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Started 1 yr 5 mo ago
Took 49 min on macys

#172 (Nov 12, 2022, 7:17:37 AM)

  • svn+ssh:// : 1876
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  1. Add print statements for debugging (detail)
    by dongjoon
  2. add more debugOutput statements to show timing in SLCP (detail)
    by dongjoon
  3. Fix skipping geometry Design_Variable in TACS (detail)
    by galbramc
  4. More attempts at fixing the exodus makefile (detail)
    by galbramc
  5. Stanalizer fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  6. Finally got netcdf.h check correct on both macOS and Linux (detail)
    by galbramc
  7. Another sanitizer fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  8. sanitizer fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  9. Check for exodusWriter when running plato examples (detail)
    by galbramc
  10. Write out surface to volume index map for plato (detail)
    by galbramc
  11. Lint fix for mses (detail)
    by galbramc
  12. Fix output redirect for detecing netcdf.h (detail)
    by galbramc
  13. Update fun3d test to Mesh_Morph. Add first plato mesh generation examples. (detail)
    by galbramc
  14. Allow tetgen to write MultiDomain mesh files. Updates to Exodus mesh writer. (detail)
    by galbramc
  15. More checks when reading mapbc files in aimMesh (detail)
    by galbramc
  16. Fun3D lint fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  17. fix - unused variables (detail)
    by ryan
  18. fix - null catch in avlaim (detail)
    by ryan
  19. fix fun3d morphing (detail)
    by ryan
  20. Lint fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  21. Warning fix (detail)
    by galbramc
  22. Fix last commit (detail)
    by galbramc
  23. Fix waring and add missing files (detail)
    by galbramc
  24. Support tetgen generated regions (detail)
    by galbramc
  25. More lint fixes (detail)
    by galbramc
  26. Fix lint warnings (detail)
    by galbramc
  27. Update Makefile for plato. Add element group names for aflr3 and tetgen. (detail)
    by galbramc
  28. Add plato skeleton AIM (detail)
    by galbramc
  29. Initial cut at an exodus writer (detail)
    by galbramc
  30. Fix for incorrect Design_Variable in masstranAIM (detail)
    by galbramc
  31. Allow unconverged SmoothUV status to continue during parameterization (detail)
    by haimes
  32. Fix masstran derivatives with multiple bodies (detail)
    by galbramc
  33. Fix closeBound to write bound and vertexset files for journaling (detail)
    by haimes
  34. fix typo in corsairlite slcp (detail)
    by dongjoon
  35. delete redundant kulfan csm and finalize multifidelity scripts (detail)
    by dongjoon
  36. Fix warnings from last commit (detail)
    by galbramc
  37. small fix on Kulfan MSES wrapper and removing remnants of full corsair (detail)
    by dongjoon
  38. Remove some depricated checks (detail)
    by galbramc
  39. Journal the writing of files (detail)
    by haimes
  40. Move up setting outLevel (detail)
    by galbramc
  41. Use ocsmLoadFromModel for static geometry. Expost stepSize for finite differnce in pyCAPS. (detail)
    by galbramc
  42. Add the ability to control the sensitivity finite-difference step size from CAPS proper (detail)
    by haimes
  43. Remove old html doc before copying (detail)
    by galbramc
  44. Update cart3dAIM dox (detail)
    by galbramc
  45. Update pyCAPS dox dependencies (detail)
    by galbramc
  46. update corsairlite files to python3.8 compatible (detail)
    by dongjoon
  47. Use TIM viewer in pyCAPS view methods (detail)
    by galbramc
  48. Allow ftype=None for FieldIn/FieldOut data sets (detail)
    by galbramc
  49. fix bug in serveESP that did not properly update the build status message after File->Edit->Save; implement analytic sensitivities in udpWaffle; add designX* test cases; make sure userPointer gets reset after perturbation is removed (detail)
    by jfdannen
  50. add ocsmAdjoint and testOcsmAdjoint (in serveESP); allow timPlotter to have two y-axes; add test case (detail)
    by jfdannen
  51. update adjoint test to remove (incorrect) compiler warning (detail)
    by jfdannen
  52. remove data/ide (because it is redundant with data/tutorial6); eliminate automatic build when entering CAPS mode (depend on the lazy evaluation in CAPS); enable sensitivity calculations for scribes and trims; add designW* test cases; fix bug that put wrong _edgeID on scribed Edges; update attrScribe, scribeWing, and scribedSphere test cases; create splitEdges.udc; add splitEdges* test cases (detail)
    by jfdannen
  53. remember name of Pyscript file for next Tool->Pyscript; clean up ESP messages after builds; remove code in esp.timSetCaps that removed the _finalize method; fix memory problem in timViewer for very long scene-graph meta-data buffers; reset magic number to zero to catch cases when a MODL is tried to be used after ocsmFree; modify IMPORT so that it properly marks NODE_BODYs; force tessellation if needed in timViewer; fix bug in ocsmLoadFromEgads that did not properly initialize the .ileft and .irite Branches; remove underscore attributes in .egads files in ocsmLoadFromEgads; force python garbage collection at end of each pyscript execution; add interactive testScript (detail)
    by jfdannen
  54. add PLOT_TESSSENS and PLOT_TEMPCOMPS flags to help in debugging tessellation sensitivities; remove tessellation velocity calculation shortcut to make Edge and Face tessellation velocities consistent; refactor signalError() and signalError2(); allow plotTypes =7 for x-component, =8 for y-component, =9 for z-component of sensitivity (detail)
    by jfdannen
  55. Add simple figure for tri ordering with mixed quad faces (detail)
    by galbramc
  56. Allow unconverged SmoothUV status to continue during parameterization (detail)
    by haimes
  57. More general ubuntu suppression (detail)
    by galbramc
  58. Ubuntu valgrid supression (detail)
    by galbramc
  59. scipy 1.9.2. and 1.9.3 have valgrind issues (detail)
    by galbramc
  60. Add seacas to macys (detail)
    by galbramc
  61. Add SEACAS environment variable for exodus (detail)
    by galbramc
  62. Upgrade cvxopt build for gcc 12 on viggen (detail)
    by galbramc

Started by upstream project ESP_UndefinedCaps build number 172
originally caused by:

Static Analysis: No warnings
  • Static analysis results from: GNU C Compiler (gcc) (0),  Clang (0)
  • No issues for 14 builds, i.e. since build: #159
  • Quality gate: Success
0 errors, 0 warnings