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#330 (Jan 28, 2024, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. increase number of iterations to match point count on opposite Edges in a Face in udfCreateBEM — jfdannen / detail
  2. add metaMaterial test case; allow tilde (~) in strings; in BLEND, allow 3 consecutive C1 xsects if .C1side is specified on the middle one(s); add more blend23* test cases; update udfDroop so that cross-section does not have to be in unit-chord standard position; update udfDroop so that it works with a blunt trailing edge; add droop9* test cases; allow arbitrary paths for UDCs; add udprim4 and udprim5 test cases (udprim1 to udprim3 have jfdannen absolute addresses and are not tested by Jenkins) — jfdannen / detail
  3. Fix Node return in localToGlobal by not looking at Degenerate Edges — haimes / detail

#329 (Jan 21, 2024, 6:43:12 PM)

  1. Uprev DARWIN configs — haimes / detail
  2. Fix warning — galbramc / detail
  3. Fix compile error on Linux — galbramc / detail
  4. Fix typo — galbramc / detail
  5. EGADS redme update for Windoze download — haimes / detail
  6. Missed files — galbramc / detail
  7. Uprev EGADS. Add Face Color attribute for STEP/IGES — galbramc / detail

#328 (Jan 14, 2024, 6:43:11 PM)

  1. allow DisplayFilter to select everything that does not match a pattern; update ESP-help near end of tutorial 1; add displayFilter2 test case — jfdannen / detail
  2. uprev to v1.25 (ESP.html, ESP-localhost.html, ESP-help.html, OpenCSM.h, ocsm.rc, ESP_QuickReference.tex); fix memory leak in RULE and BLEND when reorder=1 or -1 for open xsects; add rule30* and blend30* test cases; fix bug that did not reorder xsects in RULE and BLEND when xsect contains only one Edge — jfdannen / detail
  3. Update training material comment in README — galbramc / detail
  4. Compile Tutorial.pdf — galbramc / detail

#326 (Dec 31, 2023, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. fix ESP bug that did not exit pyscript properly; update version number in some tutorial files; update testScript.txt — jfdannen / detail
  2. Pointwise leak suppression — galbramc / detail
  3. Upgrade Pointwise for new license — galbramc / detail

#324 (Dec 24, 2023, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. allow assert_failed signal to be caught; check that arguments to COMBINE command are all valid Edge and/or Face numbers; fix bug in serveESP that seg faulted when a DESPMTR exceeded its LBOUND or UBOUND in the .csm file; fix memory leak associated with private data in UDP/UDFs; fix bug in GROUP command when ngroup was positive; update group5 test case and its verification data; start to modify ESP-help to include examples — jfdannen / detail
  2. fix undefined variable associated with degenerate Edges when using udfOffset — jfdannen / detail
  3. Remove MACOSX from makeEnv — galbramc / detail
  4. Add macOS 14 to makeEnv — galbramc / detail
  5. Add more checks on Julia version and ESP env for jlEGADS — galbramc / detail
  6. Update EGADS copyright — galbramc / detail
  7. Uptrade asan path to 15.0.0 — galbramc / detail

#323 (Dec 19, 2023, 7:10:28 PM)

  1. add deprecation warnings to all .csm/.udc/.cpc files that use LOFT, MACBEG, MACEND, and RECALL — jfdannen / detail
  2. update sensitivity calculations in udpParsec; add capNacelle*, testAdjoint6, and testAdjoint7 test cases; change copyright dates from 2023 to 2024 — jfdannen / detail
  3. fix bug in ocsmCopy that seg faulted when a Branch name exceeded 11 characters — jfdannen / detail
  4. re-add duplicate libraries for linking (even though latest linker will issue a warning) — jfdannen / detail
  5. fix udp.def for udpPost — jfdannen / detail
  6. try to eliminate duplicate library warnings when linking — jfdannen / detail
  7. fix bug in transferring Edge attributes when SUBTRACTing a SheetBody from another SheetBody (due to an OpenCASCADE error); fix bug that (erroneously) evalauted arguments to ELSEIF even when the matching IFTHEN evaluated to true; provide udps.ndotchg to tell it any inputs to sensitivities have changed since previous call for sensitivities; provide COPYUDPDATA to copy private data in UDP/UDFs — jfdannen / detail
  8. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  9. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  10. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  11. update udp.def for Windoze — jfdannen / detail
  12. refactor UDP/UDF global storage — jfdannen / detail
  13. change copyright date from 2023 to 2024 — jfdannen / detail
  14. Update README release in January 2024 — galbramc / detail
  15. Suppress gfortran link warnings on macOS — galbramc / detail
  16. Remove more undefined error link warnings. Stanalizer fixes — galbramc / detail
  17. More link warning suppression on macOS — galbramc / detail
  18. Remove depricated macOS undefined error link flag — galbramc / detail
  19. EGADS doc fixes — galbramc / detail
  20. Comment out IRIT — galbramc / detail
  21. Only suppress link warnings on macOS — galbramc / detail
  22. Suppress link warnings with PYTHONLIB — galbramc / detail

#322 (Dec 11, 2023, 4:11:30 AM)

  1. fix the code that finds the (non-manifold) Edge velocities generated by a Boolean operation on SheetBodys as well as SolidBodys; update ESP to account for new arguments to DUMP command; fix bug in copying UDP/UDF data that was identified by memcheck; fix bug with optional last argument to DUMP; fix bug associated with copying bodyList in ocsmCopy; print triangle and quadrilateral count when writing .obj file — jfdannen / detail

#321 (Dec 3, 2023, 6:43:08 PM)

  1. fix bug in the pattern counter when executing PATBREAK — jfdannen / detail
  2. make UDP/UDFs thread-safe.  THIS REQUIRED A CHANGE IN ALL UDP/UDFs.  See OpenCSM/src/ for information — jfdannen / detail
  3. fixed bug when using a UDP/UDF that returns a value and finite difference sensitivities are being computed; fix compiler warning associated with _viz attribute; clean up memory at end of ocsmAdjoint — jfdannen / detail
  4. added _grd, _trn, and _ori attributes to change initial settings for Faces and Edges; fix RALLOC so that it can be thread-safe — jfdannen / detail
  5. update udp.def in udpTire folder — jfdannen / detail
  6. update to account for UDP/UDF changes — jfdannen / detail