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Started 9 yr 8 mo ago
Took 19 hr on reynolds

#9 (Aug 9, 2014, 4:29:11 AM)

  1. created new library for porous media (details)
  2. created the PorousMedia library, and added functions/variables to the (details)
  3. Added inviscid and viscous flux terms to PorousMedia library (details)
  4. added unit tests to PorousMedia library (details)
  5. changes to updatefraction (details)
  6. changes to unit tests (details)
  7. fixed memory leaks in unit tests (details)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: fc5440a82c6287b7fe4539512fdfbd21b7d18150
Repository: ssh://
  • acdl/savithru/develop
  • acdl/apprentice
  • acdl/develop

