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  1. Working on adding LogR exact solution for scalar convection diffusion. (details)
  2. Addd LogR test case for ScalarConvDiff and total enthalpy error (details)
  3. vortex convection (details)
Commit a4bb9f0f92f0ab6b445a5b8071958304655e3c17 by galbramc
Working on adding LogR exact solution for scalar convection diffusion. Also fixed some compiler warnings with gcc 4.9
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 1aa32f60e37cd1454a215ef80c08b52c0fc4cd10 by galbramc
Addd LogR test case for ScalarConvDiff and total enthalpy error calculation for compressible.
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
Commit 61c8cb35c96cb251d291f902860d5a3386605932 by yixuan
vortex convection
The file was addedutils/PXComputeYPlus.c