeneralModule.cxx
The file was addedsrc/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWTriangulatedSurfaceSet.cxx
The file was modified tests/de_mesh/step_write/begin
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_Builder.cxx
The file was modified src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeShellBasedSurfaceModel.cxx
The file was addedsrc/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedSurfaceSet.hxx
The file was modified src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedFace.hxx
The file was modified tests/de_mesh/step_write/end
The file was addedsrc/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedSurfaceSet.cxx
The file was modified src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeTessellatedItem.hxx
The file was modified src/RWStepVisual/FILES
The file was addedsrc/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWTriangulatedSurfaceSet.hxx
The file was modified tests/de_mesh/step_read/begin
The file was modified src/RWStepAP214/RWStepAP214_ReadWriteModule.cxx
The file was modified src/STEPControl/STEPControl_ActorRead.cxx
The file was modified src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedFace.cxx
The file was addedtests/de_mesh/step_write/D2
The file was addedtests/de_mesh/step_write/D1
Commit f0c6e6fc8d1862414826b07cb485d950a45e7efb by vglukhik
0033515: Modeling Algorithm - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape poduces wrong result

Changed redundant square operation
The file was modified src/Extrema/Extrema_GlobOptFuncCC.cxx
The file was addedtests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33515
The file was modified tests/perf/modalg/bug32539_1
The file was modified tests/perf/modalg/bug32539_2
The file was modified tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug32882
The file was modified src/Extrema/Extrema_GenExtCC.gxx
Commit 588ee924e4772389438621106d37144abb694b14 by ichesnok
0033491: Data Exchange, Step Import - Incorrect import of ComplexTriangulatedFace

Reading and writing of triangle_strips and triangle_fans has been corrected in RWStepVisual_RWComplexTriangulatedFace.cxx file. And corresponding corrections have been added to other files.
The file was modified src/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWComplexTriangulatedFace.cxx
The file was modified tests/de_mesh/step_read/A2
The file was modified src/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWTessellatedShapeRepresentation.cxx
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.hxx
The file was modified src/StepVisual/StepVisual_ComplexTriangulatedFace.hxx
The file was modified src/StepVisual/StepVisual_ComplexTriangulatedFace.cxx
The file was modified src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.cxx