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Test Result : LinearSolver

0 failures (±0)
16 tests (±0)
Took 3.4 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
PXASM_DG_PXU0.1 secPassed
PXASM_PXU0.31 secPassed
PXBDDC_PXU0.92 secPassed
PXCaseInfo_PXU0.2 secPassed
PXGMRES_PXU0.3 secPassed
PXInPlaceILU_PXU0.12 secPassed
PXJacobi_PXU0.1 secPassed
PXLU_PXU0.1 secPassed
PXLinearAlgebra_PXU0.18 secPassed
PXLinearMG_PXU0.17 secPassed
PXLinearSolver_PXU0.2 secPassed
PXMat_PXU0.1 secPassed
PXOrdering_PXU0.15 secPassed
PXUMFPACK_PXU0.15 secPassed
PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU96 msPassed
PXVec_PXU0.17 secPassed