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Skipping 509 KB.. Full Log
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2    |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 0.599490 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0597577. Standard deviation K: 0.944969.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        12.1484|         82.942|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|              2|        1687.12|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|    3.17285e+32|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|      5288|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|       964|    1/5.49|   8.50524|
|         2|       196|    1/4.92|   7.50189|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1267e-01|   -0.345935|    1.969381|    1.615699|    5.123171|   -2.373018|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1583e-01|   -0.399746|    1.988583|    1.939955|    5.057869|   -2.789359|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1460e-01|   -0.588708|    2.009056|    1.978355|    4.881283|   -2.935407|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.588708|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Top' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.115116e+09, tgt = 3.115116e+09, diff = 1.161148e+00
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Bottom' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.022903e+09, tgt = 3.022903e+09, diff = 1.241297e+01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Tip' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.795541e+07, tgt = 3.795541e+07, diff = 7.450581e-09
Extracting external pressure loads from data transfer....
	TransferName = Skin_Top
	Number of Elements = 8 (total = 8)
	TransferName = Skin_Bottom
	Number of Elements = 8 (total = 16)
	TransferName = Skin_Tip
	Number of Elements = 2 (total = 18)

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2    |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 0.567279 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0597577. Standard deviation K: 0.944969.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        12.1484|         82.942|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|              2|        1687.12|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|    3.17285e+32|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|      5288|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|       964|    1/5.49|   8.50524|
|         2|       196|    1/4.92|   7.50189|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.3163e-01|   -0.345935|    1.969381|    1.615699|    5.123171|   -2.373018|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.3170e-01|   -0.399746|    1.988583|    1.939955|    5.057869|   -2.789359|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.3308e-01|   -0.588708|    2.009056|    1.978355|    4.881283|   -2.935407|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.588708|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Top' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.115116e+09, tgt = 3.115116e+09, diff = 1.161148e+00
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Bottom' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.022903e+09, tgt = 3.022903e+09, diff = 1.241297e+01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Tip' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.795541e+07, tgt = 3.795541e+07, diff = 7.450581e-09
Extracting external pressure loads from data transfer....
	TransferName = Skin_Top
	Number of Elements = 8 (total = 8)
	TransferName = Skin_Bottom
	Number of Elements = 8 (total = 16)
	TransferName = Skin_Tip
	Number of Elements = 2 (total = 18)

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelasticSimple_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.su2    |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 0.595381 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
5288 grid points.
21234 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
6898 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
21234 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0597577. Standard deviation K: 0.944969.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        12.1484|         82.942|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|              2|        1687.12|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|    3.17285e+32|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|      5288|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|       964|    1/5.49|   8.50524|
|         2|       196|    1/4.92|   7.50189|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1716e-01|   -0.345935|    1.969381|    1.615699|    5.123171|   -2.373018|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1553e-01|   -0.399746|    1.988583|    1.939955|    5.057869|   -2.789359|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  1.1599e-01|   -0.588708|    2.009056|    1.978355|    4.881283|   -2.935407|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.588708|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelasticSimple_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2
Cl =  -0.478481
Cd =  0.163003

real	0m14.273s
user	0m12.126s
sys	0m2.813s
+ status=0
+ set +x

CAPS verification (using pyCAPS) case passed (as expected)

+ echo ' test;'
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/regressionTest/pyCAPSlog.txt test;
+ python -u -outLevel=0
+ tee -a /Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64/ESP/DARWIN64/examples/regressionTest/pyCAPSlog.txt

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = SymmPlane, index = 2
	Name = Skin, index = 3
Mapping capsMesh attributes ................
	Number of unique capsMesh attributes = 0
Getting surface mesh for body 1 (of 1)
Body 1 (of 1)
Number of nodes    = 8968
Number of elements = 17932
Number of node elements          = 0
Number of line elements          = 0
Number of triangle elements      = 17932
Number of quadrilateral elements = 0
Total number of nodes    = 8968
Total number of elements = 17932
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Farfield, index = 1
	Name = SymmPlane, index = 2
	Name = Skin, index = 3
Number of surface: nodes - 8968, elements - 17932
Getting volume mesh

Generating volume mesh using TetGen.....

Tetgen input string = pYq1.500/0.000QT1.00e-16A
Done meshing using TetGen!

Writing SU2 file ....
Finished writing SU2 file

Getting CFD boundary conditions
	Boundary condition name - Farfield
	Boundary condition name - Skin
	Boundary condition name - SymmPlane
	Done getting CFD boundary conditions
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelastic_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0233245. Standard deviation K: 0.591062.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        9.00721|        83.7264|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|        1.89501|        3934.92|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|        47574.9|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|     13540|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|      2467|    1/5.49|    8.5037|
|         2|       465|    1/5.31|   7.31353|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.0399e-01|   -0.550098|    1.765217|    1.411536|    4.919008|   -2.351334|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.1786e-01|   -0.568563|    1.782908|    1.698975|    4.886978|   -3.089687|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.1080e-01|   -0.812657|    1.767330|    1.694328|    4.659109|   -3.554805|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.812657|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt   |

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Mapping Csys attributes ................
	Number of unique Csys attributes = 0

Getting FEA coordinate systems.......
	Number of coordinate systems - 0
	No coordinate systems found - defaulting to global
Mapping capsConstraint attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConstraint attributes = 1
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 1
Mapping capsLoad attributes ................
	Number of unique capsLoad attributes = 0
Mapping capsBound attributes ................
	Number of unique capsBound attributes = 3
	Name = Skin_Top, index = 1
	Name = Skin_Bottom, index = 2
	Name = Skin_Tip, index = 3
Mapping capsConnect attributes ................
	Number of unique capsConnect attributes = 0
Mapping capsResponse attributes ................
	Number of unique capsResponse attributes = 0
Mapping capsReference attributes ................
	Number of unique capsReference attributes = 0
Mapping capsGroup attributes ................
	Number of unique capsGroup attributes = 3
	Name = Ribs_and_Spars, index = 1
	Name = Skin, index = 2
	Name = Rib_Root, index = 3
Creating FEA BEM
	Getting quads for BEM!
	Mesh for body = 0
	Number of nodal coordinates = 131
	Number of elements = 188
	Elemental Nodes = 0
	Elemental Rods  = 0
	Elemental Tria3 = 40
	Elemental Quad4 = 148
Aero_Reference value is NULL - No aero reference parameters set

Getting FEA materials.......
	Number of materials - 2
	Material name - Madeupium
	Material name - Unobtainium
	Done getting FEA materials

Getting FEA properties.......
	Number of properties - 3
	Property name - Rib_Root
	Property name - Ribs_and_Spars
	Property name - Skin
	Done getting FEA properties
Updating mesh element types based on properties input

Getting FEA constraints.......
	Number of constraints - 1
	Constraint name - edgeConstraint
	No "constraintType" specified for Constraint tuple edgeConstraint, defaulting to "ZeroDisplacement"
	Done getting FEA constraints
Support tuple is NULL - No supports applied
Connect tuple is NULL - Using defaults

Getting FEA loads.......
	Number of loads - 1
	Load name - pressureAero
	No "groupName" specified for Load tuple pressureAero, going to use load name
	Done getting FEA loads
Optimization Control tuple is NULL - Default optimization control is used

Getting FEA optimization control.......
Done getting FEA Optimization Control
Design_Variable tuple is NULL - No design variables applied
Design_Constraint tuple is NULL - No design constraints applied
Analysis tuple is NULL

Getting FEA analyses.......
	Number of analyses - 1
	Analysis name - Default
	Done getting FEA analyses
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Top' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.114240e+09, tgt = 3.114240e+09, diff = 1.710851e+01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Bottom' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.019527e+09, tgt = 3.019527e+09, diff = 8.043470e-01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Tip' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.788709e+07, tgt = 3.788708e+07, diff = 8.991636e+00
Extracting external pressure loads from data transfer....
	TransferName = Skin_Top
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 48)
	TransferName = Skin_Bottom
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 96)
	TransferName = Skin_Tip
	Number of Elements = 12 (total = 108)

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelastic_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelastic_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelastic_Iterative.su2          |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 2.379173 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0233245. Standard deviation K: 0.591062.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        9.00721|        83.7264|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|        1.89501|        3934.92|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|        47574.9|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|     13540|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|      2467|    1/5.49|    8.5037|
|         2|       465|    1/5.31|   7.31353|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.3023e-01|   -0.550098|    1.765217|    1.411536|    4.919008|   -2.351334|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.4809e-01|   -0.568563|    1.782908|    1.698975|    4.886978|   -3.089687|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.3919e-01|   -0.812657|    1.767330|    1.694328|    4.659109|   -3.554805|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.812657|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt   |

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Top' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.114240e+09, tgt = 3.114240e+09, diff = 1.710851e+01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Bottom' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.019527e+09, tgt = 3.019527e+09, diff = 8.043470e-01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Tip' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.788709e+07, tgt = 3.788708e+07, diff = 8.991636e+00
Extracting external pressure loads from data transfer....
	TransferName = Skin_Top
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 48)
	TransferName = Skin_Bottom
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 96)
	TransferName = Skin_Tip
	Number of Elements = 12 (total = 108)

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelastic_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelastic_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelastic_Iterative.su2          |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 2.449208 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0233245. Standard deviation K: 0.591062.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        9.00721|        83.7264|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|        1.89501|        3934.92|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|        47574.9|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|     13540|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|      2467|    1/5.49|    8.5037|
|         2|       465|    1/5.31|   7.31353|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.4787e-01|   -0.550098|    1.765217|    1.411536|    4.919008|   -2.351334|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.1088e-01|   -0.568563|    1.782908|    1.698975|    4.886978|   -3.089687|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  2.9926e-01|   -0.812657|    1.767330|    1.694328|    4.659109|   -3.554805|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.812657|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt   |

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

Running PreAnalysis ...... su2
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Top' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.114240e+09, tgt = 3.114240e+09, diff = 1.710851e+01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Bottom' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.019527e+09, tgt = 3.019527e+09, diff = 8.043470e-01
Reading SU2 AeroLoad File - surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv
	Number of variables = 13
	Number of data points = 25
 CAPS Info: Bound 'Skin_Tip' Normalized Integrated 'Pressure'
            Rank 0: src = 3.788709e+07, tgt = 3.788708e+07, diff = 8.991636e+00
Extracting external pressure loads from data transfer....
	TransferName = Skin_Top
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 48)
	TransferName = Skin_Bottom
	Number of Elements = 48 (total = 96)
	TransferName = Skin_Tip
	Number of Elements = 12 (total = 108)

Writing Astros grid and connectivity file (in free field format) ....
Finished writing Astros grid file

Writing subElement types (if any) - appending mesh file

Writing Astros instruction file....
	Writing analysis cards
	Writing load ADD cards
	Writing constraint cards--each subcase individually
	Writing load cards
	Writing material cards
	Writing property cards
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Writing SU2 data transfer files
Writing SU2 Motion File - aeroelastic_Iterative_motion.dat
Warning: The su2 cfg file will be overwritten!
Write SU2 configuration file for version "BlackBird (7.4.0) "

Running SU2......

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Mesh Deformation Code)                     |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

---------------- Grid deformation parameters ( Zone 0 )  ----------------
Grid deformation using a linear elasticity method.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
Output mesh file name: aeroelastic_Iterative.su2. 
Cell stiffness scaled by distance to nearest solid surface.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.

----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------
Setting local point connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation of the interior elements.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identify edges and vertices.
Setting the bound control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
  Info: Ignoring the following volume output fields/groups:
Volume output fields: COORDINATES
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, TIME_DOMAIN, WALL_TIME
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for convergence monitoring. Convergence monitoring inactive.
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

--------------------- Surface grid deformation (ZONE 0) -----------------
Performing the deformation of the surface grid.
Updating the surface coordinates from the input file.

------------------- Volumetric grid deformation (ZONE 0) ----------------
Performing the deformation of the volumetric grid.

WARNING: Convexity is not checked for 3D elements (issue #1171).

----------------------- Write deformed grid files -----------------------
|SU2 mesh                           |aeroelastic_Iterative.su2          |
|CSV file                           |surface_deformed.csv               |
|Tecplot binary                     |volume_deformed.szplt              |
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_deformed.szplt             |
Adding any FFD information to the SU2 file.

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted COutput class.

Completed in 2.233843 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DEF) ------------------------

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.4.0 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 Project Website:                        |
|                                                                       |
| The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation                   |
| (                                            |
| Copyright 2012-2022, SU2 Contributors                                 |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          |
| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    |
|                                                                       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License for more details.                       |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      |
| License along with SU2. If not, see <>.   |

Parsing config file for zone 0

----------------- Physical Case Definition ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Compressible Euler equations.
Mach number: 0.294118.
Angle of attack (AoA): 0 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg.
No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream).
Dimensional simulation.
The reference area is 1 m^2.
The semi-span will be computed using the max y(3D) value.
The reference length is 1 m.
Reference origin for moment evaluation is (0, 0, 0).
Surface(s) where the force coefficients are evaluated: BC_3.

Surface(s) plotted in the output file: BC_3.
Surface(s) affected by the design variables: BC_3.
Input mesh file name: ../tetgen/tetgen_0.su2

--------------- Space Numerical Integration ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Roe (with entropy fix = 0.001) solver for the flow inviscid terms.
Standard Roe without low-dissipation function.
Second order integration in space, with slope limiter.
Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.05.
The reference element size is: 1. 
Gradient for upwind reconstruction: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.
Gradient for viscous and source terms: inverse-distance weighted Least-Squares.

--------------- Time Numerical Integration  ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Local time stepping (steady state simulation).
Euler implicit method for the flow equations.
FGMRES is used for solving the linear system.
Using a ILU(0) preconditioning.
Convergence criteria of the linear solver: 1e-06.
Max number of linear iterations: 10.
V Multigrid Cycle, with 2 multigrid levels.
Damping factor for the residual restriction: 0.75.
Damping factor for the correction prolongation: 0.75.
No CFL adaptation.
|  MG Level| Presmooth|PostSmooth|CorrectSmo|
|         0|         1|         0|         0|
|         1|         2|         0|         0|
|         2|         3|         0|         0|
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number:       10

------------------ Convergence Criteria  ( Zone 0 ) ---------------------
Maximum number of solver subiterations: 3.
Begin convergence monitoring at iteration 5.
Residual minimum value: 1e-14.
Cauchy series min. value: 1e-10.
Number of Cauchy elements: 100.
Begin windowed time average at iteration 0.

-------------------- Output Information ( Zone 0 ) ----------------------
File writing frequency: 
|                     File| Frequency|
|                  RESTART|       250|
|              SURFACE_CSV|       250|
|                  TECPLOT|       250|
|          SURFACE_TECPLOT|       250|
Writing the convergence history file every 1 inner iterations.
Writing the screen convergence history every 1 inner iterations.
The tabular file format is CSV (.csv).
Convergence history file name: history.
Forces breakdown file name: forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.
Surface file name: surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Volume file name: flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.
Restart file name: restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat.

------------- Config File Boundary Information ( Zone 0 ) ---------------
|                        Marker Type|                        Marker Name|
|                         Euler wall|                               BC_3|
|                          Far-field|                               BC_1|
|                     Symmetry plane|                               BC_2|

-------------------- Output Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------

WARNING: SURFACE_PRESSURE_DROP can only be computed for at least 2 surfaces (outlet, inlet, ...)

Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------
Three dimensional problem.
13540 grid points.
54286 volume elements.
3 surface markers.
34 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = BC_1).
17856 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = BC_2).
42 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = BC_3).
54286 tetrahedra.
Setting point connectivity.
Renumbering points (Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering).
Recomputing point connectivity.
Setting element connectivity.
Checking the numerical grid orientation.
All volume elements are correctly orientend.
All surface elements are correctly orientend.
Identifying edges and vertices.
Setting the control volume structure.
Volume of the computational grid: 63999.5.
Searching for the closest normal neighbors to the surfaces.
Storing a mapping from global to local point index.
Compute the surface curvature.
Max K: 27.1257. Mean K: 0.0233245. Standard deviation K: 0.591062.
Checking for periodicity.
Computing mesh quality statistics for the dual control volumes.
|           Mesh Quality Metric|        Minimum|        Maximum|
|    Orthogonality Angle (deg.)|        9.00721|        83.7264|
|     CV Face Area Aspect Ratio|        1.89501|        3934.92|
|           CV Sub-Volume Ratio|              1|        47574.9|
Setting the multigrid structure.
|  MG Level|       CVs|Aggl. Rate|       CFL|
|         0|     13540|    1/1.00|        10|
|         1|      2467|    1/5.49|    8.5037|
|         2|       465|    1/5.31|   7.31353|
Finding max control volume width.
Semi-span length = 3.87298 m.
Wetted area = 7.57417 m^2.
Area projection in the x-plane = 0.549259 m^2, y-plane = 0.226217 m^2, z-plane = 3.60855 m^2.
Max. coordinate in the x-direction = 2.53651 m, y-direction = 3.87298 m, z-direction = 0.37568 m.
Min. coordinate in the x-direction = 0 m, y-direction = -2.09713e-18 m, z-direction = -0.0342487 m.
Checking if Euler & Symmetry markers are straight/plane:
Boundary marker BC_3 is NOT a single plane.
Boundary marker BC_2 is a single plane.
Computing wall distances.

-------------------- Solver Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) --------------------
Inviscid flow: Computing density based on free-stream
temperature and pressure using the ideal gas law.
Force coefficients computed using free-stream values.

-- Models:
|          Viscosity Model|        Conductivity Model|              Fluid Model|
|                        -|                         -|             STANDARD_AIR|
-- Fluid properties:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|          Gas Constant|       287.058|             1|  N.m/kg.K|       287.058|
|      Spec. Heat Ratio|             -|             -|         -|           1.4|
-- Initial and free-stream conditions:
|                  Name|    Dim. value|    Ref. value|      Unit|Non-dim. value|
|       Static Pressure|        101325|             1|        Pa|        101325|
|               Density|       1.22498|             1|    kg/m^3|       1.22498|
|           Temperature|        288.15|             1|         K|        288.15|
|          Total Energy|        211798|             1|   m^2/s^2|        211798|
|            Velocity-X|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|            Velocity-Y|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|            Velocity-Z|             0|             1|       m/s|             0|
|    Velocity Magnitude|       100.087|             1|       m/s|       100.087|
|           Mach Number|             -|             -|         -|      0.294118|
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver
|   Time_Iter|  Outer_Iter|  Inner_Iter|    Cur_Time|   Time_Step|   Time(sec)|    rms[Rho]|   rms[RhoU]|   rms[RhoV]|   rms[RhoE]|        CEff|
|           0|           0|           0|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.0468e-01|   -0.550098|    1.765217|    1.411536|    4.919008|   -2.351334|
|           0|           0|           1|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.2248e-01|   -0.568563|    1.782908|    1.698975|    4.886978|   -3.089687|
|           0|           0|           2|  0.0000e+00|  0.0000e+00|  3.5353e-01|   -0.812657|    1.767330|    1.694328|    4.659109|   -3.554805|

----------------------------- Solver Exit -------------------------------

Maximum number of iterations reached (ITER = 3) before convergence.
|      Convergence Field     |     Value    |   Criterion  |  Converged |
|                    rms[Rho]|     -0.812657|         < -14|          No|
|        File Writing Summary       |              Filename             |
|SU2 binary restart                 |restart_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|CSV file                           |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.csv|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary                     |flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt   |

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).
|Tecplot binary surface             |surface_flow_aeroelastic_Iterative.szplt|

Writing the forces breakdown file (forces_breakdown_aeroelastic_Iterative.dat).

------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------
Deleted CNumerics container.
Deleted CIntegration container.
Deleted CSolver container.
Deleted CIteration container.
Deleted CInterface container.
Deleted CGeometry container.
Deleted CFreeFormDefBox class.
Deleted CSurfaceMovement class.
Deleted CVolumetricMovement class.
Deleted CConfig container.
Deleted nInst container.
Deleted COutput class.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------

Running PostAnalysis ...... su2

real	0m55.611s
user	1m43.123s
sys	0m8.054s
+ status=0
+ set +x

CAPS verification (using pyCAPS) case passed (as expected)


Did not run examples for:


All tests pass!

[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64')
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Successfully parsed console log
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Skipping post processing
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Successfully parsed console log
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/ESP_UndefinedCaps/7.6/CAPS/AEROELASTIC/DARWIN64')
[Clang] Skipping post processing
[Clang] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Clang] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Static Analysis] Obtaining reference build from same job (7.6,CAPS/AEROELASTIC,DARWIN64,macys)
[Static Analysis] Using reference build 'ESP_UndefinedCaps/CASREV=7.6,ESPTEST=CAPS/AEROELASTIC,ESP_ARCH=DARWIN64,buildnode=macys #175' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[Static Analysis] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[Static Analysis] Evaluating quality gates
[Static Analysis] -> PASSED - Total (any severity): 0 - Quality Gate: 1
[Static Analysis] -> All quality gates have been passed
[Static Analysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Static Analysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Static Analysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'analysis' to build 'ESP_UndefinedCaps/CASREV=7.6,ESPTEST=CAPS/AEROELASTIC,ESP_ARCH=DARWIN64,buildnode=macys #176'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] build step #0 should only be executed on MATRIX
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
Finished: SUCCESS